Back to Seoul






"Ajhussi!", Bom knocked on the door of the blind ajhussi's hut behind the pension.


"He's not anywhere in the compound", Dara, Minzy and Taeyang walked back to the gang.




The gang had come to the pension one last time before heading off to Seoul.





"I can't see anyone either", Jiyong peered through the window, "Maybe he went somewhere"




"AJHUSSI!", Bom knocked on the door again.



"Bom, let's go", CL said, "He's not here"


"But", Bom pouted towards the hut.




"We'll keep trying once we're back in Seoul", TOP nodded at her.


"Seunghyun...", Bom furrowed her eyes looking like she was about to cry.


" me", he walked towards her and held his hand out, "I'll help you."


Bom sighed deeply as she stared at his hand, she finally placed her hand in his.


"Come on", TOP nodded towards the car and pulled her.





They walked towards the cars while the others looked on at her slowly walking away.




"I wonder where that ajhussi went?",Jiyong looked back at the hut.


"There's something strange going on here", Daesung added as he shuddered slightly, "Just something is not right."















Once back at the restaurant, the boys helped carry their luggage in.


"Seungri I can take it", CL said as she tried to pull her bag away from Seungri.


Seungri just shook his head, "You think I would let my girl carry her own luggage?!" and walked towards the restaurant.



"My girl?", the others nudged eachother secretively.




"Ya!", CL hissed at Seungri, "Who said I was your girl?"


"Are you not?", Seungri asked.


"Why would you think I was?"


"Cos I said I like you", Seungri simply stated.


CL face palmed herself and shook her head, "Oh gawd!! You and your spoilt ways!!"







"Are you sure you don't want me to drop you and Dara off at your house?", TOP asked.


Bom nodded," Yea, we said we'd help Gong ajhussi at the restaurant tonight"


"Ok", TOP smiled, "We're still meeting up tomorrow right?"



The others turned around and pricked their ears.



Bom noticed and glared at them, "For the case!!"



The gang quickly turned away.




"Pick you up at the hospital tomorrow?", TOP asked again.


"Ani, it'll be late... I can just come to the office afterwards", Bom smiled.


"Just stay at the hospital and don't go running around on your own, I'll pick you up", TOP said sounding slightly annoyed.


"And he's back to his prickly self", Bom huffed quietly.


"I heard that", TOP stated.


"You were meant to!", Bom glared at him.


"Just wait for me arasso!", TOP repeated.







Dara and Jiyong hadn't spoken or even batted an eye lid at each other since their kiss.


The others started saying their goodbyes. Jiyong made eye contact with every one but Dara and she noticed. She took a deep breath, she knew why he was avoiding her and although she was relieved at the same time she couldn't help but feel like someone had stabbed her in the heart.



She suddenly walked and stood in front of Jiyong, not caring if the others were looking at her.



Jiyong had told the boys about the incident and Dara had told the girls, so everyone knew the situation at hand, so when they saw Dara making a move, they all stopped what they were doing and watched the two.




"Jiyong?", Dara called trying to sound happy as she could.



Dara put her hand out, "Phone?"


JIyong looked at her in confusion but nevertheless handed his phone over.


Dara fiddled with his phone for a moment and then handed it over.



"I've deleted my number...", Dara said as she took her phone out and deleted his number, "and I've deleted yours"



Jiyong looked down at his phone and then back at her.



Dara sighed, "You haven't spoken to me since that night, so I get the message and don't worry, I'm not angry or fact I'm glad that you feel the same as me"


Jiyong furrowed his eyebrows.


"Jiyong... I don't think there is any reason for us to meet again", Dara smiled sadly.



Jiyong felt his heart crush in his chest but he knew what she was doing was only what he didn't have the guts to do.



"Isn't this what you wanted?", Dara asked, her voice shaking a bit.


JIyong didn't say anything, he just looked at her sadly.


"You and I live in two very different and separate worlds", Dara bit her lip and continued as she tried not to cry, "and I...I want it to stay that way"



Jiyong blinked and clenched his jaw trying not to react.



"Kamsamida, I'm really happy to have met you Jiyong...but I want to stop now.... ", Dara bowed and walked into the restaurant.



Jiyong stood frozen on the spot , he clenched his fists and tried to blink away the tears forming in his eyes.














"Dara", Bom hugged Dara tightly, "Are you ok?"


Dara nodded, "Of course why wouldn't I be?!", she went on wiping the tables.



" like him?", CL suggested.


"Don't be ridiculous!", Dara laughed, "CL how long have you known me?"


"Long enough to know when you're lying", CL said seriously.


"No, you've known me long enough to know I would never fall for a guy like him", Dara said not making eye contact.


"Is this because of your dad?", CL asked again.


Dara turned to look at her, "How many times do I have to tell you not to mention him?"


"You've got to talk about him sometime Dara", CL said, "You need to tell us so we can help you"


"All you need to know", Dara said slightly angry, "he's someone I don't want to be linked with! AT ALL!!"




The girls sighed as Dara went to serve customers.





"What did her dad actually do?", Bom asked CL.


"All she's told me is that he married someone else a month after her mum's death", CL shook he head, "But there's something more she's not telling us."


"Why's she hiding from him though?", Bom asked again.


CL shrugged her shoulders, "All I know is that he's been trying to find Dara for about a year or so now...but obviously Dara doesn't want to be found"


"But why?", Minzy asked, "Surely they could sort it out if only Dara unnie gave her appa a chance."


CL shook her head, "No...more than  being rebellious, there's something more....something that's stopping her from reaching out to him....almost as if she's scared to be found."



"Scared to be found?", Bom asked again.


"Well whatever the reason....only Dara knows", CL replied watching Dara cheerfully serve customers.












TOP stretched his arms as he walked to the lounge area and sat on his sofa.


He ruffled his har dry with a towel and turned the TV on.




"Mr Choi Tae hyun, former CEO of Choi Law Firm has recently announced he will be returning to the political limelight after 2 years break in Japan-"




His face hardened at the mention of his father on the news. 



He turned the TV off and stared expressionlessly at the black screen for a long moment.



"you shouldn't be coming back", he softly muttered.



'Stay out of my life...'












Jiyong walked back to his lonely, dark and empty studio. He sighed as he sat on his chair and stared at the ceiling.



'I'm really happy I met you Jiyong'


"We live in two very different and seperate worlds...'




He reached for his camera and flipped through Dara's photos once more.



"Dara Park.....", he muttered, "You couldn't even let me finish it, you had to do it all by yourself..."



He sighed as he leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees.



"I can forget you...."



He remembered their first meeting at the club where they'd insulted each other.


"I can forget you...."



He thought about how they met again at the park and restaurant and how he'd made her his personal driver.



He closed his eyes, "I will forget you...."



He remembered when she came to his exhibition and their date.



"I will forget you...."



He remembered when she revealed her name and how she comforted him.



"I will forget you...."



He remembered how he ignored her at the party, their bet, their arguments.



"I...will forget you", he clenched his jaw.



He remembered her smile, how she danced, how she joked, how she laughed.



"I ...need to forget you...."



He remembered their kiss, how nervous she was.




He sighed heavily and leaned back on the chair.



"I can't forget you."









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Writing the last chappie as we speak T0T


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Chapter 7: This is cute ahahaah
Chapter 31: omg my daragon feels 🥺
Chapter 73: Reading it all over again ❤️ 2024 cutie ✌️
Chapter 30: this is going to be a cute group date hehe
Chapter 30: the image won't load but i bet it was cute
Chapter 30: getting scared of a toy rat hahahahaha
Chapter 29: i love how they all freak out because of the one little rat akdsfhaklsjh
Chapter 28: omg so it's official??? seunghyun called bom his girlfriend?? aAHJKDfhkljsdfka