Surprising Revelation

My New Reasons


e POV 

Since everyone slept late last night they obviously wake up late but sine EunHaghas the habit of always waking up early no matter the time she slept she did so. 

She look at her phone as soon as she woke up and notice that she got a message from an unkknew it you know Taber. She open it expecting to find that it was a mistake but reading the text she immediately yell in surprise waking Taemin up.

“What happened EunHae?” Taemin said yawning while rubbing his eyes tiredly. She look at EunHae who seem that she has saw a ghost. 

After what look like minutes EunHae finally seem to get to reality. She immediately hurried away from the couch and literally ripping off the blanket off her and hurried to her room leaving a confused Taemin blinking in stupidity. Noticing that she left her phone on the couch, he took it and see that EunHae had received a message from an unknown number. He start to read the text and his eyes widen in shock. 


From: Unknown Number 

I am the secretary of Phil Rogers because of some circumstances that happened we couldn't message you earlier. I am telling you that the meeting will be held tomorrow at 11:00 at XXXX place,


Taemin POV. 

How can you do a mistake like this. Knowing EunHae I'm sure she's panicking it's her first time going on an interview. They should've tell her some days before as I had promise her I would help her for her interview. Fortunately she has already prepared her folder. 

I sigh and made my way upstairs to her room and I was right she was panicking. Okay we just have one hour left. First I need her attention. “EunHae stop and listen to me. The first thing we need is clothes” I immediately go to her closet to search for the appropriate clothes but then I got another idea. I grab her by her hand and rush outside the house. 

“we have one hour left so trust me”. I took her to the nearest clothing store. I immediately ask for outfits to go for an interview. EunHae stand there completely panic and stressed out and even when I tried to sooth her it didn't help. I give her the clothes I chose for her and she went to change. 

I just close my eyes and think. I could feel that something wasn't right and that a big dilemma will be coming towards me. I wonder if my father is going to accept EunHae. My father is the king and I was soon to take the throne which I don't even know what to do about it. I think about what EunHae once told me.

 Don't care about anything or what anyone say. You have a dream and you believe in it so go straight to it and do it. Make your dream a reality.



My Dream? My real dream was to create a dance academy where I would be a choreographer who'll teach people how to dance. Dancing was my everything. It make me forget about every of my pain of worries. At first dancing was the only thing who could sooth me but then EunHae came into my life and change me. Oh come on it's not some cliche in some romantic story because both me and EunHae hate things that are romantic.  

Ugggh. Do you know how much I hate all these romantic cliche which just make me and EunHae want to vomit. We date but still act like best friend. She's both my best friend and lover. 

Suddenly I was taken out of my thoughts “What do you think about it Taemin?”

I look up to see EunHae in such a classy clothes which made my mouth drop. You see that what I love about her. She doesn't need to reveal her body to be beautiful. She's covered from head to toe and she is just the most beautiful creature I've ever laid my eyes on. 

(The clothes that Taemin chose for EunHae)


I smile at her and she just blush making me laugh a little. You see no matter how tough or strong she look. I am the only man that can make her like that and I was really glad about it. “You look amazing”. She bite her lips trying hard to suppress the blush on her cheek but it was in vain.

“Now that we've got your clothes it's time to go” She followed me to my car and we go to the place where the interview will take place. On the way I explained her what to do and how to act. We arrive at the place I wanted to come with her to at least the door but she just said she was okay. 

But I know she wasn't fine. Anyone could see the fear and anxiety on her face. This interview was her first one and it wasn't any small interview. It was for one of the biggest and most renowned company in the world. The despair of someone winning $5000000 and then having it robbed won't be equal to the despair that EunHae would have if she lost that golden opportunity. 

She take a big breath and then open the door to get out. Just as she was about to leave I immediately took her by her wrist and lean her closer to me kissing her forehead lightly “Good Luck my love. No matter what happen I'll still believe in you” Her cheeks became a deep shade of red. Damn you don't even know how much I like it when she blush like that. Seeing the cold EunHae blush like that made me smile. She was so adorable and happy. “Thank you” she whispered it lightly and then went away. 

I continue to watch her walking to the building and then opening the door to enter the room. She wave goodbye at me I wave back and after she close the door I drove away. 

 (Kim Jonghyun)

Jonghyun POV. 

Imagine the type of shear terror you'll feel when you got on an elevator and just before the door close you saw a psychopath holding a bloody knife while grinning hysterically at you “See you on the next floor” and as the door close you hear him laughing like a maniac. The fear wasn't of being murdered but the horror you'll experience of waiting for it. That's exactly how I am feeling right now.

Why? You may ask?

I was convoke by the king himself which is Taemin’s stepfather and that guy is way scarier than Taemin. I didn't do anything wrong. I didn't killed anyone in the human world and I had never drink blood from a human.

I finally arrive at the door. I took a deep breath and I enter. There I see the king sitting on his throne. He wasn't really Taemin’s father as the real one died when Taemin was just 10years old. His real father was a kind and understanding person. He even consider me as his own son and spoke with such kindness that you could feel that he was a kind person. 


Can you imagine that the next king that'll be sitting there would be Taemin? 



Nor can I imagine that too.



Because the present king had too much pride that I bet he'll do something to prevent Taemin from becoming king. 

He look at with with such a strong glare that I gulp and bow to him “My lord did you call me here” these words leave my mouth with such venom that I hated it. I hate that guy and Taemin too as well as everyone. That guy didn't do anything for his kingdom. He treat everyone as if they were trash. He didn't deserve to be king but what can we do. It was said that if Taemin real father died the next succession will be to Taemin’s uncle. 

 What about Taemin's mother?

She's the person that I pity the most. Not even I nor Taemin could do a thing to help her. After the death of her husband she was force to marry Taemin’s uncle. Taemin swore that after he becomes king he'll kill that guy. 

Then he look at me with disgust and the reason was simple. He think that he's so high and mighty that he hate everyone lower than him. But I didn't let that affect because I was told right. He then just shake his hand annoyingly for me to stand up. “The reason that I called you here was to give you this” he said and throw at me a black journal. “My late brother told me to gave you this journal on that precise date. So here you go now get lost” he said then I just roll my eyes, bow to him and left.

What could that journal contain that it was so important like this to be given to me on that exact date.

I use a portal to go back to the Villa and fortunately no one was there. Bia and Nikki have gone shopping, Minho had a modeling session, Key was somewhere designing clothes, Haneul was off to New York for a photoshoot, Emmy was busy somewhere else, Taemin may have gone somewhere to dance and EunHae was off for her interview. 

Everyone was happy. Taemin has EunHae, Minho has Nikki, Key has Haneul, Emmy has her own problem and then there's me who don't have any idea how to confess to a girl that I really like. Ugggh, putting that matter aside I go to my room and I sit on my bed. I had a feeling that I wasn't really prepared for what I was about to know but I took the chance. 


My Dear Kim Jonghyun, 

If you're reading this then that mean that I'm not here anymore. You know that I had always consider you as my son and I'll always will. When your parents had that accident one year after you were born I had always cared for you as one of my own son. But this is the reality that I wanted you to believe.

Wait? What did he meant by the rreality he wanted me to believe? 

The reality was that to protect you and someone else I had to make you believe that your parents died at your birth and that you spend your childhood with my son Taemin. I did that because it's what your real parents wanted. If I hadn't done that you as well as the other person would have been killed. If you're still not understanding what I'm talking about then you'll understand by following the ritual that I've noted below.    


incerely Kim JaeJoong 


I couldn't believe it. My whole childhood was just an illusion made by him. He...did that to protect me and because my parents wanted to protect me too. Reality is harsh. A tear roll down my cheek and another came but I was glad though that even if I didn't knew about my parents I had them.

Who was that other person though?



I needed more answers to all my unanswered questions that are bundling up in my head. I wipe my tears away and take a deep breath. F

rom what I knew from that letter was that I had to do a ritual so that some memories will come back to me. But from what he was telling me was that I should be prepared. 

I did as I was told. I take some black ink and draw the symbol on the floor and recite the following verses “ the verse “. After that I sit on the symbol that I've drawn. I did a put two of my finger to my chest and draw a circle and inside the circle I draw an upside down rectangle while still reciting another phrase “ the phrase “

After that I see everything black. 

After what felt like an eternity I finally wake up. I found myself in an unfamiliar environment. The journal said that I'll be taken to my childhood but this place was totally unknown for me. I look around myself and saw a smaller me. It look like I was around 10 or 11 but the thing that surprise me the most was that I was playing with a girl. 


Why do I seem to have no memory of that moment or that. Well since my memory was erase would be the explanation. 



I see myself with that girl which I couldn't see the face playing around. We look so happy playing around. I smile at myself. 



Suddenly I see some vampires emerging and were coming towards the children. Unfortunately I couldn't do anything. Hopefully the smaller me notice the vampires coming towards them and immediately push the girl behind him as soon as he saw the vampire lashing his claws towards him but he got the attack himself. After that the girl hold the boy by hhis wrist and ran away. Fortunately a man came to rescue them. 

They were taken into a house and I followed them. There I saw a man and a woman inside the house. The woman hug the children and told them to go play in their room. But why was I together with that girl? Maybe she was my cousin or something like that. Then I heard them talking. 

"What're we going to do now? If it ccontinue like that our children will get killed" 

Our children will get killed? So these guys are my paparents and that girl is sister. I had a sister. I couldn't believe it all my life I believed that I was an only child and I find out that I had a sister. I made my way upstairs where the children were. I saw the smaller version of me sitting on the bed and the girl which I found out is my sister was wiping away the blood off my face with a handkerchief but even that there was a light that was hiding her face from me. Come on we aren't in some type of book right? Right? Why the heck I'm talking to myself?

Nevermind. The girl was doing it carefully as if she was touching glasses and the wrong movement will break it.

 "I'll always protect you Jonghyun"

"Hehehe sis I should be the one saying that to you. But I'm glad knowing that I have someone there for me since mother and father are always at work"

"You're the best brother anyone could ask for Jonghyun I love you. Do you know that you look like a prince?"  I could feel my tears flowing over my face. People when they see me they think I'm the arrogant and the type to play around but it isn't true. I was alone. I had no one. I grow my business with my uncle whose a kind person but after his death when I was around 17 I was all alone. But then I find my friends but still everyone had their own life and I was always alone. 

I had a sister I had someone who cared for me.

Suddenly I felt a pain in my head and I fell on the ground and then everything went blank.

I wake up back into my room. I look in the notebook and saw that some writings were appearing on the notebook. I take the notebook into my hand and continue to read. 

My dear Jonghyun I hope you're not angry at me for doing thatbut I ddid that to protect your sister. If I hadn't done that vampires would have already killed her. As you know erasing and creating memories is something really serious. Because of that we had to go to the supreme council. Of course there were you who didn't want that. 

Suddenly I find mmyself again in these memories. I saw the smaller me and my sister who I still couldn't see her face walking into some type of court. It was a really big one not like those you see in the human world. This one was really big. It had four long pillars around the room.Being a kid I saw myself looking around in amazement and of I could feel that something wasn't right. I se the smaller me holding the hand of my sister tightly. Then the woman which I believe was my mother came to the two children and explain them what should be done. The next thing that happened was how I expected it to happened. 

"NO!!! I WON'T ALLOW IT I WON'T LET ANYONE TAKE MY SISTER AWAY FROM ME! SHE'S ALL I HAVE I WON'T LET IT HAPPENED. I CAN PROTECT HER AND I'LL WITH MY LIFE"The smaller me said holding tightly to my sister who was just crying to herself understanding that nothing else could be done. 

"I love you Jonghyun. I promise you that one day when we're older we'll meet again." She said that and kiss the smaller's me cheek llightly. I gulp lightly as both him and me cried. She really loved me that much. "I dont want vampires to attack you Jonghyun didn't I said that I'll protect you?" The smaller me seem to understand and before letting "I love you too let's me one day"

After that I came back to reality.I remember everything. The moment I had with my sister I was really glad to have a sister and to hear that she was still alive. But just before I came back I saw the face of my sister but also a second face which was the one of my mate. I knew that person already has a mate but I don't have any other choice. I close my eyes and when I open it again I could feel my eyes glowing yellow. 


"I'm sorry Taemin but to get my sister back I have no choice. I'll need to take your mate"




Author's Note: *drums rolling* heeeey guys Hehehe suspense suspense. I'm not really in the mood not after what I heard. I came back from school to what? To hearing that Jonghyun is seriously ill and Key couldn't do anything and Key was feeling ill because of his absence. Being a JongKey shipper I would've been happy but I'm way too sad. On another topic I hope you like the chapter Hehehe. I won't be able to update that much since I got the subjects that I want but I'll Try my best. Thank you to everyone reading my story.











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736 streak #1
Chapter 97: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I have read the whole fic and I must say that I loved it and enjoyed it! Thank you!

736 streak #2
Chapter 46: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Jonghyun's POV is something alright!

736 streak #3
Chapter 45: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Quite an interesting chapter!

736 streak #4
Chapter 44: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It was a great chapter!

736 streak #5
Chapter 43: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Bullying is wrong on so many levels, there is no doubt about it. :( -_-

736 streak #6
Chapter 42: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Ah, sometimes bad things happen... *sighs*

Loved the chapter!

736 streak #7
Chapter 41: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I loved that chapter and can't wait to see what happens next!

Thank you for the lovely chapter and sorry that it took me too long to continue reading. *sighs*

736 streak #8
Chapter 40: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It's just the beginning of the story and it already has humor in it. I like the chemistry between her and her friends. Especially Nikki she went chasing after her! That cracked me up! But hey, their dream did come true and they were finally able to go to Seoul... although the last scene concerns me a little, but we'll see what happens next and if those girls will bother them again.

Hush, it's not bad, not bad at all. :D

736 streak #9

I like the plot and the description of each character! I am ready for the ride and let's see how this goes! 😄👍👌😏😉✔✨

78 streak #10
This seems to be an oldie yet a goodie