Power vs Love







"Miss Dara Park?", Jiyong called out from the kitchen doorway, "Do I have permission to give you a back hug?"



Dara turned away from the dishes and squinted her eyes at JIyong. After last night's fiasco, Dara had made Jiyong promise he was going to tell her before he attempted any physical contact and obviously Jiyong just laughed in her face like she'd said the most ridiculous thing in the world.




JIyong stood up straight and saluted Dara who just rolled her eyes and started doing the dishes again.


JIyong chuckled and gave her a back hug.


"Always teasing me aish!", Dara muttered as she washed the dishes.


"Morning", JIyong smiled still hugging her.


Dara sighed, "always changing the subject too!"


"Did you sleep well?", JIyong asked resting his chin on her shoulder.


"Neh!" Dara bluntly replied.


"I couldn't", Jiyong said.


"Waeyo?", Dara turned slightly and looked up at him innocently.


JIyong raised a brow, "You're honestly asking me why after what you tried to do to me last night?"


Dara suddenly started coughing after remembering last night's incident. She tried to pry his arms off her but he just held her tightly.


"Where did you learn those moves then?", Jiyong more.


Dara turned the brightest shade of red and looked away, "I....googled it...."



Jiyong paused for a minute and then started laughing his head off again.


"YAH!!", Dara whacked his chest and pouted angrily.


He finally let her go, but now clutching his stomach after laughing too much, "Googled it?!! HAHAHAHHAHAH!"


Dara hid her face behind her palms, "YAAAHHH I HATE YOU!!"


"AND I LOVE YOU!", Jiyong blurted out.






Dara's eyes widened as Jiyong shifted in his spot.


"Um...I have class", Dara quickly said before she ran out of the apartment.


Jiyong rubbed the back of his neck, he cursed at himself for saying it, but then again did he say anything wrong? She was his girlfriend and of course he loved her, but still even he was surprised by what he said.













TOP arrived at an apartment block, he checked his phone at the address Minhyuk had sent him, this was the place.


TOP was trying to track down police officers that were involved or were working at the station at the time of Bom's parents murder. Minhyuk had informed that this one particular officer left the force a few days after the murder, so TOP assumed this was the best place to start his investigation.


He knocked on the door and waited patiently.


"Who is it?", a woman's voice could be heard coming closer to the door.


Sne opened it before TOP could answer, "Ah...neh?"


TOP bowed politely, "Annyeonghaseyo, Choi Seunghyun imnida."


The woman, in her 40's smiled back and bowed as well.


"Is Mr Hong in?", TOP asked.


The woman's face fell, "Mr Hong died 11 years ago...I'm his wife, can I help you?"


TOP sighed, "I'm very sorry to hear that...I'm investigating a case and I was hoping your husband would have been able to help-"


"The Park case?", the woman quickly asked.


"Yes", TOP furrowed his brows, "How did you know?"


The woman looked out carefully before telling TOP to come in.







Mrs Hong placed a cup of tea in front of TOP before sitting down herself.


"Are you reopening the Park case?", she asked.


"Well...thinking of it..", TOP said warily, "but how-"


"How do I know about the Park case?", She finished, "Because just like the Parks, my husband didn't die in an accident, he was murdered."


"What did you say?", TOP asked seriously.


"The day of the Park 'accident', my husband came back from work and he looked like he'd seen a ghost, I asked him if anything was the matter and all he said was that his faith in justice and the police was all fake, there is no justice in the world."


TOP listened on.



"That night he asked me if he should leave the force", Mrs Hong continued, "I knew then something had happened, so I begged him to tell me..."


"Did he?", TOP asked.


Mrs Hong nodded, "He wouldn't tell me anything in detail, all he told me was that there had been a murder, but because the culprit was someone with great power they had bribed the police to make it seem like the murder had been an accident."


TOP balled his hands into fists as he listened on.


"I told him to leave too, working in places like that will only bring you trouble, the next day he handed his resignation form..."


"How did he...", TOP said quietly.


"Few days later, I'm told he was involved in a car accident", she muttered bitterly, "I went to the station to find out more, but no one was willing to tell me anything."


"Are you sure he was murdered?", TOP asked.


"If it was a car accident then where is his body?!"




"I haven't even buried my husband...", she teared up.


TOP held her hadn tightly for support.


"Since his death, I tried to find out as much as I could about the Park's case", she handed TOP a file, "although I don't know who the murderer is I found a lot of criminating evidence against the police."


TOP looked through the file with a frown.


"Don't you think it's even a tiny bit strange that most of the police officers from that particular station are now chief constables and have even entered politcs?", Mrs Hong said, "Ha?! Those idiots could have not got there on their own two feet I tell you!"


"Mrs Hong", TOP looked up, "I will find who did this...I promise."


Mrs Hong looked away as tears formed in her eyes, "Can you?"


TOP nodded.


"Do you know how long I've waited for someone to help me...", the poor woman cried on TOP's shoulder.















"Have you guys figured out what you're going to wear to the Annual Hospital Ball?", CL asked the girls.


"When is that again?", Bom asked.


"On friday!", CL shouted, "I can't believe you guys aren't excited at all!"


"Um, we have exams coming up!", Bom reminded CL.


"It's on thursday and it's only biochemistry", CL reminded her back.


"Well if you were failing biochemistry you wouldn't be thrilled either!", Dara muttered.



"Aish! Sould I invite Seungri?", CL ignored her.


"I will never ever understand Biochemistry!!", Dara muttered as she staggered out of the class.


"Atleast you aced molecular genetics!", CL sighed, "I nearly failed that! Anyway back to the ball!"


"How the hell are we going to survive that test?!", Bom wailed, "If we're not working, we're getting run over by cars or getting stuck on lifts and getting robbed!"


"People the BALL!", CL cried out.


"Not to mention having the majority of our time wasted by those 5 boys!", Bom shook her head.


"I've forgotten how peaceful our lives were before them", Dara added.


"How are things living with them by the way?", Cl asked.


"Don't ask", Dara shook her head.


"Are you going to ask Jiyong to the ball?", CL asked.


"And what? Let the whole world including his mother know we're a couple??"


"Oh yea...mianhe..", Cl then turned to Bom, "You going to ask TOP oppa?"


"He's always busy with work, he won't come", Bom shook her head.


"You should ask him atleast?", CL suggested.



"Aish! Let's forget about all that, Dara let's go to the rooftop house", Bom suggested.


"Jiyong will kill me", Dara muttered.


"I know, but I'm running out of clothes please just to get some stuff and I left my investigation file there too", Bom begged.


"Ok ok, you don't have to beg, I miss my home too!", Dara smiled.















The girls headed up the road towards their little rooftop house.




"Minzy is what?!", Dara and Bom exclaimed.


"She's been texting that guy from the club, Young deuk remember?", CL said.


"O M G! He was cute", Bom giggled, "Kyah! Our Minzy-ah!"


"Oh god I can't wait to about this!", Dara grinned.





As they approached closer to the house, they saw cranes and bulldozers.




"Are they building new houses here?", Bom asked as they walked.



Dara suddenly stopped, her face turned pale.


"Dara?", CL asked slowly.


"Please don't say...", Dara sprinted ahead.




"DARA WAIT UP!", the girls shouted running after her.






"NOO!", Bom gasped as she stood in front of their rooftop house....or what was left of it.



The rooftoop house had been demolished and all there was left was the rubble of stones and pieces of furniture.




Dara ran in front of the bulldozer, "STOPPPPPPPPPPPPP!"


The men in yellow helmets came out to see what was going on.



"WHAT ARE YOU DOING??!", Dara grabbed one of the men by his collar.


"Miss let go!" the man said calmly.


"THIS IS MY HOUSEE!", Dara screamed.


The men looked at eachother in confusion.


"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING??!", Dara screamed again.



"Dara!", Bom and CL ran to her.


"Can you please get your friend off me", the man asked the other two.


"First explain what the hell is going on here?!", Bom demanded angrily, "Who gave you permission to destroy our house?!"


"Look you'll have to talk to head office, we only follow orders!"




"Surely you saw the furniture in the house?!!", CL shouted, "DID YOU NOT THINK THEN?!"



"Oh god....the file..", Bom gasped as she turned to what was left of the house. She started to run towards it, but the men stopped her from going.


"It's dangerous!", they said as they tried to restrain her.


"LET GO!!", Bom shouted angrily.



Dara fell to her knees and started sobbing while CL comforted her.







"What seems to be the problem?"



The girls looked up to see Young Deuk walking towards them.



"Sajangnim", the men walked to him and explained the situation.



Young deuk looked at the girls in confusion, "Aren't you Minzy's friends?"



Bom gritted her teeth and stormed towards him, "SO YOU'RE THE ONE!!"


Young Deuk backed away.




"Mianhe...there seems to be a misunderstanding", Young Deuk apologised.


"No...", Bom shook her head, "That's our house....Your bulldozers demolished it....END OF STORY!"


"I'm sorry, but we had orders that the house was to be demolished", Young deuk apologised again.


"By who?", CL asked still trying to comfort Dara.


"My company got orders from Kwon Enterprise", Young deuk replied.



The girls froze on the spot. Bom and CL slowly turned to Dara.



Dara had stopped sobbing, she raised her head up and looked at Young deuk, "What...did you just say?"


Youn deuk looked uncomfortable, "Kwon...enterprise."




"Jiyong?", Bom asked.


"How could he?!", CL gasped.


"No...", Dara muttered, "Not Jiyong......it was his mum."



Bom and CL looked at eachother nervously.



While Bom went to comfort Dara, Cl quickly rang Seungri.






"Cl...I'm in a meeting right now-"


"Seungri-ah..", Cl wimpered.


"What's wrong?"


"Call Jiyong oppa..."


"Why? Is everything ok?"


"I think you guys should come down here"


"Where are you?!"


"Dara and Bom unnies' house"


"Ok I'll be there!! Don't worry!!"












"Sir", a receptionist entered the meeting room and headed towards the head of the table where Jiyong was sat.


Jiyong looked up at the girl impatiently.


"Mr Lee is outside", she whispered.




"Neh, he says it's important."


Jiyong sighed and turned to the table full of suited men, "If you'll excuse me."





JIyong walked out and found Seungri, "YA! How many times do I have to tell you not to disturb me at work-"


"Dara's in trouble", Seungri said in a hurry.


"What?!", Jiyong shouted.


"I don't know what's going on but CL wanted me to tell you and TOP hyung!", Seungri explained.


"Get my car at the front!", JIyong shouted to his receptionist.


"Sir the meeting-"


"GET MY CAR!", Jiyong shouted angrily.







"Where's TOP?!", JIyong asked Seungri as they ran to their cars.


"I called him, he said he'll meet us there!", Seungri shouted as he got into his car and drove off with Jiyong following behind,













Jiyong got off his car slowly when he saw what had happened to Dara's house.




"Seungri-ah", CL cried and hugged him.


"You ok?", he held her tightly.


CL nodded, "I can't believe this."


"What happened?", Seungri asked.


CL looked at Jiyong, "Orders from Kwon enterprise...."


Seungri looked at Jiyong who froze on the spot.




"Where is she?", JIyong asked finally.


CL pointed where Dara and Bom were.








"Dara...", JIyong called the girl who sitting on the rubble holding her photographs.


Dara looked up slowly and met his eyes, her eyes watered.


"Dara?", JIyong asked again.


Dara just looked away. She knew it wasn't Ji's fault, but she couldn't help but feel angry. This was her home, and just because she'd fallen for someone she shouldn't have she was being punished like this.


Jiyong knelt in front of her, "I'm so sorry..."


"It's not your fault", Dara said still looking away.


Jiyong held her hand, "Let's go home..."


Dara's tears started falling, "this...is my home."


Jiyong clenched his jaw, he felt so guilty about the whole thing, he knew it was all his mother's doing. She must have found out.


"This is my home...", Dara repeated.








"Seungri...", CL gripped Seungri's arm, "I'm scared..."


Seungri looked down at CL.


"I thought stuff like this ony happened in dramas...", CL continued.


Seungri held her tightly, "I know what you're thinking...but I won't let anything like this happen to you."


CL looked up at him sadly.





Another car screeched to a halt in front of the house, and TOP jumped out of the car.


"What the hell happened?!!", He asked Seungri and CL.


"Jiyong's mum",Seungru sighed.


"Sh!t!", TOP muttered before running towards the demolished house.






Bom turned around from what she was looking for and saw TOP, she bit her lip to stop herself from crying. She stood up and ran into his arms.


"Are you hurt?!", TOP asked worried.


"Seunghyun-ah...what's going to happen now?"


"It's ok...it's going to be ok", TOP combed her hair.


"Dara...", Bom stuttered through her tears.


"She has Jiyong, she's going to be fine.."


"Seunghyun", Bom looked up at him her eyes full of tears, "I've lost everything..."


TOP looked down at her sadly.


"Everything....", Bom cried into his arms.















JIyong walked behind Dara as they entered his apartment.


"Are you hungry?", Jiyong asked.


Dara shook her, "Is it ok if I go to my room?"


Jiyong nodded.


Dara smiled weakly and walked into her room.





She closed the door and slid down the door onto the floor and started weeping. She suddenly felt so scared, being with someone like Jiyong was she ready for it? Before she'd run away from home, she'd worked in secret day and night to save enough money to rent that house....her house. For 4 years she'd been living there, her little safe haven and now because she fell for someone she wasn't meant to love, the only thing she owned was destroyed.



She clutched her chest and cried and cried until she fell asleep.





Jiyong leaned against the door, listening to her crying and not being able to do anything. He knew it was his mum but he couldn't confront her. If he did, then his mum would know that he was actually with Dara and then his mum would really do something to drive Dara away. He knew he had to pretend like it didn't matter infront of his mother as much as he hated it.


He finally heard Dara's sobs subside. He opened her door slightly and entered where he saw Dara huddled by the door asleep.


He raked his hair before bending down to pick her up. He picked her up gently and laid her in bed.


Jiyong wiped the tears off her cheeks and stared at her face, "Mianhe..."


He rested his head on her shoulder, "Please don't leave me..."



Dara slowly fluttered her eyes open as she watched him beg her not to leave him. She bit her lip to stop herself from crying, she shut her eyes and pretended to sleep again.
























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Writing the last chappie as we speak T0T


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Chapter 7: This is cute ahahaah
Chapter 31: omg my daragon feels 🥺
Chapter 73: Reading it all over again ❤️ 2024 cutie ✌️
Chapter 30: this is going to be a cute group date hehe
Chapter 30: the image won't load but i bet it was cute
Chapter 30: getting scared of a toy rat hahahahaha
Chapter 29: i love how they all freak out because of the one little rat akdsfhaklsjh
Chapter 28: omg so it's official??? seunghyun called bom his girlfriend?? aAHJKDfhkljsdfka