Dancing gone wrong?

My New Reasons

Outside POV. 

Since Taemin was a prince he had many types of powers and one of them was that Taemin had the ability to control the dreams of people and that what he was about to do. He got an idea to found about the feeling of EunHae. It was already 23:00 and he was sure that EunHae was fast asleep by that. Since he wasn't a king yet, his power wasn't wireless. He need to approach EunHae to enter her dreams. He ran across the roads using his vampire speed. 

He arrive at the apartment and saw that there were some trees near her window. He jump on it and lay himself. He close his eyes and use his power to get into her dreams but before that he need to know what was she dreaming. He use his power and he found himself inside her dream and taking what his surrounding was about he was left dumbfounded. He knew EunHae was kind and put a strong face on for not to be seen as weak but never would he have imagine that her dreams would 

be full of......cats and kittens. 



They were in a park and there were kittens surrounding her and she was smiling and laughing happily while playing with them. But then Taemin notice something. A cat with one eye missing approach EunHae and EunHae started to cry. EunHae wrap the cat around her arm and was crying "I miss you so much my dear cat" then Taemin understand that it was the cat that had died long ago. Taemin got an idea so as to make EunHae feel better and to know about her feelings. 

Taemin use his power and now he found himself in the body of the cat and was being hug lightly by EunHae. He could feel himself heating up. He then start his plan, he purred at her and then jump away and then he talk "EunHae I miss you too but don't worry I'm doing really good there. I'm in good health and I'm eating well. And you EunHae? How're you doing?" EunHae just smile and caressed the cat's head "I'm doing fine dear and I've found some really good and amazing friends". Taemin being still a cat of course jump on her lap and ask the deadly question "You like someone?".

EunHae was taken aback for some seconds but then thought about it. Her? Had feelings for someone? She just chuckle lightly and she continue to caress the cat's head "No my dear, ever since that betrayal how can I trust in love when I've been betrayed in friendship".




EunHae POV. 

The sun shine brightly on my face waking me up. I didn't wake up immediately I just roll around before waking up. I then think about the dream I had where my deceased cat had appeared in my dream. The strange thing was that what it ask me. Even if I was in love with someone I know that doesn't mean I wouldn't trust that person but the thing was that I'll be scared. Scared that I wouldn't be good enough and scared that they'll get bored with me. 

I just ruffle my hair in annoyance and still continue to lay on my bed. Then I notice that the door was open. Wait but I remember closing it last night. Well Nevermind. Suddenly. 


I heard a happy yell and when I look I saw Show jumping on my bed with the biggest smile on his face and he hug me. Since the death of my parents he was the one taking care of me. He was like the brother that I've always wanted. "How're you? You slept well?" I nodded slightly and decided to sleep some more. "No you aren't going to sleep! Today we're going out!" I groan "I don't want to I'm tired" I wasn't that tired I just wanted to lay down and think about what my cat has said before I woke up.

"What about this Taemin guy? Do you love him?"

Love? Love is such a strong word for me and,also it was one of the thing that I hate the most. What was love good for? Absolutely nothing. You love someone with all your heart and expect only a little of gratitude but what did I got? A backstabber. But yeah Taemin was really something else to be honest. Even with his cold facade he was a really nice person but I don't really know if I love him like that. He's my best friend and one of the person who understand me. But love? I'm just confuse. 

I just sight and Shou left to let me prepared myself. We had three months of holidays and to start the day we decided to go out a bit. I put my ripped jeans, a black tank top and a black leather jacket offered to me by Shou. I waited for him and when he came out we both get out together.  





Taemin POV. 

Dear God please tell me what did I do wrong to deserve that. Bia was talking nonstop and Nikki was just annoyed too. We decided to spy on EunHae and Shou and,after some time I'll come out. But why did Jonghyun and Minho and Key had to come too. Ugggh I'm just tired. "Lee Taemin you better step up your game" Key said in a mother like way and I said in a monotonous voice "Yes Umma". 

I was wearing all black for not to be notice. I had a black leather jacket on, my black sunglasses, black jeans, a black hat and a black scarf around my neck. It was Key who dress me like that. Fortunately it was winter or else I'll have died because of the heat. Fortunately no one seem to notice me. Finally I spot them they were at a cafe eating some delicious looking foods.

At the same moment my stomach grumble. Damn I forget to eat and I was so hungry. Seeing them eat is making me more and more hungry. After some times they started to go away. I hide while still following them. Next they went to a clothing shop but she look bored. I guess shopping wasn't her thing. Next they went to a store but they were just some metres from the store when EunHae left Show and went happily inside the shop. I look at the name of the shop and smirk. She really do love anime like me.

I was busy spying on them inside the shop that I didn't notice a kid sneaking up behind me. Being a vampire I quickly notice a presence behind me and I turn around startling the kid. I just glare at him and he ran away. Ugggh annoying kid....what? Sorry I just don't like annoying kids. And he thinks that he could have scared me? Excuse me but I'm Lee freaking Taemin and nothing can scare me. Suddenly I hear a buzzing sound thinking it was another kid but then the sound seem to come closer. Being annoyed I quickly turn around with a pissed off face ready to kill someone. But then.....all hell break lose.


I was running around screaming in complete panic. I have never been so scared in my life. I was being attack of course I'll be panicking. It was the most dangerous thing ever of course or else you'll never see me like that. I didn't have anything to help me defend me from that bee....what??? I hate bugs okay. They're just so Ugggh with their legs and wings. Eve talking about it is making me shiver. That thing was still after me. Please someone save me.

God has heard my prayer. Someone came and slap the bee with a book and the horrible and disgraceful monster fell on the ground. "Ugggh I hate bees too" said a voice that I knew. "Are you okay- Wait.....Taemin?!?!?". My disguise has been found. I sigh and took away my sunglasses, my hat and my scarf. Then I decided to take action. I did a defeated look and immediately hug and surprise EunHae "Oh my God! Thank you EunHae for saving me from that monster! I thought I would have died"

There I could feel her heart was beating rapidly and I immediately that she has confused feelings about me. No worry I'll soon make it good. Suddenly an annoyed cough made us separate and I know clearly from whom it came. I look and saw Shou glaring at me and I just smirk. "So what're you doing here Taemin?". "Well since I know you like anime like me I got you a gift from here". Yeah of course I did get her a gift to be honest.

"You didn't have too" she said in a saddened tone and I immediately understand what it meant. She doesn't want to become a burden to her. She was really a strong person but the scar that that betrayal gave her was still there and she's scared that people will be her friend and then leave her. She was scared of not being good enough. I just swing my arms around her neck 

"When you believe you’re a burden, you start a cycle of belief that leads to feeling powerless. You might wonder if you can do anything right even get rid of the belief that you’re a burden! Delete the lie and replace it. Instead of telling yourself, “I am a burden,” say, “I am a gift.”Say it with me! I am a gift! Give yourself a chance to experience the truth about yourself. EunHae you've help me in ways you didn't even realize. It's me who should feel like a burden to you"

"Taemin don't say that! You're not a burden- 

"See? You don't want me to feel like that because it isn't true and it's same for me too. You are a being. You are. You exist. You contribute. You breathe. You love. You fight. You hurt. You feel. And because of all this, because you exist, you matter. So let the world see the person with a story that deserves to be told. 

Your pain isn’t a burden. You are a being, not a burden"

Being a vampire had taught me many things with how to understand people. I had analysed a lot of personalities and characters to be who I am today and with EunHae I feel like I'm being myself. I was sinking into darkness and she grab my hand and push me up.

"You need to teach yourself that your voice matters and that people want to listen. I want to listen. When I opened up I realized that there were people who wanted to be let in. Who wanted to know who I was. They didn’t just want to know the laid-back girl with no story. They wanted to know the girl with dreams and fears and hopes and regrets and pain and love in her life. There is no precision measurement for pain. You don’t have to reach a scale or number to be worthy of help or love. Everyone feels and copes and hurts differently. Never be afraid it’s not enough"

I then look at her and smile while putting my hand on her shoulder. 

"No matter where you are in your story or what it looks like, it means something. Your pain is important because it’s yours. So believe me EunHae. You're the most perfect person I've ever met. So want to go for a dance practice to clear your thoughts"

Of course I didn't forget that she was with Show but at the moment they were about to say something. Show's phone start ringing and I smirk. The plan I did was going really well and of course I want to spend some time with her. I feel more comfortable with her than anyone else. Shou answer the call and then talk and with a sigh he ended the call "Sorry EunHae but I have to go something happened. Would you be okay? If you want I can cancel the urgent thing- 

I swing my hand against her neck and smirk at Show. "Don't worry about it. She'll be fine. I'll take care of her so don't worry we'll just go clear our minds in the dancing studio" he just glared at me but couldn't say anything since EunHae agree with me. Shou wave goodbye to EunHae and we made our way to the dancing studio. 




We arrived there and we immediately took our jacket off and thus leaving us with our pants and tank top.

"So what choreography do you want to start with?" I ask her and she thought about it "How about CL's song Mental Breakdown?" I stretch "Fine with me". The music start and soon our bodies seem to merge and becoming one with the music. We were doing 'rhythm circles' and 'reverses'. With that I could feel that EunHae was finally at peace with herself and her confidence came back. 

Our movement were in sync and we felt all our worries disappeared. We dance along as if wrong didn't have control over our body and that it was the beat itself that was controlling our body. Soon the music change but we still continue to dance happily.

The music then stop and as if controlled by it. Our bodies hit the floor tiredly and we were both panting but we were smiling. "How do you feel now EunHae?" EunHae smile brightly with her eyes close "I feel so freaking good". "Want to do a last one before going?" I asked and she agreed. 

This time we paired up to dance. The dance wasn't a slow it was more like an upbeats song with a kind of rock feel with it. We decided to go along with it. We dance and at a moment I had to hold her waist she was so concentrated on the dance that she doesn't seem to care about it. When I look in her eyes I could feel she was happy and really happy. I was too interested in looking in her eyes that I made a big mistake. My leg got mixed up with hers and we both fell down.   

I shake my head and curse under my breath for my mistake. I apologize to EunHae but then I realize the position we were in. I completely and like literally lying on her body with my face just some centimeters away from hers. She open her eyes and her face heated up when she realize the position we were in. No one said a word. We were too taken aback by this circumstance to say something. We we're just staring at each other. I could feel her breath hitting my check lightly and I could literally feel her heart beating.  

We just blink and didn't say anything. I didn't know for how long we were in that position but I didn't really mind to be honest. A vague of wild thoughts and I just shake them away with my face heating up from these thoughts. It wasn't my fault. I had just watched anime yesterday. The thing was that I need to really get up quickly. Like as you may or may not know.....I got arouse rather quickly so if she accidentally move and failed to get up she'll accidentally touch my crotch with her knee and well....made me got an arousal. 

For God's sake I'm not a ert I'm just arouse when I'm around the person I'm in love. I bet she think that no one would love her like that. Like she think that me and Bobby just have like just friendship feelings for her. If only she knows. It wasn't the time to think about it. Suddenly we heard the door open. 

"Yo Taemin are you here- 

It was Jonghyun and he was greeted by the scene of me literally lying on EunHae. He was left shock for a while and he blink but then he suddenly smirk. 

"So you're already i- 

That I knew he'll be saying that so I took the nearest thing next to my hand and quickly throw it on his face before he continue and I like threw my phone on his face shuting him up. He just groan and I took the occasion to get off from EunHae and I help her up. I apologize to her but she just said it was nothing. She was too kind if it was me and some bastard had fell on me I would've literally beat kick that person all the way to America. 

So now today I found that her confused feelings will be long gone. I promise EunHae I'll make you the happiest woman ever. Wait and watch you'll be only mine and no one else.





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745 streak #1
Chapter 97: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I have read the whole fic and I must say that I loved it and enjoyed it! Thank you!

745 streak #2
Chapter 46: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Jonghyun's POV is something alright!

745 streak #3
Chapter 45: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Quite an interesting chapter!

745 streak #4
Chapter 44: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It was a great chapter!

745 streak #5
Chapter 43: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Bullying is wrong on so many levels, there is no doubt about it. :( -_-

745 streak #6
Chapter 42: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Ah, sometimes bad things happen... *sighs*

Loved the chapter!

745 streak #7
Chapter 41: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I loved that chapter and can't wait to see what happens next!

Thank you for the lovely chapter and sorry that it took me too long to continue reading. *sighs*

745 streak #8
Chapter 40: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It's just the beginning of the story and it already has humor in it. I like the chemistry between her and her friends. Especially Nikki she went chasing after her! That cracked me up! But hey, their dream did come true and they were finally able to go to Seoul... although the last scene concerns me a little, but we'll see what happens next and if those girls will bother them again.

Hush, it's not bad, not bad at all. :D

745 streak #9

I like the plot and the description of each character! I am ready for the ride and let's see how this goes! 😄👍👌😏😉✔✨

78 streak #10
This seems to be an oldie yet a goodie