Let the fight begin







Mrs Choi fixed TOP's tie and patted his suit, "Ready?"


TOP looked down at his mum and nodded.


"Just remember you are a son I have always been and will always be proud of", his mum smiled, "You're going to win!"


TOP smiled, "Are you sure you want to come?"


Mrs Choi nodded nervously.


"You don't have to omma, I know it's going to be hard seeing him", TOP said.


"No", Mrs Choi shook her head, "I said I'd be by your side didn't I?"


TOP hugged his mum tightly, "Let's go."











[Music: I am the best by 2NE1]






Dara stepped out of the car with Minho and looked up at her mother's company...Korea Exports.


"You sure you want to do this?", Minho asked worriedly.


Dara squinted her eyes at the entrance, "If he wants to play this game, then he can bloody well bring it on." She smirked and confidently walked into the building.




"omo..isn't that the....", staff scurried behind her whispering as she eyed the place up and down. 





She stopped at a large portrait of Mr Bae at the lobby and smirked, she crossed her arms across her chest and glared at it. She had finally had enough of him. Why the hell was she running way from him? He thought he could scare her like this, but Dara had other plans now. She wasn't leaving this company until her dad was kicked out. She wasn't going to let him get his hands on her mother's company no matter what.



Dara called a staff over to her.


"Neh ma'am", the staff bowed.


"Get rid of this", she pointed at the portrait, "I don't like seeing crap in my company."



The staff stared at her wide eyed as Dara walked towards the lift with Minho.











"HAHAHAHAH!", Mr Bae laughed in the conference room with the share holders, "Didn't I say my plan would work, by the end of this week Dara will have forfieted her shares-"



"I think that's my seat", Dara stood at the door and stared at her father who was sitting at the head of the table.


"d..dara?", Mr Bae asked in shock.



"That's CEO Park to you", Dara muttered as she walked up to him.


Mr Bae stuttered and slowly got off the chair.



"Thank you", Dara smiled thinly and sat down on the chair, she swiveled around to face the share holders with a cold stare.



The share holders awkwardly stood up and bowed at her.


Minho handed each of them a file.


"You will, I'm sure have heard from my dear father, the ultimatum I was given", Dara started, "To return as CEO or give up my 60% shares in the company."


The shareholders gulped as Mr Bae seethed with anger beside Dara.


"Do you think I'm stupid?", Dara muttered through gritted teeth.


The shareholders nervously looked around.


"Without my say, nothing in this company can happen", Dara said plainly.


"And nothing without the shareholders can happen either", Mr Bae butted in, "They still have 40% of shares-"


"Well then", Dara leaned back on her chair and swiveled to look at him, "I guess nothing will happen in this company then."


Mr Bae glared at her.


"Which is fine with me", Dara shrugged, "As long as I can stop you from ruining this company, I don't care."


Dara then stood up and smiled at the shareholders, "It was a pleasure meeting you all, now if you'll excuse me I have to go find my office...um", Dara turned to her father again, "I hope you can empty the CEO office by this afternoon please."


Mr Bae curled his hands into fists as Dara and Minho walked away.









Once in Minho's office, Dara collapsed on the floor gasping. She may have seemed confident and not scared at all, but she knew what her father was capable of, that moment in time, she'd never been so scared in her life.



"Dara!!", Minho helped her up and sat her down on the chair.


"How...did I do?", Dara asked nervously.


Minho smiled, "Where did you learn to act like that?"


Dara laughed nervously, "Jiyong taught me last night."


Minho laughed and ruffled her hair, "You did well."


"But it's not enough oppa", Dara shook her head, "You heard him, without the shareholders' say I can't kick him out even if I wanted."


"I know" Minho rubbed his chin.


"The board of directors? Are they the same from when mum was here?", Dara asked.


"The majority of them yes," Minho nodded, "If it weren't for them, your dad would have taken over the company a lot quicker."


"So, they're on our side?" Dara asked.


"They're on whichever side is best for the company, and they realised a long time ago that your dad wasn't good for the company."


"I need to see them then" Dara said with determination.
















"Order order!!" the judge slammed his hammer on the desk, "I said order in the court!"



TOP grimaced and sat back down on the bench as did the defence team.



"Now, if the lawyers can't act properly in the court of Law then I'll close this case period!", the judge bellowed.



The two teams had been at it for hours. TOP knew for certain his dad would get charged for laundering money, but for the murders was harder as he lacked evidence.





"Prosecution team you can continue", the judge nodded at TOP.



"Thank you your honour", TOP stood up, "I think it's clear to say that Mr Choi Tae Hyun laundered the money-"


"OBJECTION YOUR HONOUR!", the denfece lawyer shouted out.


"Oh for god's sake!", TOP turned arond and looked angrily at the lawyer.


"ORDERR!!", the judge shouted again, "Prosecutor Choi!"


"Your honour, if the defence team weren't so hyper enough to stop me they would have realised I had a valid reason for bringing up the defendent's previous charges."



"Objection overruled, prosecutor Choi let's leave the defendent Choi's other charges out of this next time thank you."


"Yes your honour", TOP sighed, " Park Ji Suk worked at Choi Law firm when the defendant was the CEO of the company. Towards the end of his career at the law firm, Mr Park had been investigating the unexplained loss of money from the company back in 2001, around the same time defendant Choi had laundered the money to support his political career."



Mr Choi fumed in his seat as the defence team whispered at each other.



"Soon after Mr Park left the company him and his wife was murdered-"



"Objection your honour, their case was closed as an accident", the defence lawyer stood up again.


"Objection sustained, prosecutor Choi", the judge looked at TOP warningly.


TOP grabbed a file and walked back to the judge and handed it to him, "The case was investigated by the Hyung dam police, no autopsy was carried out, no investigations into any witnesses present at the scene nothing. Also may I add, it says they got into the accident in Seoul when in fact the Park family were at their summer residence in Hyungdam at the time."



The judge furrowed his brows as he read the report.


"Not suggesting anything but", TOP turned to face his dad, "every single police officer that investigated the case are now prominent politicians...under your party am I right?"



"OBJECTION!", the defence lawyer shot up again.


TOP rolled his eyes, "That's all your honour."


The judge looked down at Mr Choi perculiarly making him shift in his seat.



The defence lawyer stood up, "What prosecutor Choi implied about my client is an complete and utter coincidence, there is no way to prove that those police officers were helped into politics by my client, I want that statement retracted!"


The judge took his glasses off and looked at both sides, "Prosecutor Choi, if you have no evidence to support your accusations about the defendant's involvement in the murders then I am afraid yours charges won't hold up."



TOP sighed in fustration, "But your honour-"



The judge shook his head, "The defendant will be charged for the laundering of money, but prosecutor Choi you have till the end of this week to get substantial evidence for the murder charge otherwise I'm afraid I will have to reject the charges, court adjourned until 10am Saturday."


The judge stood up and left through the back.




TOP raked his hair in fustration and stood up, he turned and caught a glimpse of his dad smirking at him as he was taken away in hand cuffs.


"dammit!!", he muttered.




"Tabi", his mum came up to his bench.


"There's no way we're going to get him if-"


"Tabi", his mum held onto his arm, "This is you we're talking about, you're the CEO of the biggest and best law firm in Asia and you are my son...you'll find a way."


TOP looked at his mum and forced a smile as she hugged him.


"Come on, let's go home", his mum asked.


TOP nodded as he picked up his suitcase and left the courtroom with her.





Once outside, the court house his mum smiled brightly at him, "Shall we go for coffee first?"


"Sure omma", TOP smile back knowing that his mum felt just as down as him but she was just trying to cheer him up.


"Great let's-", his mum stopped suddenly.



TOP looked at her curiously, "waeyo?"


"I'll...wait in the car for you", his mum smiled warmly at him.


"Huh?", TOP turned in front of him and saw Bom sitting at the bottom stairs.





[Music: Gray Paper by Yesung]




Bom looked behind her and noticed TOP, she nervously stood up as people started to file down the stairs and walk past her.



TOP's mum nudged him slightly and then walked to their car.



TOP looked down at Bom who started to fidgit with her jumper nervously. He slowly made his way down the stairs towards her.


People in a hurry rushed past Bom, slightly pushing past her. Bom looked down and stepped back down the stairs. She then nervously looked up at TOP and then looked away quickly.



TOP finally stood in front of her, he looked at her as if he hadn't seen her in years. Bom looked at the ground in front of her, not knowing what to do or say.


He looked down at her shaky hands and slowly reached out for them. Bom looked up wide eyed at the touch of his hands.




"They're cold", he said quietly still looking down at her hands.


Bom nodded slowly.


TOP slowly enclosed her hands into his warm hands and brought them to his lips.


Bom's lips started to tremble and her eyes dampened as she watched TOP. Her feet edged towards him on their own, TOP looked up at her sadly.


She clenched her teeth as a tear escaped her eye, and leaned in to kiss him softly.


TOP wiped her tear with his thumb, "thank you...for not giving up on me", he whispered and kissed her again.













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Writing the last chappie as we speak T0T


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Chapter 7: This is cute ahahaah
Chapter 31: omg my daragon feels 🥺
Chapter 73: Reading it all over again ❤️ 2024 cutie ✌️
Chapter 30: this is going to be a cute group date hehe
Chapter 30: the image won't load but i bet it was cute
Chapter 30: getting scared of a toy rat hahahahaha
Chapter 29: i love how they all freak out because of the one little rat akdsfhaklsjh
Chapter 28: omg so it's official??? seunghyun called bom his girlfriend?? aAHJKDfhkljsdfka