Second night







"If you let go I'm going to killllll you AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!", Bom screamed as TOP and Taeyang let go off the motorbike she was on, "I CAN'TTTTTTTTTTT STTTTTTTTTTTTTTTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPPPPPPPP!"



"Chill I'm right here!", TOP said since he was walking beside her.


"Bom....I can run faster than you can ride a motorbike!", Taeyang shook his head in disbelief at the girl who was riding the bike with her feet still on the ground.


Bom pouted, "This is scary",she whined as she walked the bike forward with her feet, "AAAAAAAAAAH!"



TOP laughed and got onto the bike behind her. He reached through between her arms and reached for the handles, "Put your legs", he directed her legs where they should be.


Bom nodded nervously as she put her legs there. Why was she suddenly feeling nervous? She had no idea.             (seriously Bom?)


She looked back at TOP and waited innocently for his next instructions. He just laughed at her cute expression and started the bike.









"GO SLOWERRRR!!", JIyong shouted frantically on the other side of an empty field the gang were at.


"WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!", Dara squealed as she zoomed past Jiyong.


"YYAAA!", Jiyong tried to grab Dara but she just zig zagged past him on the bike.


"AHAHAHAHHAAH!", she laughed as she rode to the other side  leaving Jiyong panting and huffing.


He turned to look at TOP sweetly helping Bom with her bike and then he looked at Dara who was having way too much fun on her own and sighed. Not how he had imagined the whole thing to pan out.


"JIYONGIEEEEEEE!", Dara screamed as she started chasing Jiyong on her bike.


"YA....YAAAAAAAAAAA!", he ran away with Dara vrooming after him.








"I'm doing it Seungri!!", CL smiled as she rode the bike unstably, "I'm doing it-WOOOOOOAAAAAAA!", CL started heading towards Minzy who was on her bike.


"UNNIIIIIIIIIEEEEEE!", Minzy screamed as she just missed CL's bike.


"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!", both girls clumisly fell onto their sides.


Luckily the girls had been riding the bikes so slowly that when they fell they didn't really injure themselves.



"Are you girls ok?!", Seungri and Daesung ran to help them up.




"AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH!", Minzy and CL unexpectantly laughed as they hi-fived eachother.


"Unni you should have seen your face ahahahahahh!", Minzy fell to the floor laughing hysterically.












"TADDDDDDDAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!", the girls ran back to the field where the boys were waiting for them.


"Why did you guys insist on buying us food?", Seungri said.


"'s the least we could do after what you've all done for us today", Bom smiled as she took the food out for them.



Daesung rubbed his hands with excitement, "What did you girls get then?!"



"Well....last time Jiyong really liked it so much...", Dara smiled.




"No", Jiyong gasped as his face turned pale, "No....surely not?", he made a claw shape out of his hands.


Dara nodded excitedly.



"Oh gawd!", Jiyong cringed.



The girls whipped out the food.



The boys gasped.




Oh Yes....the return of Chicken Feet part 2!!






"What the hell-", TOP muttered as he peered at the claws.



"TOP shi, you'll love this!!", Bom said truly excited.


TOP smiled at her and the girls not wanting to seem rude, "Hmmm...looks....tasty.."



The boys glared at him.




"Here!", Bom picked one up and ed it right in front of TOP's face.


TOP edged away slightly, "Oh....looks too tasty to eat ahah...aha"


Bom still kept the chicken claw in front of him and blinked at him expectantly.





"Think about where those feet have been" Taeyang whispered to TOP.


"I heard they walk all over their own poo", Seungri shuddered.



TOP broke into cold sweat as he stared at the claw waiting for him to devour it.....but why did it look like the claw wanted to devour him.




"Seunghyun!", Bom called him out as she wagged the claw in front of him.


Seunhyun quickly pushed Bom's hand towards Daesung's face, "Dae loves ch..chicken feet!"



"Chincha!", Bom exclaimed happily at the horrified looking Daesung.



"Yea...he eats them all day!", Jiyong added, "He practically lives of them!"


Daesung looked at the boys with a petrified look.


"He was about how he hasn't had any all day", Seungri added fuel to the fire.





"OMO!", the girls all picked chicken feet and pointed towards Daesung, "Why didn't you say so!!"


"Here oppa! AAAH!", Minzy prompted Daesung to open his mouth.


The poor boy slowly opened his mouth, and the girls shoved the claws into his mouth.



Daesung shuddered slightly, not moving his mouth.




The boys looked away looking like they were going to vomit.




"Oppa...chew", the girls chimed at the poor boy.



Daesung shook his head.



The girls pouted suddenly, " not like it?"



Daesung shook his head, trying to keep a smiling face, "'s so good I want to keep it in my mouth to....make the taste last longer...."




The boys looked at him apologetically...but surely wasn't it more practical for one to suffer rather than all 5?


....Well Daesung didn't think so.












The girls were back in their room now, they decided it was too harsh to let all the boys share just one room for another night.



Dara plopped herself on the bed and started looking through the photos she'd taken during the day. She smiled and giggled as she remembered the memories they'd made with the boys. She paused at one particular photo:









She bit her lip and looked away from the photo shyly. She slowly looked back the photo, "I're not so bad after all Kwon Jiyong..."


"Who's bad?", Bom jumped onto the bed next to Dara.


Dara quickly turned off her camera and hid it under the pillow.


Bom gave her a knowing look, "Arasso arasoo, if you don't want me to know you were staring at Jiyong's photo then that's fine"


"WHAT?!", Dara shouted in shock, "ME STARING AT HIM?!"


"Yea yea", Bom shook her head and lied down on the bed.


Dara pouted, why was she over reacting in the first place? She had nothing to hide, her and Jiyong were friends now. Just friends.       (Hopeless! )


"Please unni! You can't still be in denial about your feelings for Jiyong oppa!", Minzy joined in.


"Exactly so true Minzy", CL added.


"I don't know why you're butting in when you're in the completely same situation with Seungri oppa!", Minzy retorted to CL making her quietly bow her head down.







Suddenly three phones started beeping in their room.




Bom, Dara and CL picked up their phones and read their texts.




Their eyes shifted suspiciously from side to side.








"Oh dear....such a lovely night....I might go for a walk", CL sighed as she quickly got up and went to the bathroom.



"Walk?", Minzy asked, "I though CL unnie said she was too tired"




" know I really want", Dara looked around,"to...explore the hotel!", she nodded.


"Explore the hotel??!", Minzy asked in confusion.


"Excellent idea Dara", Bom joined in nervously, "You...know...I dying to see that....FISH TANK!"


"Fish tank??!!", Minzy shouted out.


" the lobby!", Bom nodded fervently.


"Right...", Minzy looked at her unnies suspiciously as they started getting changed and putting make up on.





Their phones beeped again and they all looked at eachother nervously and started to get ready at a faster pace.




"OK I'M OFF!" CL ran out of the door before the girls could say anything.




"She's sooooo going to see Seungri oppa", Minzy said without looking up from her magazine she was reading.


Dara and Bom looked at Minzy in shock, "CHINCHA?!"


Minzy nodded.




Dara's phone suddenly beeped, "I'm off too....ohh exciting times exploring the hotel" she laughed nervously.


"Have fun with Jiyong oppa", Minzy nodded knowingly.


Dara was about to deny it but then sighed in defeat, "thanks...", she muttered embarassed and left.





Minzy looked at Bom expectantly.


Bom huffed, "Fine....I'm meeting Seunghyun ARASSO!!"


Minzy smiled and nodded.


"But for professional reasons!!", Bom lied.




Bom cursed under her breath in embarassment.












"Annyeong", Dara cutely waved slightly towards Jiyong who was waiting for her.


Jiyong tried not to smile too much at her cuteness. How was he meant to give up on ever seeing her again. No that was out of the window, regardless of what was to come, Dara had become a little bundle of happiness in his life. He didn't think it was possible to seperate her from him anymore.



"Why did you call me out?", Dara asked.


"No reason", he shrugged.


"What?", Dara pouted, "Aissh!"


Jiyong grabbed her hand, "Let's go"


"Where?", Dara whined as she let herself be pulled by him.


"Anywhere", Jiyong sighed as he tightened his grip on her hand.











Bom sighed slightly as her face broke into a warm smile when she was TOP waiting patiently outside the hotel for her.


She shook her head and told herself off, "No Bom NO! Those thoughts you're thinking...don't you dare!", she straightened herself up and walked towards him and sat down beside him on the bench.


"So what was so important that you couldn't wait till tomorrow?", she asked trying to sound calm.


He stood up, "Let's grab something to eat first"


"Chicken feet?", Bom grinned teasingly.


TOP's eyes widened in fear for a split second and then he glared at her.


"Mianhe", Bom giggled.












Jiyong watched Dara as she was telling him a story, she was waving her arms about, making crazy expressions with her face and most of all....smiling.

He remembered their first few meetings when she was so cold towards him....and perhaps back then it might have been easy to simply forget her if he had to...but now, would he be able to forget her if he had to?



Dara caught him smiling at her, "Waeyo?", she asked innocently.


Jiyong shook his head, "Carry on with the story"


Dara nodded and then went on to tell the story.




She was finally comfortable with him, and it made him happy and yet extremely fearful at the same time. He shook his head slightly at the negative thought when he saw her smiling happily again.





"Hmm?", she looked back at him.



He walked towards her as she tilted her head to the side and blinked at him.


"What have you done to me?"


Dara pouted slightly and furrowed her brows.


Jiyong then closed the gap between them even more making Dara widen her eyes in slight shock.


He traced his hand behind her neck gently as he looked into her shocked eyes. His eyes landed on her trembling lips and then back into her eyes.




"n..neh", she managed to stutter.


"I think I'm going to do something you'll hate me for", he softly said as he pulled her head closer to him.


Dara blinked at him twice.


"Just don't hate me too much arasso?", he practically breathed on her lips as he said those words.


Dara could do nothing but slightly nod in agreement.


He smiled slightly, as he inched closer.


She then felt his lips gently touch her top lip, and she closed her eyes nervously.


He paused as if hesitating slightly, but when he saw her close her eyes, he sighed onto her lips and then gently pressed his lips onto hers.


Dara froze on the spot when Jiyong kissed her, her body, her mind, her lips all froze.



Jiyong parted away from her just an inch, "You hate me yet?"


Dara fluttered her eyes open and looked into his, slightly scared but she shook her head and looked to the floor nervously.



Jiyong lifted her chin up as he tilted his head to the side and kissed her again.



Dara's hands started moving on their own, as they slowly traced Jiyong's sides and finally rested on his chest. She gently tugged on his collar and brought him closer to her.


He kept one of his hands behind her neck as he kissed her and the other wrapped around her waist tightly bringing her onto her tiptoes.


 She nervously parted her lips as Jiyong held her tightly in his arms, he kissed her parted lips deeply as if it was their last kiss and not their first.




Their lips finally parted after a while. Dara breathed heavily with her eyes still closed, slightly trembling from nervousness in his arms.


Jiyong looked at her nervously biting her lips, her eyes still closed.


His heart suddenly ached for her.....



'How am I meant to let you go now?'










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Writing the last chappie as we speak T0T


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Chapter 7: This is cute ahahaah
Chapter 31: omg my daragon feels 🥺
Chapter 73: Reading it all over again ❤️ 2024 cutie ✌️
Chapter 30: this is going to be a cute group date hehe
Chapter 30: the image won't load but i bet it was cute
Chapter 30: getting scared of a toy rat hahahahaha
Chapter 29: i love how they all freak out because of the one little rat akdsfhaklsjh
Chapter 28: omg so it's official??? seunghyun called bom his girlfriend?? aAHJKDfhkljsdfka