




"Wow", Taeyang raised his eyebrows as he walked into Ji's studio, "Obsessed much?", he looked at Ji's studio which was now filled with massive black and white photos of Dara.


"Oh you're here", Ji nodded and then went back to examine some more photos on his table.


"Dude, I'm sorry to break the news to you but you've completely fallen for this girl", Taeyang sat on the chair next to Ji's worktop.


"Very funny", Ji said not looking up from his work.


" I'm being serious, I mean dude look around you", Taeyang swivelled round in his chair and pointed at the pictures of Dara.


"It's just for work...think of her as a muse", Ji explained.


"A muse?", Taeyang arched his eyebrows, "seriously that's your excuse?"


"I'm serious, she's my theme for the next exhibition", Ji said with a smile.


Taeyang sighed, "I give up."










"Dara, patient in bed 20 has been transferred from another hospital for some tests, so I want you to try to get his general medical history arasso, it'll be good practice", Dr Song told Dara.


"Of course Dr. Song", dara smiled and walked towards bed 20.




"Annyeonghaseyo", Dara bowed at the old patient on bed 20 and his wife, "I'm Dara Park, a medical student, is it ok if I ask some questions?"


"Of couse my dear come sit", the patient's wife said.


"Thank you", Dara opened up the patient's file, "Your name is Geum Kimjuk deh?"


"Yes that's right...", the old man said weakly.


"And you've been diagnosed with having Diabetic cardiomyopathy?", Dara continued.


"Something with his heart, that's all we know...we don't really understand these long medical terms", his wife smiled nervously.


"That's ok", Dara placed her hand on the old lady's hand, "if you have any questions about the condition please don't hesitate to ask."


"Thank you", the old lady started to tear up.


"Don't mind her, my wife is a bit soft", the patient chuckled.


Dara smiled with the two couple.



"Are you married Doctor?, the patient asked suddenly.


"Sorry?...oh no and I'm not a doctor yet", Dara smiled.


"Same thing,", the patient waved his hand, "you know we have 5 grandsons"


"Oh really", Dara nodded.


"Yes very handsome, all 5 very successful as well", the lady added.


Dara smiled and nodded, knowing where they were heading with this conversation, "That's very lovely"


"You know, one of them would be perfect for you, he's a bit arrogant but a real softy really", the old man said, "Jiyong his name is"


Dara nodded, "Well next time make sure to bring them along with you and I'll have a look", Dara joked.


The couple looked at eachother nervously, "Well they don't know about me"


"Oh....", Dara said


"It's best not to worry them about things like this you know", the patient smiled.


"But surely, if they would be able to help you know if they knew?", Dara asked.


"Well no, they're not really our grandsons, we just used to look after them when they were children but even now they're grown up they still treat us like their real grandparents, but wouldn't be right to tell them", the wife explained.


"Hmm I understand but from what you've just told me about them, they seem like really good guys and I think it would be more right to let them know", Dara replied caringly.


The couple looked at eachother sadly.











"They're not answering their phone either?", Daesung said as he tried to ring their halapoji and halmoni.


Seungri jumped up trying to see if he could see anyone inside, "I don't see any lights on"


"They would have told us if they were going somewhere though", Ji said slightly worried.


For the past 20 minutes the 5 boys had been waiting outside the Geum resident.


"Awh man, I really wanted to eat some of halmoni's pork dumplings", Taeyang whined.





"Oh hello boys", the Geum's neighbour walked up to them, "What are you all doing standing outside?"


"Hello ajhumma Kim", TOP bowed and the boys followed.


"It's terrible about poor Geum halapoji isn't it? You boys must be very upset?", ajhumma kim said.


The boys looked at eachother in confusion, "What do you mean ajhumma?"


"Well...he's ill isn't he?", ajhumma kim said, "I thought you boys knew..."


"He's ill?", Ji asked quietly as he felt the colour in his face drain.


"Deh...he's at Seoul General Hospital right now", the ajhumma informed.



Taeyang held onto TOP to stop himself from falling onto the floor, "What?"


"Let's go", TOP said nervously.



The boys got into their cars and sped to the hospital.










" back", Bom complained as she leaned on the wall near the reception area.


Dara tried to pat her back to help her.


"I'm so glad all I have to do is sit on a chair the whole day", Yuri grinned teasingly, "and now I get to go home!"


"Cheers", CL said sarcastically, "god I hate night shifts!"


"We should head back", Dara said, "Come on girls....Yuri we'll see you later"


Yuri waved as the girls slowly headed towards the escalator.








Yuri startled and turned back around and came face to face with 5 anxious looking guys.


"Geum...patient Geum?", Jiyong asked again.


"And you are?", Yuri asked.


"Does it MATTER?!", Taeyang shouted at Yuri.


"Well...I'm sorry I understand....", Yuri stuttered.


The boys sighed impatiently.


"But I can't give confidential information to just anyone...", Yuri said apolgetically.


"We're his grandsons!!", Taeyang shouted.


Yuri should have asked for their ID but she was too scared to at this point, "Cardiology deparment, second floor-"


The boys ran for the escalator before Yuri could finish.






"Excuse me doctor!", TOP said to the girl in a white doctor's coat in front of him on the escalator, "but could you move ple-"


Bom turned and faced TOP.


"Bom?", TOP asked in surprise.




"Oh crap sorry..I'm in a bit of a hurry-", Ji tripped onto someone on the escalator.


"It's ok....YOU!", Dara shouted back when she saw Jiyong, "DID YOU FOLLOW ME AGAIN?!"







On the second floor, Dara, Bom and CL and the boys stared at eachother.


"What are you girls doing here?", TOP asked.


"Do you girls work here too?", Ji asked.


"We're...", Bom started.


"Cleaners?", Seungri asked sincerely.

I mean the boys saw them working in clubs and restaurants and thought that they were single parents just trying to make it in the world, of course they weren't going to think they were medical students.


CL glared at Seungri as if he was stupid, "Why would we be cleaners? Look at what we're wearing?!"


The boys looked at the three girls in white clinical coats and then raised their eyebrows.


"Well you can't possibly be're far too young.", Ji said simply.


Bom sighed, having had enough of all these misunderstandings especially from TOP, "We're second year medical students from Seuol Uni, we're here on our work placement."


The boys blinked at them.


"So you're telling me you three are doctors?", Taeyang shook his head, "I mean going to be doctors?"


"If we pass yes", Dara replied.


"But how-", Ji looked at Dara.


"Hyung we should go". Daesung said, "We need to find halapoji"


The guys realised what they came to do and then without saying anything to the girls ran off to the Cardiology department.









"Halapoji...", Ji whispered when the boys saw their dear grandpa sleeping and their grandma resting on the chair beside him.


Seungri turned away to wipe his tears.


TOP was about to wake halmoni up when Taeyang stopped him, "Let's go see the docor first and find out what's wrong with halapoji first."


The boys left the sleeping couple and went to find the doctor.








"He has diabetic cardiomyopathy", Dr Song told the boys.


Dara stood behind her senior doctor and watched the boys. She didn't realise that the patient had been talking about these 5 boys. These 5 arrogant boys were the same 5 sweet grandsons.


"What's that?", Ji asked.


"Well your grandfather has suffered from diabetes for a long time now"


The boys nodded, they knew he was diabetic.


"Well the long term diabetes has had negative impact on the rest of his body, especially his heart muscles you see", Dr Song explained.


"Is it curable?", TOP asked seriously.


"Your grandad has known about his condition for a while now and we've been giving him medication to atleast try to lessen the damage on his heart muscles...", Dr Song said.


"But?", Taeyang nervously asked.


"But...we did some tests on him today and", Dr Song hesitated for a while as she looked at Dara, "it seems the drugs aren't really working...."



The boys stood there in silence as the reality hit them.



Dara bit her lip as she looked at the devastated look on the boys' faces.





" long?", TOP finally asked what the other boys were too scared to ask.


"We don't such cases, the heart muscles either become so weak that they can't circulate blood around the body or....the patient can have a cardiac arrest.....but no on can tell when that might happen?", Dr Song said somberly.


"What? I mean how can we help?", Ji asked looking like as if he was going to cry.


"Why didn't he tell us?", TOP said as he leaned on the wall.


Dr Song looked at Dara.


Dara slowly said, "He told me about you 5..."


Ji looked at her sadly.


"He told me he didn't want you guys to know because he didn't want to worry you all...", Dara continued.


"He talked about us?", Ji asked quietly.


Dara smiled and nodded, "Him and halmoni Geum told me that you 5 have made their lives so fulfilling and that they would never have lived such a happy life if it wasn't for you all.."


The guys started to tear up.



"What am I meant to do if...", Ji bit his lip.


"So...all you can do is be there for him....and we'll do everything we can here", Dara said to Ji with determination.











"Oh my god....are you serious?", Bom and CL asked Dara.


Dara nodded as she sipped her coffee. They had 10 minutes break and Dara had told the girls about the boys.


"All this time I thought they were just arrogant rich kids...but I guess they have problems too", Dara said quietly.


"Where are they now?", CL asked.


"Still here somewhere, they're refusing to go home", Dara said.




"Oh that's me...sorry I'm going to have to go back to A&E", Bom apologised.


"That's fine I have to go too", CL and Dara said. They waved eachother and walked to their departments.








CL got back to the neonatal department and was about to go check on the premature babies when she spotted Seungri staring at the babies from outside.


"Seungri-shi?", CL asked, feeling sad for the guy for the first time.


Seungri turned to face CL and bowed slightly but turned to look at the babies again.


CL stood next to him, "I'm sorry to hear about your grandfather."


Seungri kept his gaze ahead at the babies in the small glass boxes.


"You know I was a premature baby", Seungri said suddenly.


"Really, by how much?", CL asked.


"My mum had me at 28 weeks", Seungri replied.


"You must have been small", CL said.


Seungri nodded and smiled, "You're right I was small....and weak and vulnerable but you know one week after having me, my parents flew out for a business trip leaving me in the care of Halapoji and halamoni"


CL looked at Seungri now.


"So since I was born I have spent more time with them than my own parents...", Seungri said as he tried not to cry, "So if...if...something happens to him....I can't....", he stuttered as he wiped his tears.


CL could do nothing but pat his back gently and tell him everything was going to be ok.










TOP walked aimlessly around the hospital leaving Taeyang and Daesung who were crying in the canteen. He couldn't be there, he couldn't bear to think about it anymore.





"Unnie....I appa.....please...", a little girl cried as Bom tried to soothe her in the hospital lobby. Her dad had just got into a car accident and the doctor had told Bom to take the girl with her for a litlle while.


"Sssh...there there", Bom cooed and rocked the girl in her arms.


"Please....unnie...take me to daddy....", the girl cried.






TOP slowly made his way to the lobby.


"Take me to daddy...please!"


He looked up and saw Bom with a little child.


He stood there and watched Bom remove the strands of hair off the child's face, and rock her slowly in her arms.


"Everything is going to be ok.......sssh....there there.....", Bom smiled at the girl.



TOP felt a lump in his throat as he watched Bom calm the girl, why did it feel like she was trying to calm him instead. He wanted to look away but his eyes stayed fixed on Bom. He watched on as the little girl fell asleep still sniffling slightly.


A tear fell from TOP's eyes.



He watched as Bom smiled at the sleeping girl and placed a kiss on her forehead.



Bom cuddled the girl tighter and looked up to see TOP at a distance.



She tried to stand up, wanting to go to him, but before she could TOP turned around and slowly walked away.










Jiyong sat on the floor outside the cardiology ward. He placed his head back on the wall and closed his eyes.


After a few minutes he could sense someone next to him, he opened his eyes and turned to see Dara sitting next to him looking at the floor.


Ji smiled, for some strange reason her presence comforted him.


"Dara", she softly said.


"Sorry?", Ji asked.


Dara looked up at Ji now, "My name is Dara...Park Dara"





















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Writing the last chappie as we speak T0T


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Chapter 7: This is cute ahahaah
Chapter 31: omg my daragon feels 🥺
Chapter 73: Reading it all over again ❤️ 2024 cutie ✌️
Chapter 30: this is going to be a cute group date hehe
Chapter 30: the image won't load but i bet it was cute
Chapter 30: getting scared of a toy rat hahahahaha
Chapter 29: i love how they all freak out because of the one little rat akdsfhaklsjh
Chapter 28: omg so it's official??? seunghyun called bom his girlfriend?? aAHJKDfhkljsdfka