author note: first and foremost, I'M SO SORRRRRRYYYYYYYY for not updating. i promised to update it looooong time ago but nuh, here i am, apologizing. by the way, this is not the final chapter. again i'm sorry. i really though that this is the final one. but once i started writing again, i found it hard to stop. sorry, i don't know whether this is good or bad. if i end up with this chapter, there'll lots of characters that will be left out and i don't want to do that. let's be fair with every character ok.


so, here you go, not so final chapter!!


Jessica stood still in front of Panda Café. She promised to meet Yuri and Tiffany before Tiffany returned to Japan and Yuri went crazy with her busy schedule. It’s already fifteen past eleven and she knew that she already late for the outing. Mason did not co-operate well today. There are a lot of things that you have to sacrifice when you become a mother and, your freedom was one of them. Today, Mason’s 4 months old. So many things have passed and Jessica did not realize that the time have passed like a blink of eyes.


She looked around the café, locating her girlfriends and found them sitting at their favorite spot. “hey girls, sorry I’m late. Mason doesn’t want to let me go today,” greeted her before sitting at the empty seat.


“auww Jessy, you’re losing it!! Your freedom I mean,” Tiffany said.


“well thank you miss obvious, I quite know that’ll happen. Have you ordered?” she asked them when the cute waiter came to take her order. Both Tiffany and Yuri nodded.


“well then, give me my regular ice Americano with chocolate lava with hazelnut cupcake,” she ordered.


“Mason’s 4 months today right? Waa, time sure passed so fast,” Yuri said. Jessica nodded before replied. “yeah. Between changing nappies and waking up at night to feed him, I didn’t even realize that it was already 4 months.”


“so, yuri, what’s so urgent that you want to meet us today?” Tiffany asked. Yuri smiled widely at both of them. “well…?” Jessica asked when there’s still no word came out from Yuri’s mouth.


“ok girls, actually I want to share something… do you happen to notice something different with me?” she asked. Tiffany rolled her eyes before inspecting Yuri. Jessica laughed at Tiffany’s response.


“I do not seem to notice anything. You looked thin as usual but should I say a little bit happy than usual. Wait, you are glowing. What did you do dear Yuri?” Jessica asked.


“seriously Jess, that’s the only thing that you notice?” Tiffany asked with annoyed face. Jessica replied with innocence face. Well, to tell the truth, Jessica was not someone who cares about her surroundings. She always fails to notice any changes happen around her.


“what? You know me right?” she replied. Tiffany raised Yuri’s hand and showed Yuri’s fingers to her with a ring attached to one of the finger. “this is something different. The ring!! It quite obvious I should say. I was meant to ask her since she came in with that oh-so-wide smile pestered on her face.”


Jessica looked at Yuri’s hand with awe. “wait, you don’t like jewelry do you? As long as I can remember, the only jewelry that you wear is that charmed bracelet that your mother gave to you right? Is there something that you want to share?” Jessica asked.


“obviously there’s something! Judging from her expression, I could say that someone has proposed her,” Tiffany replied.


“well thank you Tiffany… for ruining the surprise,” Yuri said.


“seriously? Wow, ok this is absolutely WOW!! Mind you, with capital letters,” Tiffany said in dazed. “spill us the details Yuri,” Jessica added.


“ok before that, who’s the lucky guy who succeeded stealing our saint Yuri’s heart?” Tiffany asked.


“well, I hope you don’t hate me or something. Especially you Jessica,” Yuri looked at her. “why me?” Jessica asked.


“it’s Yunho oppa,” Yuri confessed.


There’s silence at their table. Tiffany looked like she wanted to jump at Yuri’s confession and at the same time laughed at Jessica’s priceless expression.


“OMG!! Finally that guy has some guts to say that word to you. Congratulation Yuri,” Tiffany said before squealing. “well thank you Tiff. I am so happy and I don’t know what to do,” Yuri also squealed, obviously showing her excitement.


Jessica looked at over-excited Tiffany and not-so-herself Yuri without knowing what to say. She never saw Yuri that happy. She’s a shy type and looking at her today, obviously happy and squealed!! She never squealed. Jessica can compute if Tiffany was the one who squealed because she always over-reacted. But Yuri…  


“my oppa? Jung Yunho?” Jessica asked when she finally found her voice somewhere in her vocal cord.


“how many brother that you have Jessica. Duhh,” Tiffany replied.


“OK… OK, since when did you guys.. you know what I mean? Cause I know my brother by heart. And he’s the type that rarely show his feeling,” Jessica said in confused.


“well, we never go out. We rarely see each other. Whenever I saw him was when I am with you,” Yuri said. “I didn’t even know he like me. You know that I like him so much. In fact he’s my longest crush ever but his feeling to me is hard to believe.” Tiffany nodded in response.


“so what happened?”


“you remember when I went to see you at the hospital before? Well, I went there with him right?” Jessica nodded her head. Yuri continued, “on the way back, I received a phone call from my office saying that I’ve been promoted. But, the bad thing is, I need to move to LA due to the promotion. I was so excited since that’s something that I’ve been waiting for the opportunity so long. I screamed with excitement and you can say that I forget where I was at that time. He asked me what happen and I really want to share that happy news with someone. After I told him about the promotion and I need to move to LA, I could see that his expression changed. But of course I was so happy and I did not realize that,” Yuri paused.


Taking one deep breath, she continued, “after a month, he sent me a message, asking where was I. I was just touchdown and he told me that he wanted to see me. He promised to fetch me at the airport. At the arrival gate, there he was, waiting for me with a big bouquet of roses,” Yuri stopped.


“my brother did that? I thought he never have that in him. So he proposed?” Jessica asked.


“yeah. He walked to me and hand me the roses in front of my colleagues. He was on his knee and asked me to marry him. That’s so unexpected and I was moved by his action. Without any second thought, I accepted,” Yuri said.


“that’s so romantic. Oh my, I did not know that he’s such romantic guy. That’s why people said that patience is a virtue. Sure that’s true!!” Tiffany said.


“right!!” Yuri replied.


“yul-ah, I’m so happy for you and my brother. ” Jessica said to her friend. “what about your promotion then?”


“well, when he proposed, I didn’t have time to think about that at all. It’s like spontaneous thing happen and I’m in autopilot mood. But, after that, oppa asked me, if I want to pursue with my promotion, he’s willing to go with me. But then, I went to see my boss, asking him if he can consider promoting me without sending me to LA. And guess what, he agreed with me,” she finished her sentence.


“it’s like everything happen in your way right,” Tiffany said to Yuri.


“what’ll you do if… if oppa don’t let you go and you need to go to LA by hook or by crook for your promotion? Are you still going?” Jessica asked again.


“well, I did think about that but I guess I need to consider pros and cons. I like oppa, yes I do and I think that I love him too. Oppa gives me chance not only to be part of his life but he also wants me to succeed in my career. By the way, why suddenly you ask that question?”


“no, just random question. You know I can be so curious sometimes,” Jessica lied.


Tiffany seemed to notice the tense. “and you’re so not. Jessica, you know that I can read you better than I read my own mind? I know there’s something wrong since you asked that question,” Tiffany asked with concerned.


“no really, I don’t want to ruin the happy moment,” she replied.


“owh hush girl. Tell us what happen. Did Nichkhun oppa hurt you or something?”


“NO! He’s not an abusive type you know,” Jessica startled with Yuri’s question. Yuri laughed at her response.


“it just me. I… OK, actually, this happen before I gave birth to mason. In fact, I think it was before Nichkhun oppa and I get seriously involved. I did send few of my designs along with my application letter to few fashion schools abroad. And…..” she paused.


“and?” both Tiffany and Yuri asked.


“I got accepted. Yesterday, I received the offer letter from a fashion school in London. Seriously I don’t know what to do. You know how much I love fashion right? It is my passion and this opportunity won’t come again rolling to my feet,” she said.


“are you considering?” asked Yuri. Jessica nodded.


“did you tell Nichkhun oppa? Well if you don’t, better hurry. He needs to know Sica,” Tiffany said.


“I know. But, I’m confused right now. I don’t know who or which to choose. I love oppa and I want to pursue my dream too,” confessed Jessica.


“well, maybe if you tell Nichkhun oppa, he might be understand with your choice,” Tiffany suggested.


“I’m pretty sure that oppa will let me go. He’s that type of guy you know. Sacrificing without even considering his own priority. And if he lets me go, what will happen to our relationship?”


“well, maybe you can try long distance relationship. A lot of people do that you know,” Yuri said. Jessica took a sip of her Americano.


“I’m not a big believer of long distance relationship really. I mean it’s not like I don’t believe oppa or what not but it just… long distance can bring people apart. I’ve seen lots of that,” Jessica rationalized. Tiffany nodded her head, agreeing with Jessica’s statement.


“so what are you going to do?” Yuri asked. “I don’t know…” she replied.


“hmm, I think you should talk to him. If you truly love him, do tell him. Don’t leave him in the dark sica. I’m sure that Nichkhun oppa can help you with the decision,” Tiffany advised her. “whatever it is, keep us updated. And remember, you have us behind whatever crap you decide,” Tiffany joked. Jessica laughed at Tiffany’s silly words. Tiffany really knew how to make her smile and laugh.


“ok, but do promise me that you won’t spill any word in front of anybody. And yuri, not even my brother,” Jessica warned her friends. “promise,” tiffany said while holding her pinky, followed by Yuri.


“Mason~” Jessica said with angelic voice. Her son laughed and quickly giggled happily when he recognized Jessica. “aigoo, what nana did to you mason-ah?” Jessica asked while wiping her son’s face.


“he cried just now. When I gave him his milk, he spills it over. Aigoo, I guess he just wants his mother, right mason?” Hyori said. “I’ll leave him to you. We won’t be home this evening. Your father and I are going to an event of some friends. Mason-ah, do behave OK,” hyori continued before leaving.


“Mason-ah, you just take shower and you dirtied yourselves again. I guess I need to give you a bath again,” Jessica talked to her son. Mason replied it with happy laugh. “kaja,” she moved to the bathroom and gave him a warm bath.


After 10 minutes, Jessica came out from the bathroom with Mason freshly showered. She placed Mason on the bed. She took her time dressing her son while talking to him. “Mason-ah, what should omma do? Omma loves appa so much. But, I’m torn between two things that I love. Well, of course I love you the most. So that why I want to ask you what I should do,” Jessica muttered while dressing Mason with his new red cloth.


“will you help me choosing? Between Nichkhun appa and my career? Omma really love designing and having this chance to study at this college is like once in a lifetime chance. But, if we leave, it’s mean that we have to leave Nichkhun appa. If appa love us so much, he might sacrifice for us. However, I don’t want him to sacrifice himself because of things that I want to do. We owe him so much and to make him leave his career, I can’t do that,” she said as if Mason understands every single thing that she said.


“so, be a good son and help me choose. OK, let’s say…” Jessica looked around for the things that she can use to represent both Nichkhun and her career so that Mason can grab it and help her choose. she knew that’s silly but she didn’t havr any other way to solve her problem. The she grabbed the offer letter and her handphone and brought them to Mason.


“Mason-ah, look carefully, this represents Nichkhun appa…” she said and waved her handphone that has the picture three of them on the screen saver. “and this is for my fashion school,” she shoved the letter in front of her son. Mason eagerly threw his hands forward, try to capture the objects in front of him. “so which one do you choose?” she said. Her hand stopped in front of her son. Mason raised his delicate hand toward the letter. Before he grabbed it, Jessica’s phone beeped and automatically lighted up, showing the picture of three of them, smiling brightly at the camera at Mason’s 2 months birthday. Mason’s attention changed from the letter to the phone. Finally, he grabbed the phone and brought it to his mouth.


“aigoo, so you make your choice? Of course, why did I bother to ask anyway. Of course it has to be Nichkhun appa right? Now, I’ll tear the letter and throw them away. So, this is between you and me. Don’t ever tell your appa when he comes to see you,” Jessica kissed Mason’s forehead before tearing the letter into few pieces. She threw them into the bin before moving back to Mason. She grabbed her handphone and checked it. There’s a message and it’s from Nichkhun. A smile automatically formed on her face.


are u ready? I’m already in front of your house. U don’t happen to forget that we have a family dinner to attend?’ she read the message. She totally forgot that she’s going to have dinner with Nichkhun’s family that night. His family came all the way from London to see her and Mason.


oh my. Really forgot about that. I guess we need to bring Mason along since mom’s not at home. Oppa, mind if u pop up in my room for a while? I need to get ready and someone needs to watch Mason,’ she replied.


5 minutes later, she heard a soft knock on her door. She opened the door, revealing Nichkhun with his charming smile pestering his perfect figure. “evening beautiful,” he said before kissing Jessica on her forehead. A sweat gesture that made Jessica nearly melted. “and evening handsome boy,” Nichkhun said while approaching the bed where Mason greeted him eagerly.


“dinner’s at 8 and you have about 40 minutes to prepare yourself,” he reminded Jessica who seemed to space off.


“oh right. Mason, be good ok?” she said before leaving both of her love ones.


“so how’re you little one? It’s been two weeks I haven’t seen you. Are you happy to see me?” he picked up Mason and held him in his arms. “look what I got for you,” he showed Mason a simple wrapped present to the  boy. As usual, Mason extended his little fist to grab the object. “patient there young mister. I’ll open the wrapping and you will play with it later,” he placed Mason on the bed and began opening the present. After that, he handed the play toy to the not-so-patient boy. Nichkhun looked around the room and located the dustbin.


He threw the wrapping into the bin and at the same time, his sharp eyes noticed the letter that Jessica threw earlier. He knew that was not his business but you know curiosity kills the cat! He wanted to know what the content was. Plus it was tore into pieces which made his curiosity grew bigger. He picked a bigger piece and noticed London School of Art printed on it. He collected the tore letter and placed them on the bed.


Nichkhun started to arrange the pieces, attaching them like arranging puzzles. But before he went further, he heard Jessica entered the room. He quickly gathered the pieces and silently placed in his jacket. “I’m ready!” she said. Nichkhun picked Mason up and they silently left the room.




Nichkhun replayed that evening event in his head. His family fell in love with both Jessica and Mason the moment they saw them walking into the room. He knew that his family will like them. He visited his family in London and secretly asking them opinion. He wanted to make Jessica and Mason his official family. He already asked Jessica father and brother. And when he asked his mother, she happily hugged him, telling him that finally he came out from his shell. He didn’t know what his mother meant and he didn’t want to.


He smiled remembering how his family reaction towards both of them. Before he went further his conscious mind remember the letter that he secretly gathered. His hand grabbed the abandoned jacket on the white sofa and repeated his action earlier in Jessica’s room. The letter started to form and he read the content slowly.


We gladly to offer you Miss Jessica…..


Nichkhun leaned forward and put his face in his hand. He was wondering why Jessica didn’t tell him about the offer letter. Why did she tear the letter? Didn’t she love designing more than anything else? Didn’t she tell him before that she wants to pursue her study in designing and become a proper designer? Didn’t she want this?


Nichkhun tried to figure her out. He grabbed his phone and dialed Yunho’s number. “oh hyung, it’s me. Are busy?” he asked Yunho once his voice greeted him.


“not that busy. Why?”


“I need to ask you something. Can you make it tonight?” Yunho paused before agreeing to meet him at their usual bar.




“is it because of me?” Nichkhun asked Jessica. Jessica threw him a confused look. She didn’t get what the meaning behind his question. “where’s the fire?” she asked. He gave her the letter. Jessica looked at him and her eyes widened.


“where did you get the letter?” she asked but he didn’t reply.


“oppa…” Jessica tried to control her anger. That was her privacy and didn’t matter how much she loved him didn’t make him any right to pestering her decision like that.


“it doesn’t matter where I got the letter. The matter is why didn’t you tell me?” he asked.


“well it does matter to me. It’s my life oppa and I have full right to decide whether to accept it or not,” she hissed. Nichkhun looked at her for a brief moment before averting his eyes.


“who am I to you? did I get no say in this? I guess you tearing this letter means you rejected the offer?” he guessed.


“well your guess is right. It is my life oppa and I decided to not to accept it. Full stop!” she didn’t know why this has to be an issue. She did make her decision and there’s no one can change that for her. Not even him!


“but this is your dream. Why should you forget your dream? You have been waiting for this, haven’t you?” he asked. Jessica sighed. “yes I did. But now is different. I have Mason and I have you. Our relationship just started oppa and me being far away from you will not help strengthening our relationship.”


“I know but…”


“look, can you just accept my decision? Can you appreciate my effort? Do you know how much I think to consider this? I wanted to do this so badly but I want us to work more than anything else. And the reason I didn’t tell you is because of this. I know this will happen. I know that you want me to choose my dream and leave you. well, I’ll make it clear. I choose you and Mason and that’s final. Don’t you ever ask me again and I hope you’ll come here again once you get that in your mind,” she said before leaving him alone. Nichkhun looked at her disappearing sight. His conversation with Yunho came to his mind.


do you know about this?Nichkhun asked Yunho. Judging from his expression, he guessed that Yunho didn’t know about the matter either.


“I didn’t know about it. She didn’t tell me anything. But looking at the condition of the letter, my bet is she rejected the offer,” yunho commented.


“I think so,” he replied shortly.


“I really didn’t know about this. But one thing I can say to you, once Jessica decided something, it’s hard for any of us to change it. She’s stubborn and she’s proud of being one. She hated it when someone decided things to her,” yunho said knowingly.


“I want to propose her but this… I guess this changes thing,” Nichkhun confessed.


“my sister has grown up,” suddenly yunho blurted out. Nichkhun frowned as he gulped down his drink. He looked at his soon-to-be brother-in-law. Maybe.


Yunho looked at him and smiled before continuing, “before this, she didn’t consider other people in her decision. Whenever she needed to decided something, it was herself she considered first. She didn’t really care about others, not even her own family. That’s Jessica. And now, I’m surprised when you said that she might be rejecting the offer because of you.”


“my advice to you, talk to her. Consider her decision and if you want… you really want her to pursue her dream, tell her why. And if you want to see you in her future, then accept her decision,” yunho said. He knew her stubborn sister. But he knew, with good amount of patience and consideration, Nichkhun can change her. Looked how she became now. If not because of this guy, Jessica will still become the same.


“talk to her or talk to her. You have no other option” Yunho patted his shoulder before focusing on his drink. “oh by the way, I did propose to Yuri,” Yunho informed him.


“oh congrats hyung. I’m sorry that I’m so into my problem and I became so ignorant to my surrounding,” he said, offering hand to his bestfriend.


“nah, I did understand. Good luck. I know you need that.”


Nichkhun quickly revived from his flashback. He paid the bill and left the café. He walked along the lonely pathway and autumn wind greeted him. He always loved autumn and the wind that greeted him slowly cooled him down. He needed to do something. He loved Jessica and he didn’t want to lose her. It’s time for him to fight for her love one. But how much he loved her, didn’t mean that she can sacrifice her dream for him. He had enough when Victoria did this to him. He’s a big man and he wanted to do the right thing to. So, he grabbed his phone and dialed his father’s number. After a short wait, his father’s voice greeted him.


“hey dad. I think I want to accept your offer,” he said.


“are you sure?” his father’s soothing voice asked him.


“yeah, why not. It’s the right thing right? It’s time for me to become someone that I supposed to be,” he said. He stopped for a while observing the night.


“alright then. I’m glad for having you back khun.” He smiled and ended the conversation.




I need your help hyung. Can you bring Jessica out tomorrow night? I called her but she didn’t reply  or answer my call. I’m going to tell you the truth. I want to propose to her.


Jessica took her seat in front of her brother and his fiancé. Her brother talked silently to Yuri and looked at her. “what do you want to eat?” he asked.


“thought you’ll never ask,” she said sarcastically. Yuri smiled shyly. They ordered their food and waited for the food to arrive. “so, when’s the wedding?” Jessica asked. She felt silly when she didn’t know single thing about her favorite brother’s love life. Thankfully that his fiancé was her bestfriend.


“we didn’t decide yet but I was thinking this February? You know that I need to settle thing with my promotion and I don’t want to add-up stress,” Yuri said. Jessica nodded. She noticed that her brother was a bit fidgeting that night. He seemed to check his phone more often than usual.


“what’s wrong with you?” Jessica asked. Yunho let out a nervous laugh. He really didn’t like surprise-related thing. Even this has nothing to do with him. He needed to calm down or Nichkhun was going to kill him for spoiling the event.


After that, Yunho was saved when the waiter came with a card and a rose in his hand. He stopped at their table and handed Jessica the stuff. Jessica looked at him with a surprised expression. Then she shot them a confused looked before opening the card.


I love you more than I did yesterday

I have never met someone so important & precious to me that it hurts

To meet you, to feel this happiness

I must dealt with a lot of pain


Jessica still wore the confused looked on her face. She looked at the waiter, patiently waited for her. He offered her a hand and helped her to get on her feet. She nervously fitted her dress and followed the guy. They stopped once they reached the other room. There stood a woman in black dress, who was smiling brightly at her. Once she’s in front of her, she handed her a card.


When the days are hard, it gets sad

The pain that causes the tears to come

It will end someday

The only thing that is endless is our love


Her blank mind started to get things into places. She, somehow, knew where’s this going. The woman helped her to open the door and let her to enter the room. That room was dark only lighted with soft light at each corner of the room. She spotted a LCD screen at the middle of the room. The dark screen started to light up and word started to form on the screen.



(I Do) can you look at one person for the rest of your life?

(I Do) can you care for someone else more than you do yourself?

(I Do) I can answer whoever asks me

(I Do) you, you’re my love


Soft melody of Today More Than Yesterday accompanied her in that room. She silently read the beautiful lyrics. She cried at the next words.


I don’t to this ever again

Breaking-up unless it’s a break-up to meet you once more

Whenever and forever


Because it feels like my overwhelming heart will explode

Because I think the person before my eyes isn’t really you

I run, and embrace the breathing you

I am the idiot, who let go his worries


I will not promise you

If I knew I was going to waver, even for a little bit

I don’t start anything, if I know that the heart can heal itself


(of course with no rain and umbrella.. teehee)

The music stopped and the room darkened.  Slowly, a light at the end of the room lighted up, revealing Nichkhun in his white suit, seated in front of piano. His long fingers started to play magic on the piano. Jessica walked closer to him. His manly voice melted her angry heart.


Love~ Oh baby my girl~
You're my everything, your beauty blinds me

My bride, my present from the heavens above
Are you happy? There's tears flowing from your eyes

Until the day your black hair turns grey
I promise to love you forever

I want to tell you every single day that "I love you"
Would you marry me?
I want to live loving you and cherishing you

I want to put you to sleep in my arms every night
Would you marry me?
Will you give my heart this permission?

*I'll stay next to you for the rest of my life (I do)
I love you (I do)

Through rain and snow I'll cherish you (I do)
I'll take care of you (My love)

You in a white dress, me in a tuxedo
We walk step in step underneath the moon

I swear, I hate lies, I hate distrust
My princess, my love, stay with me

Even though we'll age, I want to live each day smiling
Would you marry me?
Will you be my everything?

**Through hardships and troubles (I do)
I'll always be there (I do)

All the many days we'll spend together (I do)
I'm going to be thankful each and every day (My Love)

I prepared this for you since long ago
Please take this shiny ring in my hand

I'll remember this promise we shared with the same heart
Would you marry me?

*I'll stay next to you for the rest of my life (I do)
I love you (I do)

Through rain and snow I'll cherish you (I do)
I'll take care of you (My love)

**Through hardships and troubles (I do)
I'll always be there (I do)

All the many days we'll spend together (I do)

(Rap) All I have to give you is my love
That's all I've got to offer

I know I lack many things but not my love
I'll look out and take care of you

Will you promise me just one thing?
No matter what happens

We'll always love each other... That's all
Will you marry me?
I do


As the song ended, he stood up and walked closer to Jessica. He smiled charmingly to her. Her glassy eyes met his and he closed the distance in no time. “I’m sorry” he said. She shook her head and a tear escaped her eyes, sliding slowly on her flawless cheek.


“are you still angry at me?” he asked in hushed tone.


She nodded before shook her head. She looked at him, unable to speak. He, Nichkhun left her speechless for God sake!


“so Jessica Jung, the love of my life, will you marry me, spending your precious time with me till death apart?” he wasted no time to propose. He hopefully waited for her response.


“will you?” again he asked.


“of course I will you silly,” she said to him before hugging him tightly. “thank goodness, I thought you’ll never accept my proposal,” he said, replying her embrace.


“thank you oppa, for coming back to me and not forcing me to accept the offer. Thank you,” she said, burying her face to Nichkhun’s chest. “that’s another thing that I want to talk about,” Jessica shifted.


“I want you to accept the offer”


“and I believe we are already over this already”  she looked annoyed.


“Jessica, please let me explain first. I want you to accept the offer and I also want you to marry me”


“oppa if you want to practice a long distance relationship with me, well you find a wrong person. I positively think that long distance relationship will break us apart,” she objected.


“hey, listen. Do you forget that my family is at London? And… I agreed with my father’s proposal to take over his position at our family’s company which mean that I need to return to London. It’s a win-win situation right?” he confessed.


“but, what about your modeling?” she asked. She knew his passion in modeling and she didn’t want him to forget his big dream because of him.


“actually, my father already offer this for quite sometimes now. But I keep refusing his offer because I have no reason to. And as for modeling, I love it, yes. But I don’t intend to do it for the rest of my life. I did my vow before that once I settle down, I’ll quit modeling. I spend my time thinking for this and I hope you’ll not refuse this.”


“so will you?” he asked again.


“yes. Yes, yes, yes and yes!!” she said and hugged him in tight embrace. Nichkhun let her go and slid a beautiful yet simple platinum ring on her finger. He kissed her passionately on her pink lips. He only let her go once he realized that both of them need to breath.


“I think we better go out and look for your brother. I think if we didn’t, he’ll die of getting nervous,” Nichkhun said. “and I need to eat,” he continued.


“that’s explain why he’s so nervous this evening. I can’t imagine how’s he proposing Yuri if he became that nervous when you’re proposing me. Oh my God, I can’t believe my brother.” Jessica said as they exit the room.



so what's your opinion? is it good? or bad? well, feel free to drop some comment.

the first song is today more than yesterday by kim jongkook (i rearranged the lyric)

second one is marry u by super junior.

btw, have you seen lee seung chul's MV of my love? well, the idea of khun proposing is from that video. i'm not big fan of romantic event so, credit to that video i'm able to come out with that idea of proposing.


p/s: i already started by 2nd fanfic and it's about spartace couple. it's soon to be uploaded. so, i'm calling for SA supporters out there. i'm sure i'm not alone shipping this couple.


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Lmao, i remember reading this last 2015ish.
mikanMD #2
Chapter 30: This is so good!!
xiupao92 #3
thank you author-nim for making a rare jewel like this
Princessjessica92 #4
Chapter 30: Hihihi...I love this
Chapter 30: You did great authornim!love love love the ending!hihihi... It's a very beautiful scene. :)
tq... glad that u enjoy the story
sicacouple #7
Chapter 30: Aha!!!!! I love khunsica too..... thanks for made such a beautiful story...
tq 4 the endless support
Chapter 30: Fell in love with this story ♥♥♥
Chapter 30: *cries a river* this is one of the best fics ever~gahh the feels
i really enjoyed this story and i know others did too^^its super good for your first fic!
Cant wait to see more of your work.