Sweet moments



[Music for chapter: I choose to love you by Hyorin]








Dara looked back at her camera screen and smiled at the picture of Jiyong she just took.


JIyong was bobbing his head to the music playing loudly in his studio as he scanned through photos on his computer screen.





Another picture of Jiyong with his arms behind his head.





Dara giggled to herself as she looked through her paparazzi pics.




"Do you want to stop acting like a stalker?", JIyong said calmly without looking away from the computer screen.



Dara nearly dropped her camera in surprise, how did he know she was taking pictures?



"How did you know?", Dara pouted as she walked to him.


JIyong held his hand out for the camera.


"Aish", Dara muttered before handing over the camera.



"Obsessed much?", Jiyong teased looking through the photos.


"I was.....practicing", Dara mumbled.


"Really?", Jiyong raised a brow.



"Of course!", Dara crossed her arms across her chest, "My boyfriend is GD afterall!"


Jiyong smiled and pulled her to his lap so her back touched his chest. 


"Here", JIyong brought the camera in front of her so his arms locked her in, he made her hold the camera up in the air.


"Like this?", Dara asked as she held the camera at an angle.


"Yea", he taught her, "If you take it at this angle, the pictures come out better."


Dara closed one eye and snapped a picture of his studio just like Jiyong said.


"How's that?", JIyong asked.


Dara looked at the picture, "Omo, it looks so pretty!"


JIyong wrapped his arms around her tightly as he turned side to side on his chair.


"Hmm now that I know the famous GD's secret, I wonder if I should just quit becoming a doctor and become a photographer instead?", Dara smiled cheekily.


"Are you trying to beat me at my own game?", JIyong asked surprised.


"Well it can't be that hard", Dara smiled back.


"Mwarago?!", Jiyong started tickling her.


"AHHHHH!", Dara squirmed, "Mianhe....AHHHHHH PLEASE AHHHH!"


"What did you say?", he kept tickling her.


"No..nothing...AHHH I can't...breath...hahahahha....mianhe!"


"What did you say?"


"GD...JIyong...is the best...AHHHHHAHA!", Dara squirmed so much she fell off his lap and onto the floor.


"AHAHAHAHAHAHAH!", JIyong laughed as he spun on his chair while Dara rubbed her back in pain.


"I HATE YOUUUUUU!", she cried out.


"Love you too babe!!", he pecked her on her nose.














"Why Bom?", TOP asked as he sat down in the kitchen looking like he was about to be punished.


"Waeyo? I've improved!", Bom said as she brought a hot plate of god knows what to him.


"Well...", TOP said uncomfortably.


"Well?",Bom stopped in her tracks and waited impatiently.



"Well...", TOP said nervously, should he tell her she's the worst cook in the world and suffer for the rest of his life, or lie and live an easy life?, "You have improved!!", he chose the latter.


Bom smiled happily again and placed the plate in front of him, "TADAHHH!"


"Hmm", TOP forced a smile as the smell of the food made his eyes water, "What is it?"


"What do you mean?", Bom's face fell.


"Oh...did I say what is it? I meant wow i can't wait to try it!", TOP muttered through his fake smile.



"You don't have to wait!", Bom passed him a spoon and waited like a puppy.


"Um, you know Bom", TOP shifted in his seat, "I'm just not hungry today.."


"What?", Bom pouted again, "But...", her bottom lip started to quiver.


"What...what are you doing with your face?", TOP asked warily.


Bom pouted sadly, "Just one spoonful please, I made it just for you..."


TOP sighed and cursed himself. Bom was the W.O.R.S.T cook EVERRRR! And for some odd reason ever since the first time she cooked and TOP practically spat her food out, she's been on a mission to make TOP like at least something she makes....so far every single attempt has failed.


"ok...I guess one spoonful", TOP slowly picked up the spoonful of what was surely going to be horrendous food, if you can even call it that.


Bom clapped her hands and waited patiently.


TOP placed the poison, I mean food into his mouth, perhaps this time it would be different, maybe she had improved.


TOP chewed the food slowly.....until it hit him. Yup, Bom had NOT improved at all! He thought it was impossible for her to get worse, but oh no she was full of surprises. She outdid herself once again.


He turned pale as he tried to chew on the rubbery, slimy and sick-like tasting thing in his mouth, he still didn't know what the hell it was meant to be.



"How is it?", she cupped her face in anticipation.


"Hmmm", TOP managed to say and put two thumbs up.


"CHINCHA!", Bom cried out as she fisted the air, "Let me try!!"


"NOOOOO!", TOP took the plate away from her.


"Waeyo??!", She pouted.


"I...I LOVE IT!", TOP smiled forcefully, "I want to...eat it all by myself!", he didn't want to hurt the poor girl's feelings.


"Awh..", She playfully punched his arm and smiled shyly.


TOP grinned bitterely.


"Eat up then", Bom said.


"Yea..", he took another spoonful. He was just going to eat a tiny bit and then throw it away when she wasn't looking.


"I'm going to watch until you finish the wholeeeeeeeeeeee plate!!!!!" she sat down opposite him.


His face fell, so this is what hell felt like.














"Are you mad?!", CL hissed at Seungri.


"Oh come on", Seungri begged.


They were in a shoe shop and Seungri suddenly had a 'fantastic' idea, he wanted CL and him to wear couple shoes.


"I don't do stuff like that", CL waved her hands in front of her in protest.


"Oh pleaseeeee!", Seungri whined cutely.


"Stop it! Why do we have to wear them?!!", CL whined back.


"Because I like you!!", Seungri shouted.


"So you wear it!", CL hid her face as the sales assistants looked their way.


"I am wearing them!", he pointed at his feet, "So you wear it too!", Seungri handed her the shoes.




"If you like me wear them!!", Seungri said again.


"Aish", CL waved Seungri away from her.


"I want to look like a proper couple with you!", Seungri said.


"But we're not a proper couple!", CL retorted.


His face fell slightly.


CL bit her lip guiltily, maybe she shouldn't have said that.


He sighed, "You look around, I'll' be outside."





Seungri waited outside feeling a bit down. He clearly liked CL, but why was it always mixed signals with her. He knew he hurt her once when he ignored her at the hotel opening, but he made it up to her after that and she knew he liked her so why was she acting like this.




He suddenly felt someone stand next to him, he turned to find CL there.


Without looking at him, she nudged him.


"What?", he said stoically.


She nudged him again and looked down at her feet.


Seungri followed her gaze and looked at her feet....she was wearing the couple shoes. He grinned like a kid and looked at her. CL was shyly looking away.


"You're too cute Lee Chaerin!", he shouted as he cupped her face and planted a kiss on her lips.
















"Dara?", Jiyong held his hand out as Dara got out of the passenger seat of his car.


Dara smiled and ran around the car to grab his open hand with both of hers. She hugged his arm as they walked into Gong restaurant where the gang was meeting up today.


Gong ajhussi had given the girls a day off since there weren't many customers tonight, but they all decided to go there for dinner anyway.





"There they are!", Taeyang shouted out as Dara and JIyong walked in.


"Hey!", they greeted eachother before sitting down.


"What took you guys so long?", CL asked Dara.


"Mianhe, I was getting photography lessons from the famous GD!", Dara smiled.



"YOU KNOW?", the boys shouted out.


"Well he kinda held a whole exhibition of just Dara", Bom pointed out, "which may I add was the most romatic thing EVER!"


"YOU DID?!", the boys shouted out again.


"Well...she wasn't exactly meant to find out", JIyong confessed.


"Yea, come to think of it, surely I should get some sort of payment for having my pictures shown to the public...without my permission may I just add.", Dara pointed out.


"Ok ok mianhe", JIyong apologised as he hugged his girlfriend from the back.




"Here you are", Gong ajhussi brought out their food.


"Thank you ajhussi!", they cried out in unision.


"Ajhussi, thank you for giving us a day off", Bom smiled sweetly.


"You girls deserve it", he smiled back, "besides thanks to you girls, these boys are always here eating the food."




"Bom?", TOP popped a piece of samgyupsal into Bom's mouth.


She picked a shrimp and dipped it in sauce before giving it to him as well, "You want to eat my broccoli?"


TOP nodded as he drank his juice.


She picked her vegetables and put them on his plate. She then took a spoonful of her rice, but it was too hot so she started flapping her hand in front of .


"Here", TOP held his glass of juice to her lips and helped her drink it sweetly. They then went back to eating and feeding each other like it was the most natural thing.





The rest of the gang watched them gobsmacked. There eyes followed TOp's chopsticks all the way to Bom's mouth and then back again.




Bom and TOP looked up and saw the others gaping at them.


"What?", Bom asked, "Is there something on my face?"


"Let me see", TOP wiped something off Bom's cheek with his thumb earning another gasp from the gang.



"Are you two...", Daesung asked slowly.


"Us two?", Bom blinked while TOP went back to eating.



"You know...", Minzy added.



"I know?", Bom asked in confusion while TOP sighed and drank his beer. He knew what they were getting at.



"You were just...", CL blinked.


"Just?", Bom furrowed her brows.



"Do you usually feed eachother?", Dara asked her room mate.


"Feed?", Bom pouted and thought for a bit, "We do at home I guess..."


"omo omo omo omo omo omo omo omo omo omo omo!!", Dara shook her hands in excitement.



"UNNIE!", Minzy gasped happily, "ARE YOU AND TOP OPPA DATING?!"



Bom sprayed her drink out of and starting coughing hysterically, gasping for air at the same time.


"Ya TOP is it true?!", JIyong asked laughing.


"Aish!", TOP shook his head before patting Bom's back.


"kyaaaaaaaah!", the girls cried at the gesture.



"HWAHHhh HWWAHHHHHHHH!", Bom took deep breaths to calm herself down, "MWARAGOOOOO???!!!"


"Ayeeeeee", Dara whacked Bom's arm playfully, "No need to deny it, we know!"


"Know what??!!", Bom gasped.


"Arasso arasso, if you don't want us to know *wink wink* then we'll pretend like nothing's going on!", Minzy chimed.


"What are you on about?!!", Bom asked in fustration.


"Exactly! What are we on about eh?", CL winked at Bom.


"No!! There is nothing going on!! RIGHT TOP?!", Bom looked at TOP for help.


TOP just shrugged.



"KYAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!", the girls all cried out again, "Don't worry, we'll keep your secret", they winked at her again.



"ARRRRGGGHHHHH!", Bom shouted before banging her head repeatedly on the table as TOP snickered and watched on while the others were giggling and pointing at the 'couple'.

















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Writing the last chappie as we speak T0T


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Chapter 7: This is cute ahahaah
Chapter 31: omg my daragon feels 🥺
Chapter 73: Reading it all over again ❤️ 2024 cutie ✌️
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