The son of a murderer








"Bom?", Gong ajhussi and CL walked into Minzy's bedroom where Bom was Minzy's hair to help her go to sleep. Gong ajhussi and Minzy had kindly let Bom stay at theirs since Bom couldn't bear to face TOP right now.


Bom turned to them, "neh?"


"Get some rest now Bom", CL sat next to her.


"Hmm", Bom turned back to Minzy, "in a bit."


"She's going to be fine", Gong ajhussi said while looking at Minzy, "my girl is stronger than she looks."


Bom nodded slowly, "but..still...I'm so sorry ajhussi, this is all my fault."


"Bom", Gong ajhussi kneeled down in front of her, "Never say this is your fault, never."


Bom lowered her head as she began to cry. Gong ajhussi sighed and hugged her gently.






Bom looked down at Minzy who had woken up.


Minzy sat up slowly and leaned on Bom, "appa's right...none of this is your fault."


Bom hugged Minzy tightly.


"If I was in the same position again....I'd still....I'd still kill him", Minzy muttered, "From now on I'm not going to think that I killed a man...I'm going to think that I saved a life...TOP oppa's life."


Bom's face fell slightly at the mention of TOP's name, her arms slipping down to her sides.


"Bom?", CL held her hand, "You can't blame oppa for what his dad did."


Bom didn't reply as she stared into space.


"TOP oppa and his dad are two completely different people", Minzy added, "he would never hurt you."


A tear escaped Bom's eye.


"Think about all the times he's helped you", CL shook her slightly, "All he's done for you."


"Unnie...", Minzy said seriously, "Don't let something like this come between you and oppa...this is when you two need eachother the most."


Bom slowly looked at the two girls with teary eyes. Everything happened so fast, this was too much for her to take in. TOP's oppa killed her was she so easily meant to look past that?
















Mrs Choi helped TOP sit on his sofa back in his apartment.


"ahh", he winced as he sat down.


"Are you ok?", Mrs Choi asked worriedly, "Let me call the doctor-"


"omma!", TOP held onto her hand, "I'm ok..."


Mrs Choi sighed and sat down next to him, she his hair back, "you've through a lot..."


TOP looked at her seriously, "Omma?...How did you know it was dad that was trying to kill us?"


Mrs Choi froze as she slowly placed her hand back in her lap.


"Omma?", TOP asked again.


"I heard him...on the phone", Mrs Choi said nervously.


"What did he say?", TOP asked slowly.


"He said...", Mrs Choi looked up at her son, "he...he..."


TOP held her hand and nodded.


"He said...he didn't..didn't care...", she started crying, "didn't care if you were his son...he just wanted..all the evidence rid of.."



TOP gritted his teeth as his mum weeped on his shoulder.



"I'm so sorry...I should have listened to you...I should have known..", Mrs Choi shook her head.


"Omma", TOP pulled her up, "Listen to me carefully, I'm not letting him get away with this."


Mrs Choi looked at him wide eyed, "'ll hurt you"


"It doesn't matter", TOP sighed, "I just...really need you on my side.."


"What..are you planning to do?", Mrs Choi gulped nervously.


TOP looked away and leaned back on the sofa closing his eyes.



"Tabi...", his mum whispered.




TOP flickered his eyes open, "He killed Bom's parents."




There was a moment of silence that filled the room as TOP looked at his mum freeze up in shock. Her eyes widened and the colour on her cheeks vanished completely.




"What?...what are you saying?", she finally managed to gasp.


TOP sat up again and leaned his elbows on his knees, "The and dad got into that the same day dad ordered Bom's parents to be killed."


Mrs Choi shook her head, "that...that can't be...."


TOP looked straight ahead of him and clenched his teeth, "Did you never think why only you were full of injuries that day and Dad escaped without a scratch?"


Mrs Choi looked at TOP wide eyed.


"Seungwoo admitted it", TOP said stoically, "He admitted dad ordered him to kill them."


Mrs Choi covered with her hand and shook her head, "No!"


"So I'm asking you again", he turned to his mum, "Please stay on my side..."


Mrs Choi started to cry again, her hands scrambled onto TOP's arms and she held onto him tightly, she looked up and nodded.


TOP sighed and pulled his mum into his embrace, "Thank you...omma.."















Dara curled her knees up to her chin and closed her eyes shut until she felt the warm presence of Jiyong sit next to her. She slowly opened her eyes and looked up at him.


"Hey", JIyong whispered and wrapped his arm around her pulling her close to him.


"Is your mum ok?", Dara asked.


Jiyong nodded, "She just called to say she got home."


Dara smiled sadly, "I'm glad that you and her are ok now."


JIyong looked down at her and smiled, "Yea...I guess I never really gave her a chance before."


"Hmm", Dara nodded. If only her dad was the same. If only he realised there was things more important than money.



"Hey", JIyong kissed her head, "I won't let him hurt you."


"I know", Dara mumbled.


"As long as I'm here, you don't need to worry ok?", JIyong looked down at her.



Dara looked up at him, "I'm getting tired...of running away now Jiyong."


JIyong looked at her sadly.


"It's getting really tiring", she sighed.



Jiyong placed his chin on her head and wrapped his arms tightly around her, "When you get tired...just lean on me like this...and I'll carry on for you."


Dara slipped her hand up his arm and held onto it tightly, "How much longer can you carry on?...It's not fair."


JIyong looked down at her curiously, his arms tightly protected her, suddenly afraid somebody was going to snatch her away from him.















"DAMMIT!!", Mr Bae threw a glass at the office door in anger.


"Sir...", his receptionist entered nervously, "Just got a call from the shareholders..."


Mr Bae snapped around seething with anger, "And?!"


"And...they want a meeting...soon..about the new proposal-", his receptionist stuttered.


"OUUUTTT!!!", he roared and the receptionist ran out of there.


He turned to his desk and slammed his fists on the desk. The share holders who held 40% of the shares pratically ran his life. That's why he needed Dara's 60% so that he could run the company without having to answer to anyone. He needed the 60% so he could finally have the company to himself, but he wasn't going to get it while Dara was still around.















"Hi oppas", CL smiled as Dara and the boys except TOP walked into the restaurant the next night, "Dara!", she ran up and hugged Dara.


"Hey", Dara hugged her back, "How's Minzy and Bom today?"


Cl paused for a moment, "Um...they're getting there."


Dara sighed, "Can I see them?"


CL nodded, and took Dara to the flat upstairs the restaurant where Minzy and her dad lived.






"Bom? Minzy?", Dara knocked on the door before entering.



Only Minzy was there, she looked up and smiled weakly, "Unnie.."


Dara sat down next to her and hugged her, "How are you?"


"Much better", Minzy smiled.


"Really?", Dara asked warily.


Minzy nodded, "Chincha unnie...I'm fine."


Dara sighed with relief, "Where's Bom?"


Minzy pointed at the balcony and then looked back at the two girls, "Maybe you can talk to her and make her see some sense unnie."


Dara nodded and made her way to the balcony.






Bom didn't reply, she just stared at the cars passing by down on the road.


"Bom?", Dara tapped her shoulder slightly.


"huh?", Bom turned to find Dara standing next to her, "Oh...when did you get here?", she tried to sound cheerful.


"Just now", Dara said quietly.


"Oh...I was just...", Bom looked around her.


Dara placed her hand over Bom's, "It's ok..."


Bom looked back at her and sighed sadly.




"Do you...miss him?", Dara asked warily.



Bom froze for a moment, "No"


"I don't believe you", Dara said bluntly.


Bom looked away, "I said I don't."


"Are you really blaming oppa?", Dara asked.



Bom shut her eyes and took a deep breath.



"It wasn't his fault-"


"I know!", Bom snapped, "I know it's not his fault!!"



Dara waited for her to continue.



"But my heart!!", Bom hit her chest twice, "It keeps hurting everytime I think about it!"


"Think about what?", Dara asked.


"That his dad...his dad..", Bom cried out, "he took my parents away!!"


"And do you think TOP oppa had anything to do with that?!", Dara raised her voice. Dara understood Bom's problem, anyone in her position would probably react the same. But Dara also knew, that if Bom left TOP now, she would never be happy again.


"Of course not! But dammit Dara you don't understand!", Bom snapped.


"No I don't understand!", Dara huffed, "I don't understand how you can just give up on the very same guy that has done everything for you since you came to Seoul, the guy that's willing to sacrifice his life for you!"


Bom wiped her tears away from her cheek. SHe knew Dara was right, but how could she be with someone like TOP after she knew the truth.



"I may not understand you", Dara said sadly, "But I bet you TOP oppa is feeling worse right now, he just found out that his own father killed his love's parents, took them away from her. How do you think oppa is right now? He must be feeling guilty as hell when he has noting to be guilty about!!"


Bom looked at Dara through teary eyes.


"Bom...please, don't do something you'll regret", Dara shook her head, "Your parents wouldn't have wanted that."


Bom gasped and started to cry even more. Dara stepped forward and hugged her tightly.




"Dara!! BOM!", CL ran into the balcony, "You've got to see this!!"


The girls looked at each other before running downstairs after CL and Minzy. They ran into the restaurant where the boys were huddled in front of the TV by the bar.


"What's going on?", Dara asked as she walked up to Jiyong.


The boys turned and looked at Bom before stepping away from the TV to let the girls get a better view.





".....breaking news tonight....Mr Choi Tae Hyun former CEO of Choi Law Firm has been arrested on suspicion of laundering money from the Law firm when he was CEO, he has also been arrested in connection to the murders of Park Jisuk and Park Minsun back in 2001...."




Bom gripped onto Dara's arm as she watched.



"He's been arrested?!", CL gasped as she watched Mr Choi leave his home with a jacket over his head being led away with the police.





"....We have our correspondent at the scene, Mr Kim are you there? Can you tell us a bit about how this all came about?"


..."Neh, the police were given enough evidence this morning for an arrest warrant against Mr Choi..."


"...And do we know who gave these evidence?"


"...Yes I can confirm Mr Choi Tae Hyun's son, the current CEO of Choi Law Firm Choi Seunghyun handed the evidence to the police himself, he will also be leading the prosecution team in this case if it does go to court..."



"Oh my god!", Minzy whispered in shock, the others slowly turned to look at Bom.



Bom felt chills down her spine as she blinked slightly.


Was this true? He'd been arrested? And TOP...he was going against his own father...he was going to fight against his own father. For her? For justice? Whatever it was, for that moment in time she stopped seeing TOP as the son of a murderer...but as the guy she'd fallen in love with.












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Writing the last chappie as we speak T0T


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Chapter 7: This is cute ahahaah
Chapter 31: omg my daragon feels 🥺
Chapter 73: Reading it all over again ❤️ 2024 cutie ✌️
Chapter 30: this is going to be a cute group date hehe
Chapter 30: the image won't load but i bet it was cute
Chapter 30: getting scared of a toy rat hahahahaha
Chapter 29: i love how they all freak out because of the one little rat akdsfhaklsjh
Chapter 28: omg so it's official??? seunghyun called bom his girlfriend?? aAHJKDfhkljsdfka