She will never know








"Wait oppa you know him?", Minzy asked Seungri who was chatting to Young deuk, the guy she'd just been dancing with.


"Yea", Seungri nodded, "I introduced you two at Ji- I mean GD's exhibition remember?".


"Wait! That was you?", Minzy and Young deuk asked at the same time.


"What a coincidence", Minzy laughed, "You look different without....", she looked him up and down.


"Without a suit?", Young deuk asked.


"Yea...without a suit", Minzy smiled.


"Drink?", Young deuk asked.


Minzy shook her head.


"A dance then?"


Miny bit her lip and nodded and walked to the dance floor with Young deuk.





Seungri turned and walked to the rest of the group who were sitting down.


He scooted close to CL and passed her a drink.




"I was not grinding on anyone thank you very much!", Bom said to TOP.


"I don't care, it's cool", TOP said trying to sound not bothered.


"Oh really?", Bom crossed her arms.


"Yea", he shrugged.


"Then stop talking about me grinding on guys!"


"You just admitted it", TOP said and stood up calmly.


"Mwarago?!!", Bom shouted.


"It's fine...chill", he said as he headed to the bar.


"YAA! SEUNGHYUN!!", Bom stood up and followed him angrily, "I WASN'T GRINDING!"





"CL!", Dara walked to the group, "Is that yours? I'm so thirsty!", she pointed at the drink in front of her.


"Ani, mianhe", CL turned back to Seungri and started talking.



"It's mine", Jiyong stated.


Dara turned away and sighed annoyed.


"YA!", Dara shouted when Jiyong pulled her by the arm.


Jiyong pushed the drink to her and then turned away to talk to Daesung.


Dara looked at him and then at the drink angrily. And then she felt annoyed she was getting angry because of someone like him.




Jiyong turned back after a while and saw the drink still there untouched. His gaze went up to the bar where some guys were talking to Dara.


His eyes became slits when he saw her smiling sweetly at the boys.





Jiyong walked up to her and cleared his throat. He tilted his head to the side, and tapped one of the guys' shoulder casually.


The guy moved his shoulder but didn't bother turning around.


"If you still want your jobs turn around", Jiyong said calmly.


"YA! Who are you? My boss-", the guy turned around and gulped when he saw Jiyong.


"Saj...jangnim" the others turned and bowed repeatedly at Jiyong.



Dara's mouth opened wide in shock.



Jiyong motioned them to get lost and the guys hurried away leaving Dara with Jiyong.



"Seriously?!!", Dara whined, "They work for you?! JEES is there anyone is Seoul that doesn't work for you??!!"


"Did", Jiyong said expressionless, "They did work for me"


"'re going to fire them?!!", Dara gasped.


Jiyong shrugged, "It's not hard to find employees"


"That's not what I meant!", Dara exclaimed, "What if they have a family...or-"


"If they had a family then they wouldn't be here flirting with you", Jiyong crossed his arms.


Dara glared at him.


"And besides, if they do have a family and they're here flirting with you then I don't want people like them working for me", he continued. 



"Is talking to me disgraceful?", Dara muttered through gritted teeth.


"You know that's not what I meant", Jiyong muttered through gritted teeth as well.


"Then don't fire them", Dara muttered again.


"It's my company, my decision!", Jiyong retorted.


Dara rolled her eyes, "Be honest, you're firing them because they were flirting with me"


"And why would I care if they were flirting with you?"


"You just fired them!!"


"Dara, don't think you're important enough for me to do something like that", JIyong said stoically.



Dara blinked slightly and clenched her jaw, she glared at him, "Thank you for that, now I'm sure I made the right choice ending it with you before you made me into a fool!"




Dara turned and walked to the girls, "Let's go! Now!"


The girls looked at her teary eyes and then back at Jiyong, "Ok."





JIyong closed his eyes and ran his fingers through his hair trying to calm himself down.


The boys looked at Jiyong and shook their heads in disappointment.


"Ya! How many times can you hurt that girl?!!", Taeyang shouted.











Dara stared at the picture of Jiyong that Bom had pinned on the wall.


She pouted and mumbled "i hate you..."


She then uncrossed her fingers and sighed, "i wish i could hate you..."





"HOT CHOCO!", CL ran back to the little room with Bom and Minzy.


"Awh..thank you girls", Dara sniffled.


"Anything for you unni", Minzy smiled, "plus any excuse for chocolate keke"


"Dara are you feeling better now?", Bom asked.


"Of course, as if I'd cry over a pig like him!", Dara answered.


"That's my girl!", CL hugged her.


"Omo, but how funny was it when the oppas walked in and saw you unnies danciing with those boys ahahah!", Minzy laughed.


"I'm pretty sure YOU were dancing with a guy too", Bom winked at Minzy.


"Uh...what...", Minzy muttered, "anyway that's not the point! The funniest was Jiyong oppa's face when he saw Dar-"


CL nudged Minzy and the latter bit her lip, "mianhe..."



Dara pouted and looked at the floor sadly.



"AISH!", Bom stood up and suddenly and got an envelope out of her bag and came bag.


"What's that?", Minzy asked.


"I was going to surprise Dara tomorrow but oh well.....TADAHHH!", Bom handed over 4 tickets to Dara.


"What is it?", Dara asked.


"4 an!!", Bom shouted.




The girls laughed as Dara started kissing Bom.


"GET OFF AAAAAAAAH!", Bom squirmed as Dara planted her lips of her cheeks.













"GET UP GET UP GET UP GET UP!", Dara bounced on the bed trying to wake the three others up.


"hhmmm...", the girls mumbled.


"We're going to be late for the exhibition!", Dara said excitedly.


"It's 4am you idiot!", CL shouted.










"Not yet Dara!", Bom whined.





6 am












CL threw a pillow straight into Dara's face.


"UP- AGH!", Dara fell on the bed from the impact.









"One more word from you and I'm going to rip the tickets up", Bom scarily muttered.


Dara gulped and slid back into bed in defeat.














"She will never know", Dara smiled as she read the theme of today's exhibtion.


"That sounds sad", Bom pouted.


"The sadder the better!", Dara said enthusiastically, "You girls are the bestest friends I could ever ask for!!", Dara clasped her hands in front of the arts museum where the exhibtion was held this time.


"It was Bom's idea", CL laughed at her friend's enthusiasm.


"It's just a thank you for letting me stay with you", Bom smiled sweetly.


"I love you Park Bom!", Dara hugged her friend.


"Let's forget about Jiyong for today arasso!", Bom said.


"Jiyong who? It's all about my one true love....GD!", Dara sighed.


"Have you ever seen him unni?", Minzy asked, "what if he's old and bald?"


"Sssh", Dara placed her finger on Minzy's lips, "don't ruin the moment Minzy-ah!"




The girls laughed as they walked into the exhibtion, "She will never know"





[Music: Wherever you will go by Charlene Soraia]





Bom covered with her hand when she walked into the exhibition.


"Oh my god", Minzy gasped silently.


"Wow..", CL mouthed.






Dara stepped forward slowly as she stared at the pictures hanging on the wall in shock.








"They're all pictures of Dara", Bom said as she walked behind Dara.





Every single photograph were of Dara....every single one of them. Of her laughing...smiling....pouting...looking angry....studying....working, but every single one looked like the photographer had taken the photos with Dara knowing. And under each photo, 'She will never know...' was written. 




Dara stood in the middle of the hall now as she looked at the photos in confusion and shock.




"", Dara said quietly, she suddenly remembered some of the pictures were from her date with...Jiyong.


"Jiyong?", Dara asked herself. She remembered how he was at the last exhibition too.


Dara looked up wide eyed, "Jiyong is...GD?"








"Ya...isn't that the girl from the photos?", a viewer asked his friend.


"OMO!", viewers started to gather and point at Dara.



Hearing that, Jiyong furrowed his eye brows and turned around and saw Dara looking at the photos.


"Dara?", he said to himself.







Dara stopped at the final and biggest photo of her, the only colour photograph at the far end of the hall.





                                                  She will never know...just how much she means to me





Dara's vision blurred from the tears forming in her eyes, she bit her trembling lip as she wiped her tears away. She turned ready to run out of the place when she meet someone's gaze at the other side of the hall.




Jiyong and Dara stood there, each on the opposite sides of the exhibition hall, staring at each other.





"Excuse me are you the girl from the pictures?", a crowd started to surround Dara but she didn't take her eyes off Jiyong.


"Do you know GD?"


"You're beautiful"


"What's your name?"


"Can I have your autograph?!"


The crowd closed up on Dara.




Dara's tears fell uncontrollably as she looked at Jiyong on the otherside of the hall. 


'I mean this much to you?' she thought.





JIyong looked at her from his side sadly.


'You mean more than this to me'





Dara looked on as she wiped her tears away.


'I don't think I can let go of you now...'





Jiyong looked away and turned to walk out of the exhibition leaving the girls to help Dara out.



He walked to his car and leaned against it closing his eyes shut, "I...don't think I can let you go..."














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Writing the last chappie as we speak T0T


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Chapter 7: This is cute ahahaah
Chapter 31: omg my daragon feels 🥺
Chapter 73: Reading it all over again ❤️ 2024 cutie ✌️
Chapter 30: this is going to be a cute group date hehe
Chapter 30: the image won't load but i bet it was cute
Chapter 30: getting scared of a toy rat hahahahaha
Chapter 29: i love how they all freak out because of the one little rat akdsfhaklsjh
Chapter 28: omg so it's official??? seunghyun called bom his girlfriend?? aAHJKDfhkljsdfka