






The rain fell heavily down on Seoul now. Bom placed a bucket in the middle of the floor of their tiny house to collect the water dripping from the rooftops.


"That should do it", Bom said as she ran back to the girls who were all cuddled up on the bed.


"Aish!", CL checked her phone, "There's going to be a big storm tonight, great!"




"I like him", Dara blurted out.


"Aigoo....We know", the girls nodded and hugged her, "I think we realised before you did you babo!"

"So unfair", Dara sighed.


"Well look on the bright side, he clearly likes you too", Bom said.


Dara sighed and lowered her head, "I still can't believe JIyong is GD", Dara shook her head, "Why didn't he tell me?"


"That doesn't matter Dee, what matters is that the guy just held an entire exhibition about YOU", CL added.


"You're right", Dara said, "Surely it's illegal to publicise photos of me like that without my permission right? AGHH!"


CL whacked Dara's head, "Idiot! Is that the point?!"




"So what are you going to do about it?", Bom asked, "You can't really leave it after that"


"I don't know", Dara started to get up, "He clearly doesn't want to be with me though"


"Um", CL stood up too and picked her bag up, "Earth to Dara! He just held an exhibition and you were the exhibition! What don't you understand?"


"If he wanted to be with me then he should just say!", Dara retorted.


"And if he did, would you want to be with him?", Bom asked.


"It's complicated", Dara grabbed her bag and headed for the door.


"It doesn't have to be Dara", Bom said.


"Yea...well it is", Dara sighed, "Come on we're going to be late for the hospital."













"Halmoni", the boys walked into their grandparents' home.


"Oh...what are you doing here?", Geum Halmoni nervously came out to greet them, "I was just on my way out"


"Really? Where?", Ji asked.


" the market", Halmoni lied.


"In this rain?", Seungri asked, "There's a big storm on its way halmoni"


"Do you want a lift?", TOP offered.


"NO!", she shouted slightly.


The boys looked at her suspiciously now.


"What's going on?", TOP asked seriously now.


"And where's halapoji?", Taeyang looked into the empty house.


"He's...he's", she fiddled with her bag and looked away nervously.


"Don't bother lying and tell me the truth", TOP stood in front of her.



The sweet lady looked up at her 5 grandsons with tears in her eyes.




"Halmoni", TOP said slightly taken back from her tears.


"Oh...", she wiped the tears away, "the wind is strong today isn't it? It's making my eyes water."


The boys didn't say anything, they  just watched their grandma pretend like everything was fine.



" know if anything is wrong you can tell us", Ji said softly, "no matter what it is."


"I'm fineee", halmoni smiled sweetly, "I have to go now kids, I said I'd meet an old friend and go to the market with her."


The boys sighed, they knew she was lying.


"Let yourself out neh?", Halmoni said before she scurried out.




"Let's follow her", TOP said seriously. 





The boys watched their grandma get into a taxi and then they followed her in their own car.




"Where's she heading?", Daesung asked himself, "the market is on the other side."

"I think I know where she's going", Ji muttered as the taxi turned to the left, heading towards the hospital.


"Hospital?", TOP asked as he drove the car.


"Dammit! It must be halapoji!", Taeyang grimaced.


"I went to visit him two days ago and he seemed fine then", Jiyong said full of worry.


"I guess he was hiding it", Taeyang said as they turned into the hpspital car park, "Look Halmoni is getting off, let's just get the car parked and follow her quickly.









"Halmoni will you be ok in this rain?", the taxi driver asked.


"Of course of course, a little bit of rain won't hurt anyone", halmoni smiled as she handed the money.


"Alright, have a good day then", the driver nodded and sped off.


Halmoni turned to face the entrance, "Aigoo...this is the wrong entrance! Which one was it again?"


She turned and scurried to the next entrance.















"Where is she going?!", JI squinted as they followed their grandma.


"Aish!", TOP shouted, "She's going onto the road, PALLI!"



Suddenly they heard screeching of car tyres. It was a car slightly out of control due to the rain and it was heading directly towards Geum halmoni and it didn't look like it was about to stop.



"SH!T!", TOP shouted as he ran.


"HALMONI!!", the boys screamed in panic.





Suddenly a girl ran onto the road and pushed the old lady off the road.




The car didn't stop on time and hit the girl at great speed.Her entire body was thrown into the air and she fell onto the windscreen with such force that the glass cracked. The car finally stopped, and her limb body rolled off the front of the car onto the hard wet road. 







"HALMONII!", the 5 boys ran to the clearly shocked old lady.


"Oh god thank go you're ok!", Daesung hugged the shivering lady.


"Are you hurt anywhere?", TOP asked worried.


Halmoni shook her head still in shock.



Taeyang stood up and ran to the girl who had saved their grandma.



"Are you sure you're ok"?", TOP asked again.






" OH SH!T!! GUYS!", Taeyang shouted frantically.


The boys ran to Taeyang who was kneeling over the girl.


"Is she ok??!", JIyong asked nervously, "Let's get her into the hospital!"



Taeyang didn't reply.



TOP pushed the stunned Taeyang out of the way and reached to grab the girl. 




His hand stopped before he could touch her, his face fell and he felt the life leave his body suddenly.


His hands started shaking now, he slowly pulled the girls' arm and the limb body fell back revealing her face.




"bom..", TOP gasped, "b...BOMM!"


He pulled her up into his arms and shook her, "BOMM!"


"Hyung palli!!", Seungri shouted, "Dae hyung get halmoni!"



TOP picked Bom up in his arms and ran into the A & E department.








"Is that Bom?!", a nurse ran up to TOP who was drenched from the rain now.


"Help her please!!", TOP shouted.


"Here this way!", the nurse showed him to a bed, "DR LEE! IT'S BOMM!!"



Few doctors ran to the bed.



"She just got hit by a car!", TOP said frantically, "HELP HER PLEASE!!"


"Bom!", the doctors tried calling Bom but she just laid there on the bed.


"She..she was trying to halmoni", TOP stuttered in a panic.


"Halmoni? Is she hurt?", the nurse asked.


"She's here", Ji said running in now and taking the nurse with her, "She doesn't seem injured just shocked but please check her."



"She hit the windscreen!", TOP shouted out, "I don't know she wasn't waking up!"


"Sir...I need you to wait outside", Dr Lee said calmly, "Don't worry ok."





They took TOP to the waiting room where the boys were.





"Hyung!", the boys ran up to him, "Is she ok?!"


TOP sat on the chair and ran his fingers through his hair, "I don't know....what about Halmoni?"

She's just getting a few stitches on her hand where she fell, she's fine", Ji said.


TOP sighed in relief but then his face fell again from worry, "What the hell was she thinking?!!"


"She'll be fine hyung", Seungri said.






"SEUNGRI!!", CL and Dara ran into the waiting room.


"BOM WHERE IS SHE?!!", Dara shouted, her eyes red from crying, "BOM!!"


Taeyang and Seungri rushed to the girls trying to calm them down.


"Where is she? WHERE IS SHE!", CL shouted anxiously.


"CL! Calm down", Seungri pulled her down to sit.


"Dara come here", Taeyang sat her down.


"What happened?? Please!!", Dara asked the boys who all looked devastated.


"She got hit by a car", Jiyong said quietly.


"Oh god!!", Dara covered and started to cry again.




"She saved halmoni from getting hit by the car", TOP added.


"No!", CL gasped, "What now? Is she awake? Was she hurt alot?!"


"I need to see her!!", Dara stood up.


JIyong stood up too and grabbed her hand, "Let the doctors do their work! She's going to be fine."


"NO!", Dara shook her head and ran off.


"DARA!", CL pushed Seungri off too and ran off after Dara.













"You can see her now", Dr Lee smiled at the gang, "She's very lucky, getting away with only a sprained wrist."


Dara sighed and thanked the doctor.


"She's got a few cuts on her back and legs but other than that she should be able to go home tonight", he continued.


"Thank you doctor", they all thanked and went into the room to see Bom.





"Bom?", Dara asked before she entered the room.


"Yup?", Bom sat on the bed eating yogurt and watching Big Bang's performance on telly.




"Bom...", CL and Dara pouted and ran to hug her, crying their eyes out.


"Waeyo?", Bom asked in surprise, "Jees, I didn't die."


"YA!", they whacked her arm.


"Ouwwww!", Bom cried out in pain, "YAA!"


"Omo!" Dara bit her lip, "Mianhe.."





" are feeling now?", Jiyong asked.


"Fine", Bom answered as if she just hadn't been hit by a car.


"Fine?!", TOP shouted.


Bom flinched back, "Why?...OMO! Halmoni is she ok?!!"


TOP sighed, "She's fine, she's with halapoji but that-"


"Oh thank god for that", Bom sighed with relief as she started getting off the bed.


"Ya! What do you think you're doing?", CL pushed her back in bed.


"I've got work to do", Bom stated.


"WORK?!!", TOP shouted making everyone look at him.


"Oh no...", Bom bit her lip and held onto Dara's arm, "I know that look...that's his angry look, don't you dare leave me heere with him Dara!"




"Mianhe...", Bom mumbled.




"'m not sorry...I'm not!", Bom shook her head nervously.



"Ok...", Dara pryed her arm off Bom and started heading for the door, "maybe you two need some time to talk", she nudged the others to leave.





Bom gulped once she was in the room alone with TOP.



"Um...yogurt?", Bom asked sweetly/nervously.


TOP clenched his jaw, "What were you thinking?!"


Bom lowered her head, "I know...but I-"


"You WHAT?!!"


Bom flinched.


"You could have died!!", TOP shouted, "SERIOUSLY WHAT THE WENT THROUGH YOUR MIND?!"



"But it was Geum halmoni", Bom explained, "How could I just let her get hit by that car?!" 



TOP sighed. He was pissed off with her for just throwing her body into danger, but at the same time he felt guilty because he was almost thankful she saved Halmoni.



"If something happened to her, you'd be distraught!", Bom continued.



TOP closed his eyes and turned away, "And you?"



"What about me?"



"You don't think you're someone I care about? If something happened to you-"



Bom blinked slightly, taken back by what he just said.



He leaned on the window, his back facing her.




Bom bit her lip, she could sense what he was feeling right now and she felt bad to have made him worry like that.



She limped towards him slowly as she watched his body heave up and down sadly. She hesitated behind him and then slowly moved her arms up and wrapped her arms around his body.



TOP startled slightly, he held her hands to unwrap them, but Bom just tightened her arms even more.


TOP turned his head just slightly and sighed.



Bom closed her eyes, she turned her head to the side, leaning it onto his back.



"I could never let someone you care about get hurt...mianhe..."












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Writing the last chappie as we speak T0T


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Chapter 7: This is cute ahahaah
Chapter 31: omg my daragon feels 🥺
Chapter 73: Reading it all over again ❤️ 2024 cutie ✌️
Chapter 30: this is going to be a cute group date hehe
Chapter 30: the image won't load but i bet it was cute
Chapter 30: getting scared of a toy rat hahahahaha
Chapter 29: i love how they all freak out because of the one little rat akdsfhaklsjh
Chapter 28: omg so it's official??? seunghyun called bom his girlfriend?? aAHJKDfhkljsdfka