When you're in love








CL waited at home nervously and impatiently for her dad to come back from his interview. She fiddled with the cushion as she peered through the window into the dark night wondering what was taking him so long.



"What if he didn't get the job?", CL asked herself biting her nails, "Did....did Seungri reject appa?!"


She huffed angrily, "Who does he think he is?!!"




Suddenly the door opened and the slumped figure of her father entered the house.



"APPA?", CL ran to the door and took his suitcase from him.


Her dad looked glumly at her, "Hello dear"



"appa?", CL whispered, understanding he hadn't got the job.



"It's ok my dear", her father patted her back and walked to the kitchen.


"Did they say why?", CL followed him.


"It was my choice CL", her dad explained, but CL didn't believe him.




"CL...are you happy my dear?", her dad suddenly asked.


"neh?", CL asked confused.


"If you're happy then that's all that matters", he smiled.




"I'm tired today, I might get an early night in tonight", her dad smiled and left her to go to his room.




CL furrowed her brows angrily, she couldn't believe that Seungri ruined the one chance her dad had of getting a job. She huffed and grabbed her bag thrwoing it over her shoulder and storming out to meet him.

















"I promise this time it'll be nice Seunghyun", Bom begged as she tried to pull the cooking pot of TOP.


"You said that last time!", TOP shouted as he pulled the pot back and stuffed it back in the cupboard.


"WAH!", Bom gasped and rolled her eyes, "DO YOU WANT TO ORDER FOOD FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE THEN?!"


"NO! JUST UNTIL YOU ACTUALLY LEARN HOW TO COOK!", he shouted back. He'd given up on pretending Bom's food was good now, she had to know that plastic was more edible than her food.


"I doooooo!", Bom whined, she whipped out her phone, "I even downloaded an app for it!!"


"NO!", he took her phone off her and shoved it in his pocket, "You need proper cooking lessons from a michelin star chef!"


Bom pouted and crossed her arms and sat grumpily on the chair, "As if you can cook better!"


"I never said I could!", TOP retorted.


"Hmph!", Bom lowered her head sadly.



beep beep




TOP took Bom's phone out, "You've got a text."


Bom didn't reply and continued to sulk.


"Ok, I'll read it out to you then", TOP sighed.


He opened up the message, and what he saw made his face darken, every single hair on his body stood up.



It was a picture of the ajhusshi....dead. Under the photo there was a message to Bom:



If you don't want this to happen to anyone else close to you, come to the pension alone.

If anyone else knows, be prepared to lose someone else.






"Who was it from?", Bom asked finally looking up.


"Huh?", TOP quickly deleted the text and hid the phone behind his back.


Bom furrowed her brows and looked up curiously.


TOP still felt the chills down his spine as he tried to smile back, "It...it was just one of those....advertising texts..."


"Oh", Bom slumped back on her chair, "Just delete it then, anyway what shall we order? I'm hungry."



"Yeah...how about we go to Gong restaurant?", TOP suddenly suggested, "We haven't seen the gang in a while."


Bom smiled happily and went off to get ready.



TOP's face fell again, a thousand thoughts running through his mind suddenly. But only one was clear...whatever happens, Bom must never find out about this, not until he sorted it all out. He had been right all along, it had been a trap. Someone was after Bom, and they were dangerous, he had to get to the bototm of this.















The boys sat on their table and watched Minzy, Bom and Dara chatting away by the bar with Gong ajhussi.




JIyong finally turned back to TOP, "So why did you call us over?"



TOP placed his drink back on the table and looked seriously at the boys, "Bom's in danger."


The boys furrowed their brows and looked at each other.


"The guy who attacked her escaped from the hospital", TOP explained, "and I think he's after Bom."


"How can you be sure hyung?", Daesung asked quietly making sure the girls didn't notice.


"I don't know, I just have a feeling", TOP sighed, "She got a text from the blind ajhussi the other day, saying he wanted to meet her alone at the pension."


"Tell me you didn't let her go alone?!", Taeyang asked.


"Of course not, I made her promise, I had a feeling it was a trap and....I was right", TOP shook his head slightly.


"What do you mean?", JIyong asked, looking back at the girls quickly and then back.


TOP looked at Bom too before saying anything.



"Hyung?", Seungri asked anxiously.


"Bom got a text right before we came over", TOP said quietly, "luckily I got the text before she did..."


"And?", Daesung asked.


"The ajhussi's dead", TOP said seriously.


"sh!t", Jiyong leaned back on his chair in shock as the other boys sighed sadly.


"That's not all", TOP continued, "there was a message for Bom...it told her to come to the pension alone otherwise someone else close to her will get hurt too."


Taeyang rubbed his face with his hands, "Do you think it's the guy who attacked Bom then?"


"I'm pretty sure", TOP nodded, "That's why I called you guys over here, the only family Bom has are the girls...I just want you guys to be careful and look after the girls, this guy is capable of anything."



JIyong gulped nervously, he looked up at Dara just when she turned to face him. She smiled sweetly at him making him sigh and smile back. He turned around and faced TOP with a serious face, "TOP, find this guy!"


TOP nodded, "Trust me...I will."



"Is there anything we can do?", Taeyang asked.


"I need to go to the pension-", TOP replied.


"What?!", Jiyong pulled his arm, "Are you crazy?!"


"TOP, you just said this guy killed the ajhussi and is after Bom and you want to go chase him?!", Taeyang asked angrily.


"You're the closest to Bom, if he wants Bom all he has to do is hurt you!", Daesung added, "Going there is out of the question!"


"So do you want me to just sit here and do nothing?!", TOP hissed at the boys, "I'm not letting Bom get hurt again!"


"I don't have a good feeling about this TOP!", JIyong shook his head.


"We're coming with you then!", Taeyang said suddenly and the boys nodded.


"No!", TOP shook his head, "You need to be here to look after the girls!"


"No way-"


"Look", TOP growled, "We know this guy was hired by someone powerful to kill her parents, these people will do anything to get what they want so stay here to protect the girls and I'll handle this guy!"


"How?!", Jiyong hissed, raking his hair with his fingers.


"I don't know yet, but if it means keeping Bom safe then I'll do anything", TOP muttered.



"Ya, ya", Daesung whispered," the girls are looking this way!"


The boys looked towards the girls who were looking at them suspiciously now. The boys turned back and grabbed their drinks trying to look as relaxed as possible. The boys tried to smile, but it was hard knowing the danger they were in now.











"CL!", the girls waved at her when she entered the restaurant. 




CL slammed her bag at the bar next to the girls and stormed towards Seungri.




"WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!", CL shouted angrily at Seungri.


Seungri looked up wide eyed at CL who's face was red and puffy from crying.


"Do you really think you're all that rejecting people without knowing them?!", CL shouted, not being able to think properly.


Seungri stood up slowly, not understanding the situation.



"How could you? Do you even know how dedicated and hard working my appa is?!", Cl shouted.


"Cl", Seungri reached for CL's hand.


CL hit his hand away and huffed angrily, "So what if he is underqualified?! Does everyone at your pretentious company have to have a degree and be rich?!"


"Cl!", Seungri shouted angrily when she wasn't listening to him.


"You know what? My dad's better off-"


"YES HE IS BETTER OFF!", Seungri shouted, "And it was his decision too!"


CL looked at him with a mixture of anger and confusion.


"You're right, your father is hard working and dedicated I could see that, that's why I offered him the job!", Seungri said angrily, "At that time I didn't know he was your dad, but when I offered him the job he insisted on ringing you to let you know!"


CL blinked.


"He kept saying your name so I asked him, wanting to know if he was talking about you!", Seungri explained angrily, "That's when I found out you were his daughter!"



"so...why?", CL asked.


Seungri sighed, "I didn't want him to start working for me and then later find out about us...and I wanted to properly introduce myself so I did..."


"you did?", CL asked with tears in her eyes now.


"Yes, I said I am Lee Seungri, your daughter's boyfriend and future husband!", Seungri said.


Cl wiped a tear away as quickly as it fell.


"I asked him to accept me and he did!", Seungri said, "but he refused to take the job because he didn't want to come between you and me later on..."


"That's what he said?", CL bit her trembling lip.


Seungri stepped up to her and nodded, "Your dad would have been a great asset to our company, and that's not because he's your dad but because of who he is." 


He wiped her tears off her cheek, "That's why after his interview I called up another company who we've worked with to recommend him."


CL looked up at Seungri looking as if she was about to cry again, "chincha?"



 "It's a shame I fell for his daughter...he would have gone far in the company", Seungri teased.


Cl hit his chest and laughed slightly, "....mianhe..."


Seungri smiled and kissed her forehead, "You know what else he said?"


CL looked up at him and waited.


"He said since he lost such a good opportunity, if we don't get married he's going to hunt me down", Seungri grinned.


CL hid her blushing face behind her hands, "You know my dad used to go hunting."


Seungri's face fell and then he smirked, "Well then we have no choice, we'll just have to get married."


"HUH?!", CL gasped.










"Aren't they cute?", Dara came up and hugged JIyong who still sitting down, from the back.


JI smiled and held her hands in front of her, "hmm."


Dara placed her cheek next to his and smiled happily, "I'm happy..."


Ji smiled slightly but then his eyes met TOP's dark face as he stared into space. JIyong's hands tightened on Dara's protectively.


"are you happy?", Dara titled her head to look at Jiyong.


JIyong pecked her lips, "If you're with me, I'll always be happy."









"Omo omo", Bom came and sat next to TOP, "look at those two!"


TOP snapped out of his daze when Bom's presence suddenly filled the empty space next to him.


"Ahh!", Bom picked up some chicken from the plate and gave it to TOP.


TOP shook his head, "I'm not hungry.."



Bom pouted slighlty, "what aren't you telling me?"


"Huh?", TOP asked suddenly.


Bom bit the end of the chopstick and looked at him intently, "Seunghyun...don't hide things from me, I don't like it."

TOP froze for a moment, he finally broke into a warm smile and wrapped his arm around her, "I'm just tired."


"Chincha?", she backed her head away slightly to get a better view of his face.


TOP nodded, he took the chopsticks of her and fed her the chicken instead. Bom ate the chicken and started happily talking to the girls again.




TOP sighed, and turned to find the boys gravely looking at him. 










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Writing the last chappie as we speak T0T


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Chapter 7: This is cute ahahaah
Chapter 31: omg my daragon feels 🥺
Chapter 73: Reading it all over again ❤️ 2024 cutie ✌️
Chapter 30: this is going to be a cute group date hehe
Chapter 30: the image won't load but i bet it was cute
Chapter 30: getting scared of a toy rat hahahahaha
Chapter 29: i love how they all freak out because of the one little rat akdsfhaklsjh
Chapter 28: omg so it's official??? seunghyun called bom his girlfriend?? aAHJKDfhkljsdfka