After yunho excusing himself, Jessica and yuri decided to hang out at their favorite bar. Although Yuri prevented her to go there, Jessica still insisted. They sat at their favorite spot while listening to the piano played in the bar. Luckily, there was still small number of customers inside the bar. Yuri started their conversation after the waiter came with their drinks.


“so sica, tell me what is your plan?” yuri started.


“haish, I wish that I can just vanished from this world,” she confessed. Yuri shocked with her remark.


“ya~ you can’t just give up like this. Sica, don’t ever come to that decision. Do you think suicide can solve your problem? You just leave things worst.” Jessica laughed after she heard what’s yuri mumbling at her.


“ya~, I’m not going to commit suicide. Am I that stupid? hahaha” she made fake laugh.


“what about going to Japan? I think Tiffany will be most welcome,” Yuri suggested.


“you think my father can’t find me right away if I go there? Aish, molla~ I won’t get rid of this baby yuri. I love taec, and this is our baby. I want to keep this baby,” she said.


“did you call him? Try calling him sica, then discuss what you should do. Get married if you want to keep the baby. Let him talk to your father. maybe when taec shows his responsibility and love to you, your father will change his perception. Sica, you’re a public figure. What’ll happen if netizen found out you are pregnant now? Your popularity now will just drop and maybe you’ll never come back to this level anymore.”


“I know yuri. I tried to call him today, but he didn’t pick up the phone. Maybe he’s out of town now. That’s why I can’t reach him,” she said. Thinking about her father, Jessica knew the possibility of her father to accept Taecyeon was small. Once his father decided on something, she will never say now to whatever he decided.


After a short while, yuri stood up and went to the toilet. Jessica took this opportunity to run. She knew that she’ll make yuri worry about her. she went to her car and take her emergency bag inside the booth. Luckily, she always prepared herself. She typed something of her phone before sending it to yuri. she quickly turned off her handphone. She needed to leave this place before yuri came out, looking for her.  


She ran toward the main road and get into taxi.


“where to miss?” the driver asked. Jessica did not know where to go.


“emm, Incheon Gwangyeok-si please,” she said without thinking. The taxi was quickly driven away from Seoul.


“are going to the airport?”


“no, just drop me in the city”


“miane yuri, oppa. I don’t mean to leave you guys like this,” she said while looking outside the window. Jessica fall asleep inside the taxi. She was so tired, and plus, she was too hungry. She didn’t touch any food since she vomited this morning.




Yuri came out from the toilet. From the distance, she can see the table was left emptied. Her eyes wandered around the room, tried to locate where Jessica was. She reached her handphone inside the handbag and there was a message from Jessica. maybe to tell yuri that she went home before her.


yul-ah.. mianne~ I want to rest my mind at peace first. I can’t go back home with this condition. Father will force me to abort this baby. When I have the decision, I’ll let you know. don’t worry about me. I promise, I won’t do something weird. Love, Jessica


‘oh my GOD Jessica. where did you go?’ yuri quickly dialed Yunho’s number, wanting to tell him as fast as she can.




“miss, where are you going to stop?” asked the driver. Jessica looked at her surroundings. She found nothing but a bus stop at the left side of the road. She once had her filming at the beach in Incheon, but, she didn’t quite confident about where that place was. She decided to stop at the bus stop. somehow, it seemed quite familiar.


“thank you ajusshi,” she said.


“I think, there must be some place that I can sleep. I’ve come here and I’m quite confident that I can find that place again,” she talked to herself. She dragged herself toward the village that located not far from the bus stop. She came here before and she certainly remembered that there was a guest house nearby. 


Jessica continued to walk. Her stomach rumbled, asking her to eat. However, she ignored that. What’s important now, she needed to find a place to sleep. As she was in front of a big house, her legs can’t go on anymore. Her energy that left was already depleted. Suddenly, she saw a car coming toward her. the light from the car made her hard to see and again, causing the headache. Slowly, the image became blurry, before she collapsed before the car.



Nichkhun drove his car slowly. No need to be hurry though. Tomorrow, he had his schedule free for the whole day. He turned left at a junction before driving straight to his house. Actually, that is his parents’ house. After his family migrated, he lived alone in that big house. As he approaching his house, he can see a girl with a bag in her hand, walking slowly about 10m from his car. The girl stopped, before starred at his direction. Nichkhun then shocked when that girl was suddenly collapsed. He quickly stopped his car and went out to check on that girl.


“miss, miss, are you alright? Miss,” he tried to wake the girl up, but failed. Nichkhun tried to identify the girl, but her hair covered her face. Nichkhun flipped her hair, to see her face more clearly.


“j.. Jessica? Jessica-shi? Jessica-shi, are you alright?” he asked again after identifying who’s the girl. He quickly carried Jessica into his car and drove to the nearest clinic.     




Nichkhun waited outside of the emergency room. The doctor still did not come out yet. He can’t stop thinking why Jessica was in front of his house. How did she know that was his house. And what about the bag in her hand? was she ran away from her house or something. Nichkhun grabbed his handphone and dialed Yunho’s number.


“oh hyung, where are you?” he asked.


“oh khun. I can’t speak to you now. I’m in the middle of looking for my sister. Haish, she created another problem again. She was out with yuri and after that yuri called me telling me that Jessica disappeared,” yunho confessed. He stressed with his sister attitude.


“hyung, calm down. I found Jessica. She’s with me now,” nichkhun said while laughing.


“right seriously? How did you find her?” yunho asked.


“well, actually, we are at the hospital now. She collapsed in front of my house. I don’t know how did she know that is my house but, yes, I saw her standing in front of my house before passing out.”


“ok, I’ll go there now. I’m sorry khun, for burdening you.”


“no biggie hyung. Emm, see you,” nichkhun said before ending the call. After a few minutes, the doctor came out from the room, calling for nichkhun. Luckily, the staff did not recognize him nor Jessica. Most of them are from middle age group.


“are you her husband?” the doctor asked. Nichkhun was shocked after hearing the question.


“how’s her condition doctor?” nichkhun asked, ignoring the question from the doctor.


“she stable now. Her blood pressure is dangerously low. Plus, she’s having hypoglycemic. She has a slight fever. Now, she’s resting inside the room.” The doctor explained.


“I think this maybe due to the stress but this is not good for her pregnancy. This condition is super serious for her baby,” said the doctor before leaving Nichkhun startled. His brain still couldn’t really process what doctor said. Slowly, he got the idea why Jessica was running away. Nichkhun entered Jessica’s room while his mind still disbelief with the news.


He sat beside Jessica’s bed. She was still in her deep sleep. The doctor said, after she was done with the IV drip, she can go home. From her face, nichkhun can see how tired she was.




Yunho arrived at Nichkhun house and quickly rang the bell. Nichkhun opened the door and let yunho made his way into the living room.


“where’s Jessica?” yunho couldn’t find his sister anywhere in that room.


“she’s resting upstairs. In my sister’s room,” nichkhun explained.


“ehem, what happen actually hyung?” nichkhun asked.


“well, its family’s matters. She kind of argue with my father about her boyfriend, Taec. My father forced her to stop seeing Taec.”


“seriously, I still can’t believe hyung. Jessica and running away can be put in the same sentence.”


“but you just did. Jessica, she’s not someone that you expect to be. I have pretty hard time babysitting her,” yunho said while laughing.     


“actually hyung, there’s something that you should know. I don’t know whether I should tell you or not. But, after lots of consideration, I decide to tell you.”


“about what?”




“huh?” yunho wrinkled his eyebrows, drawing them close together.


“well. Earlier, at the hospital, doctor told me something. The doctor said that she pregnant,” nichkhun paused for a while, studying yunho reaction before continue,


“I think that is the main reason she tried to run away.”


Yunho was obviously shocked with the news.


“what? Are you sure khun?”


“that’s what the doctor said. I think you should ask her yourself. So tonight, the both of you should just stay and rest at my house. Then, tomorrow, we’ll figure out,” Nichkhun decided. 



seriously i have no idea about the place since i'm not a korean and i've never been in Korea.

so, i randomly choose Incheon and decided to use full house's house as Nichkhun house. 

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Lmao, i remember reading this last 2015ish.
mikanMD #2
Chapter 30: This is so good!!
xiupao92 #3
thank you author-nim for making a rare jewel like this
Princessjessica92 #4
Chapter 30: Hihihi...I love this
Chapter 30: You did great authornim!love love love the ending!hihihi... It's a very beautiful scene. :)
tq... glad that u enjoy the story
sicacouple #7
Chapter 30: Aha!!!!! I love khunsica too..... thanks for made such a beautiful story...
tq 4 the endless support
Chapter 30: Fell in love with this story ♥♥♥
Chapter 30: *cries a river* this is one of the best fics ever~gahh the feels
i really enjoyed this story and i know others did too^^its super good for your first fic!
Cant wait to see more of your work.