Sometimes things fall apart to make way

for something better to happen


Jessica smiled at the phrase that she found written in her sketch book. She remembered reading this phrase somewhere when she was in trouble two years ago. At that time, when she read the phrase, she almost didn’t understand the meaning behind it. Guess experience is the best teacher. Now, she can relate everything that happened to her with the beautiful words. Before this, she kept asking herself why things didn’t happen just the way she wanted. And why things got worse after so much trouble she had gone through.


But today, at this moment, she thanked God for putting her into that situation before because without everything that happened, she might not be here today. Seeing herself in her wedding dress was like a dream. May be 2 years ago, if people asked her about getting married, having her own family, she might think that people is crazy. She was an ambitious girl and still was. The only different was, she was different kind of ambitious.


Of course she wanted to get married, having the junior version of hers, husband and stuff but not in this short period of time. May be in next five or six years in the future. But who was she to deny the fate that was already carved for her. The only thing that she should do was doing her best. For her, Nichkhun and Mason were the best things that happened to her. She couldn’t ask for more.


When Nichkhun proposed, she didn’t want to refuse him. Of course she loved her dream and becoming a designer was one of her forever dreams. But, seeing Nichkhun and Mason made her wanted to let go of that dream. She knew that she’ll never survive without them. And because of that, here she was today. Standing in front of a big mirror in her own wedding dress. Her mom was busy giving her final touch up. Yuri was standing beside her, giving her opinion to her mother-in-law. Oh, Yuri was already married to Yunho 2 months ago.


“are you ready sica?” asked Yuri. Jessica gave her bestfriend her nervous smile. Yes, she was nervous. She never felt this nervous before. She had done God knows how many of fashion show before but the feeling was nowhere compared to this.


“are you nervous?” asked Tiffany who was now standing in front of her.


“of course I am, you dope!” Jessica replied with playful tone. Tiffany laughed at her reply.


“oh my God, finally, you are going to get married. Our Jessica is going to tie the knot!” Tiffany squealed. Yuri shook her head.


“of please Tif, you said the exact thing during Yuri’s wedding,” Jessica stared at Tiffany and of course Tiffany laughed at her words.


“and what about you?” yuri asked Tiffany. She ignored Yuri’s question, averting her attention to Jessica’s-already-perfect dress. Both Jessica and Yuri gave her cold stares. Finally she gave up and looked at her two best friends.


“what about me?”


“when are you getting married? Settle down like us?” Yuri smiled at Tiffany.


“auww Yuri. Because of you guys are married, doesn’t meant like I have to follow your path. I love my freedom and me being like this is the best thing! So, don’t ask me when-are-you-going-to-get-married question because me either don’t have the answer,” Tiffany answered like she always did. She always knows what she wanted to say.


“today is not the day for us to talk about me. Today is your day Jessica! Now, your father is already waiting for you I believe. So we better get going,” Tiffany ignored Jessica’s and Yuri’s concern stares. She grabbed the flowers and passed them to Jessica before ushered her to the white doors. When both Yuri and Tiffany pushed the white gigantic doors open, Jessica could feel that her own heart was doing somersault, flipping and jumping inside her chest.


“you better give us the heavenly smile, Jessica. Or else, you’ll ruin your own wedding pictures with that expression of yours,” Tiffany joked at her expression.


“am I that bad?” she asked Yuri. Of course she can’t believe in Tiffany’s word. She always bluffed and exaggerated things!!


“no Sica, you’re doing good,” Yuri said to her.


“OK now, we better get ready. Sica, good luck dear,” said Tiffany.


“you wish” she said before giving her best smile ever.




Nichkhun touched his collar to make sure that everything was perfect. His silver tux was placed perfectly on his body. He re-touched the white flower that was placed on his left chest. He was nervous and for God’s sake, he was fidgeting. Wooyoung smiled at his friend. He placed his hand on Nichkhun’s shoulder, stopping him from doing whatever he was doing.


“just stop fidgeting, khun. Keep calm and relax. She’s not going anywhere. She’ll be yours in these mere minutes,” he said to his soon-to-be-not-bachelor friend.


“well you can’t blame me for feeling nervous. I’m a bit better than Yunho-hyung though when he’s getting married you know,” Nichkhun said, tried to calm his nervousness.


“hey, for your information, I am here you know. Just happen to stand beside you. If you don’t want me to go and steal my dear sister on her wedding day and stop her from marrying his not-so-sensitive future husband, stop insulting my action during my wedding day!” yunho said. Nichkhun and Wooyoung laughed at his respond.


“but seriously hyung, I’m still wondering how can you survive to the end of the ceremony is still a wonder for me,” said Wooyoung. Yunho ignored both of them.


“OK khun, are you ready?” Nichkhun turned his head to his father’s direction. He nodded. He stood firmly in front of the audience. His two best men were standing beside him, giving him a bit of strength. He averted his attention to the giant door. When the door opened, his eyes met his beautiful angel, standing alongside her father.


When the music started, she walked graciously, with her delicate hand gripping her father’s arm.


(my dearest readers, please do tune on Beautiful In White Instrumental. just to get into the mood you know)


 As she walked, he can’t help but to flashback everything that happened after she entered his life. During the CF set, when they had their very first kiss, her annoyed face, her adorable face. He can’t forget all of them.


When he found her, fainting in front of his house. He still remembered how panicked he was when he realized that was her and when he knew that she was pregnant, he still remember how shocked he was.


When she decided to live with him at his house, not considering what will happen if people find out about them living together. He still remembers her annoying little face, with her annoying voice. Everything about her annoyed him to the core.


When she cried when she thought no one cares about her anymore. Because of her stupid mistake that she did in her life, she almost lost everything precious in her life. He still remembers hugging her, calming her and wiping her tears away from her flawless cheeks.


When she started her craving that drove his head crazy. When the baby kicked in her rounded belly. When they had their little fights and their kisses.


When she was struggling to survive during the labor. Her tears when she met Mason at the first time and when Mason was kidnapped, how worried she was.


When she was accepting his proposal, she looked so beautiful. How can some as simple as her can be so beautiful? He was mesmerized by her beautiful soul.


She was now standing in front of him, smiling shyly and beautifully and he still can’t believe it. He accepted her hand from her father and led them both to the front. As they’re exchanging their vows, Nichkhun can’t help but thinking what he did to deserve this. She was the best thing that happened in his life and he’ll not give her up to anything else in this world. When he kissed her, he promised to take care of her, to cherish her and to make her the luckiest girl in this world.


So as long as I live I’ll love you

Will have & hold you

You look so beautiful in white

And from now to my very last breath

This day I’ll cherish

You look so beautiful in white


Indeed, she did look so beautiful in white.




“thank you for coming to this lovely wedding. I hope you’re enjoying the party so far. Now, without further ado, I’ll invite the handsome groom to… well present something to his dearest wife. Come on buddy, the stage is all yours,” Wooyoung said before passing the microphone to Nichkhun.


“good evening everyone, thank you for spending your precious time with us this evening. Thank you for all your blessing. Well, today, I was asked by my best man to say something to my wife. I will not say something….”


“oh come on man, Jessica deserves some romantic words from you,” said Wooyoung somewhere near the stage.


“I will sing a song instead,” Nichkhun continued, ignoring Wooyoung comments. He looked around the hall and his eyes stopped searching when his gaze met Jessica’s eyes. He smiled and said, “Jessica, love, this is for you. This I Promise You.”


"This I Promise You"

Ohh ohh...

When the visions around you,
Bring tears to your eyes
And all that surround you,
Are secrets and lies
I'll be your strength,
I'll give you hope,
Keeping your faith when it's gone
The one you should call,
Was standing here all along..

And I will take
You in my arms
And hold you right where you belong
Till the day my life is through
This I promise you
This I promise you

I've loved you forever,
In lifetimes before
And I promise you never...
Will you hurt anymore
I give you my word
I give you my heart (give you my heart)
This is a battle we've won
And with this vow,
Forever has now begun...

Just close your eyes (close your eyes)
Each loving day (each loving day)
I know this feeling won't go away (no..)
Till the day my life is through
This I promise you..
This I promise you..

Over and over I fall (over and over I fall)
When I hear you call
Without you in my life baby
I just wouldn't be living at all...



He walked down the stage, walking slowly to where she was standing. He halted in front of her before gracing her hand and walking her to the center of the hall. He then continued to sing with her hand in his.

And I will take (I will take you in my arms)
You in my arms
And hold you right where you belong (right where you belong)
Till the day my life is through
This I promise you baby

Just close your eyes 
Each loving day (each loving day)
I know this feeling won't go away (no..)
Every word I say is true
This I promise you

Every word I say is true
This I promise you
Ooh, I promise you...


                “thank you love,” Jessica said. Her eyes were tearing. “I don’t know that you have this in you,” Jessica joked while wiping the tears that started to roll down.


“well, you don’t see half of it. And, you have plenty of time for that, love,” Nichkhun said to her. He brought her into his embrace before kissing her lovingly on her forehead.




“thank you,” Jessica said while hugging Nichkhun from the back. He smiled at her action. He moved to see her face. They were currently in their honeymoon suite, enjoying their time alone after the hectic ceremony. Luckily, the ceremony was held privately at one of prestigious hotel in Jejudo.


“for what?” he asked.


“for everything. For being there with me, and for loving me,” Jessica moved into his embrace. Her head rested on his broad chest.


“well, I have to right?” Nichkhun said jokingly. Jessica moved to see his face.


“what do you mean by that?” she asked.


Nichkhun smiled at her angry retort. “you invaded my space and enjoyed annoying my peaceful life. I can’t escape you. So I have to make my best so that I can live peacefully.”


Jessica pouted. “oh don’t do that. You know how much I love you right? Of course you were little annoying at the very first moment but then I guess I became immune with your action and behavior.” Nichkhun still didn’t stop teasing Jessica. Oh, how he loved teasing this girl.


“I know I am an annoying girl. But you don’t have to say that to me. That’s mean you know,” she continued to pout and making face. How she knew that people around her can’t stand when she did that kind of face. Nichkhun chuckled at her reaction.


“hey, after everything that happened between us, you should know that I didn’t mean that. I love you and I love you just the way you are. Even if you’re annoying or what not, that’s make you, YOU. and I’ll love you endlessly,” Nichkhun said.


“Promise?” Nichkhun nodded.


“I’m sorry for teasing you,” Nichkhun kissed her fingers. “and I love you,” He continued while staring lovingly into her eyes.


“I know,” she replied.


“oh, so arrogant,” Nichkhun said before capturing her lips for a brief moment.


“and I love you more,” Jessica said after her lips were free from Nichkhun’s. “I fell in love before but not like this. This is the love that I can’t even explain with words,” she said.


“I know you feel that deep to me,” he said so arrogantly.


“and you’re the one who said that I’m an arrogant head,” Jessica replied. He knew really well to break the mood.


“what about you show me,” Nichkhun told her with seducing tone. Oh my, he was seducing her.


“show you what?” don’t blush, please do not blush!! Nichkhun held her tighter.


“show me how much you love me,” he said before bringing her to the other side of the world.



4 years later


“Mason Horvejkul, come here in this instance!” Jessica screamed to her only son. The 5-year-old boy really knew how to make a mess. They were expecting some guests and here she was, dealing with her overactive son.


“what did I say when you play with your toys? And why didn’t you switch off the television once you’re done watching it?” Jessica scolded Mason.


“I was just going upstairs to get my other toys so that I can play with Yunu later,” he said with his head bowing down. He really didn’t like when his mother scolding him. She can be real scary and even his daddy didn’t brave enough to face his mother’s wrath.


“just leave the toys inside the play room. When Yunu’s here, you can bring him to the room. This is sitting room. When our guests are here, they’re going to sit here. If you keep dumping your toys here, people might trip on your toys and get hurt. Now, take all your toys and place them in your play room. Switch off the TV too,” she instructed Mason.


She left to the kitchen, observing the final preparation for the guests. They were having housewarming party today. They decided to return back to Korea after spending 4 years in London. After she finished her study, she worked independently for a year in London. After that, Nichkhun proposed to his father to open a new branch of their company in Korea. And here they were, coming back to Korea for good.


“what get you so pumped up?” Nichkhun asked once she appeared in the kitchen. “your son,” she replied in shorts.


“what did he do this time?” Nichkhun asked while plating all materials that were going to be used for barbeque later on.


“I have just finished cleaning up his toys half an hour ago and when I appeared in the sitting room a moment ago, it was full with toys again,” Jessica blurted her anger out. Nichkhun soothed her by drawing small circles on her back.


“don’t stress yourself too much. It’s not good for your condition,” Nichkhun said. “and just let Mason be. He knows what to do. You’re way too hard to him,” Nichkhun sat her at the nearest chair.


“and you’re just too soft to him. we can’t let him do whatever he wants,” Nichkhun smiled at her. Later on, Yunho’s family arrival broke their moment, followed by the other parties. Nichkhun let them in. Oh, they were still living at the same house. But during their stay in London, Nichkhun did a major renovation to the house. Now, the house was bigger and spacious than previous.



 Everyone was there, chattering and catching up stories. This was the first time Jessica saw all of them at once after her wedding. She couldn’t come back when Yuri gave birth to Yunu. She only came back after few weeks of the labor.


“ehem…” Tiffany cleared to catch everyone’s attention.


“well, I have some news to share,” she said once she everyone’s gaze was on her.


“go ahead Tif,” said Jessica.


“I’m going to get married this June,” she announced her news to her audience whom too astounded to believe.


“seriously Tif? Who’s the lucky guy?” it’s Jessica who broke the spell.


“well, it’s…” Tiffany seemed hesitated to announce his name.


“it’s me,” said Taecyeon who everyone didn’t realize taking his place beside Tiffany. Sure Jessica invited them both but she didn’t expect this outcome. There’s sure so many things that she left out. And she’ll dig them out later.


“wow. Congratulation chinggu,” Jessica hugged Tiffany and give Taecyeon a firm hand shake. “hurt her, and you’ll know where you’ll stand in this world,” Jessica warned him. Taecyeon nodded his head while smiling.


Nichkhun, followed by Yunho and Wooyoung congratulated Taecyeon for the wedding. “what about you Woo?” asked Nichkhun.


“hey, don’t involve me in this OK. I love being single and I’m not ready yet,” replied Wooyoung, looking as arrogant as ever.


“everyone of us said that before and look now. Even this forever playboy is going to get married soon. You should consider looking for a steady girlfriend soon Woo,” Nichkhun said and Taecyeon laughed at his words. Truthfully enough, he did say that before.


“don’t worry about me guys. Just worry about your girls who are about to cry anytime soon. Oh, how I hate girls in tears,” Wooyoung looked at the girls who are now in group hug. “hey girls, let’s celebrate this with champagne should we? This is the perfect occasion for this expensive champagne,” Wooyoung raised the bottle and poured into each of the glass.


“to Tiffany and Taecyeon, we wish you a happy wedding and blessing life ahead. Cheers,” Wooyoung said while rising his glass. Everyone drank their portion except for Nichkhun and Jessica. Wooyoung looked at them, asking for explanation.  


“well, we do have news to share too,” Nichkhun held Jessica.


“we’re pregnant,” he said  to the audience.


“oh my God, really? Well congratulation my dearest sister. Khun, congratulation for the second child,” Nichkhun smiled when Yunho congratulated him. He felt sorry for stealing Taecyeon’s and Tiffany’s light tonight.


“well, I think I’ll still look pretty during your wedding Tif,” said Jessica.


“you’ll always look pretty even with your bloated face, love,” nichkhun said followed by ‘euwww’ed respond from no-other Wooyoung. Everyone laughed at Wooyoung funny reaction. Well, they all hope for Wooyoung to find his second half soon.




Well, that’s the end of ECHO. Oh my, I can’t believe that I finally finished this story, my first baby. I know I’m quite a liar when I said that I want to update soon. Well few months are soon enough for me. So, what do you guys say? is it satisfying? I have quite a hard time writing the wedding scene since I don’t have my personal experience on that kind of wedding ceremony. Only based on movie and books that I read, I did come out with that scene. I did good right? Hehhe..

Well, credit to the songs: Beautiful In White by Westlife & This I Promise You by N’SYNC.. really love both of the songs.

And I will not stop here. I will be writing another story which I already write some of my ideas in my PC. Soon enough (don’t know how many months will take this time), I’ll update the story.

Thank you for all subscribers & readers and the one who comments. Thank you for supporting this fanfic. I didn’t expect to reach this many of subscribers for this humble fanfiction. I’m sorry if my story or my language is a bit confusing since English is not my 1st language.

So guys, for the finale of ECHO, please do comment. Peace :P

Love, ArinaLee

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Lmao, i remember reading this last 2015ish.
mikanMD #2
Chapter 30: This is so good!!
xiupao92 #3
thank you author-nim for making a rare jewel like this
Princessjessica92 #4
Chapter 30: Hihihi...I love this
Chapter 30: You did great authornim!love love love the ending!hihihi... It's a very beautiful scene. :)
tq... glad that u enjoy the story
sicacouple #7
Chapter 30: Aha!!!!! I love khunsica too..... thanks for made such a beautiful story...
tq 4 the endless support
Chapter 30: Fell in love with this story ♥♥♥
Chapter 30: *cries a river* this is one of the best fics ever~gahh the feels
i really enjoyed this story and i know others did too^^its super good for your first fic!
Cant wait to see more of your work.