Nichkhun sat at his favorite spot at the end of the café. His eyes were looking for Yunho as they promised to meet there. 5 minutes later, he saw Yunho entered the café, wearing smile on his handsome face.


“oh khun, I’m sorry for being late. I got stuck with my father,” Yunho said as soon as he approached Nichkhun.


“it’s Ok hyung. I’m sorry for interrupting your work,” Yunho shrugged and smiled. Then, he ordered his drink.


“what do you want to talk about? It’s sound like serious,” said yunho.


“it’s about Jessica. And Taecyeon,” Yunho wrinkled his eyebrows. “Taecyeon?” he asked.


Nichkhun nodded his head. “tell me about it” Yunho continued.


“well, he came to see me last few weeks. Do you remember the news about me and a guy fighting at a bar? Well he’s that guy. After that case, he wanted to see me. And he told me something about Jessica’s future,” Nichkhun said. Then, he continued to tell Yunho about his meeting with Taecyeon.


“so he asked you to see Jessica?”


“yes. I don’t know why but I think he has something plan in his mind. And I think that plan is not ordinary. Do you have any idea hyung?”


“actually, I did a little research about this guy. You know right our families are rivals?”


“I think Jessica told me once about that.”


Yunho nodded before continued. “well, I found something weird about that. Actually my father and his father were once bestfriends. But I did not know what changed them,” yunho said.


“wooyoung told me that maybe Taec has something planned in his head. Maybe, he wanted to do something to your company.” Nihckhun guessed.


“but that was between my father and his father. Why taec wants to involve?” yunho asked. Both of them fell into silence.


“because they want to revenge,” said someone beside Nichkhun and Yunho’s table. Both of them shocked with sudden interruption. Yunho quickly stood up as soon as he saw that person’s face.


“dad, what are you doing here?” yunho asked as he greeted his father. Nichkhun also did the same. “do you mind if I join you guys?” Jung ji hoon said.


“sure. Please have your seat uncle,” said Nihckhun.


“let me introduce you guys. Khun, this is my father. Dad, this is Nichkhun,” yunho said.


“how’s Jessica?” Jung Ji hoon asked while looking at Nichkhun. Nichkhun cleared his throat. He trembled with his charisma.


“she’s in her good shape”


“good” jung ji hoon replied in short.


“dad, can I asked about what you said earlier? what do you mean by they wanted revenge?” Yunho asked his father.


Jung ji hoon smiled at Yunho. It’s time for him to reveal about what happened. “actually, we were once bestfriends”




“me, your mother and taecyeon’s father. But, we betrayed him”


“you mean you and mom betrayed taecyeon’s father? how… why?”


“he was my bestfriend during my college day. We’re like inseparable. After college, we set up our own advertising agency. After a few years in struggle, we manage to survive even though we were just a small independent company. After that, your mother came into the picture. She’s actually Taecyeon’s father girlfriend. But, they’re always bickering. Every time she had problems, she’ll come to me. I knew that’s wrong but, I can’t help but fell for her. I tried to restrain myself for not betraying my own bestfriend until I reach my limit. I was fighting with my own self. After a long consideration, I decided to quit. When I told him that I want to quit, he can’t accept my decision to leave.”


“so did you tell him the truth,” asked yunho.


“I didn’t. But your mother did” confessed jung ji joon.


“You know, your mother was quite a troublemaker back then. When I told her my decision, she wanted to follow me which was wrong because the reason of me leaving was to avoid her. Then she confessed. She told me that she loved me. Unfortunately, taecyeon’s father overheard our conversation. That’s the moment when he throwed us away from his life. He thought that I betrayed him and cheated on him with his girlfriend,” Jung ji hoon stopped once he finished his story.


“you didn’t try to clear things up?” Nichkhun asked.


“I did. We both did. But, he’s too stubborn”


“so, that’s the reason why he wanted to revenge? Why he waited for years to revenge?” yunho asked.


“I don’t know. Maybe yes, maybe no. he’s someone that we can never expect. That’s why when I know about Jessica and taecyeon, I tried to stop her. But I guess I was too late at that time.”


“maybe taecyeon’s father wants to use this situation. Taecyeon once showed me pictures of me and Jessica. he threatened me to spread the pictures to the media if I don’t let him see Jessica.” Nichkhun said.


“did jessica know about this?” yunho asked nichkhun.


Nichkhun shook his head. “not yet. And I don’t think that he came to see Jessica already. She’ll tell me if he did,” Nichkhun said. “so what should we do now? I’m afraid he’ll do something to Jessica,” Nichkhun confessed.


“they won’t hurt her because they need her. If Jessica and the baby are part of their plan, they won’t do anything stupid to her.” said Jung Ji hoon.


“what about we let him see Sica?”


“what?” Nichkhun shocked with Yunho’s suggestion.


“I mean, let we see their motive. We can use Jessica,” Yunho explained. His father nodded as he was also agreeing with Yunho’s suggestion.


“she won’t agree with this,” Nichkhun said.


“she doesn’t need to know about this plan,” yunho said while looking at Nichkhun. “OK, here’re the plan….”  




Nichkhun stopped his car beside a black sport car in front of his house. He can see Taecyeon was standing beside the car with flowers in his hand. Nichkhun came out from the car and approached Taecyeon. “what are you doing here?” nichkhun asked with serious face. Taecyeon removed his shade that covered his eyes.


“I come to see Jessica” he said with arrogant smile.


“she doesn’t want to see you,” Nichkhun answered.


“just let her know, then you’ll decide whether she want to see me or not.”


“why?” Nichkhun asked. “what do you mean by why?” taecyeon asked.


“why do you want her back? What’s inside your mind?”


“I just want my family back? Isn’t that simple for you to understand?”


“huh. As if I will believe you” Nichkhun replied.


“it’s up to you then. Let me see Jessica now. I know she’s inside.” Nichkhun entered the house. He remembered about their plan. He needed to let jessica see taecyeon.


“oppa, you’re here. I’m sorry I didn’t hear you,” Jessica said to Nichkhun. “and what are you doing here?” she continued as she saw Taecyeon was standing beside Nichkhun. she looked upon Nichkhun and questioned Nichkhun with her gaze.


“he wants to see you,” Nichkhun said.


“what?” Jessica tried to keep her voice as low as possible as she afraid Taecyeon will hear their conversation.


“he wants to see you. Go and see him,” Nichkhun said. Jessica frowned.


“are you kidding me oppa? shiro!” Jessica said.


“Jessica, please see him. Maybe he has something to tell you,” Nichkhun said. She finally moved toward Taecyeon.


 “why do you come?” Nichkhun heard Jessica’s words. He sighed. ‘this is what you want khun. Plus, this is part of the plan’ Nichkhun whispered to himself. Nichkhun knew that he planned to let go of Jessica to Taecyeon. But seeing Jessica talking to other guy made him feel wrong. Seeing taecyeon tried to persuade Jessica made him want to punch Taecyeon’s face. Nichkhun finally left Jessica alone with Taecyeon. Deep inside his heart, he wanted to stay. But, he needed to pretend like he didn’t care.




“Ok, why don’t you just chase him out from your house oppa?” Jessica said with angry voice. She just entered the house and as soon as she saw Nichkhun in the living room, she quickly asked him.


she doesn’t need to know Khun.


she has the right to know hyung. Can you imagine what’ll happen if she knows the truth


Jessica… she’s really bad when she’s lying. You can tell it directly when she tries to lie to you. So, to avoid any consequences, we better prepare right? Just let Taecyeon comes into her life again. She’ll play hard because I believe she really hates him now. If Jessica knows about this plan, she’ll act right? Isn’t that weird if she suddenly can easily accept Taecyeon after what he’s done to her?” yunho explained his plan.


that’s true. We’ll tell her when it is suitable.” Suggested Jung Ji Hoon.


she’ll hate this. You’re playing with her feeling,” Nichkhun tried to object the plan.


she’ll understand Khun, since this is for her own sake too.


Jessica looked at Nichkhun who’s still in his own mind. “seriously oppa? I’m talking to you now,” she said while waving her hand in front of Nichkhun’s face.


“oh I’m sorry. Sorry about that. What did you just say to me again?” Nichkhun asked. Jessica sighed before taking her seat beside Nichkhun.


“why did you let him wait in front of your house?” Jessica asked.


“why shouldn’t I? he didn’t do anything wrong to me.” Nichkhun replied. He’s fighting with himself whether to tell her or not to tell her.


“but I don’t want to see him. Can’t you understand that?” Jessica said with angry tone.


“Jessica, whether you want to see him or not, that’s not my problem now. I do what am I suppose to do and that’s it,” Nichkhun looked at Jessica.


“you said that you’re just doing what you’re supposed to do? You mean by letting Taecyeon ruining my life again? oppa you know how I hate him right?” Jessica asked him.


Nichkhun hesitated to reply. He did not how to explain to Jessica. He needed to make Jessica believe about the situation. “Jessica…”


“oppa, listen. I know that you’re back with Victoria now and don’t expect me to do the same with Taecyeon. After what he’s done to me, it’s hard to accept him into my life again. And, don’t feel sorry for that. I know, this is all about the confession right? It’s OK oppa. If you want to be together with Vic, go ahead. Don’t worry about me and baby. I’ll be strong enough for both of us,” Jessica slowly stood up.


“only one thing oppa, I really disappointed with you. I don’t think that I’m the only one who feels this feeling. I know that you’re denying your feeling toward me.”




“you give me sign and you deny it oppa. if you just want to play with my heart, just forget it,” Jessica said.


“Jessica, you need to know something. I’m sorry that I refused you. I’m sorry and I really do,” Nichkhun stopped. He stood up and walk toward Jessica. He looked into Jessica’s eyes before continued. “when you told me that you love me, I was happy. I’m happy because for all this time, we shared the same feeling. Of course I do love you to sica. I love you more than I love you love me. That’s what I suppose to tell you but I didn’t” Jessica was so shocked with sudden confession from Nichkhun.


“so you love me too?” Jessica asked. Nichkhun nodded. There’s a slight blush on his cheek.


 “I’m sorry. I’m doing this for your own sake. I want to protect you,” he said.


“protect me from whom?”




“so, why are you letting him to see me again?” Nichkhun briefly told her about the situation. About Taecyeon and her brother’s plan.


“and I’m not supposed to tell you about this plan,” Nichkhun confessed.


“but you did tell me,” Jessica said while smiling.


“because I can’t bare myself of you hating me. You’re part of my life now sica,” Nichkhun said while looking into Jessica’s eyes. Jessica didn’t move her gaze. Jessica wrapped her hands around Nichkhun’s neck and slowly brought herself closer to Nichkhun. After a split second, she locked her lips on Nichkhun’s lips. After that, Nichkhun responded to her kiss.


“what about Vic?” Jessica said once their lips separated.


“we’re friends. She’s my past Jessica. She’s in difficult situation now. Her cancer is back and she needs me as friend,” Jessica nodded.


“you know what oppa, I think I can do it,”. Nichkhun looked at her with wonder. “we can proceed with the plan,” Jessica continued after seeing Nichkhun’s blur face.


“you don’t have to do that. We can find another option,” Nichkhun replied.


“I’m confidence with myself oppa as long as you’re there to support me,” Jessica said.


“nope, I can talk to your brother and we can change the plan,” Nichkhun said.




“no more objection dear,” Nichkhun said before kissing her lips.




Few days passed and Taecyeon still didn’t give up. Every day, Jessica will receive a bouquet of roses together with sweet words from Taecyeon. Somehow, it reminded her of their old days.


Jessica placed the white roses on the dining table. Ahjumma was the one who received the flower. She looked around and fresh flowers met her eyes. 


“ahjumma, can you put this into the vase,” Jessica said to Ahjumma.


“arasso. Aigoo, if this continues, we’ll able to open a florist shop later,” Ahjumma told that as a joke to cheer Jessica’s mode. Jessica smiled but obviously it was an awkward smile.


“ahjumma, where’s my breakfast?” Jessica heard Nichkhun’s voice from afar. She quickly stood up and left the room. Ahjumma looked at Jessica and shot Nichkhun with a questioning look.


“what’s wrong? Are you guys fighting? Haven’t seen both of you talking for few days already,” Ahjumma asked. She realized but she didn’t have chance to ask.


“nothing. Some misunderstanding. Flowers again?” Nichkhun asked.


“there’s a guy named Taecyeon, he’s the one who send this,” Ahjumma said. Her hand still busied with the flowers. “who’s he khun?” ahjumma continued to ask.


“She didn’t tell you?”


Ahjumma shrugged.


“that’s her ex-boyfriend and the father…” Nichkhun said.


“and you don’t feel jealous?” ahjumma asked.


“why should I?”


“khun, if you keep denying your feeling, you’ll end up hurting yourself again”


Nichkhun smiled. He remembered their argument a few days back. After the confession, Jessica told Nichkhun to proceed with the plan. Nichkhun didn’t agree with her decision which made Jessica angry with him.




Nichkhun stopped his car in front of his house. At that moment, he saw Jessica came out from Taecyeon’s car with smile pestering on her face. Today was a hectic day for him. In the middle of his heavy schedule, he got a phone call from hospital informing him about Victoria. She was admitted into the hospital. Despite of his packed schedule, he rushed to the hospital to see Victoria’s condition. And when he came back, he saw Jessica with Taecyeon. This completed his day as the worst day of his life.


He knew that he shouldn’t be angry with this. He knew that this was part of the plan. This is why he hated himself. He entered the house followed by Jessica. He waited Jessica in the living room.


“didn’t you remember that I told you don’t go outside? If he wants to meet you, just meet him here,” Nichkhun said with an angry tone.


“oppa, you don’t have to be that angry. He just accompanied me to go to the hospital. I feel a bit dizzy and that’s why he offered me to send me to the hospital,” Jessica explained.


“and what about this? You know right in this kind of condition, it is dangerous for you to be in the middle of the public? What if anything happen to you? What if you suddenly want to give birth? And what if your fans saw you?” Nichkhun blurted with questions.


“oppa, we didn’t go anywhere. He just sends me to the hospital and that’s it”


“what about this? Don’t tell me that it came out of nowhere?” Nichkhun pointed at the shopping bags in Jessica’s hand.


“he gave it to me. For his baby…” Jessica told him. Nichkhun smirked as he heard Jessica’s answer.


“for his baby? Seriously we bought a lot already,” Nichkhun said.


“oppa, what’s wrong with. Remember, this is part of the plan,” Jessica tried to clarify. “can you stop being a jealous boyfriend?” Jessica smiled at him. Nichkhun avoided Jessica’s gaze.


“I’m not jealous. I just care about you. I know you’re enjoying your time with Taecyeon. But, I just want to remind you, so that you won’t be confused,” Nihckhun said before leaving Jessica alone. He went straight into his room and locked it from inside. Few minutes later, he heard Jessica was knocking on his door.


“oppa I’m sorry. Oppa, don’t be like this please. Oppa”


After a few moments, Jessica gave up. “fine, do whatever you want”




Nichkhun couldn’t sleep that night. He tried to close his eyes but they are still wide awake. He remembered everything that Jessica said to him.


yeah Khun, you’re just a jealous boyfriend


just tell me who like to see his own girlfriend talking and smiling with her ex?


that’s part of her act khun. So, be a understanding boyfriend.


Nichkhun stopped his monologue. He realized that he shouldn’t do that to Jessica. He quickly got on his feet and went to Jessica’s room. He knocked the door and called Jessica’s name but she didn’t answer. Nichkhun entered her unlocked room. He saw Jessica was already sleeping but she’s still in her maternal dress that she wore this evening.


“Jessica” Nichkhun called her but she didn’t reply. He can see her forehead sweated. Automatically his hand reached her forehead.


“jessica, wake up!” after that he can see Jessica was responding to his call.


“oppa, it’s hurt,” Jessica said.


“where?” Nichkhun asked in panic.


“my stomach is hurt oppa”


“oh my God. Is it the time already? I’ll get your thing ready. Call ahjumma and tell her that we’re going to the hospital,” Nichkhun left to get Jessica’s stuff. Luckily, she already got things ready.


“can you walk?” Nichkhun asked.


“I don’t think so. Oh my God oppa, blood~” Jessica said in panic when she saw blood stained on her bed sheet. Nichkhun quickly carried her in bridal style. They needed to get to the hospital as soon as possible.




Finally, Jessica is going to give birth. Ok, I’m sorry if the story is a bit confusing. I’m sorry for this confusing mind. huhu. I really miss to update ECHO. Tomorrow is weekend and I decided to update one chapter. Hope you guys like it. Weehee. Next week, I’ll have a very important presentation. Hope will go well. Will update soon after my hectic week. So many tests and assignments as well as research to do. Sorry for random rant guys. Happy reading!!!    



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Lmao, i remember reading this last 2015ish.
mikanMD #2
Chapter 30: This is so good!!
xiupao92 #3
thank you author-nim for making a rare jewel like this
Princessjessica92 #4
Chapter 30: Hihihi...I love this
Chapter 30: You did great authornim!love love love the ending!hihihi... It's a very beautiful scene. :)
tq... glad that u enjoy the story
sicacouple #7
Chapter 30: Aha!!!!! I love khunsica too..... thanks for made such a beautiful story...
tq 4 the endless support
Chapter 30: Fell in love with this story ♥♥♥
Chapter 30: *cries a river* this is one of the best fics ever~gahh the feels
i really enjoyed this story and i know others did too^^its super good for your first fic!
Cant wait to see more of your work.