Going to work was a bad idea





"Here let me help", Dara took the drinks tray off Bom.


"Thanks dee,", she said rubbing her wrist.


It was saturday which meant they had to work at the club tonight.


"Still hurt?", Dara pointed at he wrist.


"No it'll be fine, it doesn't hurt as much as getting rejected by Minzy and CL", Bom muttered.


"I can't believe that little wouldn't let us stay at hers", Dara sighed.


"If those two ever need my help, I'm going to refuse flat out!!", Bom shouted.











"They're where?", Jiyong asked CL again.


"At the club", CL replied as she wiped the tables.


"Why?", TOP muttered as he clenched his fists.


"Because the pay is double there over the weekend", CL smiled not really realising just how much crap she was getting the girls into.


"ya!, Seungri hissed at CL.




"You shouldn't have told them!", he whispered.


"Why?", CL blinked.


"You think these two want to hear that your two friends are right now working in a club full of erted men after what happened yesterday?", Seungri explained.


"Oh crap", CL cursed ans she looked at TOP and Jiyong who looked like they were about to breathe fire.



"Pray for you friends tonight", Seungri sighed.


CL looked at him worried.


"Pray hard", Seungri shook his head.












"Neh, kamshamida customer-nim", Dara bowed to a guy who gave a tip.


She kissed the tip, "Straight into my piggy bank mwahhh!"



"Dara!", a staff called her, "Someone outside is looking for you"


"Me?", she pointed at herself.






She walked out and saw Bom heading for the front door.




Bom turned and smiled, "Where you off too?"


"Someone's looking for me", she replied


"Oh..same," Bom said and they rushed outside.






There stood Jiyong and TOP leaning on their cars glaring at the girls.






Bom stepped abit closer, "Seunghyun...did you need soomething?"




TOP didn't answer, he just swung open the passenger car door.



Bom looked at the door, then at angry Seunghyun and then at Dara, "I think i may be in trouble..."


"What did you do?", Dara asked nervously.


"I have no clue", she hissed back.





Jiyong sighed impatiently and walked up to Dara.


Dara stepped back instinctively, but lost her balance on her heels and fell backwards. Jiyong pulled her up quickly and flung her over his shoulders.


"OMO!!", Dara gasped as JIyong walked back to his car and threw her in, "YAA!"


He went round to the driver's seat, got in and drove off.







Bom watched the whole scene wide-eyed, she slowly turned back to TOP.


"You can either get in yourself or....", he said with a threatening tone.


Bom gulped and ran into the car, did her seatbelt and waited for TOP to get in too.












[Music: Suddenly by Kim Bo Kyung]





TOP drank his water angrily as Bom watched from the kitchen door way.



"Are...you mad?", Bom asked quietly.



TOP slammed his empty glass on the kitchen counter.



Bom flinched slightly, "I'll take that as a yes then...."



TOP breathed heavily as he grabbed the corner of the counter trying to calm himself.



"I'm...just gonna go..", she edged away nervously towards her room.






She opened the door but suddenly out of nowhere TOP slammed the bedroom door shut so she couldn't get in.



Bom looked at him side ways, too scared to look at him straight.


"Is it fun?", he muttered through gritted teeth.


"huh?", she asked nervously.


"Is it fun making me worry about you all the bloody time?", he clenched his jaw trying not to raise his voice.


Bom looked down at the floor and nervously played with the hem of her dress.



"What you had to go through yesterday, most people won't have to go through in a ing lifetime!" he growled.


"mianhe", she squeaked.


TOP pushed her back onto the wall, "IF YOU'RE SORRY THEN STOP MAKING ME WORRY ABOUT YOU!!"


Bom looked up with scared eyes.




"w..work", Bom stuttered.






"I SAID QUIT!", TOP repeated angrily.


"I can't", Bom said.





Bom started to feel angry now too, who was he to tell her what she could and couldn't do.


She bit her lip angrily, "No"




"No! What does it matter to you if I spend my saturdays with erted men- HMMMPPPPHH!"



TOP slammed his lips onto hers angrily.



"HMMMPHH.....AGGGHH!", she managed to push him off her. She panted heavily as she looked at him in shock.


"AISH IT ING MATTERS!", He shouted and claimed her lips again.


She struggled again, so TOP gripped onto her hands and forced them behind her as he slammed her body back onto the bedroom door.


"hhhmmmppphhhhh", she struggled trying to push him off.


He pushed his body onto hers as he continued to kiss her fervently. He didn't know why he was doing this, but he couldn't stop himself. He gripped her hands tightly and finally she started to stop struggling.

With that he slowly loosened the grip on her hands, instead of pushing him off, Bom's hands grabbed his collar and pulled his lips closer to hers. She didn't know what she was doing either, but every control over her body left her.

Still kissing her, TOP reached for the door handle and opened the door, he walked forward, making Bom walk back into the room. She wrapped her arms around his neck and continued kissing him hungrily without realising they were in the bedroom now. His hand traced her back and wrapped around her waist. The back of her knees finally came in contact with the bed and TOP slowly pushed both of them down on the bed, without releasing her lips. He hovered on top of her and bit her lip slightly. Bom gasped and parted her lips as his tongue entered . Bom ran her fingerS through his hair as he kissed her passionately.


She turned her head to the side as he lowered himself and ran his lips down on her neck. He felt her body heaving up and down underneath him and the feeling was driving him crazy. He had to stop, he had to otherwise something neither were ready for was going to take place.


"seu...seunghyun...", Bom breathed as TOP came back up and kissed her hungrily one last time.


He finally parted his lips from hers and stood up breathing heavily. Bom slowly pushed herself to sit up too. They both panted heavily in the dark.


"It's late...you should get some rest..", TOP said huskily and left the room.




Bom reached for her lips with shaking hands as she tried to figure out what what happened.




Outside, TOP leaned on the bedroom door and sighed in fustraion, "What the hell is this yeoja doing to me?!"














"PUT ME DOWNN!", Dara shouted as she flapped her arms and legs.


JIyong flung her down on the sofa.


"YA!", Dara threw a cushion at him angrily.


JIyong caught the cushion with one hand and threw it on the floor.


"WHAT THE HELL JIYONG!!", Dara screamed.



But Jiyong just walked to his room.



"YA! I'M TALKING TO YOU!!", Dara shouted.



JIyong stormed back out and threw a shirt at her.


"YAA!", she pulled the shirt off her face and threw it on the floor.


Jiyong grabbed the shirt and shoved it at Dara again.


Dara hit his hand away and glared at him.


"WEAR IT!", JIyong shouted.


"NO!!", she shouted louder.


"Don't start with me Dara!", he threatened.


"I'm going back!", she got off the sofa, but Jiyong just pushed her back, "WHAT THE HELL?!"


"You're going to go out like that?!", he pointed at her dress.



She looked down and realised her tights had holes in them and her dress had ripped on the top revealing her bra. She turned away and covered her body with her arms.




JIyong sighed behind her as he placed his shirt over her shoulders. He turned to face her, "Arms?"


She did as he said and put her arms through the sleeves. He buttoned her up and then met her gaze.


"Now, care to explain to me what you were doing there?"


"I was working", Dara said through gritted teeth.


"After what happened yesterday?", Jiyong asked crossing his arms across his chest.


"I still have to work!", she replied angrily, "I need to pay for the rent"


"You don't live there anymore", he stated.


"That's my home!"


"Not anymore!", Jiyong glared.




"It's not safe Dara!"


"They were just common thieves-"


"I didn't realise common thieves drove around in black mercedes!", he shouted angrily.


"What are you on about?", Dara asked in confusion.


Jiyong sighed, "We saw a car speeding away from your place last night and we think it might be the guys who attacked you."


"But still-"


"But?", JIyong cried out, "There are no buts!! ARE YOU NOT LISTENING TO ME?!! YOU CAN'T GO BACK AND THAT'S FINAL!"


He stormed off to his studio before Dara could say anything else.











An hour later, Dara peeped through the studio door. She saw Jiyong hard at work on his laptop. She hesitated for a bit but she finally walked towards him barefooted and still in his shirt.


"Jiyong-ah?", she called out behind him.


"Hm?", he answered without turning around.



She bit her lip, he sounded mad. She walked abit closer and then wrapped her arms around him.


Jiyong stopped what he was doing and softened up a bit.


"Mianhe...", she whispered into his ears.


He turned around and pulled her to his lap. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pouted sadly.


"What for?"


"I don't know...for everything..."


JIyong tried not to smile at Dara's cuteness.



"For being mean to you when we first met and always thinking badly about you...", she said sadly.


Jiyong nodded trying to look serious.


"And for calling you names behind your back and breaking things off with you in front of everyone" she mumbled.


"Ah...", he pinched the bridge of his nose, "I was so hurt then"


"You were?!", Dara asked geniunely worried.


He nodded acting all sad and dramatic.



"Well...and...sorry for not realising you're only looking out for me", she pouted sadly.


"Well....that's a lot of things to apologise for", he said.


Dara nodded sadly.


"But I'll forgive you on one condition"





Jiyong smiled and pointed to his lips.


"NEH?!", Dara shouted.


JIyong pointed to his lips again.


Dara practically jumped out of his lap, "Oh no....not after this morning..."


"What? Oh the kiss", he shrugged.


Dara nodded nervously.


"That was nothing babe", Jiyong smiled and stood up.



"OMO!", she jumped back when he tried to catch her, "STAY AWAY!"


"YA! WHERE ARE YOU GOING!!", Jiyong laughed as he ran after her into the apartment.


Dara ran to the bathroom.




"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH BOM-AHHHHH SAVE MEEEE!", she screamed as she ran into the bathroom and locked herself in.












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Writing the last chappie as we speak T0T


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Chapter 7: This is cute ahahaah
Chapter 31: omg my daragon feels 🥺
Chapter 73: Reading it all over again ❤️ 2024 cutie ✌️
Chapter 30: this is going to be a cute group date hehe
Chapter 30: the image won't load but i bet it was cute
Chapter 30: getting scared of a toy rat hahahahaha
Chapter 29: i love how they all freak out because of the one little rat akdsfhaklsjh
Chapter 28: omg so it's official??? seunghyun called bom his girlfriend?? aAHJKDfhkljsdfka