First night






"Right girls, let us explain to you the basics of clubbing" Taeyang and the boys said to the girls once they were at a club.



The girls tried not to laugh as they listened to Taeyang instructing them the ways of clubbing. MInzy had been dragged away by Daesung back to the hotel since she was too young, so it was just the three older girls there with the boys.



"So Taeyang should I act in a club?", Dara asked pretending to be very serious while Bom and CL turned away to stop themselves from laughing. Of course they'd been clubbing before, but it was just so much more fun having Taeyang explain to them how to club.



"Well Dara....first it's all about the walk", he demostrated a little cool swag walk for them.



"In this dress?", Bom asked trying to not smile.


"Ah", Taeyang looked at her dress.




'High High I'm so highhhhhhhhhhh'





"OMG!! I love this song!", Dara squealed, "Let's go girls!", she then dragged Bom and CL into the club.


"BIG BANG I'M COMING!!", Bom shouted as she ran in leaving the boys gobsmacked.






The boys followed the girls in and found them already settled at the bar.



"ONE SHOT LADIESSSSSSS!", they screamed as they emptied the alcoholic content of their glasses.





"YA!", Seungri grabbed CL's arm.


"Oh!", CL turned to smile at the bartender, "Here's my credit card for the night!"


"Credit card?!"




"Dara you drink?!", Jiyong asked.


"I drink and.....I club!", Dara laughed.



"ANOTHER SHOTT!", Bom shouted as they drank their shots in unison.




"HIGH HIGH I'M SO HIGHHHHHHH", Dara sang along to the song, "Come on girls!! LET'S GO DANCE!!!"


"BIG BANGGGGG!", CL screamed as her and Bom ran to the dance floor with Dara.





"Big Bang?", TOP asked surprised.


"They drink?", JIyong exclaimed.


"They club too", Seungri shook his head.


"What did you guys expect?", Taeyang shook his head, "I don't know about you lot but I'm joining the girls", he then ran off into the crowd and started dancing with the girls.












"Mianhe Minzy....but you're too young to go clubbing", Daesung tried to cheer Minzy up.


"HMPH!", Minzy turned away from Daesung angrily.


"Aigooo our little about we get some room service? Anything you want?", Daesung kindly suggested.


"Anything?", Minzy slowly asked.


"Anything for such a cute dongseng" he ruffled her hair.







30 minutes later






"I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!", Minzy screamed into the microphone as flashing disco lights filled their hotel room.



Daesung covered his ears in pain.



"I LA LA LA LA LOVEEEEE YOUUUUUUUUUU!", Minzy jumped around the room in big star glasses and a wig.



"Please....stop", Daesung mumbled.



"OPPAA! POPCORN!!", Minzy ordered Daesung.


He handed the popcorn to her and then covered his ears again, "Never did I think I would see the day when I would be ordered around in my own hotel..."












"Seunghyun!!", Bom called out from the dance floor, "COME ON!!"



TOP shook his head and his stool to face the bar.



"Hi...", a girl sat next to him and smiled flirtatiously at him, "care to buy me a drink?"


"Sure", TOP smiled back.



Bom suddenly looped her arm into his and smiled at the girl, "Maybe after me and my BOYFRIEND have a dance?"


The girl frowned a bit and then left.



TOP laughed at Bom, "Come on Seunghyun shi!! I want to see those moves of yours", she laughed as she dragged him to the floor.










CL ran to the bar while singing.



"TONIGGGGGHHHHHHHHT TONIIIIIIIIIIIGHHHHHHHHHHHHT!", CL sang along to the song playing and took another shot of her drink.



Seungri watched her and laughed, really enjoying the fact that CL was having so much fun.



CL turned and caught Seungri laughing at her, she pouted and then turned away to the dance floor, "BIG BANNNG TONIGHTTTTTTTTTTTT!"


Seungri cracked up again and then followed the hyper active girl onto the dance floor.










"JIYONGIEEEEEEE!", Dara shouted.


"Jiyong WHAT??!", Jiyong turned away from the girls he was chatting to and faced Dara who was smiling at him with her hands on her hips.


"I have no one to dance with!", Dara pouted.


"Um...Dara....I'm a bit busy here", JIyong smiled and turned back to the girls.



Dara huffed and blew a strand of hair off her face, "Oh sure you don't want some of this?!", she then started doing the most hilarious shuffle dance towards Jiyong.



"AHAHAHAHHAHAHAH!", Jiyong grabbed his stomach from laughing too much.


"Or this?!", Dara continued to shuffle around him.


"ARASSO! ARASSO! HAHAHAHAH!", Jiyong laughed as he walked towards her, "HAHAHAHAH JUST STOP DOING THAT!"


Dara smiled victoriously and walked backwards to the dance floor, calling Jiyong with her finger.














"CAN'T NOBODY HOLDDDDDDD USSSSSSSSS DOWNNNNNNNNN!", Minzy shouted into the microphone.


"Please.....someone...anyone hold her down", Daesung wailed as he stuffed tissue into his ears.




"'re bad just bad!", Daesung fell on the floor as Minzy continued to dance around him.













[Last Farewell: Big Bang]




Bom moved her head from side to side, she pulled TOP closer to her, she then wrapped her arms around his neck and started dancing to the beat.



"So boyfriend eh?", TOP asked.


Bom looked up and arched an eyebrow, "Girlfriend eh?"


TOP chuckled, "Fair play, but that guy was ing on you!"


Bom shrugged as she smiled and danced in TOP's arms.










CL and Seungri were in their own little world....having a dance off.


"Oh this then", Seungri said jokingly as he did a b-boy move.


"PULEEEESEE!", CL laughed as she did the robot.


"I can't beat that!", Seungri bowed repeatedly.


"AHAHAHAHHAH!", CL hit his back and then took his arm to twirl herself around on the dancefloor.










"B TO THE I TO THE BANG BANG!!", Dara shouted as she wrapped one arm around Jiyong's neck and another around Taeyang's.


The boys laughed at her crazy enthusiasm for Big Bang.




Suddenly a random girl walked towards Taeyang and pulled him away to dance with her.


Dara then started shuffling around Jiyong again.


"AHAHAHHA Please not that again!", JIyong shook his head laughing.




"How about this then?", Dara joked as she did a y wave in front of him and traced her finger across his collar bone.



JIyong froze at the contact.



"HAHAHAHA!", Dara cracked up and backed away, "Your face-"



JIyong grabbed her by the waist and pulled her close to him, "That's better"


Dara blinked twice but then smiled sweetly and started dancing again.










2 hours later




"NEOMU APAAA APAA APAAA!", Minzy sang 2ne1's It hurts for the 10th time.


"It hurts it hurts!", Daesung cried, rocking himself back and forth.








"What the-?", the rest of the gang walked into the girls' room.



"THANK GODDDDDDD!", Daesung shouted as he ran to them.


"What happened?!", Jiyong grabbed Daesung, "Why do you look so pale?"


Daesung pointed at Minzy, "She....... has a terrible voice!"


The gang snickered slightly.


"And I mean....TERRIBLE!", he shook his head.





" I HATEE YOUUUUUUUUUUU!", Minzy started singing again.



"I LOVE THIS SONG!", Dara screamed as she ran for the other microphone.


Bom and CL ran and shared the other microphone and started singing too.



"I HATTTTTTEEEEEE YOUUUUUUUUUUU!", they all sang in terrible unision.





"Oh wow...", TOP edged away slightly.


"They're bad", Taeyang added.


"Let's go..ahhh so noisy!", JIyong scrunched his face and walked off followed by the boys.




"I HAAAAAATEEEEEEE YOUUUUU!", the girls continued oblivious that the boys had left already.












"How fun was tonight?", CL plopped herself on the bed.


"Yea it was", Minzy said, "Daesung oppa is JJANG!!"


"I can't believe they thought we'd never been clubbing before", Dara laughed as she dried her hair.



"They're not bad you know...the guys I mean", Bom smiled sweetly.


The three girls smiled shyly.


"Why do you three look like that?", Minzy squinted her eyes at them.


"WHAT?!", the girls huffed embarassed slightly and then went to do random things.









"RAAAR!", Seungri flung his toy rat at Jiyong who just flicked it away without even a look.


"HYUNG!!", Seungri the rat.


"Ya....get out of my room if you're going to play with that thing!", Jiyong said annoyed.


"But it moves....look I've even got a remote control for it!", Seungri whined, "How think it'll scare Daesung hyung?"


"Not a chance", Jiyong yawned.



"Are you that bored?", Taeyang shook his head.


"It was so much fun with the girls today, suddenly without them it feels boring" Seungri pouted.


"Should we go see them then?", Jiyong asked.


"YA! And say what?", Taeyang retorted.


"Do you think this will work on the girls?", Seungri grinned as he held the toy rat.


JIyong looked at Seungri, "The girls?"


Seungri nodded excitedly.


JIyong grinned and called TOP.


"Ya...come to my room, bring  Daesung too", he smiled and hi-fived Seungri.












Daesung swiped his all pass card into the girls' door and creaked it open.


Seungri slid the toy rat through the gap and used his remote control to move it.


Taeyang ran across the corridor to laugh.







CL stretched her arm in her sleep, all 4 girls had put the mattresses on the floor and were sound asleep.


She stretched abit more and let her hand stay on the floor.



Suddenly she felt something twitching...something small....moving....and furry.


CL turned her phone on for some light and then directed it towards the moving thing.....



"oh a rat...", she smiled half asleep, "WAIT A RATTTTTTTTTTTT!", she jumped up.


"What's wrong??!!", th girls sat up.







The boys covered their mouths to stop themselves from laughing.




Bom ran to the switch and turned the lights on, she turned around and saw a little rat running around, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"


She jumped onto the table and screamed franctically.



"KAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!", Dara and Minzy jumped to each other as they tried to scramble off the floor.





The rat suddenly turned around and started heading for the door.




"FOLLOOOOWWW ITTTTT!", CL screamed as the girls ran after it.





They flung the door open to find the boys standing their suspiciously.





"What are you guys doing here?", CL asked.


"Wait...was that rat something to do with you guys?", Dara glared.


The buys gulped and shook their head.


"Cos if it had anything to do with you guys", she cracked her knuckles threateningly.


"Aha ha", TOP laughed nervously, "actually we heard you girls scream so we came out!"



"Well I can't go back in there!", Minzy shivered.


"Me too!", Dara shook her head.


"And I'm not sleeping on the floor!!", CL glared at the boys.











10 minutes later.




"Ahhhhh......this is the life", the girls all wriggled around happily in their own double beds in their own seperate rooms.



The boys?



All crowded in one room.




"Who's idea was the rat again?", TOP bitterly muttered.


Seungri gulped nervously.



"YA!", Jiyong whacked Taeyang's leg, "Your leg is on my face!"


"Your face is on my leg!", Taeyang retorted.



"Daesung hyung...that's my you're scratching...", Seungri mumbled angrily.


"OH GAWDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!", the boys screamed as they all cramped onto one bed.









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Writing the last chappie as we speak T0T


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Chapter 7: This is cute ahahaah
Chapter 31: omg my daragon feels 🥺
Chapter 73: Reading it all over again ❤️ 2024 cutie ✌️
Chapter 30: this is going to be a cute group date hehe
Chapter 30: the image won't load but i bet it was cute
Chapter 30: getting scared of a toy rat hahahahaha
Chapter 29: i love how they all freak out because of the one little rat akdsfhaklsjh
Chapter 28: omg so it's official??? seunghyun called bom his girlfriend?? aAHJKDfhkljsdfka