Let the fight continue







The next evening, CL, Minzy and Seungri, Daesung and Taeyang met up at the restaurant.




"How are the oppas?", CL sighed and asked Seungri.


Seungri shrugged, "I haven't seen them either recently."


"Well can you blame them?", Daesung said, "TOP and Bom are busy with the court case on saturday and well Dara's busy trying to run a company."



"Have the girls not been in touch with you?", Taeyang asked CL and Minzy.


They shook their heads, "I hope they're ok...Dara's dad...he's not going to stop until that company is his."


"And Bom unnie...I don't even know how she is, with court coming up as well and it's already thursday", Minzy slumped onto her seat.


"If...TOP oppa's dad gets out of it then...", CL asked worriedly.


"He's going to jail no matter what for laundering money", Seungri said, "He's bound to get a good couple of years for the amount he stole."


"But it's not the same, the whole reason TOP oppa is going against his own dad is to get justice for Bom", CL said, "He needs to pay for what he did."


"And he will", Taeyang said with certainty, "You don't know TOP, he won't let him get away with this one."


















TOP ran into the kitchen and found his mum lying on the floor with Bom trying to wake her up.





"What happened?!", TOP ran to them and fell on his knees, "Omma?!!"


"We were just talking and then suddenly she complained about a headache and just...just collapsed!", Bom said anxiously, "Ottoke?!!"


"Omma!! Omma!!", TOP shouted and shook her.





"hhmm..", his mum uttered.


"Omma!!", TOP shouted again.


Mrs Choi slowly opened her eyes, "...tabi..."


"What happened? Are you ok?!", TOp asked anxiously.


Mrs CHoi placed a hand on her head and scrunched her face in pain.



"I need to take you to the hospital!", TOP said as he started to lift her.


"Ani", Mrs Choi shook her head, "No...I'll be fine."




"Really I'm fine..", Mrs Choi pointed at the chair and TOP helped her to there.


Bom kneeled in front of her and felt her head, "You...don't have a temperature...maybe you're dehydrated?"


Mrs Choi nodded, "Maybe.."


Bom ran to get a glass of water for her.


"Have you been taking your medication omma?", TOP asked seriously.


Mrs Choi bit her lip and slowly shook her head.


"Omma?!", TOP sighed, "Why aren't you taking them?!"


"I...ran out...", Mrs Choi said apologetically.


"Then get some more!", TOP said.


"Well...your appa..usually got them for me", Mrs Choi said quietly.


TOP raked his hair in fustration, "Omma!!"



"Mianhe...that's probably why I've been having these dreams lately", Mrs Choi muttered.


"Dreams?", Bom asked.


"Neh...recently, all I seem to dream about is running away from someone, and getting into a car accident..."



"Car accident?", TOP asked slowly.


"Neh...", his mum nodded, "And...your father..."



"What about him?", TOP kneeled in front of her.



"Just...of him...", Mrs CHoi furrowed her brows in pain, "ALways...there laughing at me..."


"Laughing?", TOP asked, suddenly his face darkened, "Omma...can you tell me your dream from the beginning...everything you remember..."


"Why?", Mrs Choi looked at him nervously.


Bom looked at TOP in confusion as well.


TOP looked at Bom and then back at his mum with a darkened expression, "I don't think that's a dream...I think it's a memory."
















"KWON JIYONG WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!", Dara shouted once JIyong got home.


"Mianhe" JIyong sighed at his angry girlfriend.



"You must really have gone mad!", Dara scoffed, "You said you'd be back this morning!! What's the time now?!" she looked at her watch, "It's 11pm!!"


"Mianhe", Jiyong repeated as he loosened his tie and sat down on the sofa.


"Mianhe? Do you know how worried I was?!!", Dara continued to shout.


"I wonder if you'll quieten down once we're married?", JIyong asked himself.



Dara froze for a second and then grimaced, "Always changing the subject you nappeum nom!!"


Jiyong smirked slightly and leaned back on the sofa closing his eyes, "I'll take that as a no then."


"Yah!", Dara threw a pillow at him, "Do you know how worried I was? Where were you?"


JIyong looked at her, "Did you go back to the company today? How was it?"


"Aish!", Dara sat next to him, "It was fine, dad wasn't there and Minho oppa helped me! Now your turn! Where were you all last night and today?!"


"I told you, I had something I needed to deal with", JIyong sighed and smiled at her.


"At work?", Dara asked.


"With mum", Jiyong said.


"Oh..", Dara said slowly, "Is...everything ok?"


"Yeah", JIyong shrugged his shoulders, "Why wouldn't it be?"


Dara sighed with relief, "I thought something-"


"What? You thought my omma turned evil again?", he smirked.


"Nappeun nom!", Dara hit him with a pillow.


JIyong grabbed the pillow and pulled it to him, pulling Dara with it.


Dara blinked nervously at the close proximity. 


JIyong smirked, "Hmm...what's with calling me nappeun nom suddenly?"


"You've always been nappeun", she pouted angrily.


"Do...you want to see me be a nappeun nom?", he whispered seductively.


She gulped and looked away, "um...no thank you."


JIyong snickered , "Babo!", he tapped her nose.


















"And...that's my dream...", Mrs Choi said after telling TOP and Bom what she's been dreaming for the past couple of days.



"Does it mean anything to you?", Bom asked TOP who had been listening silently.


"It does", TOP muttered.


Bom and Mrs Choi waited for him to say something else anxiously.



TOP thought for a moment and went to his room to get something.



Bom and Mrs Choi slowly stood up and held each other's hands nervously.



TOP came back in the room with a photo, "Omma...the place you were running from...was it this place?" he handed her the photo of the pension.


Mrs Choi looked at the photo and nodded, "Yes..but how did you know?"



Bom covered with her hand when she slowly realised.



"Omma...the night you got into that car accident...", TOP held her hand, "Was the same night Bom's parents were murdered."


Mrs Choi nodded, "Yes...you told me but still how-"


"They were murdered at that house...the one you were running away from in your dream", TOP said slowly.



Mrs Choi's eyes widened in shock, "what..what are you...saying?"



"That wasn't a dream...that's your memory...you finally remember", TOP said.


"Are...are you sure?", his mum stuttered nervously, "I mean maybe it's because...I...I haven't been taking my medication..."


TOP sighed, "It could be...but I have a gut feeling that-"


"I should take my medication...and then we can be sure....right?", Mrs Choi stuttered as she held onto Bom, "Bom...what do you think?"


"Huh?", Bom said still in shock, "Um...yes...if you tell me the name of your medication then I can get it for you."


"It's...", Mrs Choi reached for her bag and scrummaged for her medication bottle, "Here..."


Bom looked at the bottle andread the label on it, "Citalopram hydrobromide..."



"neh...they're the little orange and green capsules...", Mrs Choi stuttered.



Bom looked up at her suddenly, "Capsules?"


"Neh!", Mrs Choi nodded.



Bom's face fell slightly.



"Why? What's wrong?", TOP asked Bom when he noticed her change in expression.


Bom looked at TOP nervously, "Citalopram hydrobromide are tablets...plain white tablets."



TOP froze as every hair on his body stood up.



"What..what do you mean?", Mrs Choi asked looking at the two.




"Omma?", Bom asked her, "How...how long have you been taking these?"


"Since the accident", Mrs Choi answered, "Taehyun got the prescriptions and he always gave me the medication...why?"



TOP stepped back and leaned on the wall for support. 



"Why?", Mrs Choi asked again, "Why are you two acting like that?"


TOP clenched his teeth, he turned to Bom, "Can you find out what those capsules are used for?"


"I...I can try", Bom said.


"Can you do that for me...before the court case on saturday?", TOP asked her again.


Bom nodded quickly.




"Tabi...Bom someone explain to me-"


"Omma", TOP turned to his mum, "You're going to have to be the witness on saturday."


"What? But I didn't see-"

"Omma, that wasn't a dream", TOP shook her slightly, "That was a memory!"




"You're remembering because you stopped taking those drugs!", TOP said.


"But they're meant to help-"


"No!", TOP shouted making Mrs Choi flinch slightly, "they weren't...they weren't helping."
















Dara entered the office the next day with a heavy heart. She'd only been there a couple of times, but it wasn't what she wanted, but for her mother she was willing to sacrifice it all.






"Ma'am", her receptionist bowed to her.


"Neh, good morning", Dara smiled.


"Ma'am...Bae sajangnim is waiting for you", she nodded at her office.


Dara froze, not wanting to go in, "What about...Minho oppa?"


"Minho shi has a meeting with a client, he'll be back this afternoon."



Dara cursed under her breath, without oppa how was she going to cope. She turned and nodded to the receptionist, "Thank you."




She walked up to her door and paused with her hand on the door handle for a moment. She took a deep breath and finally walked in.




"Mr Bae", Dara said calmly at her father who was looking out the window, "What brings you to my office...without my permission."


Mr Bae turned around and arrogantly apologised, "My apologies...sajangnim."


Dara's eyes squinted, he was up to something. She walked to her chair and sat down, "Was...was there something you needed?"


"Oh just a little signature", Mr Bae smiled and slid a paper towards her.


"What's this?, Dara furrowed her brows and read it, "Is this some kind of joke?!"


"No", Mr Bae said and sat down opposite to her with a disgusting grin on his face.


"You want me to sign this?", Dara asked with a raised brow.


"Yes, it's a resignation letter...for you", he grinned again.


Dara gritted her teeth, "I don't have time-"


Mr Bae pushed another envelope to her.


Dara looked at the brown envelope and glared back at him.


"Open it", Mr Bae chuckled.


Dara grabbed the envelope and ripped it open, she pulled out the contents and paused when she realised what the photos were of. She looked up in shock. They were photos of the kids from the orphanage.



"Cute children aren't they?", Mr Bae said, "You were once that cute."


"Where did you get these?", Dara muttered through gritted teeth.


Mr Bae leaned forward and took a picture out of her hand, "I think they said this one's name was Shinwoo."


Dara clenched her teeth, "What do you want?!"


"You know exactly what I want", Mr Bae smirked, "Sign the resignation letter...or...", he slowly ripped the picture of Shinwoo in front of Dara.












Annyeong lovely readers!! 


Hope everyone is well!! Sigh....horrible Mr Bae and Mr Choi I want to kick there asses up to the blooming moon!!


My dear fate vs hate family....I'm afraid this story is nearly at it's end aigoooooo it's so bittersweet for me. Because i feel like this story means more to me than my first one only because the first one I was new and experiencing and learning so it wasn't quite the way I wanted it to be if that makes sense. But Fate vs Hate is like my baby, it's exactly how I imagined it in my head when I first thought of the idea and also because it recieved so so so so much love from you all it's just more precious to me.


I really want to thank every single one of you who took the time to read it, comment, susbcribe and vote for this story. Thank you for loving my story so much.


I already have a new story brewing in my mind and it will come to you very very soon after this one finishes (hint it's daragon, topbom and ririn again keke). So I hope we can all meet again through another story neh?


Until the next update (which will be very soon), love you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Writing the last chappie as we speak T0T


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Chapter 7: This is cute ahahaah
Chapter 31: omg my daragon feels 🥺
Chapter 73: Reading it all over again ❤️ 2024 cutie ✌️
Chapter 30: this is going to be a cute group date hehe
Chapter 30: the image won't load but i bet it was cute
Chapter 30: getting scared of a toy rat hahahahaha
Chapter 29: i love how they all freak out because of the one little rat akdsfhaklsjh
Chapter 28: omg so it's official??? seunghyun called bom his girlfriend?? aAHJKDfhkljsdfka