Unexpected visitors





"Please...don't let me go..."




"Ji hyung!!", 



Dara and Jiyong turned to face Seungri who was running towards them.


"There you are, halapoji is out of surgery!!", Seungri grinned, "Come!!"


Jiyong looked at Dara one last time and then walked back into the hospital.


"Oh Dara...you too come on!", Seungri pulled Dara along.










"Thank you so much doctor", Daesung shook the surgeon's hand just when Jiyong, Seungri and Dara arrived.


"It should be Dara you should all be thanking", the doctor smiled kindly, "if it wasn't for her, well things might have turned out differently."


Halmoni hugged her again, "We can't thank you enough."


"Can we go see him?", JIyong asked.


"He's still asleep, and we need to observe him throughout the night, so why don't you come back tomorrow".


The guys sighed and nodded reluctantly.


"Can...I stay?", Halmoni asked.


"I'm sorry but-"


"Please sunbae...", Bom pleaded.


The doctor hesitated but then smiled, "Ok...there's a spare bed in his room anyway, I guess it'll be ok."


"Thank you", halmoni wept.



"Halmoni, the doctor said halapoji will be fine", Bom hugged the lady, "Please don't cry."


"Aigoo, Bom-ah my dear if it wasn't for you...and our dara here...I don't know", she sniffled.


"That's enough now", CL came forward and wiped her tears away, "no more tears otherwise you know halapoji, he'll get all angry again.


Halmoni laughed a bit, "You're right."




The boys watched the girls comfort their halmoni with a smile on their faces.


"These girls are really something aren't they?", Taeyang shook his head.













"Don't be ridiculous Seungri, seriously we'll be fine", Bom protested.


"Bom, you just got hit by a car and you Dara just did a surgery on your own without a medical degree", CL said, "Seungri's right, I'll just get a taxi with Seungri and the guys, so let TOP oppa drop you and Dara off."




"I'll be fine!", CL said as she pushed the two girls towards TOP's car.


"Are you coming?", TOP asked from his car.




"Wait!", Daesung said, "we're not all going to fit in the taxi...Ji hyung you go!", Daesung literally pushed Jiyong out of the taxi.


"YA!", Jiyong picked himself up, "TOP doesn't even live near me!!"



But the others didn't listen and got in the taxi and drove off.



Bom and TOP looked at eachother awkwardly while Dara and Jiyong did the same. The girls held onto eachother and jumped into the backseat without saying a word.





The journey was the most awkward journey EVER!! 



Silence and nothing else filled the 20 minute journey to Dara and Bom's house.



Cough and look out the window.


Fiddle with phone.












"Here you are", TOP said once they arrived.


"thankyougoodnightbye" the girls mumbled and practically fell out the car. One more quick nod and they dashed through their little gate.








"How embarassing!!", Bom whined as she leaned on their front door.


"Why was it embarassing?", Dara asked, looking for the keys in her bag.


"Cos...never mind!"


"Well atleast you didn't get rejected!", Dara rolled her eyes and finally found the keys.




Dara suddenly turned to face Bom wide eyed and then pointed at the door, "it's not locked."


Bom looked at her and then the door knob, "Crap did we forget to lock the door?!!"


Dara sighed in fustration, "If we got robbed!", she flung the door open.





"HHMMPPH!", suddenly hands covered the girls' mouths as soon as they stepped in.


"Where is it?", the man holding Dara hissed.


"hmmmpppphhh!", Dara cried as she frantically tried to break free.


He flung Dara onto the floor making her hit her head on the table and lose consciousness. The man in a black suit then turned to Bom.


The other man holding Bom pulled her closer as she struggled.


"Where is it?"


"HmmmpppHHH!", Bom shook her head.


The man slapped her and she fell onto the floor.


The man walked towards her slowly.


She tried to crawl back, looking at Dara and then back at the man, "dara....dara....wake up....dara....dara!"


The man turned to his companion, "Search the place!"


While he flung drawers open, threw their books and furniture on the floor, the other man bent down to Bom's eye level.


Bom looked away nervously, her breathing getting out of control. Her mind started to fill with voices, screams, she shook her head in confusion.


"If she's Dara, then you must be Park Bom", the man grinned.


Bom pushed herself back and wrapped her arms around her knees, "i'm....i'm....sorry...sorry...don't hurt them...don't hurt them"


The man looked at her curiously, "What are you on about?"


"i'm sorry..sorry", she rocked back and forth.


"AISH!", the man grabbed her by the hair and threw her across the kitchen floor.


"AGHHHH!", Bom screamed as she landed on her sore wrist, "please....i'm sorry..i'm sorry."




"I got it!", the other man said waving Bom's investigation file. He stepped over Dara and walked towards the door.



The man turned back and smiled at Bom, "Miss Park Bom, we'll be taking that with us...this is just a little warning not to get yourself involved in this case arasso?", he caressed Bom's face.


Bom closed her eyes shut, scared out of her mind.











"Sh!t!", Jiyong said grabbing something from the backseat, "This is Dara's phone, TOP turn around."





As they drove up to the small house, they saw a black car speed off .


The boys got out of the car and eyed the car suspiciously, they turned back to the house. The front door was wide open.


They slowly walked up, slightly nervous now.



"What the hell?", Jiyong said when he saw the house had been completely turned upside down, he then noticed Dara on the floor, "DARA!!"


He ran up to Dara and pulled her up into his arms.





"i'm sorry...i'm sorry....i'm sorry"



The boys stopped at the small voice, they turned around and saw Bom huddled in thte corner of the kitchen repeating "i'm sorry."


"Oh god BOM!", TOP ran to her.



"AGHHHHH!", Bom backed away even further into the corner, "I'M SORRY!! PLEASEEEE!"


"Bom?", TOP tried to reach her again.


"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!", Bom screamed as she covered her face in fright.








"hmm?", Dara slowly opened her eyes and met Jiyong's face. She gasped and then started panting heavily, "men.....two men"


"sshhh", Jiyong calmed her down, "slowly"


"Two men...they covered our mouths...and then, they were looking for something", Dara stuttered, "they threw me and I...I can't remember...BOM?!"


"Bom's with TOP", JIyong said removing her hair off her face.









Dara and Jiyong looked towards the kitchen.



"Bom...it's me", TOP tried to grab her arms.


"I'm sorry...don't hurt them....no I'M SORRY!", Bom kept screaming.




"Bom!", Dara ran to her, "Bom!!"


Bom started gasping for air, she clutched her chest in pain and started screaming again.


"What's wrong with her?", TOP asked in shock.


"I think she's having a panic attack!", Dara said nervously, "We need to take her to the hospital now!!"












"I thought you went home", Dr Lee said to Dara when she ran into the A&E department.


"It's BOM!", she pointed to Bom who was being carried in by TOP.


"Another car?!"


"No I think it's panick attack!"



"Get her in here!"












"You're right it's a panic attack", Dr Lee said after calming Bom down, "She's asleep now."


Dara covered her face and started crying.


JIyong hugged her, "it's ok....it's been a long day..."


"Something like the robbery at your house might very well have triggered the attack", Dr Lee continued, "She kept repeating I'm sorry which could be an indication of something that happened in her past."


"What do you mean?", TOP asked.


"She might have experienced something as a child that she couldn't cope with, with patients like her they tend to bury that experience in their mind and not remember a thing about what happened, until something like this triggers it." Dr Lee said.




"Dr Lee, the report you wanted", a junior doctor handed him a file.



"Ah here it is", Dr Lee opened it and read it with a serious face.


"What is it?", Dara asked.


"Just as I expected, I looked through Bom's previous medical history, before she went to America and it states here that she suffered an experience that rendered her speechless for 2 months when she was 9 years old."


"2 months?", TOP asked.


"Yes, and the only phrase she would say was I'm sorry during that time."



"That's why she always says it", TOP muttered, feeling guilty for shouting at her all this time.



"But obviously the speech impairment was temporary because she soon regained her speech back, but I think that it left a deep scar that hasn't healed yet." Dr Lee sighed.


"What can we do?", TOP asked.


"Nothing, these things the patient themselves need to get over, she might seem agitated for a bit  but she should be fine."


"Dr Lee, this won't harm her...", Dara stopped.


"No, Bom is an excellent student and there is nothing to show that such issues will hinder her from becoming a great doctor one day."


"Thank you", she bowed grateful.


"When can we take her home?", Ji asked.


"She's only sleeping now, you can take her whenever."


They nodded and left the doctor.












"I don't think it's a good idea for you two to go back", Jiyong shook his head.


"That's our home Jiyong!", Dara retorted


"It's not safe!!", he shouted back.


"TOP drive us home!", Dara demanded.


"You two ssh, you're going to wake Bom up", Seunghyun hissed as he looked at Bom asleep in the passenger seat.




"Look dara, it's not safe", Jiyong tried again.


"Where do you want me to stay then? On the streets? Cos that'll be so much safer!", Dara sighed in fustration, "I'm tired Jiyong, I'm tired!!"


"You can stay at mine", Jiyong said.


Dara looked up at him, "Are you crazy?"


 "Look you said yourself CL and Minzy won't have enough room in their houses for both of you so just stay at mine, you and Bom can."


"Bom's staying at mine", TOP stated, "after what happened tonight, I don't want her out of my sight, dara you can stay if you want to?"


"Didn't I just say she's staying at mine!!", Jiyong growled angrily.


Dara looked at him, 'He doesn't want to be with me but he wants me to stay at his house?!'


Jiyong saw Dara looking at him, "Don't think anything and just do what I say for once!"


Dara gritted her teeth, "FINE! Can I atleast get some stuff for me and Bom to take!"


"Like what?", TOP asked.


"Our books", dara pointed out.


"I can get you new ones." Jiyong answered




"Seriously dara?", Jiyong raised his brow.





JIyong scratched his neck nervously, "um...TOP..."


"Yea...turning around", TOP said just as embarassed as they drove back to the girls' house.












Jiyong opened his studio door and walked in. He turned around when he realised Dara wasn't following him in.


"Are you not coming in?"


Dara looked at him, she hesitated before stepping in.


Jiyong walked to his work desk and looked through some papers.


Dara sighed watching him, 'He's gone back to his cold self....'



She turned and looked at the place now, it was just how she had imagined GD's studio, large white walls with photos hanging everywhere, a massive work desk with piles and piles of photos and drawings, blank canvases leaning on the walls, a little photo studio in the corner, a shelf filled with different cameras and lenses.


"So this is GD's studio", she smiled to herself.



JIyong watched her looking at everything in awe, the girl just got stuck in a lift, had to perform surgery on his grandad considering she was only in second year of med school and she just got robbed. And yet here she was looking at his studio in awe like a little girl in a candy shop.


He cleared his throat and shook the thoughts out of his head, "Follow me", he said gruffily and he went through a door at the back of the studio.





Dara stepped into what was Jiyong's apartment, and there was her thinking he lived in his studio. As expected the whole place was 100 times bigger than her house. She sighed in defeat at the beautiful apartment and followed Jiyong into the lounge.



"The spare room is over there", he nodded to the room's direction, "shower and go to bed you must be tired."




"I've got work to do, I'll be in the studio", Jiyong said and walked back into the studio leaving Dara alone.












"Bom...open up!", TOP shouted through the door.


When they had arrived at TOP's, Bom woke up and like Dr Lee had predicted she became very agitated locking herself in one of the rooms.




"no...no please...no...i'm sorry, i'm sorry!", Bom repeated as she huddled in the corner of the room.


"BOM!!", TOP shouted again, banging on the door.


"no....don't hurt them please, i'm sorry..."



"That's it!", TOP slammed into the door and flung it wide open.


"AGHH!", Bom shouted and hid herself away even more.


"BOM!", TOP grabbed her arms and shook her, "It's me! Seunghyun! TOP!!"


Bom shook her head frantically, "SOME ONE HELPP! I'M SORRY!!"


"Bom!!", TOP shouted, "Look at me!! Look at me!!"


"I'm sorry I'm sorry, don't hurt her, not my wife no...don't I'm sorry...no...", Bom shouted trying to free herself from TOP.


"Wife?", TOP asked himself.


"Please....i'm sorry...i'm sorry...", Bom said a bit faintly now. Her eyes started closing and she slumped onto TOP's shoulders.


TOP's face darkened, he picked Bom up and placed her gently in bed. He covered her up with a blanket and sat on the edge of the bed with his face in his hands. He looked back at Bom who was now sleeping peaacfully, he held onto her hand while with his other hand he caressed her face gently.


"What did you see that made you like this?", TOP asked quietly.


He sighed as he leaned forward and kissed her head before leaving her to sleep.







"Minhyuk?", TOP said through the phone, "I need you to find out every single police officer that worked in the Hyungdam police station in 2001-2002."



He sat on the sofa and started thinking, "What if the experience that Bom had when she was a child was....her parents' murder?"


He opened his laptop and started researching the case even more.












Jiyong rubbed the back of his neck and yawned. He looked up at the clock, 3 am.


3 hours since he's left Dara alone. Thinking she must be asleep by now, he decided to finally go back to the apartment. He didn't really have work to do, he just wanted to avoid her. Not because he didn't like her, but because he liked her too much.



He walked into the apartment and headed for the kitchen first, pouring himself a glass of water. He drank as he walked to the lounge when he stopped in his tracks.




[Music: Baby Baby by 4men]




There was Dara, sleeping with her head on her knees in the exact same spot Jiyong had left her 3 hours ago. His heart felt like it was going to burst, she looked so peaceful, so beautiful. He couldn't help but walk up to her and get down to her eye level.


"dara?", he whispered.


Dara didn't respond.


"if you were that tired you should have gone to bed", he smirked quietly. He removed a piece of hair from her face with his thumb.


At the touch, Dara fluttered her eyes open, she blinked tiredly at Jiyong.


JIyong gulped at her gaze.


Without moving Dara asked, "what's your answer then?"


Jiyong furrowed his brows.




"Are you going to stay or are you going to let me go?", she asked softly.


Jiyong looked at her soft features as his heart began to race.




"It's going to be hard", Jiyong said finally.


"I know....", she replied.



"You'll end up hating me", he said seriously.





"You might want to runaway", he said softly.


Dara shook her head gently, "I won't if you won't."



"Promise?", he whispered.


Dara smiled softly and nodded.



He reached for her face and cupped her cheek in his hand. She tilted her head towards his hand slightly and smiled gently looking at him. He leaned in for her lips as she lifted her face to meet his. He gently kissed her soft lips as a tear escaped Dara's eye. She slowly responded to his kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him closer to her. She felt his lips move and gently nibble her bottom lip, making her smile on his lips. 



She fluttered her eyes open and looked at him parting their lips apart slightly, "Is this your answer then?"



Jiyong smiled and claimed her lips again, he slowly leaned into her pushing her back onto the floor while he hovered above her.


"I'm....never...letting you go", he whispered between soft kisses. He wrapped his arm under her waist and brought her up closer to him, he pressed his lips against hers and kissed her more passionately as she laid there under him, "never..."















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Writing the last chappie as we speak T0T


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Chapter 7: This is cute ahahaah
Chapter 31: omg my daragon feels 🥺
Chapter 73: Reading it all over again ❤️ 2024 cutie ✌️
Chapter 30: this is going to be a cute group date hehe
Chapter 30: the image won't load but i bet it was cute
Chapter 30: getting scared of a toy rat hahahahaha
Chapter 29: i love how they all freak out because of the one little rat akdsfhaklsjh
Chapter 28: omg so it's official??? seunghyun called bom his girlfriend?? aAHJKDfhkljsdfka