He's Back!

My New Reasons

EunHae POV 

I take a deep breath I couldn't believe it. In this room my whole future will be decided. If I get the job I'll be able to make my dream come true. Becoming a writer is my dream but becoming a writer at Square Enix will be heaven. I'll need to exceed my limits for that interview. There was still 5minutes left and I was sitting in the room sweating as if I had run miles

The door open and I immediately stood up from my chair and bow politely to him. Here standing in front of me was the one and only Phil Rogers CEO of Square Enix. This interview isn't like any other interview. For this one I was asked to prepare a project. 

“So are you ready” Phil smile at me and I just nodded nervously. Seeing me so nervous like this he laugh lightly “No need to be nervous like this. Just relax and you'll be fine” I nodded and said a little Thank You. 

I took a deep breath and start the project. I turn on the project. Since I was going to be a writer in the most famous gaming and anime industry. I wanted to give my opinion on anime. I start the project and start to talk about why anime now. The question was why are anime getting shorter. 

“I know, economics can be boring, so I'll keep this brief. A recession basically means that the market is shrinking. People aren't buying things as often and businesses aren't investing in new products and services. If money isn't being circulated in the economy, businesses don't have as much reason to create new products, people lose their jobs, and people cut back on unnecessary spending” I could see that the CEO seem interested I just hope that it was a good sign so I continue. 

“Okay, so I got the groundwork out of the way. Let's talk about how this affects the anime industry. The anime industry need a lot of money to make a manga and if it becomes popular more money will be needed to turn it into an anime It is cheaper and less risky to invest in a shorter running anime. If you are budgeting for a 100 episode series and already worked out the business deals, then you are stuck making a 100 episode series, unless you cut your losses and cancel the project. If the series doesn't catch on, or it isn't making money on merchandise (more on this in a minute), then you could end up in the red” 

Then I start to give my opinion “For my case I think that the best thing to do is to continue with the longer series and to see if it's going well we'll need to target the fanbase. The fanbase can be really important as some fans even give out their theory and ideas” Then he speak “But they're just either children” 

I interrupted him which was something to never do “I need to disagree with you. These fans may have better ideas than the original creators and to invest in more money write may merge together with an American firm and also to make our profits bigger” He then look at me as if I've lost my mind. Of course he'll do that I just freaking said to merge Japan with America the country which bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki. 


I think I'll kill myself now it's the second time I'm interrupting him “I know that it's not a good idea to do that because of what happened but the thing that we must keep in mind is to not westernize anime. If we do that anime will not be anime” I'm signing my own death since I was saying no to everything that he was saying. I continue on and on and then to finish it I end with “But the most important matter to remember is to not forget that anime is not only for making profits but to also entertain people, teach them to continue to live their dream and also to make people see the beauty of Japan” I bow to him when I finished. The only thing that I was thinking in my mind was that.

I've everything up.

He was frowning for God's sake. I interrupted and contradicted him most of the time. I look at him hoping for something good to happened but he just sigh and look at me “I'm sorry Mrs Kim EunHae but I don't think you're that good for the job” He said and I just hung my head down trying to not let the tears flow. 



Taemin POV. 

I arrived at the meeting place. I was smiling happily knowing that EunHae would obviously got the job as I had saw her presentation long ago. But my smile disappeared when I saw EunHae coming out of the building with her head hanging low. That was not a good sign. I immediately get out of the car and rush to her side. 

I heard her and she kept on mumbling some words over and over again “he said I wasn't good for the job…..he said I wasn't good for the job……he said I wasn't good for the job….” I sigh I knew that she'd be like that if she didn't get the job but I couldn't understand how. Her project was really good and perfect. “EunHae your project was really good don't worry. You'll have many other opportunities and don't forget that I'll always be here for you” I smile and place both of my arms on her cheeks and lift her face up to face me but what I see wasn't something I was expecting to. 

“He said I wasn't good for the job he said I was freaking perfect for it” she said and jump into my arms hugging me. Wait? What? Realizing what she did she get away from me a bit embarrassed “I'm sorry…” I kiss her forehead “No worry love I'm sure you'll get use to it but now I need you to explain to me what happened?” 




Flashback EunHae POV 

I've everything up.

He was frowning for God's sake. I interrupted and contradicted him most of the time. I look at him hoping for something good to happened but he just sigh and look at me “I'm sorry Mrs Kim EunHae but I don't think you're that good for the job” He said and I just hung my head down trying to not let the tears flow. 

“Oh my don't cry. You're not good for that job because you're perfect for it” 

“wh….what?” I look at him completely confuse “I interrupted you and said no to everything you've said? How can you take me?” he laugh lightly “Your arguments were right and it was always boring to see all the people that are taking interview just say ‘Yes Sir’ to me everytime I say something against them. But you were different and I really love your project so my Dear you're taken” 

I could feel my breath hitch and tears were coming into my eyes. I just bow and thank him “I promise you I'll do my best” he nodded “if I may can I ask a question?” 

“Go on”

“You said in the first letter that you send me that there was someone who recommended me to you. If I may ask. Can you tell me who's that person?” he look at me “Oh Yeah that person well I can't really tell you who's that person but you'll meet him”. He then took a letter from his pocket and gave it to me. “in two weeks there will be a party to welcome all the new workers to Square Enix and also some other people. Here's your invitation letter”. I bow and thank him again.




Taemin POV 

Oh I got it now. Well I'm glad that she got the job but wait a second “By any chance is the party taking place in Tokyo?” she take the letter and look at it and then nodded. I smile “Then I'll be coming too! Because I am invited too I was the one who designed a building for them”

“I have an idea! How about we celebrate you getting this job by a dinner tonight? We'll go to a fancy restaurant with roses,candles, music and everything-” I say that while smirking and take a glance at EunHae who look at me completely disgusted. Then I laugh at her face. There's things that we both agree and one of them was that we both hate romantic things. Seriously all these couples acting all lovingly disgust us. 

Our only problem is that we don't know how to convey our feelings to each other.

We can be sitting in a room watching a movie or having a simple dinner at home and we'll like it. We love each other and the best thing was that she was my best friend. The best gift I could ever receive  

We continue to laugh until I see Jonghyun who's coming towards us as if he had saw a ghost. His eyes were wide open staring into the distance “Hey Jonghyun what's up-” I didn't had time to finish my phrase that Jonghyun snatch EunHae’s hand “Come with me” he said and take a confused EunHae away. What the hell?

“Please follow me both of you”




Emmy POV

It was another hard day of work but even that I was glad about my life right now. I got my best friend back who now got another happiness. She's happy but what about me? I'm I happy? Of course I'm happy that I'm with my best friend but there seem to be something missing.

I'm glad for EunHae and Taemin. Both of them had suffered throughout their life. I know both of them hate that boyfriend and girlfriend thing. Yes they're in love but they like to be call lover because for them being called girlfriend and boyfriend make them seem to be like these stupid people but I'm sure that won't be the case some days later.

I just sigh again.

I had someone in my life too you know. I'm hiding it from EunHae but I'll soon tell her though. Everyday I think about him. He's not my lover nor boyfriend. 

He's my fiance.

The only person I've ever love. He is a nice and kind person but he was the dumbest fool on this planet in a good way. People say that his jokes are not funny but his jokes really make me laugh. His smile was his best feature. He was always smiling and laughing. I always thought bad about myself but with him I felt different, I had someone to trust and believe in. When I thought I was all alone I had him by my side.

I look at the ring on my finger as a single tears fell. 

What happened you ask? One year ago he told me that he needed some space and that left me broken. He had had enough of me and needed some space. Of course he'll want that. I'm not as pretty as the girls you see in magazines. I still remember the words that he said. “I'm sorry Emmy but I need to go somewhere for sometime. I just need some space I…..I hope you'll understand”

Of course being madly in love with him I accept that and now it's been already one year since he has been gone and now he'd never come back. I bet he got someone else and he's happy with that person. But why? Why did he had to propose to me if he wanted to leave me. I was just an idiot I should've never fall in love. 

Then I heard the door being opened. Damn I thought Taemin would come at night. Why did he came so early? I immediately wipe my tears away and made my way towards the door “Did you forget something Taemin-

I was cut when I felt two strong wrap around my body. This warmth seem familiar too familiar “Emmy I miss you”. These words were enough to make my body weaken. But then I just back away and just stare at him. It was him. The guy whom I love and who disappeared for one year and now he's back. 

“Emmy I miss you- 

I just scoff and roll my eyes “You miss me? What do you even mean by that Onew? You said you need some space, you disappeared for one year and now you came back and said that you miss me?!”. He just blink at me completely confused. Ugggh please make him stop with that confused face he was just too adorable like that. “Yah! Onew! Don't you remember? You said that you were sorry but you needed to go somewhere for sometime that you just need some space!!”. 

He just stare at me blinking stupidly then he started to laugh. I frown at him, there was nothing to laugh at. He smile at me and put his warm hand on my cheek making my heart melt. Just his touch made it seem that everything was alright. The next thing he did was that he kiss my forehead lightly and lean his forehead against mine. 

“My princess, now you listen to me. What I said was that I needed to leave but not because I wanted some space from you. No it's not that. What I meant is that I needed to go somewhere for a mission”

I look at him and scoff then I just push him away looking at him with disgust “Do you think I'm that stupid enough to believe that?” Onew Try to come closer to embrace me again but I just push him away with tears in my eyes. How could I believe him? He wasn't stupid enough to make such a mistake like this right? Yeah he is an idiot but how could he have played with my feelings like that? I didn't knew he was capable of such thing. 

Then I just run away having enough of all that. The tears couldn't stop and I just ran and ran without knowing my destination. But I was stop right in my track when I hit against someone but fortunately before I fell down that person hold me tight “Emmy? Oh my God Emmy why are you crying?” this voice I recognize that sweet and caring voice. “t...Taemin?”. 

“Emmy? Oh my! Why are you crying?” This is,another thing that I love about Taemin. No matter how cold he's to people, with the people he care about he's always soft. “it's…..just-

But then Taemin notice Onew “Oh Onew did you finished the mission?” The what??? So everything he said was true. I turn towards him with a bit of guilt inside me “So everything you said was tru...true?” Onew nodded and smile. I just didn't know what to do. I need some time to think so I just left without saying anything hoping that they'll understand. 





 Outside POV. 

“It's okay Onew don't worry she just need some time to think that's all. You should've just talk well but don't worry, she know how you're so it won't take much time for her” Taemin said and patted Onew’s back who just sigh. He know he is an idiot but he didn't knew he was that idiotic. But he just sigh again hoping that he wouldn't lose that amazing girl.

“What about you Taemin? Still the cold guy who treat girls like they're nothing” Onew said expecting Taemin to just scoff and roll his eye's but he didn't expect to see something that he and no one has ever seen on the cold Taemin. 

A slight blush.

There was a freaking blush on Taemin's face and the chicken lover mouth just drop open he couldn't believe it. This Taemin was blushing. Oh my God! Where has the world come to? 

Feeling that Onew might have noticed his small blush. He quickly turn his face around but the wrong has already been done “My God! Taemin you….you're blushing???” 

Taemin then sigh and explain Onew everything about what had happened when he wasn't there. How this girl stood up to her, how he had bullied her but the girl didn't gave a single , about the garage incident where that girl still cared about me and then I finally told him that we're together now.

“I'm happy for you Taemin”

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746 streak #1
Chapter 97: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I have read the whole fic and I must say that I loved it and enjoyed it! Thank you!

746 streak #2
Chapter 46: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Jonghyun's POV is something alright!

746 streak #3
Chapter 45: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Quite an interesting chapter!

746 streak #4
Chapter 44: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It was a great chapter!

746 streak #5
Chapter 43: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Bullying is wrong on so many levels, there is no doubt about it. :( -_-

746 streak #6
Chapter 42: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Ah, sometimes bad things happen... *sighs*

Loved the chapter!

746 streak #7
Chapter 41: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I loved that chapter and can't wait to see what happens next!

Thank you for the lovely chapter and sorry that it took me too long to continue reading. *sighs*

746 streak #8
Chapter 40: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It's just the beginning of the story and it already has humor in it. I like the chemistry between her and her friends. Especially Nikki she went chasing after her! That cracked me up! But hey, their dream did come true and they were finally able to go to Seoul... although the last scene concerns me a little, but we'll see what happens next and if those girls will bother them again.

Hush, it's not bad, not bad at all. :D

746 streak #9

I like the plot and the description of each character! I am ready for the ride and let's see how this goes! 😄👍👌😏😉✔✨

78 streak #10
This seems to be an oldie yet a goodie