24 hours part 2






"THIS IS INSANITY!!", Dara screamed as she walked to her house with Jiyong.


"You want to quit then?", JIyong asked from behind.


Dara turned to face him, "And lose to YOU?! NEVER!"


JIyong shrugged, "Suit yourself then."


"Aish!", Dara unlocked her door and walked into her house.


She eyed Jiyong as he looked around the place.


"What's with all the photos?", Jiyong asked.


It's a hobby", Dara muttered as she threw her bag on the kitchen table.


"Did you take them?", he picked one up.


"Yes", Dara mumbled as she went to the kitchen grumpily.


"You're good", He remarked.


Dara peeped her head around and stared at him suspiciously.


"What?", Ji asked innocently.


"Nothing...", Dara slowly turned back to the kitchen.






"So where's the bedroom?", Jiyong asked again.


Dara scoffed, "You're in it!"


"Mwarago...where?!", he turned trying to find a door or another room.


Dara huffed and walked to him, pulling the sofa into a bed.


"You've got to be joking!", he replied gobsmacked, "You want me to sleep on that?!"


"No", Dara shook her head, she took a sleeping bag out from under the sofa and threw it on the floor, "You're sleeping there!"


"Are you crazy?!", Ji jumped angrily, "I don't sleep on floors!"


"Wanna quit then?", she grinned.


"NEVER!", he grabbed the sleeping bag.









"So the case Seunghyun shi?", Bom asked while TOP was driving.


"Yes...the case..", TOP said slowly trying to think of something. To be honest he hadn't found anything new about the case, he just didn't want JIyong and Bom sleeping in the same bloody room.


"Yes...what was it you found?", Bom asked innocently.


"Well...I can't remember"




"I mean...it's at home...so we can't discuss it right now", TOP lied.


"Then...let's go to your home then?", she innocently suggested.


"WHAT?!", TOP shouted.


"Why?!", Bom startled, "What's wrong?!"


"You want to come to my house?", he asked again, "My...house?!"


"Neh!", she replied, "We need to look at the case investigation!"











"Did you get that?", Dara asked Jiyong as they stood in the bathroom.


"Wait...sorry you lost me when you said this is the bathroom!", Jiyong replied in shock.


"Well...it has a toilet" she pointed out, "A shower cubicle....and a sink..."


"But...how can it be a bathroom?", he still didn't understand how this tiny room could be a bathroom.


"Don't piss me off", Dara muttered, "Just remember the shower head is broken so you need to hold it together whole you wash, and the hot water runs for only 10 minutes at a time and also after you're done, wrap this cloth around the shower head to stop it leaking and put a bucket underneath to collect the water."


"When did showering become such hard work?", he asked miserably.


"Enjoy!", Dara stepped out.




"I must be crazy!", Jiyong muttered as he took his clothes off and got into the shower.





2 minutes later.



"Jiyong shi....is everything ok?!", Dara shouted from the kitchen.


"YEA!", he shouted back from the shower.


"Not for long", Dara whispered as she the cold tap in the kitchen.



"AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!", Jiyong screamed in the shower as freezing cold water hit his body, "WHAT THE AAAAAAAAAAHH!"


"Are you ok Jiyong shi?", Dara tried not to laugh.


"COLD AAAAAAAAAAAH!", Ji pressed himself against the wall trying to get away from the water.


"Waeyo?", she asked again.




The door opened and Jiyong peeped out shivering, his hair and face covered in soap, "Cold....why is it cold?"


"Really?", Dara pretended to sound shocked, she turned the tap off and went into the bathroom and tested the shower, "Jiyong shi...it's warm though?"


"It is?", Jiyong asked.


"Deh...enjoy", Dara smiled sweetly and left.



As soon as Jiyong started to shower she turned the cold water on again.













Bom plopped herself on the sofa, "Seunghyun shi bring the case"


TOP nervously looked around, "I'll...go find it"


"Neh", Bom smiled as she waited.






"Bom...I can't seem to find it", TOP came out of his room after a while.


"What? I left Dara on her own to come here!", Bom said, "And you've lost it?!"




"I'm going then", Bom stood up.



"WAIT!", TOP stood in front of her, "But Jiyong's there"


"Exactly! I can't leave Dara on her own!"


"But that would mean you and Jiyong....the night", TOP stuttered.


"So?", she asked.


"NO!", TOP shouted, "I mean we can discuss the next step for the case while you're here..."

Bom bit her lip and hesitated slightly.


"Dinner included?", TOP asked trying to persuade Bom.


"Dinner?", Bom's face lit up.












JIyong sat on the bed shivering after his cold shower.


Dara bit her lip to stop herself cracking up, "Oh...I just don't know why the shower was like that today"


"It's...ok", Jiyong stuttered between shivers, "I'll....be....fine...in a ....minute..."


Dara turned away to stop herself from laughing, "So...Jiyong shi-"


"Stop with the shi", Jiyong said.


"Huh?", Dara turned to face him.


"Shi? Stop it", he repeated, "I think we're past formalities now"


"Sunbae then?", Dara asked since Jiyong went to Seoul uni as well.


"YA! I wasn't even in your department!", he retorted.


"Then?", she asked.


"Just call me Jiyong...or oppa?", Jiyong grinned.


"Jiyong it is then!", Dara quickly said making him frown.




Jiyong yawned and then fell back on the bed.


"YAA!", Dara stood up and pointed at him, "You're sleeping on the floor!"


Jiyong snuggled even more in bed, "I don't think so!"




"Aish....why is this tiny bed so comfortable?"


"Exactly it's my comfortable bed!", Dara whined.


"Just sleep on the floor will you", he said not caring at all.


"YAA!", she tried to pull him off the bed by his leg. She pulled him again, but he pulled his leg back making her fall onto bed with him.


"KYAAAAAAA!", she fell next to him and they both blinked at eachother in shock.













"What exactly are you planning on making for dinner?", Bom asked excitedly as she ran to the kitchen, "WOAAAAAAAAAAAH THIS IS A KITCHEN?!"


TOP walked in after her.


"This is double the size of our house!!", Bom exclaimed.


TOP ignored her comments and went and sat on the stool, "What do you want to eat?"


"Hmm...", Bom opened the fridge.


"Ya! We're ordering", TOP said.


"Bwah?!", Bom turned to face him, "You have loads of food here though!"


"I can't cook!", TOP shrugged.


"Shock horror", she said sarcastically, "I'll cook then."


"But...my maid does that", TOP said slowly.


"Does what?"


"Cook..", TOP answered.


"Just like every other human above the age of 13", Bom replied sarcastically.


TOP glared at her, "But I'll order..."


"That's a waste of money", Bom crossed her arms.


"Yes...of my money though", he replied again, "so it doesn't matter.


"Fair point...", Bom nodded thinking she could probably order everything on the menu but then shook her head, "NO! We're cooking!"


TOP sighed, "Fine but YOU'RE cooking", he left the room.














"Are you going to get off me?", Jiyong quietly said.


"DEH?!", Dara startled and sat up.


Jiyong snickered and then pulled her back next to him again.


"OMMO!", Dara shouted in shock.


Jiyong wrapped his left leg over her and snuggled closer to her.


"AHHHHHHHHH!" GET OFF GET OFF!", Dara screamed.


"Aish....always shouting!", Jiyong mumbled but still didn't let her go.


"I'LL CALL THE POLICE!", Dara whined.


"No you won't", Jiyong yawned again.


"OFF NOW! GET OFF!", Dara shouted and she squirmed.


He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her closer, "I like this place.


"What?", Dara gasped as she still tried to get away.


"It's just like you", Jiyong smiled as he closed his eyes.


"Ya! Are you going to sleep? NO!", she protested.


"Feels...warm", he smiled as he nuzzled closer to her.


"y.ya..", Dara mumbled now, wanting to get away and stay there at the same time now.


"Night...dara park", he slowly said as he fell asleep with Dara in his arms.











"SEUNGHYUN SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!", Bom called him out happily.


TOP casually walked into the kitchen and looked at the different dishes on the table.


"Did...you make these?"


Bom nodded proudly, "NEH!"


TOP sat in front of the dishes, "I'm impressed"


"I didn't know how to cook Korean food so I improvised...but I'm sure it tastes nice", Bom sat opposite him, "Try them"


TOP took his chopsticks and picked a piece of chicked and put it in his mouth.



Bom looked at him waiting for a reaction.




"Hmmmm...mmm", TOP chewed slowly as his face hardened and cold sweat started appearing on his forehead, "Yu..mmy"


"CHINCHA?!", Bom happily clapped her hand as she picked her chopsticks too.


TOP stopped her before she could eat something, "Don't!"


"Waeyo?", she asked innocently.


TOP finally swallowed the piece of rubber covered in diesel...I mean the chicken, "Because...haha... it's so tasty I want to eat it all!"


"Chincha it must be really good then!", Bom slapped his hand away and popped the chicken in . She chewed happily for a few seconds and then....her face scrunched up as she looked at TOP in horror, she started gagging as she covered .


"Bom?", TOP asked nervously.


"ACKKKKKKKKKKK!", Bom spat it out and ran to the sink for water.




Bom fell to the floor gasping, "YA!! WHY DID YOU LET ME EAT THAT?!"


"What?", TOP exclaimed, "Why are you getting angry at me?"


"Aish you should have just ordered!". Bom wiped her tongue.


"HUL!", TOP exclaimed, how could there be a girl like her.










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Writing the last chappie as we speak T0T


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