Trip to Tokyo 2

My New Reasons

[Tokyo, Square Enix]


 EunHae POV. 



I couldn't believe my ears. Let's start from the beginning. I'm now inside Square Enix headquarters in Shibuya in Tokyo. Do you know why I have been requested there? For the not so simple reason that Square Enix had published my novel. There was this novel that I wrote long ago and when I had the interview with Phil Rogers he saw it and read now.

I couldn't believe it. If this is a joke I swear I'll kill myself. 

"Yes Mrs Kim it's true. We really need people like you for our industry. Also about the script you wrote I just saw it and I need to say that despite some errors I need to say that I'm really impressed. I'm thinking of using your script for making a drama version of it. Would you accept that?"

Everything is coming at me so brutally that I couldn't even think properly. My novel has been published and now they want to make the script that I wrote into a drama. "Are you sure? Like do you really think I have the qualities required to be part of your company and especially this project?" Phil Rogers nodded while smiling at me "No worry Mrs Kim. You have everything needed to be part of our company. So do you accept?"

I nodded my head while smiling I was literally so happy right now. Mom and Dad I did it I made my dreams come true. Tears were welling up in my eyes as I sign the contract while smiling happily. I did it. "Well I guess it's time for you to meet the person that saw your project. You may come in Hiro"

Hiro? This name sound familiar though. Too familiar. The door open and I turn around to meet my saviour and my mouth drop open. I couldn't believe it. It was The Hiro Mizushima aka the actor of many anime adaptations. I immediately bow to him with my mouth still open in shock. If this is a dream please don't wake me up. "It's nice to finally meet you Mrs Kim. I need to say that your novel had a real impact on me. We need more people like you for this company" He smile at me and I couldn't help but blush slightly. I was so happy. 

"Thank you Hiro. Now Mrs Kim the reason for him to be there is that he'll be part of the drama of the script you're writing" I was left speechless. Is it reality? I think I'm going to faint "I think I'm going to faint" Hiro just laugh slightly. 

I bow to them "I promise I'll exceed my limits for this company. Working in the anime industry is really my dream because like you should love the work you do. You can't just do a boring work just because you're earning loads amount of money. You should work because you love that job and that's what I'm doing"

They all look at me. Was I too direct but then they all clap and Phil laugh "You're really something else. We really need people like you" I just smile. My dream finally came true. My novel will be published tomorrow and I just can't Wait for that. 








Outside POV 


[Tokyo, Square Enix]


Taemin was tired. He hadn't only come to Tokyo 

for EunHae but also to take care of some matters. Being the future king wasn't an easy thing but now that he thinks of that he's not sure that he want to. He want to give EunHae a simple and easy life like she like it. He want nothing more but her happiness and he doesn't want to put her in any danger.

"Awww come on you know that I love you!"

Taemin stop in his tracks and his eyes widen. It was EunHae's voice saying that she love someone. From that tone it doesn't seem to be Emmy as she wasn't here. He came closer to the door and continue to listen. 

"Oh! Come on Bae you know that I love you"

Who in the world is she talking sweetly like that? Taemin got angry. It was only with him that she should declared her love and not to some other idiot. He didn't open the door like what do you think? He's a real gentleman- BAM! No Wait he isn't one because he had just kick the door open "Who the hell are you talking sweetly like tha- 

Taemin was met with a glare from an unknown person. It was a tall and very gorgeous girl even Taemin had to admit that she was. Her skin was a bit tanned and she has light brown eyes like those of a fierce cat just like Key. Her hair was chocolate brown and she look like those models that you find in those high class magazines. Those gorgeous American super models and the girl in front of him was just like one. But this one was not all smile and laughter. This one was glaring at him with disgust. 

"Excuse me? This is a ing door and you should knock before entering! Mother ing bastard where's your manners at? In your fake nonexistent di*k?"

Taemin just look at her completely dumbfounded. This girl really had the guts to talk to him like that. The American just put her arm on her waist glaring at him. She scoff and rolled her eyes "Aren't you going to apologize? In term of manners you really have none" She said rolling her eyes.

Taemin blink "What is happening here" The model just roll her eyes again and continue to glare at Taemin. EunHae seem to know that if she mess with that girl she'll really get it. So even EunHae shut up. Taemin talk once again "What is happening here?" 

"With your IQ level I don't think you'll understand" 

Taemin mouth was left wide open. This girl was really something else "Why aren't you replying? Did the cat ate your tongue or are you just too dumb to understand what I just said?" 

"Come on Rachel leave him alone" EunHae finally decide to talk while glaring at Taemin as she understand that Taemin had followed her all the way from Korea. EunHae sigh "Rachel please meet Taemin and Taemin please meet my best friend and confident Rachel King. She's an actress and a model" Rachel roll her eyes and seemed still pissed off because of Taemin's action. EunHae then turn her attention towards Rachel "Okay Rachel I'm so sorry for having left without any information but you need to understand that loads of things had happened so I was kind of busy!"

"Unlike some people who just model just to get guys" Taemin said sarcastically under his breath but both girls heard it. But this time it wasn't Rachel who replied to him but it was EunHae "Excuse me but you know nothing about her for you to say that. I won't let anyone say anything bad against my Bae!" EunHae said in a protective way.

Rachel King was EunHae's best friend in her high school years. She was the only person whom she could talk everything and anything about. EunHae did had Nikki and Bia but Rachel was her confident who understand her the most. Both were the same. They put on a sarcastic and cold facade but in the end they're just putting on an image to hide their emotional wreck that they were inside. So don't you dare hurt any of these two or the other one would become your worst nightmare. 

Rachel pout and hug EunHae "Awww thank you Bae for defending him from that guy. By the way, what is he still doing there staring at us as if he's on steroids?" 

Taemin just roll his eyes and EunHae chuckle "Wow! So I needed to become y and hot for The Rachel King to hug me" EunHae said teasingly and Rachel hit her lightly while laughing a bit "Yeah this guy is....euh....well how can I say that- 

Suddenly Rachel phone goes off and she excuse herself and went out closing the door. EunHae sigh and cross her arms and glare at Taemin. She sigh and then went to sit on the table "I guess you're not at fault. Having someone who care and want to protect you really feel nice though" EunHae said smiling to herself "By the way what do you think of her? She's really something right? Don't mind her attitude it's just a facade. She's a really nice girl if you get to know her"

Taemin nodded and then made his way towards EunHae silently. EunHae was sitting on the table staring into the distance while remembering about her high school days when Taemin place both of his arms next to her legs and was staring into her eyes. "You know? I'm the only one to whom you should declare your love to!"

EunHae didn't have time to respond that Taemin immediately attack her by kissing her deeply "" EunHae said between breath but Taemin didn't care. He want to claim what's his. EunHae then lost it too. "You're mine" Taemin say as he kiss back passionately nibbling on her lips wildly.

They didn't notice that the door was opening and that Rachel was entering "Sorry I had to take this call- 

Rachel stop mouth wide open at the scene of EunHae and Taemin in a passionate make-out session. 

Taemin seem to notice someone's presence and he back away from EunHae to see a shocked Rachel and Taemin smirk while EunHae was blushing and hiding her face with her arms "Now you understand? EunHae is my love. Why aren't you replying? Did the cat ate your tongue or are you just too dumb to understand what I just said?" Taemin used her insults towards herself. 

Rachel came near Taemin and hit him just once but furiously. Taemin was hit somewhere, where no man should be hit. Yes you know what I mean.

"ARRRG" He curse and fell to the ground with an angry Rachel ready to beat the out of him but EunHae immediately stop her. "Rachel stop. You heard him? He's the one I truly love so please" 

Rachel look at EunHae angrily "You'll need to give me explanation later" The model say crossing her arms and staring at her with her sassy attitude. 

But EunHae just chuckle "Do you know you look so y while biting your lips like that" Rachel blush furiously and EunHae just laugh. Rachel was really something else. 

"N...Nevermind. Since we're both here let's do a girls night out" Rachel propose and EunHae nodded but Rachel growl when Taemin interrupt them "EunHae..." The writer just glare at her and point a finger at him "You! You're forgiven but I won't stay with you. Rachel is in the same hotel and same floor as me so since I haven't seen her in years I'll stay with my Bae during my stay here. Understand Mr Lee" EunHae said in an authoritative voice while glaring at him.

Only that girl could make the Lee Taemin feel scared.

For now he decided to retreat and he went away leaving Rachel and EunHae alone. Both of the girls decided to finally explore the city of Tokyo. Well EunHae was about to really kill someone with that excitement. Rachel was actually chosen to be a character in the new Final Fantasy game so she'll be staying in Tokyo for one or two weeks. 





First the two girls decided to go to Harajuku. Harajuku is a district in Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan. Both were new to this country but EunHae knew a bit about Harajuku. Like what Tokyo lover wouldn't know about that place. "Enlighten me EunHae" Rachel chuckle as she ask EunHae who was just gaping. She could believe she was in Harajuku. 

She cough a bit and start "Harajuku is known internationally as a center of Japanese youth culture and fashion. Shopping and dining options include many small, youth oriented, independent boutiques and cafés, but the neighborhood also attracts many larger international chain stores with high-end luxury merchandisers extensively" EunHae finished.

Both girls start to visit the place and of course they bought lots of accessories and clothes which were exactly their style. The street fashion left Rachel in awe. The boys were looking like they came from anime. To Rachel liking they were so freaking gorgeous and hot. 

Time pass really quickly and it was already night. They went to take their dinner at a small restaurant.

Even the food look gorgeous. 



After having eaten they were full. The girls were talking happily when suddenly Rachel ask her a question "Does he really make you happy EunHae?" Rachel ask while smiling sadly. 

EunHae smile back and look at her friend "Rachel he Does make me happy. He love me and made me feel accepted and love. Rachel, if I had found love, you too you'll find the one. And like I always say. You'll get a really amazing man for you" Rachel chuckle. EunHae was her one and only Bae. Because she was the only person whom she trust with her whole life. The one person who understand her more than anything and who would never ever judge her "Thank you EunHae. Awww I love you so much"


EunHae wink at her "I love you too Rachel". Both girls were laughing happily. Then they decided to went both their ways. But then EunHae realize something. 

"" she curse and Rachel look at her in confusion. "I completely forget that since Taemin is here. He may have not eat. I'll ask them for a Takeaway then I'll go to my hotel. I'll be late so please go first" Rachel sigh and smile while going away. She really do love that guy.

EunHae went to the counter and search for the money. She found it and ask them for a Takeaway. After some minutes of preparations, she take it away and bought something for him to drink on the way back to the hotel. Knowing Taemin, she was sure that he hadn't eat.






She quickly arrived at her hotel and before opening her door "Damn I'm so hungry! I should've eaten!" EunHae chuckle as she heard Taemin whine like a little kid. She quickly hide the food into another bag and slide her card in and open her door. 

Taemin immediately turn around to find EunHae looking at him "I'm not angry at you for coming so no worry. I could never be angry at you" Taemin smile and hug EunHae and kiss her forehead "Damn I love you" he said and EunHae chuckle. Taemin didn't want to bother EunHae by asking for food so he just say that he'll go and take a bath. EunHae nodded acting as if she doesn't know anything. 

As soon as she heard the shower being turn on, she immediately start to set up the food on a plate. She try to set the food professionally and it came out nice. She set the plate on the table that was next to the window. She put the drink next to the plate and lay a handkerchief next to it. She squeal happily at her setting. 


"EunHae have you seen my- Taemin's mouth immediately drop open at the sight in front of him. "I know you so well. I knew that you haven't eat yet so I bought a Takeaway a I had just set it up. Do you like it like well you know I'm not a professional so I did it the best way I could I hope you like it- 

EunHae kept on blabbering but was immediately shut when Taemin press his lips against hers while smiling. When they back away EunHae put her fingers to her lips while blushing furiously " always find a way to all....always kiss me"


EunHae say before wrapping her arms around Taemin's neck and kissing him deeply. She is so in love with that guy so why should she be scared. Taemin smile through the kiss. Ta

emin laugh and settled down on the chair.

"That's because I love you and congratulations for the release of your book. I'll be the first one to buy it" Taemin was more and more becoming soft because of her. Of course he still could kill someone but his extremely evil side was going away and the person to thank for that was EunHae.

After having eaten Taemin smile at EunHae. His smile was really beautiful. "Thank you love now I can sleep well" 

He didn't give EunHae time to respond that he took her by her arms and throw her on the bed. He quickly get on the bed wrapping his arms around EunHae "Now I can sleep well" He said as he trail his smooth lips on EunHae's neck. EunHae felt safe and protected with Taemin. The warmth coming from their body made both of them fell asleep. 











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746 streak #1
Chapter 97: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I have read the whole fic and I must say that I loved it and enjoyed it! Thank you!

746 streak #2
Chapter 46: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Jonghyun's POV is something alright!

746 streak #3
Chapter 45: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Quite an interesting chapter!

746 streak #4
Chapter 44: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It was a great chapter!

746 streak #5
Chapter 43: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Bullying is wrong on so many levels, there is no doubt about it. :( -_-

746 streak #6
Chapter 42: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Ah, sometimes bad things happen... *sighs*

Loved the chapter!

746 streak #7
Chapter 41: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I loved that chapter and can't wait to see what happens next!

Thank you for the lovely chapter and sorry that it took me too long to continue reading. *sighs*

746 streak #8
Chapter 40: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It's just the beginning of the story and it already has humor in it. I like the chemistry between her and her friends. Especially Nikki she went chasing after her! That cracked me up! But hey, their dream did come true and they were finally able to go to Seoul... although the last scene concerns me a little, but we'll see what happens next and if those girls will bother them again.

Hush, it's not bad, not bad at all. :D

746 streak #9

I like the plot and the description of each character! I am ready for the ride and let's see how this goes! 😄👍👌😏😉✔✨

78 streak #10
This seems to be an oldie yet a goodie