Personal driver





"Unni?", Minzy whispered as her and Dara wiped the glasses clean at the bar.




"He keeps looking at you", Minzy hissed.


Dara flickered her eyes up for a moment and saw Ji arrogantly watching her. She rolled her eyes and turned her back to him and continued drying the glasses.




"Will you stop staring at her!", Taeyang said to Ji, "You look like a creep!"


Ji turned to face the boys smiling and fiddled with his food.


"What's with the smile?", TOP asked.


Ji shook his head, "Nothing, she's just entertaining."


"More like scary", Daesung shivered, "I still remember when she shouted at us at the club, the other girl is better", Daesung nodded towards Bom's direction who was serving other customers.


TOP craned his head to his side to get a better look of Bom, "Hmm nah", he shook his head.


"You don't think she's pretty hyung?", Daesung asked.


"She is but she seems a bit irresponsible", TOP shrugged and took a shot of soju.


"Why?", Ji looked at TOP.


"Well she's got a kid at home, and she works at a club that is infested with bloody men, she'll probably go home late today from work too and she drinks in public parks in daylight..... I mean look at her".


The boys looked at Bom who was sweetly helping customers, "She's got a kid?"


"Doesn't she look a bit young to have a kid?", Seungri asked.


"Exactly, irresponsible", TOP said uninterestingly.


"Well who do you find responsible to be honest hyung?", Seungri took a swing of his drink.


"Not you four that's for sure", TOP smirked while the others glared at him.






"Here are your drinks", Minzy placed some more drinks on the boys table.


"Thank you um?", Ji said.


"Gong Minzy", Minzy replied.


"Yea thank you Minzy", Ji smiled, "Um why aren't the other girls helping you serve us?"


"", how could she tell the boys that her unnies refused to serve them because they were all too arrogant, "um....they're a bit busy..."


"Well that's a shame, I guess we'll just have to let the owner know only you were willing to serve us", Taeyang said helping Jiyong out.


"NO!", Minzy protested, "I'll go get them now!".


"Cheers dude", Ji smiled at Taeyang.












"Did you need anything customer-nim?", Dara specifically targeted TOP.


"Can I help you?", Bom asked Seungri.


"Yes?", CL bowed to Jiyong.


"Umm....", JI looked towards Dara while TOP looked towards Bom.



The girls had made a plan, that Bom would serve anyone but TOP, Dara would serve anyone but Ji and CL would help anyone but Seungri. This way they could avoid any confrontations and not jeapordise the restaurant. 




"Customer-nim?", CL asked Ji again.


"", Ji hesistated, for some strange unknown reason he wanted to talk to Dara but she had her complete focus on the other boys.




"Why don't you girls sit down?", Daesung, being the friendly one asked the girls.


"Sorry/What?", the boys and girls shouted.


"I said take a seat, the restaurant is pretty empty anyway", Daesung added.




The girls looked around, Daesung was right, there was still an hour left till closing time but there was only two other customers apart from the boys.



"It's ok thank you though", Dara smiled at Daesung.


"Wow", Daesung said, "You don't look as scary when you smile"


Dara blushed a bit and nodded.


"Come on then take a seat", Taeyand pulled a chair towards their table for Minzy.


"Um it's ok, we should really get to work", Minzy protested.


"We're not going to bite", Seungri laughed,"besides Gong ajhussi did say you girls had to do whatever we tell you to"


"Is that a threat?", CL warily looked at Seungri as she sat down.


The girls followed and sat down.





The girls looked left.


The boys looked right.







"So.....", Taeyang said trying to break the akwardness.


The girls smiled nervously.


Dara peeked at Ji who was staring at her again.


"Stop it", she said monotonously.


"Huh?", Ji asked.


"Stop staring at me?", Dara repeated.


Ji shook his head.


"Can I ask why you're staring at me?", Dara asked.


"Just trying to think of what name goes with your face", Ji stated.


"What?", Dara turned to face him.


"Well you won't tell me your name, so I have to guess don't I?", Ji shrugged.


Dara rolled her eyes and turned to the girls, "Where did this guy come from?!"


The girls tried not to smile at her situation.


"It would all be a lot easier if you just told me your name you know?", Ji asked.


"For you yes, For me no!", Dara said.


"Do you have a driving license?", Ji asked suddenly.


"What?", Dara asked in surprise.


"Do you have a driving license I said", Ji repeated.



"She does", Minzy said.


"Ahhh", Ji nodded.


Ji took his keys out of his pocket and threw them at Dara.


Dara instinctively caught the keys and looked at Ji waiting for him to explain.


He started to get up, "We've been drinking so you can drive us home"


"WHAT?!", Dara shouted back in shock.


"She can't go with you", CL said protectively.




"What about us?", Daesung asked, "We came in TOP hyung's car and we've drank too"


The other boys looked at the other 3 girls expectantly.


"I'm too young to drive", Minzy said quickly.


The boys turned to CL.


"I don't have a license", CL sighed with relief.


The boys now turned to Bom.


"I don't have a korean driving license", Bom said factly.


"Do you have an international one then?", Seungri asked.


" sorry", Bom pretended to look sad about it.


"You can drive in Korea with an international driving license", TOP simply said in his usual 'I'm not bothered' attitude.


"Cool so you two can drive us home?", Daesung asked excitedly.


"um NOO!", Dara said angrily. She turned to Ji, "Look I don't know what you're playing at but we're waitresses, if I wanted to be a driver I would have become a taxi driver ARASSO!", she threw the car keys at Ji.


Ji couldn't help but laugh.










15 minutes later, the boys well mostly Ji had persuaded Bom and Dara to drop them off. And of course Gong ajhussi agreed after all, he couldn't take the chance of Seungri getting in a car when they'd all been drinking.



"Ready?", Ji winked at Dara as he threw the car keys at her.


"You're not even drunk!", Dara muttered as she got into the driver's seat Jiyong's Black Range Rover.


"Seungri we'll drop you off first", Ji said as Dara started the car.









"Directions?", Bom asked.


"Towards Cheongdam-dong", Taeyang said.


"Where's that?", Bom asked.


"You don't know where that is?", Taeyang asked surprised.


"I'm sorry, it's only been about 2 weeks since I came to Korea", Bom apologised.


TOP looked at Bom quizzicaly.


"Oh ok no problem, just use the navigation system then", Daesung said.


"Neh!", Bom started the car.










"Thank you Miss...?", Seungri said once he got out of the car.


"I'm-", Dara was about to tell Seungri her name, when she realised Ji was there, "a waitress from Gong Restaurant!"


Seungri shook his head, "Night then, night hyung!"





"Right where to next?", Dara asked quickly, wanting to go home as soon as possible.


"Your home", Ji smiled.


"WHAT?!!", Dara shouted.


"Aish...why do you always shout?", Ji edged away slightly.


"Don't play with me Mr....", 


"Jiyong", Ji smiled.


"Jiyong-shi don't play with me!", Dara said angrily.


"I can't help it", Ji shrugged, "trust me I have no intention in dealing with people like you but for some reason you're different"


"People like me?", Dara repeated.


"You know....rude, have nothing in life and and are bitter to those that have what they can't have", Ji stated.


"Seriously?", Dara arched her left eyebrow, "that's what you think of me?"


"Judgemental isn't it?", Ji smirked.


Dara opened the door and got off the car.


"Where are you going?!", Ji got out and followed Dara.


"HOME!", Dara shouted back.


"I'll drop you!"


"You're drunk remember!"


FIne....what's your name then?"


Dara turned around, "Will you quit asking for my name?!!"


"Will you quit being so stuck up for no reason and tell me your name?!", Ji retorted.


"What is it that you actually want?", Dara asked seriously.


"Just feel like I want to know you more", Ji said as he put his hands in his trouser pockets.


"And then what?", Dara asked, "Look I know exactly what you're trying to do and it's not going to work with me arasso so go find another girl to play with and throw away!"


Ji looked at her, confused himself as to why he was taking so much interest in her.


Dara blew another strand of hair offher face and then hailed a taxi, got in and drove off.










"Bye guys", TOP waved by to the two boys.


"Where shall I drop you....customer-nim?", Bom asked TOP nervously once it was just her and TOP in his car.


"Your place", TOP said looking straight ahead.


"Sorry?", Bom asked.


"Your place", TOP repeated.




"Just drive", TOP said abit more sternly.










They arrived at Bom and Dara's street.


Bom sat in the driving seat and waited for TOP to say something.


TOP got his phone out and called a replacement driver to Bom's address.


"Why? I mean I could have taken you home? You didn't have to call a replacement driver", Bom said.


TOP sighed and got out of the car. Bom followed.


"I'd rather you get home safely", TOP stated.


"Sorry?", Bom asked.


"Let me give you some advice", TOP looked up at her now, "lead your life a bit more responsibly from now on"


"Excuse me?"


"You don't need to listen to my advice but I'm just saying I hate irresponsible people, especially when they have others relying on you", TOP continued.


Bom just stared at him, slightly annoyed.


"You may be living your life freely right now but atleast try to make a better future for your family. I don't know how you were brought up but maybe you should think a bit about those who rely on you rather than working late nights and getting drunk.", TOP looked serious.


Bom clenched her hands into fists.


"Are you done?", Bom said through gritted teeth.


TOP nodded, "Thanks for the ride" and he started to get into his car to wait for the hired driver.


Bom scoffed in astonishment, she went round to his side of the car and knocked on the window.


TOP put the window down and looked at Bom with his usual bored face.


"Thank you for you piece of advice, now listen to mine!", Bom glared at TOP, "My advice is don't into other people's business and don't prejudge someone. You have no clue about my life or my family so next time I'd appreciate it if you woudn't so casually talk about my life and my family!"


She turned around and started to walk away but turned back again, "And another piece of advice try to smile once in a while", and then she stormed off into her little rooftop home.



TOP stared at her in slight shock, maybe he was a bit harsh with her. 







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Chapter 7: This is cute ahahaah
Chapter 31: omg my daragon feels 🥺
Chapter 73: Reading it all over again ❤️ 2024 cutie ✌️
Chapter 30: this is going to be a cute group date hehe
Chapter 30: the image won't load but i bet it was cute
Chapter 30: getting scared of a toy rat hahahahaha
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Chapter 28: omg so it's official??? seunghyun called bom his girlfriend?? aAHJKDfhkljsdfka