The last chapter







Bom hugged Dara tightly as they sat around the table at the restaurant, "I'm so glad you're ok."


Dara smiled and wrapped her arms around Bom.


"What about...", CL stopped as she looked at Dara.



JIyong saw Dara look sadly down at the ground, "He's...not going to be coming back."


"Why?", Seungri asked looking at Dara and then JIyong.



"We found out he was trying to scam the company", Jiyong added.


TOP scoffed slightly, "What is it with people trying to scam their own companies."



The boys looked at TOP warily, "TOP...court's tomorrow...are you ready?"


TOP looked up at Bom, "It depends."


"On what?", Daesung asked.


TOP took a sip of his drink, "On my mum."


"Does she still not remember everything?", JIyong asked.


"They're coming back, bit by bit but she's finding it hard to cope with and...court is tomorrow as well....I don't know", TOP took a sip of his drink and sighed heavily.



"Bom was saying that she'd been taking metropirone", CL said, "Surely that'll be enough as evidence?"



"It might be, but with such big cases, any doubt in the evidence can change everything", TOP sighed again, "He could be sentenced for tampering with medication but with just that he won't go to jail for murder."



"Oppa", Minzy placed her hand on her shoulder, "How are you handling it all?"


TOP looked at his donseng and smiled, "I'm fine...I just want this all to be over."



Bom noticed how depressed TOP looked and couldn't help but feel guilty.



"It'll all be over tomorrow, and we're going to win", Taeyang placed his hand on TOP's other shoulder, "We're all going to be there."


"Yes, don't worry", CL said as she hugged Bom, "No one can beat TOP oppa."


Bom smiled half heartedly and nodded, she looked TOP as he took another sip of his drink.











[Reminds me of you by Shorry ft Byul]






"Ji", Dara grabbed hold of JIyong's arm once they got to his apartment.


"Hm", JIyong turned back to find Dara pouting sadly, "Waeyo?"


"Let's go see your omma", Dara said.


"What?! Now?!", he looked at his watch, "It's nearly midnight."


"I need to explain to her-", Dara whined.


"Explain what?", JIyong asked in confusion.


"Everything, about my dad, the company, why you had to help me-"


"She knows, I told her", JIyong sighed.


"She knows?!", Dara blinked, "Then...then...we should go see her and-"



"Dara", Jiyong cupped her face, "I know what you're trying to say but I'm fine, I don't mind being the CEO again."


"But your photography?", Dara scrunched up her face.


"What about it? It was just a hobby", JIyong smiled at her.


"No", Dara shook her head, "I don't believe you."


JIyong rolled his eyes.


"I don't!", Dara pouted, "How can you just so easily give up your dream and just be like hey I'm just going to be the boss again even though I hate it and buy 40% of my girlfriend's company to save her from her evil father..."


"Dara-", JIyong tried to intereupt.


"..because I'm so macho and I need to protet her no matter what and...", Dara continiued to mumble at a spped.


"Macho?", Jiyong said, "Who says macho?"


"....cos I'm so spoilt and rich I'll do whatever I want...."


"Spoilt...Yah!", JIyong shouted but Dara continued to blabber on.


"So I'll just you know give up my only dream and stop being GD and break millions of fans' hearts all over the- HMPPPHHH!"


Jiyong planted a big kiss on her lips to shut her up.



Dara blinked twice as Jiyong parted away from her.


"Ahhh silence", Jiyong teased, "How I missed you."


Dara pouted again, "I was only saying-"


"I know", JIyong stepped forward and hugged her tightly, "I know what you're trying to say, but I'm fine...more than anything in this world, I'd rather have you safe and by my side forever.



Dara broke into a shy smile, she took a deep breath and wrapped her arms around him too, " macho namja."


Jiyong shook his head and laughed slightly at her cuteness.












[Gray Paper by Yesung]






"Seunghyun?", Bom knocked on his door and quietly opened it.



"Hm?", TOP mumbled at his table going over the files.



Bom sighed at his state and stood by the door for a moment.



"Are you starting your little staring contest again?", TOP said not looking up.




Bom snapped back to reality, "Why do you always do that?", she walked to him.



"Do what?", TOP geniunely asked.


"You always know I'm looking at you without looking up", Bom mumbled.



TOP broke into a smile, which was refreshing to see for Bom, "That's because 99% of the time you are just staring at me."



Bom pouted angrily before sitting down on the chair next to him, "You look tired, you should go to sleep now."


"Yea", TOP's face darkened again, "I just want to go through everything first."



"Seunghyun", Bom placed her hand on TOP's to stop him from picking up the file.


TOP looked down at his hand and then up to her, "Waeyo?"


Bom took a deep breath and looked at him nervously.


"Do you have something you need to tell me?", TOP asked slowly.


Bom nodded nervously.


"What is it?", he asked again.



"", Bom stuttered and looked down, "you..."


"Hey", TOP pulled her hands toward him, "What's wrong?"



Bom sighed and looked up at him, "Don't do this."


TOP furrowed his brows not understanding.




"Cancel...cancel the case", she said quietly.


"What?", TOP asked in confusion, "You want me to cancel the case?"


Bom closed her eyes and nodded.


"Do you know what you're even saying?", TOP asked in shock, "You want my dad to go free-"


"Exactly!", Bom said, "He's your dad!"


TOP watched her as she closed her eyes again.


"He's...your dad", Bom said with a trembling voice, "I...didn't realise...even think about what this would do to you...I was so crazy about getting justice I forgot about how you would be coping with all this..."


TOP clenced his teeth and looked at Bom intently.


Bom shook her head as tears fell from her eyes, "My parents are gone...they're not..coming... never coming back Seunghyun, but that doesn't mean I should be the reason you lose yours....I just can't ask you to do cancel it...I'm fine with it..."




"No...", Bom sighed, she grabbed hold of his hands and made him look at her, "I know the feeling of losing your own's something I don't want anyone to ever have to go through...Seunghyun-ah...please."


TOP sighed, "You want me to let the man that killed your parents go?"


Bom cried and hung her head low, of course she wanted Mr Choi to go to prison and suffer for what he did to her parents could she bear to do that when he was TOP's dad.



"Is that what you're asking me to do?", TOP asked again, clenching his teeth.


Bom kept crying not looking up at him.



"My father died a long time for me", TOP muttered.


Bom looked up at him, her face wet with tears.


"The day he took the wrong path, the day he killed your parents, let my mother suffer...that day I lost him", TOP said through gritted teeth as he looked blankly at the wall.


Bom looked at him sadly, she tightened her grip on his hands and cried again.


TOP looked back at her, he cupped her face and wiped her tears, "The man that will be standing in court tomorrow is not my father...ok."


Bom nodded slowly as she tried to stifle her tears.


"Come here", TOP sighed and brought her into his embrace.


















TOP and Bom startled awake at the sound.






"Omma?", Bom gasped as she and TOP hurried out of the room towards the guest room.






"Omma!", TOP grabbed hold of his mother.


Mrs Choi clutched onto the covers, her face pale and damp from sweat.


"Omma! What's wrong?!"< TOP asked anxiously.


"Tabi!", Mrs Choi grabbed hold of his arms tightly as she started shuddering. She shook her head as she gasped for air, she suddenly saw Bom and her face became even paler.


"Omma?", TOP looked at her and then back at the frightened Bom, "What's...wrong?"



Mrs Choi stared at Bom in complete shock for a moment and then broke down into tears, she grabbed hold of Bom's hand and hung her head low.


"Mrs Choi...Mrs...omma?", Bom said as she tried to pull Mrs Choi up.


"I' sorry...I can't'm so sorry", Mrs Choi sobbed still holding onto her hand.


"Please Mrs Ch-"




"You remember...don't you", TOP said quietly.


Mrs Choi's crying stopped as she slowly looked up at her son.


Bom looked at her wide eyed, ""


Mrs Choi nervously looked away and grabbed the covers.


"Omma, this is good!", TOP said as he held onto her.


Mrs Choi shook her head frantically.




"No!", Mrs Choi shook her head in panic, "I can't I cant!"


"What do you mean?", TOP asked in shock, "You're our only witness tomorrow!"


Mrs Choi started to break down in tears again, "I can't...not after what I saw...i can't face him....NO!!"


"Omma!", TOP reached for her.




"Seunghyun!", Bom stopped him.


"Bom!", TOP looked back at her, "If mum remembers then she needs to be our witness!"


"Look at the state of her!", Bom said, "Do you want your mum to face your dad like this?!"


"You don't understand-"


"Look at how scared she is Seunghyun!", Bom pointed at the shaking and nervous lady on the bed.


TOP clenched his teeth angrily, "If she doesn't stand up in court tomorrow, then there's a good possibility he's going to get away."


Bom kneeled down and cupped his face, "He won't"


TOP shook his head.


"Seunghyun...", Bom made him face her, "it's ok...", she placed her forehead on his, "It's ok."


















"TOP!", JIyong called out to him the next morning at the court house.


"Hey guys", TOP smiled tiredly as the gang walked towards him.


"Good luck", Taeyang hugged him and patted his back.


TOP nodded and sighed.



"Bom" the girls hugged her too.


Bom nervously smiled as she tried to calm her breathing.


"It's going to be fine", Dara held onto Bom's hands.


Bom nodded trying to fight back the tears. This was probably the most terrifying day in her existence. The man that killed her parents would finally be punsihed...or would he? She felt sick just thinking about everything, tired, breathless, she just wanted to run away and hide somewhere. She wasn't ready...either way whether Mr Choi got time or if he got away with it she wasn't ready for any of this.



"Oppa", CL turned to TOP, "Without Mrs Choi...are you going to be ok?"


"I don't know, there's a 50:50 chance" TOP sighed.


"You've got to understand her position though oppa", Dara added, "patients who suffer from such traumatising incidents just can't bring themselves to talk about it."


"I know", TOP sighed, "It's just...with her we would have won, I know we would have."




"UNNIE!!", Minzy shouted.


The rest of them turned to find Bom slumped on the floor gasping for air.


"BOM!", TOP grabbed hold of her, "What's wrong?!"


"Bom!", Dara and CL shouted as they fell to the floor in front of her.



Bom grabbed her chest and clutched onto her shirt as she gasped for air.



"I think she's having a panic attack!", Dara shouted.



"Guys, get back!", CL shouted, "She needs some space!"




"Bom...honey, look at me", Dara held onto Bom's shoulders.


Bom shakily looked at Dara.


"Good...that's it", Dara nodded reassuringly, "You're fine....just take a deep breath."


Bom took a deep breath not breaking her gaze from Dara.


TOP ran his fingers through his hair in a panic too, feeling completely helpless.


"That's it...and out", Dara demostrated.


Bom exhaled as told, panic still written all over her face.


"Dara....Da-....", Bom stuttered through sharp breaths, "I'm....I'm...scared..."


"I know I know", Dara nodded, "But you're going to be fine, we're all going to be fine! Just breath!"


Bom nodded and gulped, dry now.


"That's it honey", Dara said as Bom continued to take deep breaths until her breathing finally became even.


"There you go, you're ok", CL sighed with relief as she rubbed the back of Bom's hand.


Bom leaned her head back on the wall and started crying.



"Bom", TOP slowly kneeled beside her.


Bom turned her head to the side to face him, "I...I...."



TOP her cheek reassuringly, "I know, you don't have to come in."


Bom sobbed, "But..."


"I'll be fine," TOP smiled sweetly, "Besides these guys are here."


"m..mianhe...", Bom stuttered sadly still crying.


"Shh", TOP placed a kiss on her head, "I'm going to make everything ok."


He then turned to the girls, "Can you girls stay with her?"


The girls nodded, "Of course oppa."


TOP took one last look at Bom and stood up, "Let's go"


The boys and TOP entered the court room.



"Come on Bom", CL helped her up, "Let's go wait outside."


Bom nodded and walked out with the girls.














"Metropirone!", TOP slammed a bottle of the medication on the witness stand, "Used primarily to treat Cushing's disease, did you know that Mr Choi?"




Mr Choi stood at the stand nervously eyeing the medication, "No."


TOP tilted his heaad, "Are you sure? Because we found this", he pulled out the prescription paper, "In your office."



"Where is this going?!", the defence lawyer whined again.



TOP turned and glared him silently making the lawyer sit nervously back down.



"Metropirone is also used for something else", TOP continued, "It's used to help certain patients forget traumatic memories."



Mr Choi now nervously started shifting, which didn't go un-noticed by the jury of the judge.



"This!", TOP pointed at the bottle, "Was the medication Mrs Choi had to take for the past 11 years, now according to her doctor she was prescribed anti-depressants not metropirone." 



TOP walked towards Mr Choi again, "And according to Mrs Choi, Mr Choi always supplied her medication for her, am I correct?"


Mr Choi gulped and looked at his lawyer. his lawyer just sighed in defeat. Mr Choi looked back at TOP, "neh."



"Why?", TOP asked angrily, "Would you give your own wife the wrong drugs? Is it because she saw something at the pension the night the Parks were killed she wasn't meant to see-"


"OBJECTION YOUR HONOUR!!", the defence lawyer shouted, "Prosecutor Choi cannot assume such details."



"Objection sustained, Prosecutor Choi-"


"Your honour, Mrs Choi was in a car accident in Hyung dam on the same night as when the Parks were killed-"



"Mr Choi was also in that accident", the defence lawyer interrupted again, "So how could he-"



"He was in the car accident was he? So then why did he not suffer a single injury compared to my mother?!!", TOP shouted angrily.




"Prosecutor Choi, let's leave the personal matters aside please", the judge sighed.


TOP clenched his teeth as he went back to his bench.




"Damn, where does that lawyer live?", Seungri muttered under his breath as he death glared the defence lawyer.


"Why?", JIyong sighed as he tried to focus on the case.


"So I can ing buy the street he lives in and demolish his house that's why", Seungri muttered.













Dara paced back and forth at the back of the court house nervously. 




She hurried opened the text from JIyong and sighed in fustration after she read it.



"Was that Jiyong?", Bom turned around and asked.


"Um", Dara hid the phone behind her, "Yea...he said it''s going ok."


Bom sighed, "You're lying."


Dara bit her lip before sitting down with the girls on the steps, "They're saying there is too much doubt in TOP oppa's evidence."


Bom closed her eyes and sighed heavily.


"Unnie, that doesn't mean we've lost the case", Minzy said.




Bom shook her head, " must Seunghyun be feeling right now."


CL leaned her head on Bom's shoulder, "TOP oppa is fine...he's just doing what's right, he's doing this for you."


"That's what makes it worse, he's doing it for me...why does he have to be like this?"




"Isn't it strange?", Dara sighed as she stared at the sky, "They're not how we thought they'd be at all."


Bom smiled weakly as she remembered her and TOP's first meeting.


"We were so hot headed then, always thinking the worst of them", Dara smiled.


"I know", CL linked her arm around Bom, "I thought Seungri was such an idiot when he asked why the plates at the restaurant was cold."


The girls laughed at the thought. 


"We're really lucky we met them", Minzy said happily, "What haven't they done for us?"


The three other girls smiled sadly, knowing what Minzy said was true. What hadn't the guys done for their happiness?


"From now on, no matter what I'm never going let TOP suffer because of me", Bom said, "No matter what trials we have to face, I'll be there helping him."


Dara smiled, "Do you think he'll let you?"


Bom pouted and nodded in agreement, "You're right."


"Do you think any of them will let us help them?", CL sighed and laughed.













"That's all your honour", the defence lawyer smirked at TOP as he walked to his bench.


"Prosecution team", the judge turned to TOP and his team, "Any questions for the witness?"



TOP glared at Mr Choi and sighed in defeat, " your honour."



TOP raked his hair in fustration, they were losing this case he could feel it.




"Prosectution team, would you like to call your witness to the stand?", the judge asked again.



"Your honour...", TOP stood up slowly, knowing he didn't have a witness, "We...we don't have a-"






TOP turned to find his mum panting heavily.


"omma?", he gasped.


Mr Choi eyed his wife nervously, but remained seated, trying not to panic.



"Omma?", TOP asked once Mrs Choi reached their bench.


"Mianhe", his mum whispered, "I said I'd stay by your side and I left you when you needed me the most."


TOP sighed with relief as she hugged him tightly.












[Music: You and I by Park Bom]





The girls made their way to the front of the court house now and sat on the steps waiting patiently for the boys.





"Have they not texted?", Bom asked anxiously.


"Mianhe", the others shook their heads.



"It...probably means...", Bom stuttered as she clasped her hands together nervously.



"You never know unnie", Minzy said trying to think of something to say to reassure her, "We might have won."



Dara covered her face with her hands anxiously as CL stood up biting her nails madly.



"Why hasn't JIyong texted yet?", Dara muttered nervously.







"Oppa", Minzy gasped.



The girls turned back to see where Minzy was looking and saw TOP standing at the entrance of the court room.




Bom nervously stood up and looked at TOP. Her heart stopped when she saw TOP's exhausted face, it wasn't good news was it.



TOP slowly looked up and met her gaze.



Bom's eyes started tearing up as she tried to smile to reassure him she was ok.



The girls stood up and stood beside Bom, looking at each other sadly. 



Suddenly the girls saw the 4 other boys walk out of the court house behind TOP...smiling brightly.




Bom blinked at them and looked back at TOP, who broke into a smile.



She gasped and covered with her shaking hand as the girls behind her started screaming and jumping around, realising they'd won.




TOP smiled brightly at her. Bom broke into tears and ran to him. She threw herself on his and flung her arms around him.



"I told you I'd make everything ok", TOP said he held Bom in his arms tightly.



Bom kept crying not knowing what to say, "Se...seunghyun..."



"I know...I love you too", TOP smiled and kissed her head.













4 years later.....







"Lee Chaerin"



CL smiled brightly and stood up to walk to the stage. She smiled and bowed as the professor handed her her certificate.



Mr Lee and Seungri and the gang started clapping crazily and shouting much to CL's shock as she walked off the stage at back to her seat.





"Park Dara"



Dara took a deep breath and walked to the stage to recieve her medical certificate, she'd done it.


She looked to the audience and caught sight of Jiyong and Mrs Kwon waving at her, she winked at JIyong before getting her certificate.


"GO DR PARK!", Daesung screamed out making everyone burst into laughter.





"Park Bom"



Bom closed her eyes and silently thanked her parents, before standing up. She showed thumbs up to the girls and the gang before walking onto the stage.


She bowed and held her certificate, she looked back at TOP and Mrs Choi who was continuosly taking pictures of her and she smiled brightly. This is what happiness felt like.


The gang started wolf whistling as Bom cringed back to her seat.




Bom looked around for Dara and CL and smiled at  the two. They'd made it, after 6 years of medical school, drama drama and more drama not to mention taking the wrong test, they finally made it.










"I thought you said you couldn't make it?", Dara pouted at Jiyong after the graduation ceremony was over.


"Do you think I would miss this?", Jiyong asked.


"Um..yes", Dara laughed, "You're a workaholic!"


"Mwarago?", Jiyong gasped.


"You made Dongwook oppa handle the meeting didn't you?", Dara crossed her arms.


"Hey, he was gone for 7 years ok, meaning he had 7 years holiday it's time he worked a bit more", JIyong said. 2 years ago he'd finally made contact with his hyung and after telling him about their mum's transformation, he'd persuaded his hyung and noona to come back to Korea. So now Dong wook and JIyong were the joint CEOs of Kwon Enterprise meaning Jiyong got to have a bit of time for his photography.




"Jiyong! Dara!", Mrs Kwon called the two over.




"Oh god", Jiyong sighed at Dara, "When is she going to stop introducing me to all her friends."


Dara laughed and pulled him over to Mrs kwon.



"Ah here is-", Mrs Kwon smiled.


Jiyong stepped forward but Mrs Kwon reached over and held Dara's hand instead, shoving Jiyong out of the way.



"This is my soon to be daughter in law-"


Dara started coughing violently and gaped at Jiyong who was gaping at his mother.


"Well...oh dear dara are you ok?", Dara nodded, "As I was saying, this is Dara...Dara Park my son's girlfriend."


Her friend nodded approvingly.



"God knows how my son managed to get her", Mrs kwon teased making Jiyong grimace, "But yes, isn't she pretty, and smart can you believe she's a doctor now."



Dara smiled and nodded politely.


"Very beautiful, Mrs Kwon you're very lucky", her friend smiled.


"I know, my sons have great taste in women", Mrs kwon laughed.









"Omma, you've got to stop introducing Bom as your daughter!", TOP hissed once his mother's friend left.


"Why? Bom you don't mind do you?", Mrs Choi asked Bom who shook her head and smiled at the two, "See?"



"Yes, but people are actually going to think she's your daughter", TOP sighed.


"So?", Mrs Choi asked, "Look, my dear son, it is not my fault you're so slow in making her my daughter in law!"


TOP sighed as Bom looked away awkwardly.


"So until you make Bom my daughter in law I'm going to keep telling everyone she's my daughter!", Mrs Choi glared at TOP.




"Guys!!", Taeyang ran to them, "Come on we have to go, Minzy is going to kill us!!"


"Oh god!", Bom gasped, she grabbed TOP's hand to look at the watch, "Crap we're late!!"


"Come on!", Jiyong and Seungri shouted from his car.

















"My zip! My zip!", Cl shouted as Dara ran back to her to do her dress zip up.


"Ok, ready!", Bom smiled at the other two.



TOP, JIyong and Seungri ran to them in their suits.


"Come here", Cl pulled Seungri over and straightened his bow tie.



"Oh god the doors are opening!", Bom said, "Is Minzy coming?!"


"Yea, we're going first!", Dara said as they got in line.




The doors opened and Seungri and CL slowly walked in, followed by Jiyong and Dara and then TOP and Bom.


They walked down the beautifully decorated aisle and smiled politely at the guests on either side. They finally reached the far end where Kwon Young deuk was waiting and then turned back to the door. The boys patted Young deuk's back and looked at the door.





Gong ajhussi walked in and held his hand out to Minzy who stepped in, in a beautiful wedding gown.


The girls smiled brightly as they watched their precious dongseng walk down the aisle.



Minzy smiled at her unnies and oppas before Gong ajhussi left her to stand beside Young deuk. After meeting at the club, these two had formed a slow and steady relationship and after a few years of dating they'd finally planned to tie the know...before her unnies.





[Music: Again and Again by Yozoh]





"We are gathered here today...", the father started to say in a deep voice.



Young deuk held onto Minzy's hands and smiled happily. Minzy blushed and smiled too, making the girls squeal slightly.






Cl turned to face Seungri who was looking at her, Cl smiled slightly. 


Seungri broke into a smile and gave her a thumbs up on her dress. CL grimaced teasingly and faced the couple again.





Bom looked at TOP who was already smiling at her, he gave her a wink making Bom blink slightly. TOP tried to contain his laughter at her reaction as she pouted.





"psst...psst", JIyong hissed quietly at Dara.


Dara looked at him with furrowed brows.


"You", he mouthed and pointed at her, "Me" he pointed at himself subtly and then pointed at the marrying couple as if to say they should get married too.


Dara rolled her eyes and smiled.







"Now, I hear the bride has written her own vows for the ceremony", the father smiled at Minzy who nodded and took a small piece of paper out and unfolded it.





"For better for worse", she started off slowly, "for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us know I'll be with you right?"


Young deuk smiled and nodded.




"But we're here, able to make this vow because of something else......fate", Minzy smiled.






Dara smiled and looked up Jiyong.




"All the hardships and tests and obstacles we've had to face, they were all fate's plan...", Minzy continued.






Bom looked up at TOP slolwy and sighed happily as he looked at her too.





"No matter what was thrown at us, you were always there when I turned around...."





CL looked up Seungri as Seungri winked at her.





"Life may have had other plans for us, but we were fated to be together...destined to stand here in front of eachother today...that's why I know I can take those vows for you...until death do us apart", Minzy smiled as a tear fell down her cheek.







"Do you Kwon Young deuk take...."




Seungri looked up at CL and nodded.



JIyong whispered "I do", to Dara making her smile warmly at him.



TOP nodded at Bom and whispered "always" making her heart skip slightly.







"By the power vested in me...I now pronounce you man and may now kiss the bride..."




Young deuk smiled as he leaned in to kiss Minzy.




"Omo Omo! Look at them!", the audience mummered in shock.




Minzy turned to face the audience when she heard the mummers and whispers and gasped at what she saw.




The three boys had stepped forward and kissed the girls.






"I told you we should have got married a long time ago", Seungri smiled as he kissed Cl again.


CL shyly hid in his arms.






"So will you?", JIyong tilted his head slightly as he wrapped his arms around Dara, "Will you become Mrs Kwon?"


"Hmm...I'll think about it", Dara teased making JIyong make the most shocked face in the world.





"I think it's time for you to be promoted from daughter to daughter in law don't you think?", TOP grinned at Bom.


Bom laughed and nodded before kissing him again.



































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Writing the last chappie as we speak T0T


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Chapter 7: This is cute ahahaah
Chapter 31: omg my daragon feels 🥺
Chapter 73: Reading it all over again ❤️ 2024 cutie ✌️
Chapter 30: this is going to be a cute group date hehe
Chapter 30: the image won't load but i bet it was cute
Chapter 30: getting scared of a toy rat hahahahaha
Chapter 29: i love how they all freak out because of the one little rat akdsfhaklsjh
Chapter 28: omg so it's official??? seunghyun called bom his girlfriend?? aAHJKDfhkljsdfka