Unraveling secrets






"Calls from Japan?", TOP said to himself as he looked through the evidence, he'd managed to get the Japan number that had been used but when he called there was no answer.


"AISH!", he slammed his fist down on the desk.


He grabbed the file with all the information of the board of directors from the year Bom's parents were murdered, 5 out of 12 had moved to Japan, including his father. But there was no hard evidence pointing at anyone, he threw the files off his desk in anger, fustrated about not getting anywhere with the investigation. He rubbed his forehead and looked at the files sprawled across the floor.


TOP noticed his mum's medical file he'd asked Minhyuk to get for him. He sighed and picked up the open file, he straightened the crumpled paper and placed it on his table before getting up.


Suddenly something caught his eye, he paused and turned back to the file, his mum was admitted to the hospital from the accident on 20th august 2001. He slowly turned to the floor and scrummaged for the Park Case, their accident was also 20th august 2001. 


He suddenly felt chills down his spine, large amount of money couldn't just disappear like that it'd have to be from someone with power in the company, those calls made to those men were from Japan until recently, his parents had been in Japan until a few weeks ago, his mother's accident happened on the same day as Bom's parents.


Bodies? He remembered his dad telling the man to make it seem like it was an accident....Bom's parents were said to be in a car accident.


The files slipped out of his hands as he fell back and leaned on his table, unable to register anything.


"It can't be...", he whispered to himself, not wanting to believe that maybe his parents had anything to do with this. He needed hard evidence before he could think such things.















The next morning Jiyong watched Dara sit on the sofa biting her nails and looking nervous. Something wasn't right, after her comment last night he felt uneasy.


"Morning", he finally said from the doorway.


Dara startled and turned to smile at him.


"Where are you dressed so early?", Jiyong asked casually.


Dara looked at her fully clothed body, she was waiting for Minho's text.


"I'm meeting up with the girls today", she lied, smiling forcefully.


"Ah, really", Jiyong nodded.


"You don't have work today?", she asked.


"No, thought I'd work from home today", he smiled.



Dara's phone suddenly beeped and she read the text, she then quickly got up and stuffed the phone into her bag, "They're waiting for me, I shoud go"


"Wait!", Jiyong pulled her bag back and the contents fell on the floor, "Sh!t sorry"


Dara smiled as they both kneeled on the floor to pick up the contents.


"Love you", she kissed his cheek before standing up and running out of the room leaving Jiyong confused.



"Oh!", Jiyong picked her phone from under the table, "Dara your phone!", but it was too late, Dara had already ran off.














TOP stood in front of his parents house for a moment before walking in. He knew for a fact that they were somehow involved or connected to the Park's murder and he was going to find out how.


He knocked on the door and a maid opened the door.


"Omo, young master!", she cried out in surprise, it had been a long time since he'd come home.


"Did you say young master?", he heard his mum's surprised voice as she came around the corner, "TABI!"


"Hello omma", he smiled as she hugged her son tightly, "Welcome home my son."


"How have you been?", he asked sweetly.


"All the better now that I've seen you", she smiled happily, "Come in."


"Is dad home?", he asked seriously.


"Appa?", his mum eyed him curiously, never thinking that he would look for her husband.


"Yes, I need to talk to him", he said bluntly.


"Really?", his mum cried happily, "He'll be back soon why don't you wait-"


"I'll wait in his office if that's alright", TOP replied.


"Oh..", his mum sighed sadly, she wanted to spend som etime with him.






TOP walked into his father's office, everything was neatly placed. He walked towards his desk and sat down on the chair. He wasn't sure what he was looking for but he started searching through the drawers.


His hand stopped when he found Bom's picture amongst the files.


Just then the door handle turned and his father entered.



TOP looked up at his surprised father.


"Seunghyun?", his father slowly walked towards him, "What are you doing here?"


"What's this?", TOP showed him Bom's picture.


His dad stiffened slightly, "Oh that...your omma tells me that you and the girl are quite serious so I though I'd-"


"Try to find out about her?", TOP asked.




"Don't lie to me", TOP muttered.


His father's face darkened now, "Why else would I look into her?"


"You tell me", TOP replied.


His father looked away nervously.


"Let me tell you a bit about Park Bom since you're so interested", TOP muttered through gritted teeth, "Her dad worked at CHoi Law Firm...under you"


His father gulped nervously.


"You might know him?", TOP said.


"I didn't have the time to personally know all my employees", his father answered.


"Really? Another interesting fact I'll let you in on, her parents were murdered the same day mum had her accident", TOP conitued watching his father's reaction.


"That's very sad to hear", his father replied.


"In Hyungdam", TOP added.


"That's a very strange coincidence", his father nervously replied.


"Yea you could say that", TOP raised a brow and watched his father fidget nervously.


"But that's not what I came here to discuss", TOP suddenly said as he turned to face the window.


His father waited for TOP to say something.


"The report for 2001-2002 financial report seems to be wrong", TOP said turning to face his father again.


Mr Choi stiffened.


"About 40 billion won is missing from the calculations-"


"Well there might have been a mistake from the accountants-"


"There was no mistake", TOP growled, "Someone took that money."


"Who?" his father warily asked.


"I was hoping you could tell me that", TOP eyed him, "It would have to be someone high up to be able to authorise such a transfer...someone like you?"


His father looked at TOP wide-eyed.


"Not saying it was you...but when you think about it that was the time you were planning your political career am I not right?", TOP asked.


"Do you think I have something to do with this?", his father asked back.


"I didn't say that, all I'm saying is politics is a very expensive move", TOP tapped the desk casually while his father tensed on the middle of the room.


"I don't like where this is heading Seunghyun!", his father raised his voice slightly.


"I don't care what you like or want", Seunghyun walked up tp him and glared at him, "But I'm going to get to the bottom of this!"


Seunghyun smirked at his father and started to head towards the door.



"I was trying to save your mother!!", his father suddenly blurted out.


Seunghyun froze.


"She killed them when she got into the accident and I couldn't bare to have her go to prison so I got the police to change the evidence!", his father quickly explained.


Suddenly TOP's blood started to boil , he clenched his fists.


"I wanted to protect my family-AGGGH!"


TOP suddenly punched his father. He grabbed him by the collar, "ARE YOU ING KIDDING ME?!"


"I'm telling the truth!", his father panicked.


"Were you really a lawyer?!!", TOP growled, "I have witnesses from the night Bom's parents were murdered and they sound nothing like what you're telling me!"


"They're..they're lying-AAAAAAHH!"


TOP punched him again, "Then how does that explain that the missing 40  billion won?! Hiring of those men?!!"


His father gulped nervously.


"You made a mistake blaming mum!", TOP muttered through gritted teeth.




His father suddenly smiled, "So you think it was me? Where's the evidence?"


TOP's face darkened, sickened by his father. He should have known his father was behind this.


"You have nothing!", his father smirked, "If I say I didn't kill them then I didn't!"


TOP grabbed his collar and shoved him to the floor, "Tell the truth for once!!"


"You can accuse me all you want when you have proof!", his father smirked, "Until then-"


"You mess with mum or Bom, I'll kill you with you with my bare hands."


"It's not a good idea getting so close to someone like her", Mr Choi muttered.


"I'm warning you, I'm going to get to the bottom of this and then you can forget about ever seeing daylight again", TOP hissed and stormed out.





"TABI!", his mum ran out of the house, "What happened?!"


"Omma!", he turned to face her, "This is your last chance, choose now. It's either him or me."


"Tabi", his mum gasped.


"Omma", he pleaded, "This time...I need you."


"He's my husband tabi", his mum panicked.


"Then you have no son", his said stoically before leaving.















JIyong wanted to check where the girls were meeting so he could take Dara's phone to her so he checked her messages. But what he found made him feel a sickening pain in his heart.


He stared at the message from Minho asking her to meet at a cafe. Why would she hide the fact that she was meeting up with a guy? Why would she lie about meeting up with the girls? Who was this guy? Why would she even have to hide this?


He contemplated running to the cafe and confronting her. He angrily threw the contents off the table angrily and sighed in fustration.





He checked Dara's phone and picked it up without answering.


"Congratulation Miss Dara Park, You have reached 800 billion won in your private account and you are now eligible to apply for our all exlusive club which includes-"


Jiyong dropped the phone in shock.


"800 billion won?", he muttered as he raked his hair in confusion.


Nothing made sense in that moment in time. He remembered how Dara would always be running around trying to juggle all thsoe part time jobs, how she couldn't afford her rent, how she fainted from working too much, how much she hated rich people. When all this time she was just like those rich kids that she detested so much.


JIyong clenched his jaw as his hands curled into fists. He grabbed his coat and stormed out of his flat.












"Oppa", Dara ran to Mino who was waiting for her.


"Dara!", he hugged her before they sat down.


"What's happened?", Dara asked anxiously.


"Your dad is trying to revoke your share of the company", Minho whispered.


"Can he do that?!", Dara gasped.


"Look Dara, he's run out of options", Minho explained, "You hold 60% of the company shares, he can't make any decisions regarding the company anymore."


"So?!", Dara cried out, "You're my representive in the company, they can listen to you."


"It's not that easy Dara."


"Why not?!"


"Dara you need to come back", Minho said.


"No!", Dara protested, "You know what will happen if I go back, besides that 60% is not my share, it's mum's!!", Dara cried.


"When your mum passed away, you inherited it though, so you-"


"Did I earn it? Did I work hard to earn those shares?!", Dara said angrily, "It's not my money or shares to touch!!"


"So does that mean you haven't been using your inheritance either Dara?", Minho asked. "Dara that's meant to be for you!"


"NO! Oppa don't you understand it's omma's money, not mine or dad to use!", Dara hissed, "The money omma gave to me-"


"You're still giving it away aren't you?", Minho shook his head.


Dara looked away angrily, "Oppa, I can't be found by dad and that's it, he wants me back so he can take over the company, he wants to take away everything mum and aunty built don't you understand!"


"Dara", Minho held Dara's hands across the table, "I can't hold him off for longer, sooner or later he's going to find you."





"So you're meeting the girls are you?", JIyong muttered at the sight of Dara holding someone else's hands.



"Ji", Dara gasped and abruptly stood up.


"Your phone", he handed her phone coldly.


"Ji...let me explain", Dara stuttered.


"You had a call too", Jiyong continued stoically, "Congratulations, because you have over 800 billion won in your account you can now join the all exclusive rich club."


Dara froze.


"All this time", Ji laughed slightly, "All this time you were someone else."


"No..", Dara stepped forward, "Please you don't understand-"





"ji", Dara whimpered.



"Excuse me", Minho stood up.



"And who's this guy?", Jiyong pointed at Minho.


"Ji please listen", Dara mumbled nervously.



"So you're rich?", Ji said angrily, "Why the hell were you pretending to be poor then? Is it a game?"


Dara shook her head as tears fell down her face.


"Was I part of the game?", Jiyong asked, "Cos I can't get my head around this!"


Dara bit her lip and wiped her tears, "listen-"


"Do you know how hurt I used to feel, how guilty I felt watching you work day and night just to save enough money to pay rent? To pay for your scholarship?!"


Dara tried to reach out to him but he shrugged his arm away.


"Was that all a show?! Pretending to be poor!! For what? The sympathy vote?!"


"Ji...that money...it's not mine-"


"DON'T LIE TO ME!!", Jiyong shouted.


"i'm...not", Dara shook her head.


"If you'd just told me everything then we wouldn't have to go through all this Dara", Jiyong tried to stop the tears from falling, "My mum wouldn't be against you...she wouldn't have made your life hell but I just don't understand."


"Ji..", Dara wept, not knowing how to explain.



"Let's end it", Jiyong said through clenched teeth, "Right here, let's end it."


"No", Dara sobbed as she grabbed hold of his arm," Ji listen."


"I can't", JIyong pulled her arm off him, "I can't anymore...."


"Please...please....don't do this...", Dara cried.


"Dara...everything was a lie", he looked at her sadly, "I don't even know who you are anymore."



Dara covered with her trembling hands, she looked away and ran out of the cafe leaving Jiyong standing there.







"Jiyong shi", Minho finally spoke when Jiyong turned to leave.


Jiyong turned and grabbed his collar, "Don't you dare say my name!"


"We should talk", Minho said calmly.


"You honestly think I would talk to you!", Jiyong shouted angrily, "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!"


Minho pulled Jiyong's hands off his collar, "I'm Lee Minho...Dara's cousin."


JIyong furrowed his brows and pushed himself off Minho before turning around to leave.




"Don't you want to know the truth?", Minho called out.


"I know the ing truth!", Jiyong muttered through gritted teeth.


"You have no clue", Minho said seriously.


Jiyong turned back and glared at Minho angrily.


"What you accused my cousin of is true", Minho said calmly, "She is rich and she also holds 60% of Korea Exports' shares."


JIyong laughed slightly at the unbelievable reality.



"But, she's never touched a single dime of that money for herself", Minho continued.


Jiyong looked at him in confusion.


"The shares and inheritance is from her mother", Miho said calmly, "But even when her scholarship was taken away from her, when her house got demolished, when she couldn't pay her rent, when she didn't have enough to even eat she still didn't touch that money do you know why?"


Jiyong clenched his jaws.



"Because that's what she's like, she doesn't believe in cashing in on other people's hard earned money", Minho smiled slightly, "Instead every month she gives her money to chairites."


"What are you trying to say?", Jiyong asked slowly.



"Did you know Dara alone has established 9 orphanages in the past 3 years?", Minho continued.


Jiyong shook his head slightly.



"No you didn't did you?", Minho smiled slightly, "The Dara you fell for is not the same Dara you saw today... she's even better."


Jiyong looked at him and sighed, realising his mistake. He should have atleast heard her side of the story.


"The reason she didn't tell you or anyone else is because of her father", Minho said in a serious tone.


"Her father?", Jiyong asked.


"Her father wants to use Dara to get her 60% shares so he can have full power of the company", Minho explained, "That's why for the past 3 years she's been hiding from him and I've been acting as her representive at the company."


Jiyong slumped on the chair trying to register everything.


"I didn't want to tell you all this, to be honest it's not really my place" Minho said, "but I care about my cousin dearly and I can see how much she loves you that's why I'm telling you this."


Jiyong placed his face in his hands in fustration.


Minho stood up to leave, "I'd appreciate it if you kept Dara's truth a secret, her father is capable of anything and he won't hesitate to hurt Dara if it means he can get the company as well as Dara's money."




JIyong leaned back on the chair, shocked at everything that had happened today. How could he even think all those things about Dara, it was Dara for god's sake. If she didn't tell him all this then he should have known she had a good reason. 



'Let's end it'



"Sh!t!", he cursed at himself for being such a prick. He ran out of the cafe and headed back to the apartment.













"DARA!!", Jiyong ran into his apartment panting, "DARA!!"


He ran into her room to find it empty, he flung her wardrobe open...all her clothes were gone.


"SH!T!", He punched the wardrobe door before running back out.





"CL!!", Jiyong shouted through the phone as he got into his car, "Is Dara with you?!!"


"No, why?", CL sounded worried.


"Sh!t!!", JIyong slammed the steering wheel, "Do you know where she would be?!"




"Anywhere she goes when she's upset?!!", Jiyong raked his fingers through his hair in fustration.


"Sorry I don't know,oh my god what if her appa found her?!", CL asked worriedly.


"No he hasn't I ....I just need to find her!", Jiyong sighed angrily.


"Ok, I'll try to ring her and see if she picks up!"





"Where did you go?", JIyong slumped his head on the steering wheel.







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Writing the last chappie as we speak T0T


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Chapter 7: This is cute ahahaah
Chapter 31: omg my daragon feels 🥺
Chapter 73: Reading it all over again ❤️ 2024 cutie ✌️
Chapter 30: this is going to be a cute group date hehe
Chapter 30: the image won't load but i bet it was cute
Chapter 30: getting scared of a toy rat hahahahaha
Chapter 29: i love how they all freak out because of the one little rat akdsfhaklsjh
Chapter 28: omg so it's official??? seunghyun called bom his girlfriend?? aAHJKDfhkljsdfka