Pants Problems?

My New Reasons

Taemin POV. 

I had no other choice but to take EunHae back to my house. I could've have taken her back to her apartment but I forget the route and it's really dark. Nevermind on a completely unrelated topic. How does EunHae know Emmy. It was impossible for her to know her. Or maybe EunHae way. No No it can't be. EunHae can't be that person. She told me herself, she told me that she'll never hurt her and yet it she was one of the reasons that she was hurry. It can't be......

I arrived at my house and picked up EunHae in my arms. I put her on my bed and left her there to rest. I quickly went to that person place with rage and my eyes turn yellow. I kick the door open. She just stare at me shock but then calmed down as if she understand what happened. 


"Taemin what're you talking about?"

"Don't act like you don't know. Why did you hurt EunHae? Why did you freaking left her Emmy? It was because of that, that she was hurting the most and yet you left her"

"It was for her own good Taemin. If I stayed......she would've been killed"

"What do you mean Emmy?" 

Emmy sat down and told me to sat down to and I did. She started to tell me about EunHae parents. 

"Some vampires who were hungry for food attack her parents but did not actually killed them. They just vanished into thin air but as a kid EunHae thought they were killed. I don't know how but EunHae has a connection with the vampire World"

"But she's just a normal human who knows about the existence of vampires"

"Yeah I know that but if I had stayed she would've been killed. Taemin you clearly know that we're not normal vampire especially you Taemin. You're soon going to take the throne and be the king and of course some people would want to hurt the people around you"

But I don't want to stop to be her friends. She was the only person to understand me and to see the real me.

"But no Taemin don't worry you can still be friend with her but if she get attack I want you to protect her. I have been watching over her all these years and I'll always be. But it pained to not being able to talk to her. Like you Taemin. She had helped through a lot and still stayed in moment when I pushed her away damn she's stubborn but she just really care about me"

I could feel that she was crying silently. I wrap around her and kiss her forehead. She is really precious I can't bear to see her cry my lovely angel. 

"I pushed her away but she stayed. I ignored her but she stayed I said hurtful things to her but she stayed. She stayed through all the bull when anyone else would've left"

"I guess she's stubborn but she really cared about you"

Suddenly I heard the door and turning around thinking it was Jonghyun but to our horrible horror it was EunHae who look sleppy. Fortunately Emmy could hide in time. EunHae yawn and look around. 

"Sorry I got drunk. I didn't knew that I would got drunk that easily though Hahaha. I hope I didn't did anything weird"

I thought about what she,said about how my eyes were beautiful. My face became red for some seconds but then I regain my composure and shake 

my head. Suddenly I notice Emmy sneaking away but EunHae was about to turn around I quickly tried to say something to her but in the panic I said the most embarrassing thing ever. 

"Hey EunHae I'm so hard right now. Want to go with me" 

After a couple of seconds I realize what I just said and my eyes widen and I look at EunHae who look confused but then her eyes widen and she look at me with a 'What-the-heck-is-wrong-with-you' look.

"The heck Taemin?!?!??"

"Ah sorry I guess it's just the.....the alcohol I drunk Haha"

This was the most embarrassing moment of my whole life. I was looking down cursing while being embarrassed but when I looked up I saw EunHae turning around and she had already noticed Emmy but fortunately her back was facing her but she was frozen in place since EunHae spoke.





EunHae POV. 

"Hey EunHae I'm so hard right now. Want to go with me" 

I didn't understand what he meant by that at first but then I realize it. What the heck was that? He's not only someone who bully others but he's also a freaking ert. Damn him.

"The heck Taemin?!?!??"

"Ah sorry I guess it's just the.....the alcohol I drunk Haha"

I sigh in contentment. I was glad other was because of the alcohol or else it would have been really weird between us. He's hard Hahaha. I bet he do not even has abs. Hahah- WHAT THE DID I JUST THOUGHT??? WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME DAMN IT. Okay no Junjou Romantica anime for one week for me from now on Damn it. 

Suddenly aside turn around I saw someone who seem frozen in place with her back turned to be. I thought that the person was a,maid at first but she wasn't wearing a maid uniform. Maybe it was one of Taemin friends. But the only girls he had as friends was me,and Minzy as far that I know. I tried to talk to that person but she ignored me.

"Hey. Are you one of Taemin's friends?"

She didn't answer but she just nodded quickly without turning. I would'nt usually care about these things but something was telling me that there was definitely something wrong here. I put my hand on her shoulder but I could feel her tense. I keep asking her if she was fine and then she answered. 

"It's Okay I'm fine just a bit ill"

"Oh just take care of yours- 

This voice I could recognize it from millions of other voices. I was sure of it. I grasp on her shoulder and pull her to face me. I saw her face and my heart stopped. These deep blue eyes, how could I forget them? The person that I thought disappeared was right in front of me. I back away completely shocked as tears were falling and I put my hand over my mouth. 


"EunHae listen to me"

"No No.....I've had enough of that Emmy. Everyone has limits and I've have always exceed my limits for you. I've stayed when everyone would've left. And then one day you disappeared without any trace,and now I've found out that you've been watching me suffer all these time because it's freaking that it was that. I thought we were over that"

"E....EunHae I already told you that I'm over these stupid things that I did. was just for your own good that I disappeared"

"For my own good? For my own good? Emmy.....I just don't know anymore. Just leave me alone....I....I don't know what to do"

I could feel my tears falling and my heart was aching so bad. I just wanted to get out of here.


I look up and saw Taemin looking at me and I just scoff. 

"I thought you we're my friends Taemin? I trusted you with all my life but why???? Why didn't you tell me something like that????"

"EunHae I....."

"I'm just done" 

I left with tears still in my eyes. I walk and walk until I found myself in a park where I screamed my lungs out and I fall on the ground and hit it hard while crying my heart out. What did I did to deserve such a cruel reality. I've never done anything wrong so why. Why??? I was just tired. Tired of everything. Tomorrow was Sunday so I could get some rest. Even Taemin betrayed me I just don't know who to turn to. Bia and Nikki were at a seminar for their fashion class and I was all alone. 

I went back to my apartment and I was tired and angry I kick a bottle and it hit something but I didn't cared until I heard a door open. please don't make that person kill me.


That voice it was Bobby. Damn it I can't Let him see me like that so I just nodded and try to go back into my apartment room. Then I heard him sigh and I felt his hand on my shoulder. We've been friends for like a week now and we have already know each other but still I can't Let him see me like that. 

"EunHae I know something isn't right. Please look at me. You trust me right?"

I didn't say anything and just turn to him. My eyes were red from crying and tears were still running on my face. When he saw me in that state he was surprise but then he calm down. He didn't say anything, he just came and wrap his arms around him rubbing my back. 

"I don't know what's wrong but I'm always here you"

That's what amazing with Bobby. People may be always judging him but people don't know about his kind and dorky side. He's like me. When he meet a person he understand how the person is like if they're good or bad. I told him about my conditions but I didn't mention the vampires. He told he never act the way he act with me he had only act like that with only me. He said that I was the first person to understand him and I was glad he could understand me too. He was one of my best friend.

"I just want to clear my mind!"

"I know how you can clear your mind. Follow me"






Outside POV. 

Taemin had followed EunHae to talk to her but when he was about to he saw someone talking to her and then hug her. For some unknown reasons to Taemin himself. He didn't like that guy. He knew that his name was Bobby and that he was one of EunHae new friends whom she trusted but Taemin didn't like him at all. He thought that EunHae don't get along with guys easily. But Taemin was clearly jealous that EunHae get another guy as a friend. He followed them without being noticed he saw them going into a park. 

Bobby wanted to make EunHae feel better so he make her come to the park. There was a light breeze blowing and that seem to calm EunHae down a bit. Bobby then bought her some snacks and two can of coca-cola. 

"Sorry that's all I could afford. I just hope you feel better"

EunHae smile to him.

"Yah~ Bobby I always told you that for me simplicity is always the best and this atmosphere the way we're just eating on a bench in a park with that light breeze flowing is just the best. You don't need money to be happy and I was glad to finally understand that"

"What do you mean?"

"I always thought that money is happiness but the thing that I realize is that you create your own happiness. I don't need money as,long as I have people that care about me it's alright" 

"Thank you. I'm glad to have you too"

"You're welcome Hahaha"

Little did they know that someone was burning with jealousy while watching them. Taemin watch as the two talk. He saw EunHae throwing her head back and was laughing happily. He then saw them getting up and they continue to walk. They arrive at a pond and was laughing while watching the fish. 

"Waaah~ look at all these colourful fishes they're so beautiful"

Then Bobby whispered something.

"Not as beautiful as you"

Fortunately for him EunHae didn't heard anything but Taemin did. Thinking that Bobby was just using EunHae which was clearly not the case Taemin got mad. He use his power and made Bobby fall into the water. 

"Omo Bobby. Are you alright???"

EunHae help him out of the water and he thank her.

"How did you fell into the water?"

"I don't know I felt like something push me" 

"Aish you're all wet come with me back home. You'll get ill if you stayed wet like this"


"No Worry"

They went back to their apartment with Taemin still spying on them. 





EunHae POV. 

I wonder how it's going to be from now on. I found out that Emmy is near and that she's been watching over me. Well I guess I'll just need some time yo adapt myself. By the way there's something that you need to know about me and my friends. Sometimes when something happened to one of us it happened to the others. Like if Bia got a red cake I get one too. But what would happened tomorrow was seriously the most embarrassing moment no the word embarrassing is too weak. You'll know what I'm talking about. It'll happened to both me and Nikki this time. As if it wasn't awkward enough between me and Taemin. 






Outside POV. 

EunHae and Nikki hated it. It was physical education their favorite class but the thing was that they would have to change among other girls which make them really like really uncomfortable especially EunHae. Fortunately both found a spot where there wasn't anyone since the other girl have already gone out flirting with the guys and it was really early before the class start. EunHae had gone in a different room to change but she was still feeling uncomfortable.

On the other hand Taemin and Minho we're late for the class since the slept late since Minho was watching football and Taemin was watching One Punch Man. Minho went somewhere and Taemin went to class B-1 to change. He ran inside but didn't watch where he was going and ran into someone. Same with Minho he ran to fast and bump into someone and they both fell. 

"Damn it. Can't you see where you are goi-

Taemin and Minho were both cut by what was in front of them. Taemin ran into EunHae and Minho into Nikki. Both of the ladies were in their shorts but the thing was that they were in sport br* since for EunHae she hate wearing the usual girls underwear. But fortunately for Nikki her cleavage were hidden well since she wore her usual underwear inside but sadly for EunHae she didn't wear anything under the sport br*. 

Taemin eyes were just watching her and EunHae suddenly realize the situation and kick off Taemin off her. She take a towel to cover her body and glared at Taemin hard. Same for Nikki. 


Both of the boys were stunned and they ran off leaving the girls with their face completely red. Finally EunHae join Nikki and they were both embarrassed from what happened. It would be really awkward to be with the guys from now on. But they both agree on one thing. Not a word of what happened to Bia. 





Taemin POV. 

The did just happened. I was running late to class and running into a half EunHae didn't help it at all. But back to a positive thing her body was nice she had less fats but I don't care and had a well structured body and her skin look really soft. I wonder how soft it would feel under my fingers to touch her soft skin that seem so- WHAT THE ACTUAL I'M THINKING ABOUT??? WHY THE HELL I'M HAVING FANTASIES ABOUT EUNHAE??? 

I sigh. Seriously what's wrong with me these days. Suddenly I feel than my pants were too tight and I felt hot. When I look down I felt my face flushed completely red. I really need to have a cold shower like right now. Never have I ever got an arousal like that in my life. I've seen s in that school but I've never got an arousal but WHY IN THE WORLD I'M GETTING A FREAKING AROUSAL RIGHT NOW??????

"Hey Taemin. What's that in your pants Hahaha"

"Oh shut up Minho. What about yours then?"

I smirk and he look down and his face became red and he immediately ran to get a cold shower too. But seriously what's wrong with me getting that. EunHae was my friend and since these girls have come into our life strange things started to happened of course excluding the fact that we're getting arouse really easily. Seriously though. 




Author's Note: ...................I don't have anything to say.  


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736 streak #1
Chapter 97: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I have read the whole fic and I must say that I loved it and enjoyed it! Thank you!

736 streak #2
Chapter 46: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Jonghyun's POV is something alright!

736 streak #3
Chapter 45: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Quite an interesting chapter!

736 streak #4
Chapter 44: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It was a great chapter!

736 streak #5
Chapter 43: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Bullying is wrong on so many levels, there is no doubt about it. :( -_-

736 streak #6
Chapter 42: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Ah, sometimes bad things happen... *sighs*

Loved the chapter!

736 streak #7
Chapter 41: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I loved that chapter and can't wait to see what happens next!

Thank you for the lovely chapter and sorry that it took me too long to continue reading. *sighs*

736 streak #8
Chapter 40: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It's just the beginning of the story and it already has humor in it. I like the chemistry between her and her friends. Especially Nikki she went chasing after her! That cracked me up! But hey, their dream did come true and they were finally able to go to Seoul... although the last scene concerns me a little, but we'll see what happens next and if those girls will bother them again.

Hush, it's not bad, not bad at all. :D

736 streak #9

I like the plot and the description of each character! I am ready for the ride and let's see how this goes! 😄👍👌😏😉✔✨

78 streak #10
This seems to be an oldie yet a goodie