The reason you want to live







"Search the room!", TOP ordered the police as they stormed into Mr Choi's office.


Bom followed the police into the room and started searching for anything that could give them a hint of what the drug Mrs Choi had been taking for the past 11 years was.



"Bom", TOP grabbed hold of her arm.


"Huh?", Bom turned around.


"Do you have any idea what kind of drug it could be?", TOP asked.


"Mianhe", Bom sighed, "It could be anything, I won't know what until we find it."


TOP exhaled deeply and nodded in fustration.




"I think we've got something!"




TOP and Bom looked at each other before running over to the police man who was holding a piece of paper.


"It looks like a prescription for something", he handed it over to Bom.



Bom furrowed her brows as she read it, "Metopirone?"


"Do you know it?", TOP asked anxiously.


"Yea...but", Bom shook her head in confusion, "Why would he give this to Mrs Choi?"


"Why? What is it?", TOP asked again.


"It''s used to treat people with Cushing's syndrome..", Bom said still confused.


"Cushing's?", TOP furrowed his brows.


"I don't get it...", Bom bit her lip, "I'm going to take this back to the hospital, maybe my seniors will know more."


"Ok", TOP nodded and they both ran out of the house.

















"Me signing this will change nothing", Dara glared at her father.


"It won't?", Mr Bae asked amused.


"No, have you not read omma's will?", Dara smirked, "Even if I resign, you still can't get my shares."


Mr Bae's face darkened, he scrunched up Shinwoo's torn up picture in his hand as Dara made her way to the door.




"Now if you will excuse me", Dara tried not to let the fear in her voice come out, "I have a meeting with the board of directors."




"The will says", Mr Bae interrupted her.


Dara froze slightly but still didn't turn to face him.


"It says, I won't get a single won or the shares of the company while you're still alive...", he coldly said.


Dara's eyes widened slightly, her hand gripped the door handle tightly.



"Dara my dear....", he slowly approached her, "I've read that will over and over and over again since you've been gone...I know the only way to get the company is to...kill you..."



Cold sweat started forming on Dara's forehead.



"I didn't want it to go this far but...", he whispered.



Dara gasped suddenly felt a round, hard cold object dig on her back. She felt every single hair on her body stand up when she realised what it was.



"But you leave me no choice...", Mr Bae dug the gun into her more.


"'re..going-.", Dara stuttered.


"To kill you?", Mr Bae asked, "Don't you think I'm capable of it?"


"You're not going to get away with this-"


"Oh really?", Mr Bae smirked.


"Yes, there are 300 staff in the building, each one is going to hear the gun shot, are you mad?!!", Dara said angrily.


"Do you think I care?", he laughed, "I can turn the situation right around you know, tell some story of how you tried to blackmail me...and try to shoot me..."


"What?!", Dara exclaimed, "No on is going to believe you!!"


"We'll see about that."


"Why..why?", Dara stuttered.


"Why?", Mr Bae raised a brow, "Isn't it obvious?"


Dara clenched her teeth as tears formed in her eyes. No daughter would ever have imagined being in her position. The man that's meant to be her protector wanted to kill her, her own father.


"Was...was I not enough?", she asked slowly finally, "What..what did...did I do that made you hate me?"


"Hate you?", Mr Bae laughed, "To hate someone, you need to feel some affection towards that person to start with."


Dara broke down to sobs, "I'm...I'm your daughter..."


"A daughter I never wanted or needed", he said coldly.



"THEN WHY DID YOU HAVE ME? WHY HAVE ME JUST TO MAKE ME SUFFER LIKE THIS!!", Dara screamed as she leaned her head on the door.


"Your mother's to blame for that, if it wasn't for her then I would never have had you", he hissed, "All I needed was the power, the money, the glory and your omma could give that to me"



" used her...", Dara sobbed as she felt the gun dig into her back.


"Just like I'm using you now", Mr Bae hissed before slamming the resignation contract on the door in front of her, "Now sign!"


"Never!", Dara muttered, "Either way I'm dead anyway!"


"Exactly", he smirked as he got ready to pull the trigger.






*Knock knock*




Dara sighed with relief, "Come in!", she quickly said before Mr Bae could stop her.


Mr Bae stepped back and straightened himself as the secretary walked in.




"Sorry to...", the secretary caught sight of Dara, shaking nervously and she looked at Mr Bae warily.


"Well what is it?", Mr Bae said.


"Um...well the board of directors and the shareholders meeting has been changed", the secretary said still eyeing Dara who was still shaking in the corner.


"Changed?", Mr Bae asked.


"Neh, the shareholder's meeting has been changed to's started already, I was told to call you and Dara sajangnim...", the secretary said.


"What are those idiots up to?", Mr Bae hissed. The share holders never did anything without his say, "Ok...tell them we'll be there in a moment."


"Neh" she bowed and eyed Dara nervously.




Once she left Mr Bae turned to Dara, "This is even better, you can resign in front of the shareholders."


"I said I'm not resigning-"


Mr Bae pointed the gun at her making her freeze in shock.


"Turn around like a good daughter", he smiled.


Dara slowly turned around and Mr Bae walked up to her and pointed the gun at her back, "You say you don't care if you die...but you see I know you care."


Dara closed her eyes tightly as her dad whispered in her ears, "Kwon...Jiyong"


Dara's eyes snapped open suddenly and her heart started racing even more.


"You do care about dying because of him...", Mr Bae smirked, "So I know, if you have to choose between life or'll choose life."


Dara balled her hands into fists and tried to calm herself.


"I'll make a deal with you", he smiled, "You sign the resignation in front of the shareholders and directors and I'll let you see your precious Jiyong one last time."


"Last time?", she gasped.



"Well like you said, I have to kill you either way if I want the company", he shrugged, "So if you want to see him, sign the resignation form, if you don't sign then I'll kill you before you get to say one last good bye to him."


"You're sick!", she spat out.


Mr Bae smirked, "It's a shame really, you never turned out to be like me...Shall we go then?", he pushed her ahead with the gun.



Dara had no choice but to open the door and walk out of her room. Mr Bae stayed close behind, hiding the gun under his sleeve.


"Hurry up", he hissed as staff eyed them curiously.




Dara wiped her eyes as she struggled to walk towards the conference room, "don't..don't do this..."


"Just keep moving" he hissed and pushed the gun into her back.


Dara trembled in fear as she walked, "You''re going to kill me in front of them?"


"No...I want you to sign it and then I'm going to kill you..", her father muttered behind her.


" can' this...", Dara stuttered.


"Watch me", he smiled as they finally reached the conference room, "Open"



Dara brought up her shaking hand and held onto the door handle. She gasped for air frantically, scared of what was going to happen.


"I said open", he muttered and pushed the gun into her back even more.


"Ahh", she cried before pushing the door open.



The room was empty, no one was at the table.



Mr Bae furrowed his brows, "What? Where are thsoe idiots?!!"


Dara stood there trembling, not knowing what to make of the situation. 


"WHERE ARE THEY THEN?!!", Mr Bae screamed madly, annoyed by the situation as well.





[Music: She's Gone by G Dragon]






Suddenly the black chair at the far end of the long table started swinging side to side.



Dara and Mr Bae eyed the chair warily. It was the only chair facing the wall.


"Who..who is it?!", Mr Bae asked.



The black chair stopped swinging for a moment.



"I said who is it?!", Mr Bae shouted.




The chair suddenly spun around to face them.




Dara's eyes widened in shock.




JIyong was sat on the chair, his legs crossed over, his fingers intertwined in front of him. He slowly looked up and glared at Mr Bae.



Mr Bae gulped slightly taken back.



Jiyong turned his gaze towards Dara who was still staring at him wide eyed. His face darkened even more when he saw she'd been crying and was clearly in an unstable state.




"Sit", JIyong muttered to Mr Bae.




Mr Bae squinted his eyes, "What's the meaning of this? I'm going to call security-"



"Is this a way to treat your shareholder?", Jiyong tilted his head to the side.



"What are you on about?!", Mr Bae shouted, "You're not-"



"40%", JIyong raised a brow, "I own 40% of this company."



Dara furrowed her brows in shock and confusion, what was Jiyong up to.



Mr Bae burst into manic laughter, "You?....AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!"



Jiyong just smirked at him until he finished.



"Get out before I call-"



JIyong threw a file across the table towards Mr Bae before he could finish. He looked up and smiled arrogantly at him.


Mr Bae eyed the file and then back at Jiyong, he nudged Dara with the gun to pick it up.


Dara stumbled towards the table at picked up the file, she opened it and read it.


"What does it say?!", Mr Bae asked.


"Kwon...Jiyong is the sole shareholder of 40% of the company", she gasped.



"What?!", Mr Bae let go of the gun and grabbed the file to read it, "No! No!"


JIyong stood up and leaned over the table, "I think we should invite the board of directors in now."



The doors opened again and the board of directors walked in and took their seats.


Mr Bae eyed them nervously, this wasn't his plan.



"The first order of business", Jiyong said, "All in favour of firing Mr Bae?"


"WHAT?!", Mr Bae shouted as he started sweating nervously.



Every single director raised their hands.



"Good, and as the sole share holder", Jiyong raised his hand with a smirk, "So...with immediate effect...get the out of this company."




Mr Bae shook his head, "!", he picked up the gun and aimed it randomly at everyone, "THIS IS MY COMPANY!!"



JIyong nodded at the security, and they came running in disarming Mr Bae quickly onto the floor.



"NO!!", Mr Bae screamed as he struggled on the floor, "THIS IS MY COMPANY!!"


The security hauled him uo as he continued to kick.



"Get him out of here", Jiyong muttered.



The security men nodded and started to take him out.




"WAIT!", Dara finally spoke, "wait..."



JIyong eyed her warily as she made her way towards her dad.



She stood in front of him as he grimaced at her. She clenched her teeth before slapping him stingingly around the face.



"That's for omma", she muttered through gritted teeth.


Mr Bae glared at her angrily.


"Now get the hell out of my company", she hissed as he got dragged away.






She watched on until she could see no more of her father. From this day on...she really was an orphan.








She snapped back to reality, and slowly turned to face JIyong.


He watched her warily as she continued to stare at him.



"What...what did you do?", she asked.


JIyong rubbed the back of his neck, "I know...I know you don't like it when I play with money but it was the only way."


"The only way?", her eyes watered. 


"I promise", he slowly walked towards her, "I will never pull a stunt like this again."


"What? Like buy my company?", Dara asked angrily.


Jiyong put his hands out in front of him, "Mianhe..."


"How did you anyway?", Dara asked still in shock, "You-"


"I...", he made a 'I'm going to be screwed' face, "I made a deal with omma..."




"I said I would stop with my photography and fully concentrate on being the CEO of Kwon ent-"


"WHAT?!", Dara cried.


"It was the only way", he said again.


"To give up your dream?!!", Dara shouted as tears ran down her cheeks, "How can you be like this?! So you agreeed to be the CEO if you could buy 40% of the company's shares?!!"



"Um..well yes", he nodded.



"You babo!", she hit his chest as she sobbed, "So you could get rid of my dad?!"


Jiyong nodded again as she hit his chest again.


"Why?!", she hit his chest again and again.


Jiyong sighed and grabbed hold of her hands and held them tightly on his chest, "Because I didn't want you to lose yours."


"My what?!", she sobbed.


"You're meant to be a doctor", he smiled down at her, "And you don't deserve this from your dad...neither did your mum."


Dara looked up at him, her eyes brimmed with tears.


"Your omma suffered all those years, do you think she'd want that for you too?", he asked softly.


Fresh new tears ran down her cheeks now. How could there be a guy like him? And what did she ever do to deserve him? How was it that he came into his life? 



"What your mum had to go through, I promise you'll never have to", he whispered before kissing her.


Dara's hands crept up and around his neck pulling him deeper into her. 










Dara and Jiyong looked to the side and saw very very uncomfortable looking directors each looking different directions.


Dara bit her lip and hid behind Jiyong, cringing suddenly.


Jiyong cleared his throat, "Um...well i think that's all for today...right CEO Park?"


"Huh?", she looked up at him and then at the directors, "Um...yes...well I think so too, thank you for your hard work...and why don't you take the day off."


The directors still looked awkwardly at the two.


"Yea...and sorry know...", JIyong bowed slightly before dragging Dara out with him.

















Bom stepped out of the hospital in a daze after she met up with the consultants.



"BOM!", TOP ran to her, "Did you find out what the medication was for?"


Bom looked up at TOP numbly.


"Why do you look so pale?", TOP asked slowly.


Bom took a deep breath, "Metopirone... causes some people to memories... traumatic memories..."


"What are you trying to say?", TOP furrowed his brows.


"Your mum", she said slowly, "...she couldn't remember anything from that night all these years...because your dad gave her these drugs."


















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Writing the last chappie as we speak T0T


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Chapter 7: This is cute ahahaah
Chapter 31: omg my daragon feels 🥺
Chapter 73: Reading it all over again ❤️ 2024 cutie ✌️
Chapter 30: this is going to be a cute group date hehe
Chapter 30: the image won't load but i bet it was cute
Chapter 30: getting scared of a toy rat hahahahaha
Chapter 29: i love how they all freak out because of the one little rat akdsfhaklsjh
Chapter 28: omg so it's official??? seunghyun called bom his girlfriend?? aAHJKDfhkljsdfka