Take your trousers off!






"ANII!", Seungri waved his hands around trying to convince CL, "CL-shi ANII!"



"Aigoo....there's no point hiding it, it's out in the open now", Halapoji laughed.


"And stop with all this -shi business", Halmoni said sternly to Seungri and then turned to CL, "You can just call him oppa"


"OH GAWD!", CL cried out and ran back to the kitchen to hide.




Seungri buried his head on the table and died there from pure embarassment.


"Um...we'll be back", Dara pulled Bom and Minzy and dragged them back to the kitchen.






"Halmoniiiii!", Seungri whined, "how could you??"


"Ssh...it's a good thing I told her", Halmoni winked, "I knew you weren't going to do anything, at least now she will see you as a man."


"Woa...halmoni...", Taeyang said quite impressed.


"Now are we going to eat or not?", Halmoni started looking through the menu not bothering with the shocked stares the guys were giving her.











"WHAT.THE.HELL?!", CL gasped,


"Calm down CL", Dara said, "breath in breath out...that's it"


"I think I'm going to die of embarassment!", CL whined.


"I can't believe it too", Bom grinned.


"Why are you grinning?", CL eyed her.


"Well it's sweet isn't it?", Bom replied.


"It is?", CL asked.


"I always had a feeling he liked you...", Minzy said staring into space.


"He has?", CL asked.


"Well yes, he'd always come here asking for you", Minzy nodded.


"He did?", Cl asked again.


"He's quite sweet I guess", Dara added.


"Oh please", CL whacked Dara, "just because he got you your beloved GD's autograph"


"Exactly!", Dara shot back.


"Now..", Bom grabbed the plates of food, "let's go!"


"You guys go!", CL said nervously, "I can't face him"


"Aish!! COME ON!", Dara pushed CL out of the kitchen.










"They're coming", Daesung hissed and Seungri quickly looked at the table.


The boys snickered at his misfortune.



"Here you go halapoji", Bom place the grandad's plate in front of him.


CL's hands wouldn't stop shaking, and when she realised she was holding Seungri's bowl of chicken stew she broke out in cold sweat.


"Are you ok Cl shi?", Jiyong asked the poor girl.


CL nodded and smiled weakly, "there you go-OMO!!", the bowl slipped from her hand and the hot content fell onto Seungri's lap.


"AHHHH!", everyone shouted.


"Oh wow that's hot!", Seungri said trying not to scream from the pain.


"AHHH!", CL covered and then grabbed her napkin and tried to dry Seungri.


"OWWWW!", Seungri shouted from the boiling heat and squirmed in his seat.


"I'm so sorry Seungri-shi!!", CL cried out.



"Seungri quickly take your trousers off!", Halmoni ordered.


"What-OWWW!", Seungri squirmed.


"You'll have a burn mark!! Quickly!!", Halmoni repeated.



In the heat of the moment and pain, Seungri (not thinking straight) took his pants off and flung them on the floor.




"KYAAAAAAH!", the girls turned away at the sight of Seungri in boxers.


"Water quickly?!", TOP shouted.


CL eyed a jug of ice tea on the other table, she grabbed it and splashed Seungri completely with freezing cold liquid.


"HWAAAAAH!", Seungri gasped.


"OMO!", CL shouted as she completely wet Seungri head to toe in lemon ice tea.


Everyone gasped as Seungri stood in the middle of the restaurant in boxers, his hair and body dripping wet and shivering.







10 minutes late.



Seungri came out of the back office in some what large flower print trousers.


Everyone except CL tried their hardest not to laugh.


"Mr Gong lent me these", Seungri said s he sat down gently, "ooowww"


"They're my dad's gardening pants...", Minzy said.


"PPPAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHAHAHAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAA!", the boys and thieir grandparents burst into laughter.


Ji even started taking pictures on his phone, "Oh.....classic!!"



"I'm so sorry Seungri-shi...", Cl mumbled as she repeatedly bowed.


Seungri tried to smile, "It's ok"


"I'm so sorry!", CL said again, "Is there anything I can do?"


"No it's ok really", Seungri said awkwardly.


"Well....there is one thing?", Halmoni said smiling.


"Anything!", CL said quickly.


"As punishment for burning my grandson......go on a date with him"


"WHAT?!", Seungri and CL shouted at the same time.


"Halmoni!", Seungri gasped.


"But..but..", Cl stuttered looking at the girls for help.


"Can't you do that for him?", Halmoni used her aegyo, "if not for him then for this poor old lady who just wants to see her grandson date someone as lovely as you.."


CL bit her lip and looked to the floor.


"Halmoni...stop forcing Cl-"


"Ok..", Cl said quietly, cutting Seungri off.


"De?", Seungri asked.


"I'll....go on a date with you", Cl said nervously, "but only ONE!"


Seungri nodded excitedly.





"Awhhhhhh", Dara, Bom and Minzy cooed.


"Well if you girls want to date, I have 4 other grandsons", halmoni wiggled her eyebrows.


"Oh god HALMONI!", the boys cried out.



The girls blushed and then ran off to hide in the kitchen before the matchmaking halmoni could do any more damage.










"It was nearly closing time, and the boys and their grandparents finally started to get up to leave.


"I had so much fun today", Halapoji said to the girls.


"Yes, thank you for the entertainment", Halmoni winked at Cl.


"Deh...", the girls smiled nervously.


They all bowed at eachother.



"Bye then....Dara", Jiyong said softly.


Dara bolted up at the mention of her name. It sounded so different coming from him.


"Deh...Jiyong-shi...", Dara muttered.


Jiyong walked away and then back tracked to Dara again, "So when did we say we were next meeting again DARA?"


"We didn't Jiyong-SHI", Dara tried to emphasise the -shi.


"Oh we didn't? Then lets make plans now Dara", Ji smiled cheekily.


"I'm a busy person Jiyong-shi!", Dara crossed her arms.


"So tomorrow night it is then?", Jiyong said completely ignoring her.


"Ha?!", Dara rolled her eyes,"and he'sback....there I was thinking you had changed but no....you're back."


"I'll pick you up at 7pm tomorrow deh?", Ji asked again completely ignoring her protests.


"I've got work", Dara repeated.


"No you don't , it's your free day tomorrow", Bom interupted and winked at dara.


Dara glared at Bom.


"Great", Ji grabbed Dara's mobile from her apron pocket and rang his phone from her's, "you've got my number now and I have yours"


"HEY!", Dara shouted grabbing her phone back.


"Text me your address ok", Jiyong said, "if not I have connections", Ji looked at the girls, "I'll find you anyway"


"Creep..", Dara muttered.


"See you tomorrow then....Dara...", Ji said sweetly and then left Dara completely flabbergasted.


"How can there be a guy like him?", Dara said to herself in disbelief.














Hello lovely readers!! How are you liking the story so far?? Aigoooo there is sooooooooo much more to write about here so please please stay with me until the very end arasso?


Thank you for subscribing and commenting, you don't know how much it means to me.


Thank you thank you! Keep commenting and I shall keep updating keke


P.s. anyone see daragon's SBS gayo performance KYAAAAAAAAAAAHHH  I died and went to Daragon heaven!

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Writing the last chappie as we speak T0T


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Chapter 7: This is cute ahahaah
Chapter 31: omg my daragon feels 🥺
Chapter 73: Reading it all over again ❤️ 2024 cutie ✌️
Chapter 30: this is going to be a cute group date hehe
Chapter 30: the image won't load but i bet it was cute
Chapter 30: getting scared of a toy rat hahahahaha
Chapter 29: i love how they all freak out because of the one little rat akdsfhaklsjh
Chapter 28: omg so it's official??? seunghyun called bom his girlfriend?? aAHJKDfhkljsdfka