On a mission






"I don't know if we should do this", Minzy stuttered nervously, "What if they don't believe me?"


"Minzy-ah come on....just follow the plan through and we'll be fine", Dara reassured Minzy, "You're a pro at acting and besides you look the youngest so they'll be willing to help."


Dara ripped the sleeve of Minzy's shirt and dishevelled her hair.


"Minzy...if you really don't want to do this then it's ok", Bom whispered.


Minzy looked at Bom and shook her head, "It's ok unnie, I'm ready".



The 4 girls were huddled outside the police station early in the morning. They were on a mission to get Bom's parent's case file. 



"Ok....if like you said the case was closed 11 years ago, they must have them some where in storage...", CL said.


"When I was last here, I think I saw a room with just stacks of files all locked away in drawers....maybe we should try there first.", Bom informed the girls.


"Ok then", Dara turned to Minzy, "Are you ready?"


Minzy nodded and took a deep breath. She walked into the police station leaving the girls outside.


Exactly one minute later, you could hear Minzy screaming.







"HELPPPPPPPP MEEEEEEEEEE!", Minzy screamed as she pretended to fall over, "SAVE MEEEEEEEEE!"



The police men all ran to Minzy.


"Agasshi...what's wrong?", they asked worriedly.


"SOMEONE IS TRYING TO KILL MEEEEEE!, Minzy sreeched as she shook violently.


"Where.?...Ma'am....calm down!", the police men said.


"THERE!", Minzy pointed towards the exit, "THERE ARE SO MANY OF THEM....WITH GUNS! GUNS!!", Minzy cried frantically again.


"Don't worry you're safe", the policemen tried to comfort her.


"NOO NOOOOO!", Minzy ran out.


"Hurry! Let's go after her!", all the police staff ran put after Minzy leaving the place practically empty.









The 3 girls waited until the officers ran out and then sneaked into the office.


Dara sat in front of a computer, "They haven't logged out, I'm going to see if I can access the police records!"


Bom and CL ran for the store room and tried to unlock the store room.


"Dammit!! It's locked!", Bom cried out frantically as she banged on the door.


CL looked around for the keys, "COME ON WHERE ARE THEY?!"




"I think I've got something!!", Dara said as she entered Bom's parents' names onto the keyboard.



CL and Bom ran to Dara, "What is it?"


"I think this is it!", Dara exclaimed as a file opened.


"That's my parents!", Bom cried out when she saw their pictures.


"Ok we don't have time to save this, let's just take pictures....", Dara and the girls took their phones out, "Wait this is strange....."


"What's wrong?", Bom asked nervously.


"The autopsy report....there isn't one", Dara said.


"Let me see", Bom grabbed the mouse as she read the file, "there's....nothing"



The file was practically blank, no autopsy report, no witness report, no police report.



"How is this possible?", Bom cried out, "Why is it empty?!"


"I don't know, maybe if we got hold of the actual case file", Dara said.


"I don't know where the keys are for the room!",CL shook her head.






"What are you girls doing?"




The girls froze and looked up from the computer screen and met TOP's gaze.




TOP walked closer to them.





TOP looked around, "Where is everyone?"




The girls eyes shifted around nervously.





"Seunghyun shi?", CL tried to smile, "What are you doing here?"



"I had some business to attend here", TOP replied with furrowed brows, "And you girls?"



"Same here", Bom replied not meeting his gaze.


"We've been waiting for ages, but no one's come yet", Dara lied, "well we've got to go....we can't be waiting all day can we?"


The girls quickly got up and bowed to TOP and ran out of there.




TOP looked at the girls curiously and then walked towards the computer they were sat at. His eyebrows furrowed when he saw the page they had open.....The Park Case 2002.








The 4 girls were huddled on a table in Gong Restaurant.


Bom grimaced, "Why was it empty..."


Dara shook her head, "There was nothing....as if it never happened.."


"If it never happened then there wouldn't be a file though", CL added, "It's as if...it was deleted"


"Which only makes me think that perhaps my aunt really was right....this was murder", Bom quietly said.


"What's the next move then?", Minzy asked.


Bom shook her head, "I don't know....I thought maybe getting the case file would help...but it's just led us nowhere!"


"I wish we knew someone that could get us access to the files...", CL crossed her arms and shook her head, "damn being poor sometimes"


Dara bit her lip for a moment and looked like she was about to say something but then went against it.










It was already 10pm and Dara was making her way home on her own. Bom wanted to be left alone for a while, Dara didn't want to leave Bom on her own, but she insisted that she would be fine.


Dara kept thinking about the whole incident today, why was the file empty? She felt unesy about the whole thing, if Bom's parents were murdered....then this was something very serious....and dangerous they were getting themselves into. But she knew Bom was alone, she knew she needed their help.



Dara reached her house but didn't realise there was someone leaning on a car waiting for her. She kicked a stone as she stared at the ground and walked towards her house.



"You're late", Jiyong said.


"OH MY GOD!!", Dara held her chest in fright, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"


"I should be asking you that", Ji said nonchalantly.


"Huh?", Dara looked around, "I'm pretty sure I belong here...this is where I live"


Jiyong rolled his eyes and walked towards her.


Dara instinctively backed away.



"St...stay away", Dara stuttered as Jiyong leaned towards her.


"You're late", Ji said again.


"What are you on about?", Dara asked annoyed.


"Our date", Ji crossed his arms, still leaning over her, "You're 3 hours late".


"Oh", Dara whispered.


"Oh?", Ji stood up straight again, "that's all you can say after ditching me?"


"Ditching?..Wait!",Dara put her palm out in front of her, "date? I never agreed to a date!"


"I don't wait for girls", Ji changed the subject again.


"So...", Dara raised her eyebrows, "who told you to wait for me then!"


Jiyong shrugged his shoulders, "just felt like it"


"Just felt like it", Dara muttered, "well how about you just feel like turning around, getting into that ridiculous car of yours and driving off."



"You usually go on dates wearing that?", Jiyong changed the subject again as he stared at Dara's hude black hoody and denim shorts.


Dara looked at her clothes, "Please do not give ME fashion advice!"


"Aren't you going to show me your house?", Jiyong looked around wondering which one her house was.


"You're really not gonna give up until I go on this date are you?", Dara glared at him.


"Glad you understand, now hurry up", Ji smiled.


"Fine.....wait in the car!", Dara ordered and she opened the gate to her right and walked towards the small rooftop house.


"Wait!", Jiyong suddenly said as he walked towards her, looking at the house.


"What?", Dara asked.


"You...live here?", Jiyong asked with a surprised tone.


"No", Dara said, "I just thought I'd walk into someone's else's house....OFCOURSE it's mine!"


"But...", Jiyong stared at the house in disbelief just like TOP had done when he saw the house.


"But what?", Dara asked.


Jiyong quickly looked at her and paused, almost hesistating.


It may sound completely snobby (well it does), but these boys didn't come in contact with those not in their social class. It wasn't intentional, but they never had the opportunity to interact with people from lower class. Jiyong didn't know why he kept feeling like he wanted to get to know Dara, but this suddenly pulled him back down to the real world, perhaps he shouldn't be doing whatever he's doing with Dara.


"Um..nothing", Jiyong quickly looked away.


"Aish...", Dara muttered and bit her lip, thinking he wanted to come in "I guess you can come up and wait inside if you want", she turned back around and walked inside the house.


Ji stood there for almost a minute before he followed her in.



He bent his head down slightly to get through the door. He could hear Dara having a shower already. He looked around the tiny room scared of what to expect....but instead he felt a warm comfortable feeling from being in the house.


"This...feels like Dara", Jiyong smiled as he looked around.


He traced his fingers across the hundreds of photos pinned up on her wall. He squinted his eyes and laughed at the baby pictures of Dara, of her and the girls being stupid and having fun.


He admired other random pictures and smiled, "She's quite good...."


He turned to the other wall now and slowly made his way through the photos.


He stopped at a familiar handwriting, he leaned in forward slightly and smiled when he realised it was his autograph.


"So you're that Dara Park...", he smiled warmly as he traced her name with his thumb.




"YAAA!", Dara came running towards him, dressed in a plain white tee and jeans, her hair still dripping wet from the shower.


She tried to grab the autograph but he put it high in the air.


"Give it!", Dara held onto Ji's shoulder and jumped up and down trying to get the autograph.


"I said give-", Dara stopped when she realised Jiyong staring at her, "um..."


Jiyong cleared his throat and handed the autograph back to her.


She grabbed the autograph off his hand and rubbed it like it was a pet and pinned it back on the wall, "Don't touch my prized possession!"


"Your what?", Jiyon smiled.


"It's GD's autograph!", Dara retorted.


"Wow...you really are obessed with that guy aren't you!", Ji chuckled.


"Hmph!", Dara picked up for bag and swung it over her shoulder, "Ready?"








Bom sat at a street stall and continued drinking her soju.


She sighed as she poured another glass. She was about to drink it when a hand snatched it away and drank the drink instead.


"I told you to stay off alcohol", TOP said.


"Oh....oh...Top-shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii", Bom cried out completely drunk, "aigooooo when did you get here?"


"You're drunk", TOP shook his head.


"YA!", Bom suddenly changed moods making TOP jump, "YOU ARROGANT B*STARD!!"


TOP stared at her wide-eyed, "Did you...just call me-"


"TOP-shhiiiii", Bom went back to her sweet self again.


TOP sighed as he took another shot of soju, "Why are you getting drunk on your own?"


Bom rested her head on the table, "I don't know what to do...."


"What's the matter-"


"STOP INTERRUPTING!!", Bom shouted angrily.


TOP turned and whispered to sorry to the other customers.


"I'm on a mission!", Bom glared at TOP.




Bom suddenly started to cry, "But I can't seem to do anything....."


TOP stared at her.


"My...parents....my....", Bom mumbled.


"Were murdered", TOP finished her sentence.


Bom stared at him in shock.


"One  of the police told me that you had gone to see them about your parent's case", TOP continued.


Bom nodded.


"So you think they were murdered?", TOP asked again.


Bom shook her head, "I know they were"


TOP sighed, "What makes you so sure?"


"Their file was empty", Bom pouted sadly.


"Empty?", TOP asked curiously, "How's that possible?"


"No autopsy report...nothing", Bom sniffled.


TOP furrowed his eyebrows, how can a case file be empty?


"TOP-shi!!", Bom suddenly shouted, "You're lawyer!! You can help me can't you pleasssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee", Bom pleaded drunkedly.


"No", TOP shook his head.


"WAEYOO??!!", Bom shouted and then started to cry.


"Aish!!", TOP stood up trying to calm her down, "will you stop crying!!"


"Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee", Bom wailed.




"Aigoo, look at that horrible man breaking that poor girl's heart", a customer shouted out.



TOP turned around, "It's not what you think!!", TOP turned to face Bom again and hissed, "get up will you?!"


"Pleaseeeeeeee don't do this to me!! HELP MEEEEEEEE!", Bom wailed as she got hold of TOP's leg.


"GET OFF!", TOP tried to push Bom away.


"Tch!! Men these days!", another customer whispered.


TOP sighed heavily and looked at the wailing girl at his foot.











20 minutes later.


"Bom where are your house keys??!!", TOP demanded.


Bom shrugged her shoulders cutely, "I don't know"


"Stop playing with me!", TOP growled.


"Stop playing with me",Bom mimicked and then fell on the floor laughing.


"AISHH!", TOP kicked his wheel.


"Aish-OWW!", Bom tried to kick the car wheel but ended up hurting herself.


TOP put his hands on his hips and sighed loudly. 


"BOM-OH SH!T!", TOP saw Bom on the floor cuddled up....fast asleep.












"Where are we going?", Dara asked.


"Just to eat", Jiyong replied while driving.


"Oh..no...noway!", Dara shook her head.




"You're going to take me to some ridiculous fancy restaurant no way!", Dara shook her head, "besides it's nearly 11!"


"And who's fault is that?", Ji asked.


"Well who told you to wait?", Dara shouted.


"Aish!! You and you're shouting!", Ji wrinkled his face.


"Fine if we're going to go eat....let's go where I want to go", Dara smiled sweetly.


"Fine", Ji smiled back.











"You want me to eat that", Jiyong gasped when he saw the ajhumma at a street stall fry some chicken feet.


Dara nodded proudly, "You're not a true korean until you have some!"


Ji facepalmed himself after realising what he just got himself into.


"Thank you ajhumma", Dara took the paper plate full of chicken feet from the ajhumma and then sat on the street.


"Come on", Dara patted the floor next to her.


Ji rolled his eyes and then sat down.


"RRAAARRR!", Dara flung a chicken feet near Ji's face.


"HWAAH!", Ji shouted back.



"AHAHHAHAHAAH BABOO!", Dara laughed as she took bite off the chicken feet.


"Is...it nice?", Ji asked.

"Try it!", Dara said.


"No thank you!", Ji replied.


"Aish...such a wuss", Dara muttered.


"FINE!", Ji grabbed a feet and drew it close to his mouth.


Dara watched with a smile on her face.


"How..how...do you eat it?", Ji asked looking at the chicken feet.


"Just put it in your mouth like this!", Dara pushed the chicken feet into Ji's mouth.


"MHHOJIXHJMMMMM!", Ji tried to shout.


"Tasty right?", Dara asked.


A claw came out of Ji's mouth slightly, "I can feel it's claws", he whimpered.







"Why....are....you...so HEAVY!", TOP flung Bom onto his sofa and fell onto the floor apnting.


He wasn't cold hearted enough to leave Bom sleeping outside her locked house, so he brought her to his.



"YA!", TOP poked Bom, "ya...wake up!"


"Goodnight dara...", Bom said sweetly as she hugged TOP's arm and then fell asleep again.


TOP repeatedly hit his head with his palm, "save....me!"









"Thanks for tonight I had fun!", Dara said chirpily once Ji had dropped her off home.


Ji nodded weakly looking pale like a ghost. He had just tried every disgusting and strange korean food under the sun.....chicken feet, boiled pig's intestine, bats...slugs.


"Did you have fun?", Dara asked teasingly.


Ji nodded again weakly.


"You look pale are you ok?", Dara asked trying not to laugh.


Ji bitterly smiled.


"Well I guess I'll see you around then Jiyong-shi", Dara turned to go into the house.



Ji looked on tiredly as he watched her go into her house and saw a light switch on. Now that she wasn't by his side anymore, he suddenly felt this empty space next to him.





Some one knocked at the door.


"Hmm...maybe it's Bom", Dara said as she walked and opened the door, "Jiyong..."


"I need to do something", Ji said.


"What?", Dara asked curiously.


"Don't be shocked arasso, I just need to confirm something", Ji said as he grabbed Dara's arms.




Ji hugged Dara tightly suddenly.


They stood their for a moment in complete silence.




"Ssh....", Ji said and he hugged her tighter.


He finally sighed, "Dammit"


"Waeyo?", Dara asked worriedly.


Ji looked at her with a confused look, "Even hugging you feels different"





















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Writing the last chappie as we speak T0T


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Chapter 7: This is cute ahahaah
Chapter 31: omg my daragon feels 🥺
Chapter 73: Reading it all over again ❤️ 2024 cutie ✌️
Chapter 30: this is going to be a cute group date hehe
Chapter 30: the image won't load but i bet it was cute
Chapter 30: getting scared of a toy rat hahahahaha
Chapter 29: i love how they all freak out because of the one little rat akdsfhaklsjh
Chapter 28: omg so it's official??? seunghyun called bom his girlfriend?? aAHJKDfhkljsdfka