I miss you






Dara stirred slightly and opened her eyes, "ahh", she shut them quickly to avoid the bright light.


She placed her hand on her aching head and tried to open her eyes again. She looked up to the white ceiling in confusion, she turned her head to her right and saw a IV drip connected to her hand. She turned to her left and was startled when she saw Jiyong sound asleep with his head resting on her bed.


"Why am I in hospital?", She asked herself, her head throbbed in pain and suddenly she remembered last night's events.


She quickly turned back to face Jiyong again, he was still asleep. She sighed sadly and laid her head back down on the bed again, she looked at him warmly now. What a strange guy he was she thought, always unpredictable. She frowned slightly when she remembered how he ignored her at the party. She bit her lip sadly and then slowly got off the bed making sure not to wake him.









TOP looked over at Bom who was busy inspecting the research TOP had done on the case so far. 


She furrowed her eyebrows as she looked at one piece of paper and then at another trying to piece them together. Bom grabbed her hair in fustration and placed her elbows on the table as she stared at the documents.


"Bom...let's leave it for today..", TOP said as he stood from his desk and walked towards her.


Bom shook her head, "There's too much that doesn't add up!"


TOP sat beside her, "We'll work through this together...we'll figure it out"


Bom looked up at TOP, "Why are you still helping me?"


"What do you mean?"


"After last night...", Bom bit her lip.


"What about it?", TOP asked simply.


Bom looked up at him again with furrowed eyebrows, "after...."


"After I tried to make you see sense but you completely ignored my advice?", TOP asked back.


Bom bit her lip, "You were in the wrong"


"I'm pretty sure I wasn't the one that threw a drink at you", TOP stated.


"But still-"


"But still you apologised to that jerk, while this jerk", he pointed at himself. "tried to help you and you pretty much put me in my place"


"Well...when you put it that way...", Bom mumbled, realising that perhaps she shouldn't have got so angry at him.


"Anyway you put it, it's still the same Bom", TOP looked at her intently.


Bom sighed and turned back to the documents, "Mia...mianhe"


"Never say that word again", TOP said suddenly.


"Neh?", Bom asked surprised.


"After last night, I don't think I want to ever hear you say those words again....especially to someone like Taebum", he clenched his fists.


"Mianhe-I mean um..", Bom stuttered.


"Don't say it unless you mean it! Just because you're poor doesn't mean you have to bow down to just any b*stard!", TOP said seriously.


Bom pouted, "I shouldn't have money thrown at my face either"


TOP looked up at her, "I'm sorry about that...I shouldn't have done that..I-"


"Never mind", Bom cut him short and looked back at the documents.


TOP sighed and stood up, "I'm going to go get us some coffee."











"Sir...", a nurse nudged Jiyong slightly, "Excuse me..."


"Hmm?", Jiyong looked up.


"I'm sorry but we need this bed", the nurse apologised.


"Neh?", he looked back at the empty bed, "Dara?!", he jumped up, "Where's Dara?!"


"Sir...the patient discharged herself a few minutes ago-"


Jiyong ran out of the ward before the nurse could finish her sentence.





He ran out of the hospital and looked around calling her name, "DARA! DARA!"


He looked across  the road when he noticed someone limping away, "Dara?"



Jiyong ran across the road and pulled Dara's arm to turn her around.


"AAHHH!", Dara shouted in fright.


"It's me!", Jiyong held both her arms trying to calm her down.


Dara sighed when she realised it was only Ji.


"Where are you going?!", Ji asked.


"Home", Dara looked away.


"You're still hurt...let's go back to the hospital", Ji turned around and pulled her along.


"I don't want!", she struggled.


"Stop being stubborn!"


"Ani!", Dara released herself from JIyong, "Thank you for your concern...but I'm fine now...", she looked at the floor.


"Dara..", he held his hand out to touch her but she flinched away.


"I'll get going now", she said and turned to walk away.


Jiyong ran and stood in front of her blocking her way, "Why are you acting this way?!"


Dara looked at the floor not wanting to see him right now.


"Answer me!", Jiyong said slightly raising his voice.


Dara flinched slightly when she felt her head in pain again.


"Is it because of what happened at the hotel party?", Ji asked again.


Dara fidgeted with the hem of her shirt.


"I can explai-"


"You don't have to, I know you didn't want your mother to know that you were talking to a low class girl like me!", Dara quickly said, "Now...if you can excuse me, I want to go home". 


Jiyong flinched slightly at her words.


"You don't know my mother...if she found out about us then she would ruin you!", Ji explained.


"Us?", Dara asked, "There is nothing going on between us!"


"Fine! Then you shouldn't feel bad about the whole situation!", Ji retorted.


"But I DO!", Dara shouted back.


"WHY?!", Jiyong asked angrily, "Like you said there's nothing between us! So why do you care?!"


"Because I'm still a human being!", Dara shouted back, "I may not have money but I have feelings too! Atleast have the conscience to realise that much! Why should I be ignored just because of my bank balance?!"


"That's reality", Jiyong muttered sadly.


"Well I hate your reality!!", Dara said tearing up, "That's why people like you don't belong in my world!"


Jiyong stared at her sadly.


"Just remember you're the one that approached me! I was happy with myself before you!", Dara said, "And because of you...for the first time....I really pity myself."


Dara started to walk but her head started spinning and she stumbled slightly and ended up leaning on Jiyong.


"DARA!", Ji exclaimed as he held her.


"Home...I need..to", Dara mumbled as she struggled to stand up.


"Arasso!", Ji said and he picked Dara up and walked towards his car.








[Author note: The music of Suddenly by Kim Bo Kyung really suits this scene I think]



"Bom I got coffee-", TOP stopped when he saw Bom's head slumped on the table sound asleep.


He sighed and placed the coffee next to her, "I told you we should have left it for today".


He knelt down so he was level with her, he gently picked her loose strands of hair and tucked it behind her ear. TOP curved his arm around her waist and the other under her legs and lifted her up, he turned and walked towards the sofa in his office and gently placed her there.


He stood up and walked towards his desk. He placed both of his hands on the table, leaning on it for support, 'Someone from my company killed her parents?.....Please....don't let it be who I think it is.....'



"Seunhyun....", Bom mumbled in her sleep.


TOP turned around at the mention of his name and sighed as he watched Bom stir a bit to make herself more comfortable in her sleep.


He looked away when he realised he was staring at her now. He sighed deeply but he couldn't control himself and had to turn and look at her again. Without thinking his legs started to move towards Bom on their own. He knelt down in front of her and his hand reached for her face. As surprised as he was at what he was doing he couldn't stop himself either.


"Why is it that you're the only person who makes me realise that I'm not good person..." TOP smiled slightly.


"Bom...", TOP quietly said, "I was only protecting you that night..."


Bom stirred slightly, still asleep.


He traced her cheek with his thumb, "I don't know why but I want protect you...".


He looked towards the table where her parents' files were and frowned a bit, "But...I don't know if I can now", he turned to face her again, "so...please stop, stop making me realise just how amazing you are..."











Jiyong took Dara's keys out of her bag and unlocked her door, he bent down slightly and entered her little home.


He looked around and placed her on the sofa softly. He tried to stand up but Dara still had her arms wrapped around his neck, he gently unwrapped her arms.


"Hmm", Dara mumbled as she opened her eyes, she blinked slightly at the sight of Jiyong.


JIyong stood up awkwardly.


Dara slowly sat up and rubbed her shoulder.


"Does...it still hurt?", Jiyong asked quietly.


Dara nodded, "Hmm...I think the pain killers are wearing off now."


"Can I do anything?", Ji asked hesitantly.


Dara shook her head as she placed her hand on her forehead.


Jiyong suddenly grabbed her hand and looked at it with furrowed eyebrows, "Your hand"


"Huh?", Dara looked at her hand and saw that it was bleeding, "Oh...it must have been when I took off the IV drip"


"Were you in that much of a hurry to get away from me?", Jiyong asked still examining her hand.


Dara looked up at him slightly surprised.


"Where's your first aid box?", Jiyong asked.


Dara pointed at the kitchen cupboard.


"Jiyong shi...it's really ok...you don't have to", Dara called out after him, but Jiyong didn't pay any attention to her. He grabbed the box and walked back to her and knealed in front of her.




[Author note: You're my spring by Sung Si Kyung, the music and lyrics really suit this scene]



Jiyong held his hand out to Dara.


She looked at him for a moment before softly placing her wounded hand in his.


He wiped her hand with cotton and she flinched slightly. Jiyong looked up at her and then blew on her wound gently while Dara looked on at him with a mix of confusion, sadness and warmth.



"Why...why are you doing all this?", Dara asked.


Jiyong paused but didn't look up at her, he reached for the antiseptic cream instead.


Dara bit her bottom lip and sighed, "Jiyong shi..."


Jiyong took a plaster out of the box and placed it on her wound. He looked up at her with sadness in his eyes that took Dara's breath away. 


"Because I missed you...even now.... I'm missing you...", Jiyong sadly said.


He let go of her hand, stood up and walked to the door, "Get some rest" and left.




Dara looked back down at her hand and rubbed the plaster gently.









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Writing the last chappie as we speak T0T


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Chapter 7: This is cute ahahaah
Chapter 31: omg my daragon feels 🥺
Chapter 73: Reading it all over again ❤️ 2024 cutie ✌️
Chapter 30: this is going to be a cute group date hehe
Chapter 30: the image won't load but i bet it was cute
Chapter 30: getting scared of a toy rat hahahahaha
Chapter 29: i love how they all freak out because of the one little rat akdsfhaklsjh
Chapter 28: omg so it's official??? seunghyun called bom his girlfriend?? aAHJKDfhkljsdfka