






"For sake I said I don't want the Hyungdam police at the scene!!", Jiyong shouted down his phone as he drove, "Get me any other police department and ambulance at the scene NOWW!"


"Ji", Dara held onto his arm to calm him down.



Taeyang looked up at the road in front anxiously, "How long JI?"


"I'm going fast as I can but we won't get there for another 2 hours dammit!", he hit the steering wheel before pressing down on the gas.







"come on come on come on", Bom muttered as she held the phone next to her ear.


It went to voicemail, "Come on Seunghyun pick up!!"


"Seungri can't you go faster?!"CL shouted anxiously.


Seungri hit the gas a bit more with a serious expression.


"What made him go there in the first place?!", Bom pulled her hair nervously.


Seungri and Daesung looked at each other for a split second before facing the road in front once more.














"What?!", Mr Choi hissed down the phone, "What do you mean Seunghyun was there?!"



Mrs Choi stopped outside her husband's room when she heard Seunghyun's name.




"You did what?!", Mr Choi shouted but then lowered his voice, "And the girl....Park Bom?"




"park bom?", Mrs Choi whispered to herself.




"You fool!! Get rid of all evidence!", Mr Choi hissed, "I don't care if he's my son! Contact the Hyungdam police, they work for me!"




Mrs Choi covered in shock, did she hear it right? Was Seunghyun in danger? She slipped away and ran to her room and grabbed her phone and tried to contact her son. It went straight to voicemail.





"What are you doing?"



Mrs Choi jumped up and hid the phone behind her when she heard her husband.


Mr Choi looked at her suspiciously.


"I...I've got a bit of a headache", she lied and turned to pretend to look for her aspirins, "Just looking for some pills."


"Hmm", Mr Choi nodded gruffily and walked to the wardrobe to get his jacket, "I'll be out for a while...don't wait up."


"Where?!", Mrs Choi blurted out.


"I have some business I need to sort out", Mr Choi said darkly.


Mrs Choi gulped nervously, was he really talking about Seunghyun?












"WHAT?!!", Daesung shouted down the phone.


"What's wrong?!", Seungri asked.


Daesung sighed heavily, "The police Jiyong hyung called said they can't go to the pension because it isn't their area-"


"Those ing b*stards!", Seungri muttered through gritted teeth.


"What?! What about the ambulance?!", Bom cried.


Daesung put the phone next to his ear again, "Look idiots! I don't care if the pension isn't in your area! If you're not there before I am, I'm going to scrap that sh*tty police station of yours and build a casino on top of it GOT IT!!"


Bom hung her head low and clasped her hands together, "please be ok...please."












As soon as Mrs Choi saw her husband drive off, she ran into his office and started looking around, She didn't know what she was looking for, but she knew her son was in danger and she had to help. SHe pulled the drawers off and rummaged through until she found something.


Her brows furrowed as she picked up a photo of Bom, "Bom?"


She flipped through the photos of Bom until one made her stiffen...it was a picture of Bom's parents. They looked familiar but she couldn't quite pin point from where. She felt uneasy just looking at the picture.


She shook her head and stuffed the pictures back and started looking around for something else. She never mistrusted her husband, but for some reason, today she felt this uneasy feeling that something wasn't right, and she had to find out what it was.




Mrs Choi slammed her hands on the desk in fustration after not finding anything, she picked her phone up and tried TOP's phone again....nothing. She covered with her shaking hands before she ran out of the house and into her car towards TOP's apartment.













Bom jumped out of the car before it even stopped in front of the pension. 




She tugged at the locked gates in fustration.



"Where are the ing ambulance?!!!" Jiyong growled as he reached for his phone.


"THOSE B*STARDS?!!" Daesung kicked the ground in fustration.


The pension was completely deserted, there were no signs of the police or ambulance that they'd called for. And it had been over 5 hours since they've received the photo of TOP.




"SEUNGHYUNNN!", Bom shouted as the boys tried to open the gates.


"OPPA!", the girls cried anxiously, "OPPAAA!"




Bom looked around and saw the wall had slightly crumbled on one of the sides, she ran to it and struggled to climb up but managed to pull herself up onto the wall.


"BOM!!", Dara shouted as she ran after her, "Wait!! It might be dangerous!!"



Bom ignored her and jumped down onto the otherside and fell onto her knees. She scraped her knees but she didn't care, she got up and ran into the garden, "SEUNGHYUNNNNN!!!"














TOP closed eyes fluttered slightly at the sound. He laid there in a pool of blood....his blood, his breathing shortening every minute, he'd been lying there for hours now that the blood on his shirt had dried and hardened.








TOP's parted his dry cracked lips lips at the sound again. His mind said Bom but his lips wouldn't move. His body wouldn't move as if he was paralysed.





Suddenly bright light pierced through the door and into the room he laid in. His eyes squinted at the bright light and he could roughly make a shadowy figure running towards him.




"OH GOD!! Seunghyun!!"



The figure fell onto her knees in front of him and pulled his head up to her warm chest, "Seunghyun!! Seunghyun oh god please be ok!!"



TOP wanted to move his hands and hold the girl but his hands just laid by his side not moving. His limp head tilted towards the girl, he tried to focus on the girl.



"OH god!!", she shouted scared at the sight of the blood, she pressed her hands over his wound "HELPPPP OVER HERE!"



"Sunghyun!", she cupped his face and shook him slightly, "Wake up!!"



TOP slowly lifted his heavy lids open and just then the girl's soft hair brushed against his face. The sun was behind her, but as she moved to the side he clearly saw her face.....Bom.





"Seunghyun!!", Bom cried as she held onto TOP's pale and bloody face.




"TOP!!", the boys ran with the girls behind them. 



"Help him please!!", Bom begged.




The boys pulled TOP from her embrace, and helped him up.


"Get the hospital on the phone, tell them we're coming! NOW!!", Taeyang ordered Seungri as him and Jiyong held TOP and took him towards their car.















TOP laid on the stretcher as he was quickly led through the hospital corridor.






"Stab victim", he heard the faint echoey voice of the doctor say to his team as he was pushed towards the operation theatre, "two stabs on the side of his abdomen, he's lost a lot of blood so there might be heavy internal damage. Get him ready prepped for surgery now!"







TOP moved slightly on the stretcher as it went over bumps, he heard automatic doors open and a cold air con breeze hit his body as he entered the operation theatre.







"One two three go!", people lifted the stretcher onto the operation bed and he landed with a thud as his lifeless hand fell to the side.







"Seunghyun shi...we're going to start", he felt someone cover his mouth with a mask before he completely lost consciousness.













6 hours had passed and TOP was still in the operation theatre.




Bom stared out of the window replaying the scene over and over in her head. The image of TOP lying there in that dark room, in a pool of blood...pale, bloody...lifeless.







Bom startled at Dara's hand on her shoulder. She turned slowly around with an expressionless face.


Dara just nodded reassuringly and Bom fell into her friend's arms and started sobbing.







"I can't just stand here!", Minzy turned away from the scene, her eyes full of tears and ran off to the lobby.



"Minzy!", CL was about to start running after her, but Seungri grabbed her arm and shook his head.


"Let her be for a while", Seungri sighed sadly.


"Oppa...will be ok right?", CL stuttered.


Seungri didn't answer and just looked away.






"Family of Choi Seung hyun?", a doctor in green came out as he took his mask off his mouth.


"NEH!", they all rushed to him.


Bom gripped onto Dara's arm nervously.


The doctor sighed, "The operation was successful, we had to cut the wound a bit more to get in and stitch up the internal damage."


They all sighed with relief, Jiyong fell back on the bench and clasped his hands tightly together.


"He lost a lot of blood and I mean a lot so he's going to be weak for a while-"


"Is he awake?", Bom asked.


"No not yet, considering his injuries we're lucky he's even alive", the doctor said seriously, "I want to keep him here for a couple of days though just to observe him."


They nodded and thanked the doctor before he walked away.














Minzy slumped herself on the chair near the reception and tried to stop herself from crying. This was probably the scariest thing she'd ever experienced, the most horrendous thing she'd seen...her dear oppa lying there...left there to die.


She shook her head and covered her face with her hands.





"We're looking for this guy?", a man showed the receptionist a photo


"No sorry we haven't seen him", the receptionsit apologised.


"Look a bit closer, his name is Choi Seunghyun!", the man showed her a photo again.





Minzy froze slightly, she looked up saw two men holding a photo of TOP.





"Sorry sir", the receptionist apologised again.


"What about her?", the man pulled a photo of Bom out of his pocket and showed the woman again.


"Um...", the receptionist furrowed her brows, Bom looked familiar, "I think-"



"AHHHH!", Minzy pushed herself in front of the men, pretending like she tripped over.


"Aish!", the men growled.


"I'm sorry", Minzy bowed nervously, she grabbed the reception desk and pulled herself up. At the same time she grabbed the receptionist's hands and shook her head as if to say don't say anything.


The woman eyed her curiously and then the men and she nodded. Minzy sighed with relief as she slowly walked away.




"Mianhe...but I haven't seen her", the woman lied to the two men














The boys leaned against the wall and stared worriedly at TOP, while Bom was sitting by his bedside holding onto his hand for dear life.


Dara and CL sat on the bottom of the bed staring at TOP anxiously.



"He should wake up now", Bom mumbled nervously, she turned to the girls, "Why isn't he waking up?"


"Bom, all patients are different-" Dara tried to explain.


"But the anesthetic should have worn off by now", Bom scrunched up her face as she placed her lips on TOP's grazed hands.






*Ring Ring*



Jiyong furrowed his brows, "It's TOP's mum..."



They all looked at each other nervously before Jiyong answered.



"Yoboseyo?", JIyong answered slowly.


"Jiyong?! oh thank god you answered! Tabi?! Is he there with you?!"


JIyong looked at TOP and sighed, "Neh."


"Is he ok?! He wasn't at his apartment so-"


"Sorry, imo...we decided to...get out of Seoul for a while", Jiyong lied.


"Not Hyungdam right?! Please-"


"Hyungdam? How did you know?"", JIyong asked suddenly.


"Please don't...oh god, JIyong listen to me, I think Tabi is in danger, get out of there!", Mrs Choi cried through the phone, "Please...let me speak to him!"


JIyong looked back and forth and lied, "Ani...imo we've...we've already left Hyungdam...we're going somewhere else..."


"Really?", Mrs Choi relaxed slightly, "Jiyong...please...come back to Seoul soon...I need to see Tabi."


"Arasso imo, I'll let him know", JIyong sighed and hung up.





"What was that about?", Daesung asked.


"TOP's mum..." JIyong furrowed his brows, "knew TOP was in danger..."


"Mwarago?", CL asked in shock.


"She was telling us to get out of Hyundam-"






"WE NEED TO LEAVE!!", Minzy ran  into the room and shut the door tightly.


"Minzy?!", Dara stood up.


"We need to leave!", Minzy looked frightened out of her soul.


"What's wrong?", Taeyang walked towards her.


"There are men...looking for TOP oppa and Bom unnie...", Minzy stuttered.



They all looked at each other in panic.



"Do you know who?!", JIyong asked.


Minzy shook her head.


"How are we meant to with TOP?!", Bom asked anxiously.





Jiyong raked his hair, "Seungri, Taeyang get into the staff room and get some uniforms!"


"What?", Seungri asked in confusion.


"Just do it!!", JIyong hissed.


"Dae, ring your hotel, we're going to have to stay there tonight, there's no way TOP will be able to handle the journey back to Seoul."


Daesung nodded and rang his hotel, "It's me...I need the security at the back entrance, I'm coming with a couple of friends tonight....yes NOW dammit! And remember if you value your job you won't let anyone know we're coming arasso!!"



"You girls stay here with TOP, me and Daesung will go get a stretcher!", JIyong said.


"Should we ask the staff to help?", CL asked suddenly.


"No, if too many people know we were here, it might cause trouble.."


"What are you exactly planning?", Dara asked nervously.


"Just trust me ok", JIyong said seriously before he left with Daseung.















"Clear..", Minzy stepped out in a nurse outfit and called the rest to follow.


The boys followed in paramedics uniform wheeling TOP in a stretcher out of the room. 


"You three", JIyong turned to face the Dara, CL and Bom in their doctor coats, "Go in front and distract the staff at the nurse station."



The three nodded and ran up ahead.







"Excuse me, we're transferees from Seoul Hospital", Dara smiled sweetly at the only nurse at the station, "Can you please show us where the neonatal department is?"


"ID please", the nurse said.


Dara bit her tongue and forcefully smiled and showed her her medical student ID.


The nurse looked at CL and Bom suspiciously, "I didn't know we had any transferees from Seoul."


"Um...it's...a new thing, the hospitals are trying out to...to give us more experience in different hospitals" CL lied.


"Ok...well the neonatal department is on your left and up the lift to the 5th floor", the nurse said blandly.


"Oh really...", Dara looked down the corridor nervously, "Unnie...we couldn't find it earlier...please could you show us?"


The nurse sighed annoyed but nonetheless got up.


The girls bowed thankfully and followed the nurse out of the ward.






"Ok let's go", taeyang hissed once he saw the girls go off with the nurse.



They wheeled the stretcher into the lift and sighed with relief when out of sight.



Suddenly the lift stopped two floors above the lobby floor and the very two men that were looking for TOP walked in.



Minzy's eyes widened and she turned her back towards them nervously. She tugged Jiyong's arm and eyed at the men nervously. 



Jiyong furrowed his brows at Minzy and then looked at the men, he understood and slowly and subtly hid TOP's face behind him so the two men didn't see.



They finally reached the lobby and they let the two men leave first.




"That was them!", Minzy hissed nervously as the two men walked away.



"It's fine...they didn't see", Taeyang whispered, "Come on...the cars are at the front."




As they wheeled the stretcher, the girls came from the other side and walked ahead to the exit towards the cars.




Minzy looked behind her one last time and caught the eye of one of the men, she nervously looked away and quickened her pace.





But the man noticed, he nudged his partner and they both sprinted towards the exit. They both ran out and nearly ran into the empty stretcher on the middle of the road.


"DAMMIT!" , the man shouted as he watched two cars speed away.


"Call the boss", the other hissed angrily as he glared at the cars.











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Writing the last chappie as we speak T0T


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Chapter 7: This is cute ahahaah
Chapter 31: omg my daragon feels 🥺
Chapter 73: Reading it all over again ❤️ 2024 cutie ✌️
Chapter 30: this is going to be a cute group date hehe
Chapter 30: the image won't load but i bet it was cute
Chapter 30: getting scared of a toy rat hahahahaha
Chapter 29: i love how they all freak out because of the one little rat akdsfhaklsjh
Chapter 28: omg so it's official??? seunghyun called bom his girlfriend?? aAHJKDfhkljsdfka