First Day! First Fight!

My New Reasons

~Ring Ding Dong Ring Ding Dong~


Someone continue to ring the doorbell but still the girl laying on the bed didn't answered. Thinking it was just the alarm clock she just lift her hand and smashed the poor alarm clock down. Then the she was feeling like a weight on her bed but she thought it was her friend's cat.

"Hey Kim EunHae it's us. We're opening the door okay"

She just tell them that they can open the door and just as the door was opening. There was something shifting around on her bed and as soon as her friends came in. They were welcome by a very strange sight. "Hmm baby I love you so much" Shou aka EunHae best guy friend was back hugging her and put his lip on her neck like the idiotic friend he's. Her friends SunHee and Bia just look at the scene laughing. EunHae just push Shou away completely annoyed.

"Aish Shou I don't have time for your jokes!" EunHae said completely annoyed at the guy looking at her sadly. "But I'm going to miss you when you'll all be gone!" Actually today the girls were to go to their university in South Korea and their friend Shaw won't see them again. EunHae was sad too but she didn't let her emotion show. Even to people close to her, she hate showing them how her emotions are because to her it is a sign of weakness and she don't want people to see her as a weak person so put up a mask of a cold attitude towards others.

"OMOOOO EunHae since when are you with Shou Hahaha?" Of course there is always someone to come and ruin her thoughts and it was no doubt their friend Bia. Since Shaw and EunHae are really close someone may really think that they are a real couple but that is not the case, they were just friend and EunHae firmly doesn't believe in love. Because for her love is futile. You love someone either a family or a friend and in the end they will just stab you in the back without hesitation. So it’s really hard for her to trust someone after her really good friend had betrayed her.

"Aish shut up Shorty!" EunHae said completely annoyed while glaring her eyes and rubbing her eyes as she was still sleepy. And luckily the shorty called Bia shut up. EunHae wasn't really in the mood nor Nikki and Bia. They were both happy but also sad since they were going to their dream place but also they're leaving their friend Shou. Even though he's closer with EunHae than with the rest. Everyone will miss him. He was a really nice guy and had took care of EunHae when her parents had died and it was because of the death of her parents that EunHae changed. Weakness is a curse to her. Even though Shaw the cold type one. You would never know that the cold guy was actually one the dumbest people on earth and the funniest one. You could see that his eyes were filled with sadness. To her EunHae was everything since3 both of them lost their parents they can understand each other. They were always having fun together despite the sadness that lie within them. They both had each other but now since EunHae would be leaving they will be both alone, they had other friends but these two had a sadness that only them could understand and no one else could ever replace that.

He just shakes his head and went to take a walk while the girls prepared themselves.

After that it was Shou himself who take them to the airport. They arrived at it was time. Everyone hug Shaw goodbye except EunHae who was looking down holding back her tears. She didn't want to leave because she was scared of the future and what will happened when they will be there. He smile a little and went to hug her "You will be fine I believe in you so no worry. I will call from time to time" She nodded sadly while tears welled up in her eyes. She suppressed it and would not let them come out. "Take care of you guys and don't forget what I told you in the car. Be careful of the people I told you about you should not mess with them..Fine now go guys and call me when you arrive!"





"Sure Shou!" Nikki yelled and the three persons made their way to do all the formalities that are needed to be done.

After that they all left and board the plane. EunHae still hadn't said a word since that she was just staring outside the window. Despite her not loving her own country now that she is leaving it she will really miss it because all her memories both good and bad were there and she lived like one quarter of her life there. Bia decided to cheer up her mood by teasing her a little. "Awww are you missing your lover already?" Of course she was referring to Shaw nut that made EunHae more mad.

"Arrgh please just stop that I'm just tired. I'll just sleep a little. Just wake me up when the food come!" Tiredness came over her and she fell asleep. And after that she sleep. And after the food arrived Bia fell asleep too. They made a stop at Dubai before going again. Nikki wasn't sleeping she was watching Bangtan Boys 'Boys In Love' on her iPod. Suddenly she was asked by the hostess to change her place as there was a mistake. After having found her place she found herself sitting next to a handsome stranger. The handsome man gives her his hand.

"Nice to meet you my name is Lee Jinki but call me Onew. And you're?" The good looking stranger just smile at her and gave her his hand to shake. In terms of manners this guys had really good one.

"I'm Lee SunHee but you can call me Nikki!" Nikki said smiling at him and bowing a little before taking her seat next to the handsome stranger. The two talked for some time until they both fell asleep.






After some hours they finally arrive at their destination and the airport was so big that they needed to ask for direction. After having done all the formalities they finally found a taxi and told the taxi driver to take them to their university. The campus was actually so so big that the girls couldn't even believe it. Their mouth continues to hang open at the sight in front of them. Today was also the day of the entrance ceremony so they went to their dorm and fortunately the three of them would be staying together.

"DAMN IT KIM EUNHAE YOU BETTER COME HERE AND LET ME CHOSE YOUR ING CLOTHES" Here is the thing. They need to put clothes as if they are going to a party but EunHae did not want to so Nikki was running after EunHae to make her put a dress on which EunHae absolutely hate. "I AIN'T COMING AT YOU CHICKEN MANIAC YOU TWO WOULD BE DRESSING ME INTO SOMETHING LIKE A FAIRY PRINCESS Eww" As you may see she isn't the girly type.

Yeah it was Bia and Nikki who were running desperately after EunHae to make her put a freaking dress on her instead of pants and a shirt. She just hates to be dress girly and hate that more than anything else. She finally gave in. "Fine I accept but put something pink on me Nikki and I'll throw away all your supply of chicken" The chicken maniac girl shut up because she knew EunHae would really do it and wasn't even kidding. After some hours they finally finished preparing themselves and they took EunHae to look at herself in the mirror and she gasp a little looking down.

"I......I look beautiful though" EunHae said blushing a little. She had no idea that address would look good on her.

"Hahaha told you I've had magical hand" Nikki said while grinning happily.






The three girls get into the university. And of course everyone were looking at them sdince they look as if they were not from here which was exactly the case here. EunHae was really embarrassed as she hate having this much attention. She felt eyes on her and she just kept on walking without looking at anyone. Finally as they were arriving in the corridor to their classroom they saw many girls yelling and screaming running past them nearly making them fall. EunHae was really in a bad mood. So she yelled at the person who nearly made her fall down. Nikki spends many hours to help her with that dress so she doesn't want it to be dirtied by some idiot. "Excuse me? Can't you see where you're going?" 

Some girls stop and just stare at them, looking at them from down to up with disgust. One roll her eyes and scoffed. "Hmph! How dare you stop me . Did you look in front of a mirror before coming here?"

This was it. EunHae at first didn't have any guts but now she is really someone not to messed up with. She scoffed too and just roll her eyes laughing a litte "Well at least I don't look like some s that are hooking up at some clubs “She said while smirking at the girls. There were some people laughing but EunHae wasn't having fun. She's really sweet and caring but now she was just tired and this girl in front of her was a real plastic doll. Her entire face was covered in make-up and her clothes look like a . The girl was enraged and was walking furiously towards EunHae who didn't seem to care. Suddenly Bia came in between them. 

"Come on girl there's no use to fight. My friend here isn't in a good mood. So let’s not fight because it isn't the solution. Let's be friends instead, my name is Bia!"

EunHae smile and just shake her head. It was right Bia was a real pacifist like you could hit her and she'll be the one saying sorry. She has never once got angry and she is always happy and smiling. She can literally cheers up the mood of anyone. EunHae nodded and accepted but the girl just roll off her eyes. She just pushes her away a bit too hard making her fell on the floor. "I didn't talk to you so get out of my way"

Suddenly the girl was kick on her legs making her lost her balance and she fell her face first on the floor and she hit the floor angrily and saw a mad looking EunHae glaring at her. EunHae just bend and look at her. "Try to be a and hurt any of my friends again and it'll be the last time you'll see the sun again. Understand you ?" EunHae patted her hair lightly making her furious and making other people laughing out loudly. She gets up and point her finger angrily at EunHae. 

"You little I swear it’s not the last time you'll heard of me" EunHae just pout as her making fun of her. The girl just roll off her eyes and went away more like stomping away. Another girl with red hair came laughing at them. "Oh my! You're so awesome. It's the first time someone ever stands up against Shin SeKyung. Nice to meet you my name is Krystal!"

"Ah no it's nothing I didn't want to have that much attention but it's just that I became mad when she push my friend away like that"

"Yeah! But be careful because she's a Qweenkas along with three others. Jessica and Jiyeon. Bye, it was nice meeting you guys! EunHae sigh and she just went away with her friends. SunHee just laugh.



Author's Note: Hello my lovely readers. I hope you like the first chapter. As you can see. EunHae, Nikki and Bia are best friends who made their dream of going to Seoul come true. Hope you like I'M going to update soon so wait for it!

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746 streak #1
Chapter 97: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I have read the whole fic and I must say that I loved it and enjoyed it! Thank you!

746 streak #2
Chapter 46: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Jonghyun's POV is something alright!

746 streak #3
Chapter 45: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Quite an interesting chapter!

746 streak #4
Chapter 44: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It was a great chapter!

746 streak #5
Chapter 43: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Bullying is wrong on so many levels, there is no doubt about it. :( -_-

746 streak #6
Chapter 42: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Ah, sometimes bad things happen... *sighs*

Loved the chapter!

746 streak #7
Chapter 41: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I loved that chapter and can't wait to see what happens next!

Thank you for the lovely chapter and sorry that it took me too long to continue reading. *sighs*

746 streak #8
Chapter 40: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It's just the beginning of the story and it already has humor in it. I like the chemistry between her and her friends. Especially Nikki she went chasing after her! That cracked me up! But hey, their dream did come true and they were finally able to go to Seoul... although the last scene concerns me a little, but we'll see what happens next and if those girls will bother them again.

Hush, it's not bad, not bad at all. :D

746 streak #9

I like the plot and the description of each character! I am ready for the ride and let's see how this goes! 😄👍👌😏😉✔✨

78 streak #10
This seems to be an oldie yet a goodie