Meeting The Unexpected

My New Reasons

Outside POV.

The few days EunHae and Taemin had were just heavenly and nothing could be better for them. They were both really happy. Today was the day of the entrance ceremony for every new worker of Square Enix The ceremony was just amazing. Mostly EunHae who's being a writer, scriptwriter and director and Nikki who's being a designer there are the one who were mostly freaking out. Let's not talk about EunHae, she was so stressed that she was shaking.

Taemin and Minho accompanied the two girls there as both of them were invited there too. EunHae went with Taemin in his Lamborghini Veneno. He kept a hand on the wheel and hold EunHae's hand tightly with the other. In any case of skin ship between these two, EunHae would have already been blushing but this time Taemin was really worried about her. She was so stressed that she doesn't seem to care about her surroundings. She was just staring into nothing. The last time such thing happened to her was when she went for her interview.

After some minutes of driving, they finally arrived at their destination. Taemin lean closer and put his hand on her shoulder shaking her a bit "Hey come on don't be so stressed like that. You're going to be fine so let's go" Taemin smile at her but EunHae was still staring into space.

It was EunHae's first time to go to such a big event so she was really amazed by everything. After some time Nikki and Minho came too. Minho know lots of designers so he went to introduce them to Nikki. These two seem to have fun but it wasn't the case of EunHae and Taemin as these types of events wasn't really her thing. They just sat down and talk. They were in their own little world. Smiling and laughing.

"Taemin" A familiar voice called out to them and they saw Kai coming towards them. His dark aura and cold composure could be felt by everyone whuch makes people to avoid him. Taemin smile looking at his twin. Since EunHae and Taemin were both invited they were told that they could bring someone so they decided to bring Kai.

It was already a known fact to EunHae that Kai love dancing as much as Taemin do. When the twins were little they both enjoyed dancing very much. For them dancing was a way to express themselves and to convey their feelings to people. These two as kids wanted to have their own dancing studio where they'll teach that art to other people who're like them. But unfortunately because of their royal blood, they couldn't. Taemin will have to take the throne and Kai could've easily started his own studio but he didn't want to leave his brother like that. If he had to do it then they would do it together. 




The three of them were having a really good time talking and laughing but their happiness was cut short. "Hello Kai, it's been a long time" This voice shook Kai to his core. He didn't dare to turn around wishing it was just his imagination that his mind was playing a trick with him. He started to boiled with anger nearly making his eyes to change color. But he controlled his anger, he clenched his fist and turn around with a dark glare in his eyes. There was a woman looking and smiling evily at them. With that wicked and cunning smile playing on her lips just like the last time they met. He clenched his teeth in anger. How dare she appeared like that in front of him.

"Kai? Are you alright?" Taemin asked shaking his shoulder a little to bring him to reality. He saw Kai's body shaking and his breathing got heavy. "It's...her" Kai said in a low growling tone  and Taemin's eyes widen while looking at the person.. But EunHae didn't understand anything and didn't know that the girl was Kai's nightmare.

"Hailey....." This time it wasn't Kai and not even Taemin who spoke. Both guys turn around to see a completely shock EunHae. EunHae couldn't proceed the information she was seeing in front of her. It was like a nightmare to her too. Her worst one also. She gulp and for the first time, Taemin saw EunHae being scared of someone. She wasn't scared of Taemin and then Taemin thought what did that girl did to EunHae for her to be scared like that.

But the most important question was how does Hailey and EunHae know each other?

Hailey smile coming towards them. "Oh EunHae? I'm glad to see you here. You haven't changed at all" The smile turn into disgust and hatred. EunHae was scared and didn't do anything nor the boys as they didn't understand what was going on. She took a strand of EunHae's hair and hold it by force making EunHae wince a little "But you're still stupid and scared as always" She smirk clearly enjoying hurting EunHae. Taemin immediately see that she was hurting EunHae. He immediately took a step to take EunHae back as EunHae was too stunned to react.

"Get away from her immediately before I redo your disgusting face!" It wasn't Taemin who said that nor the stunned Kai. It was none other than Nikki who says that while glaring daggers towards Hailey who just smirk. Nikki immediately took her hand roughly away from EunHae but Hailey was still keeping that evil smirk on her face. "Nikki? It's nice to see you too here"

Taemin was more confused than ever. How does both Nikki and EunHae know Hailey? "Get out of here immediately" Nikki said with pure venom and Hailey just roll her eyes and was going away not before staring at Kai while smiling. Then her eyes immediately was glued to Taemin and she made her way towards him. "So you're Kai's brother?" Taemin didn't reply he was just glaring at her.

That girl hurt his brother and seem to have hurt the love of his life too. He immediately had an instant hatred towards her well he always hate people like this but this time he wanted to destroy that person.

"You look so fine too you know? Well if you want to have some fun you can come and meet me at my hotel. I'll be more fun to you than EunHae I bet you're with her because of pity" Hailey said as she lean closer and whispered into his ear. Her hand caressing his cheek and as soon as the contact was made....Taemin was enraged. No one can touch her like this except EunHae. Moreover, he hated people who talk about EunHae like that. He immediately took grip of her hand and push her away. "Don't you dare touch me with your disgusting hand again? Get lost! You know nothing about her. I love her I truly do and it's not someone like you who'll make me stop"




Taemin got angry that he took both Kai and EunHae and went away with Nikki following them behind. They arrived somewhere really far from Hailey. Kai sat down still expressionless just like EunHae who was now staring into nothing. She had a strange feeling in the pit of her stomach, like when you're swimming and you want to put your feet down on something solid, but the water's deeper than you think and there's nothing there. She just know that with Hailey's appearance something bad is going to happened.

Kai was worst. Both look that they just want to scream and run as far as they can. Taemin understand Kai but both Taemin and Kai didn't understand why EunHae was like that too and why Nikki look as if she wanted to kill Hailey. There are many things that we can’t understand. The past. The bad things that happened... and we become afraid of what might happen in the future. It's okay to be afraid, but we have to keep hoping and believing... to keep hoping and trying our best to be good and do well.

Nikki nodded to Bia who was just behind them and she understand what she meant "EunHae I need to go to the restroom please come with me!" Bia said and EunHae nodded without saying anything. Her face showed no emotion. "Nikki can you please now explain to me how do you three know her?" Taemin ask and Nikki sigh sitting on front of them. Kai seem to be slowly coming back to reality as he was now slowly looking up to Nikki waiting for her response. He also wanted to know how she knows her because Hailey is also a vampire but that piece of knowledge was unknown to the three girls.

Nikki then started her story. It was really long ago. It was after the incident of EunHae's parents' death. The friends that EunHae trusted had already betrayed her so her state of mind wasn't really that good. And to make it worst, Emmy had had already left. So she was now feeling really alone. That's why most of the time EunHae seem to enjoy loneliness. But when she got back to school her case worsen because of a certain girl who wouldn't stop bullying her to the extreme. The girl and a group of friends had bullied her and sometimes she even comes back home with bruise all over her body and she was asked about it, she just brushed it off saying that she just fell.

But as days passed, it became worst. So one day Nikki and Bia secretly followed her to know the reasons. Since they do different subjects they weren't in the same class and their class was really apart from each other so they only met during the break.

They followed her and they weren't ready for what they would be seeing.

EunHae was on the floor being kicked in the stomach by a group of girls and of course the girl leading them was Hailey and fortunately before EunHae got the final blow. Nikki rushed and punch Hailey right in the face making her fall down. Hailey just glare at her before going away with her group.





Nikki finished explaining everything and you could clearly see anger and hatred in Taemin's eyes. Kai was understanding but sad that Kai had to go through these sufferings too. Taemin couldn't believe it. As soon as he saw EunHae walking back from the restroom, he immediately went to her and wrap his arms around her "I'm sorry EunHae" EunHae just chuckle and back away to look at a confused Taemin. "Taemin I'm alright. The past is the past and she's my past and you and Emmy are my future so don't worry I'm alright. Did you forget? The EunHae that I was long ago has stayed in the past"

Whispering sweet to nothing in her ears EunHae smile. But then as if fate was against them, the happy and serene face simply became angry and his hand turn into a fist as he glare at someone behind EunHae. He got away from EunHae and glare at the person behind her. No it wasn't EunHae it was someone worse than her. It was someone whom he had a deep hatred towards that person when his father has died. Hatred is a poison that fills your body. It becomes impossible to think of anything else but the object of your hatred. That's also the reason why it was so hard for Taemin to trust again.

"Ah! My dear Taemin, how're you?" Taemin glare at the man approaching him with that fake smile plastered on his face. He hated that person with all his being. Because that person was none other than his own uncle, the one who had killed his own father for power.

"What're you doing here uncle?" Taemin said coldly as his eyes turn cold too. He grab a confused EunHae and pushed her behind him. He saw it, the way he had glare at EunHae, even if it was just for some seconds he saw the deep anger in his eyes when he look at EunHae.

The man look at him and smile. "Can't I come to see my nephew when I want too Taemin? And drop the honorific just call me by my name" he smile at him then his eyes want towards EunHae and look at her from head to toe. For a moment EunHae could bet that she saw a glint of sadness and pity in the man's eyes. Then shake the thoughts away. She already got the fact that this man was Taemin's uncle.

"I could see that you finally got yourself someone?" The man smirk.

"I just hope that your happiness last" He extend his hand for EunHae to shake it but Taemin slap it away glaring daggers at him "Don't you dare touch her!"

The man smile "Well all I can say that it was nice to finally meeting you Kim EunHae"

"Same for me sir" EunHae bowed and he nodded but then he stopped in his tracks and smirk.

"Like I said to my dear nephew, just call me by my name. My name is Yunho"





Author's Note: Okay don't kill me now. I know some might kill me for putting Yunho as the villain the one who kill JaeJoong, but it's just a story so I'm sorry. I'm a YunJae shipper so I didn't meant anything bad. Anyway I hope you're liking it so far. Like said drama will slowly start. What do you think about Yunho and Hailey in it?


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745 streak #1
Chapter 97: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I have read the whole fic and I must say that I loved it and enjoyed it! Thank you!

745 streak #2
Chapter 46: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Jonghyun's POV is something alright!

745 streak #3
Chapter 45: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Quite an interesting chapter!

745 streak #4
Chapter 44: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It was a great chapter!

745 streak #5
Chapter 43: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Bullying is wrong on so many levels, there is no doubt about it. :( -_-

745 streak #6
Chapter 42: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Ah, sometimes bad things happen... *sighs*

Loved the chapter!

745 streak #7
Chapter 41: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I loved that chapter and can't wait to see what happens next!

Thank you for the lovely chapter and sorry that it took me too long to continue reading. *sighs*

745 streak #8
Chapter 40: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It's just the beginning of the story and it already has humor in it. I like the chemistry between her and her friends. Especially Nikki she went chasing after her! That cracked me up! But hey, their dream did come true and they were finally able to go to Seoul... although the last scene concerns me a little, but we'll see what happens next and if those girls will bother them again.

Hush, it's not bad, not bad at all. :D

745 streak #9

I like the plot and the description of each character! I am ready for the ride and let's see how this goes! 😄👍👌😏😉✔✨

78 streak #10
This seems to be an oldie yet a goodie