“arghhhhhh, oppa can’t you just hurry. Oh My God!!!” Jessica was crying out loud. She was already inside the car. Nichkhun was still nowhere to be found. He went back inside the house as Jessica forgot to pick her identification. Was he just looking for it or he made it? Jessica felt that she couldn’t hold anymore. The contraction in her lower abdomen made her become restless.


“I’m sorry Jessica. But I can’t find your phone. You must replace it somewhere,” Nichkhun said as he entered the car. He reversed his car before hurriedly to the hospital.


Jessica clenched her teeth. Her hand found Nichkhun’s free hand. “oppaaaaaaaaaaaa, palli~ I don’t think I can hold any longer. The baby is coming out,” she said to Nichkhun. Nichkhun’s expression was speechless as he heard Jessica’s words. No, Jessica can’t give birth in here. That car was like his girlfriend. Well, before he admitted that he loved Jessica. He can’t let his abandoned girlfriend get dirtied because of blood of his current girlfriend.


“Jessica, please don’t do that. We’re getting closer honey. Just please hold a little while,” Nichkhun said while caressing Jessica’s hand.


“it’s easier for you to say but it’s me who feel it. I just want to get this baby out of myself. This pain is unbearable oppa,” Jessica squealed. She let out her dolphin voice.


“I know honey. I understand you. I’m here, I’m here” seriously he panicked as he looked at Jessica. He hated it when he couldn’t do anything to reduce the pain. Unconsciously, he cursed Taecyeon for turning Jessica like this.


Couples of minutes later, they reached the hospital. Nichkhun quickly got a wheelchair and called for help. Jessica was hurriedly strolled to the labor room. Nichkhun tagged along with her. He wanted to be with her all the time, giving her moral support. At least, that the best thing he could do at this time being.


“OK Mrs Jung, I’ll tell you what you should do. When I count and said push you have to push as hard as you can. Remember your lesson during your pregnancy class? Well, apply them here. Take a deep breath and push. Understand what I said?” the young doctor named Dr. Lee said to her.


“do whatever you want to do. Can you just hurry? Oppa, stay with me, will you?” Jessica said to Nichkhun. He nodded while giving her a soft smile. He took Jessica’s left hand and held tightly.


“OK 1….2….3 push” Jessica screamed while clenching her hand which happen to be on Nichkhun’s arms. 


“your position is wrong Mrs Jung. OK, once again. 1…2…3 push,” that young doctor said again. Jessica felt so tired. “you can’t just surrender Mrs Jung. The baby will die if you keep going like this.” Jessica repeated but still the baby was still nowhere to be seen.


“I think we need to perform surgery. Mrs Jung doesn’t have enough energy to proceed the normal procedure,” said the young doctor. Nichkhun held Jessica’s hand. He asked Jessica and nodded his head, giving the permission to the doctor to do so.




Nichkhun waited outside the operation theater. He was asked to wait outside. He already called yunho about Jessica. Half an hour after Jessica was admitted inside the OT, Yunho and his parents arrived.


“where’s Jessica?” asked Hyori, Jessica’s mom.


“still inside the OT. She doesn’t have enough energy to go through the normal procedure,” Nichkhun explained about Jessica’s condition.


“oh my God, please make everything OK,” said Hyori. Jessica’s father, Jung Jihoon wrapped his hand around his wife shoulder. “she’ll be fine honey”


After one hour, Dr, Lee finally came out from the OT with a smile pestering on her face. “Congratulation, Mrs. Jung gave birth to such a cute baby boy. Both of them are safe. You can see them once they are transferred to the room”


Nichkhun can’t wait to see both of them although he knew the fact that the baby was not him.




Nichkhun slowly approached Jessica who was still in her sleep. She looked tired. Nichkhun caressed Jessica’s face. He felt relief after she finally safe. Nichkhun sat on the empty seat beside Jessica’s bed. His eyes still glued on Jessica’s face. Few minutes later, Jessica finally woke up. She smiled as she saw him beside her bed.


“hey” she said.


“hey.. how do you feel?” nichkhun asked. He took Jessica’s left hand and kissed it.


“yeap but I feel happy. Do you see the baby?” Jessica asked. Nichkhun shook his head. “I want to see him with you,” Nichkhun replied.


“let’s go now oppa. I want to see him too,” Jessica said.


“opps, not yet. Doctor said, you have to take your medication first before you can see the baby,” Nichkhun reminded her.


“ughh, again. I thought I already free from medication,” Jessica said with shrugged. Nichkhun laughed at her short comment. Jessica and medicine were

like enemies.  




“how’s the things going?” asked taecyeon’s father. He knew, his father asked about him and Jessica.


“it takes time for her to accept me back dad,” he replied lazily.


“we don’t have much time son”


“seriously dad, I’m trying to win her heart. One more thing, why do you really want to do this? Why do you really want to get their company? It’s not like we don’t have money to live on our own. For God sake dad, our money can support our family even we don’t work for entire life,” taecyeon asked his dad. Seriously he still didn’t get his father’s main attention on revenge. 


Taecyeon hopped inside his car. When he was about to start the car, his eyes met a slim pink object on the seat beside him. His hand reached the object. It was Jessica’s phone. She must left it inside his car when he sent her home last night.


“so jessica, it looks like we have to meet again today,” he said while smiling. His car slowly moved out from his father’s house.




Jessica and Nichkhun made their way to the room where newly born were placed. After Jessica obediently took her medicine (finally), they went to see the baby. Nichkhun wheeled Jessica since she can’t move freely as she wanted to. Nichkhun laughed at Jessica excited expression. Honestly, he never saw Jessica that excited before.


Once they entered the room, Nichkhun told the in charged nurse to give them permission to see the baby. The nurse nodded, before lead them to where Jessica’s baby was placed. From afar, they can see a small baby rested in the transparent box (well, I’m not sure what is the name. I’ll try to google if I do remember).


The young nurse opened the box and carefully scooped the baby and gave him to the Nichkhun. “thank you,” Nichkhun said. The nurse left the couple to give them time with their baby. Nichkhun handed the baby to Jessica.


“oh my God oppa,” she didn’t know what to say. Everything that occurred to her flew back into her mind. Luckily she was not stupid enough to get rid of the baby when everyone wanted her to. If she did, she’ll never experience this day. When the baby was inside her embrace, she can’t help but cry. She felt mixture of emotions inside her right now.


“hey, why do you cry?” Nichkhun asked. He wiped the tears away before gave a light kiss on Jessica’s forehead. Jessica caught Nichkhun’s hand. “oppa, thank you,” she said with teary eyes.


“for what?”


“for everything. For being with me when no one was there for me. For supporting every single decision that I’ve made. For taking care of me and the baby when no one care about me. I don’t know what will happen if you’re not there. People may say that I’m strong child but I’m not. Thank you oppa. if you’re not here with me, I doubt that I can see the baby today,” Jessica said. Nichkhun smiled at her.


“hey don’t say that. It’s you that I should thank for. Your present in my life change me. You make me feel responsible. You make my life meaningful again. You make me move on. You make me to go and reach my goal of life. The most important thing is, you make me feel loved again,” Nichkhun confessed. He locked his eyes on hers. Jessica’s tears fall again.


“since when do you become a crybaby?” Nichkhun asked mischievously.


“since when do you become cheesy?” Jessica replied. Both of them laughed. The baby inside Jessica’s arm started to cry. Jessica panicked.


“can I hold him dear?” Nichkhun asked her permission.


“of course honey. He’s our baby,” Jessica said with slight blush on her cheeks. Nichkhun couldn’t help but to feel jolt of excitement after hearing Jessica’s statement. His hand carefully reached for the baby.


“our baby heh?” he asked with cheesy tone. Jessica laughed before pinched him on his cheek.


“ouw, that’s hurt mummy,” Nichkhun said.


“serve you right daddy,” Jessica replied. Her eyes didn’t avoid Nichkhun’s romantic gaze.


“love you mummy,” Nihckhun said with low voice. Still not averting his gaze.


“love you too daddy,” Jessica smiled. They stayed at that position before the baby broke the moment with his cute voice.


“I’m sorry baby. Daddy got distracted,” Nichkhun said to the baby. Again, Jessica pinched his cheek.


“look, your mummy are so jealous,” Nichkhun said playfully. “sica, what should we call him. Do you already have name for the baby?” Nichkhun asked after Jessica stopped harassing him with her powerful pinch.


“mason. I have that name since forever. Jung mason, what do you think?”


“sounds good. But if we add Horvejkul, it will sound much lovely”


“Jung Mason Horvejkul? That’s what you call lovely?” Jessica snorted. “it sound weird oppa,” Jessica added. Nichkhun frowned as he heard Jessica comment.


“he’ll become a Horvejkul sooner or later,” Nichkhun replied.


“are you proposing me right now oppa? That is so unromantic,” Jessica asked him disbelieved.


“nope. I’m just offering myself to adopt this baby as my own” Nichkhun replied while smiling sheepishly. “hey mason, do you want to be part of my family? If your mother doesn’t let you, let it be. We’ll be a great team together,” he continued before giving a kiss on the baby’s cheek. Jessica couldn’t help but laugh once she heard Nichkhun’s words.

(OMG, i nearly faint when i saw this picture.. Nichkhun was soooooo cute and adorable and caring and handsome...... bla bla bla.. but seriously, i'm sure he'll become a great father someday.. )



Taecyeon made his way to Jessica’s ward. He was shocked when he was told that Jessica was admitted to the hospital last night. After hearing the news from Nichkhun’s housekeeper, Taecyeon hurriedly made his way to the hospital.


He knocked the door before opened it. He saw Jessica was resting on her bed with a sketch book on her lap. “hey” he said to her.


“hey, you come” Jessica replied.


“am I disturbing?” he asked. Jessica shook her head. “take your seat oppa,” she said as Taecyeon still standing beside he bed.


“congratulation” he didn’t know what to say. Jessica raised her head.


“thank you”


“sica, I’m sorry. I… I turned your life into mess. I made you experience this,” sincerely he apologized. Seeing Jessica made him realized how jerk he was.


“I know that I shouldn’t accept your apology after everything that you’ve done oppa. But, who am I to judge you oppa,” Jessica said. “actually, I want to thank you. If not because of you, this doesn’t happen to me, maybe I still be the old Jessica. But, after everything happened, I felt like being reborn into this world. I realized about many thing. Thanks to you for that,” she continued.


“how’s the baby?” he asked, try to change the subject. If Jessica knew his attention for approaching her back, he knew that Jessica will never accept his apology anymore. He didn’t deserve her pity.


“you don’t see him yet?” Jessica asked. Taecyeon didn’t reply.


 “the nurse will come with the baby after this. You can wait if you want to see him,” Jessica said.


“I don’t have right to see him, do I?” he asked.


“why do you say that oppa. You’re his father after all,” Jessica replied.


“thank you sica,” he said with a low voice. Actually that’s the last thing he wanted to do. He didn’t want to see the baby. He didn’t want to see that innocent face that he tried to get rid before.


After a few minutes, they both heard the soft knock on the door. A nurse came in with baby in her hand. “Mrs Jung, time to feed the baby. I’ll leave the baby with you. Once you’re done, you know what to do right?” she said referring to the green button beside Jessica’s bed. Jessica nodded her head.


“thank you,” she thanked her. The nurse left after handing the baby to Jessica. Taecyeon took a glance over the baby.


“do you want to hold him?”




“here, you hold him like this,” Jessica tried to teach him how to hold the baby. Teacyeon seemed hesitated. After that, he tried to follow Jessica instruction. In a blink of eyes, the baby was already inside his embrace. Taecyeon studied his sleeping face. The baby was still in his sleep no matter what happen around him.


“I called him mason,” Jessica told him.


“and he’s a boy,” Jessica continued. Taecyeon still didn’t talk.


“Jessica…” finally he spoke. “I’m sorry that I told you to abort this child. How did I… this baby is so innocent and yet, I forced you to get rid of him,” Taecyeon said.


“I’m sorry to let you suffer alone. For all this time, I let you suffer on your own,” he continued.


“I don’t….” Jessica couldn’t finish her words.


“please Jessica, don’t say that you don’t mind because I know how jerk I was before. Please don’t,” he said before handing back the baby to Jessica. After that, he placed Jessica’s phone on the table beside her bed. “I came to give you this. Take care,” he said before leaving Jessica.


Taecyeon left the room with confusing mind. He didn’t know why, but he felt that he didn’t deserve being there. He didn’t know why Jessica was so kind to him. The image of Jessica with their baby replayed in his mind.


their baby… his baby,’ he snorted as he thought that.


Taecyeon drove his car to his secret place. He’ll be there every time his mind was in chaos. He stopped his car once he saw the beach was in front of him. Taecyeon was a man who didn’t believe in family. He’s not a family man. He never received love from his parents. After his parents divorced, he learnt how to live alone. He became someone who didn’t care about family. The only thing he cared about his father was money. He’s the source of his money.


He didn’t believe in love. He afraid to fall in love. He afraid that he’ll turn like his parents. To him, girls were things for him to play around. When he met Jessica, she meant nothing to him. She’s one of his toys. However, his relationship with Jessica got deeper than any other relationship with other girls. When Jessica told him that she’s pregnant, he without hesitation told Jessica to get rid of the baby. He wasn’t ready for that.


He thought that Jessica will follow his will. But, Jessica was not stupid. She left him. She left him for that stupid baby of his!  


After he held the baby in his strong arms, he can’t help but felt a slight happiness. The baby, his baby. Without he realized, he had a complete family. A family that he abandoned. He didn’t know why but he wanted to get his family back. He knew that he lost his right long time ago but it worth to try right?


sica, I’m sorry that I drag you into this but, I want you back. Not because of my father, but because of the family that I want to build with you. I never believe in family. Heck, I never have one. But you make me realize something. How far you fly away, the only thing that you miss is your family. Please give me a second chance Jessica,’ he whispered inside his heart. He knew that Jessica was going to hate him for this!



Taecyeon stopped his car. His hand reached a basket of fruit that he placed on the back seat. He didn’t know why but he felt happy. He felt so excited to see that innocent face again. His heart felt so peace when he held him in his arms. Yesterday, Taecyeon already came to see both Jessica and Mason. He still remembered his conversation with Jessica yesterday.


“sica, can you give me a second chance?” he said without looking at her. His eyes glued to Mason’s cute face.


“what do you mean oppa?” Jessica asked. She seemed startled with Taecyeon’s words.


“can you give me a chance to change everything that I’ve damaged?”Jessica didn’t reply.


“I know I have no right to ask for that. I felt thankful for you to allow me see the baby. But, Jessica, I want more. I want to take care of you. I want to make up for everything that I’ve waste before. Please Jessica, give me chance to take care of you, to love you once more, like how I love you before,” he said.


“Jessica please say something,” he asked when Jessica didn’t answer anything. Jessica sighed.


“how could you say that oppa? don’t’ you feel ashamed of yourself? Don’t you remember what I said to you few months back? Once you asked me to get rid of the baby, you’re losing me too. Don’t you remember that oppa?” Jessica asked.


“I know. I know that I selfish enough to ask you this. But, seeing you… and Mason, I felt complete. I feel like home. You don’t know how much I myself for letting you do that. Please let me put everything on the right track again. I’ll meet your parents and we’ll build our own family. Please let me be responsible to you and our baby,” Taecyeon said honestly. He had no intention to continue his father’s order. He will repair this. He will repair the damage that he had done.


“who do you think you’re oppa? you come and go as you like. And now you ask me to be with you like you did nothing wrong to me before,” Jessica replied.


“what’s your intention oppa? why did you approach me? Tell me. I don’t believe that you want me back because you feel responsible for both of me and Mason. Please don’t use Mason on this oppa. He’s just a child that you wanted to get rid before!” Jessica blurted.


“I know I’m wrong Jessica. I know that everything is my fault. I wasn’t ready back then. I was stupid. I have no intention on you and Mason. I just want my family back. I just want to straighten everything, Sica,” he said. Jessica avoid his gaze. He knew, Jessica never forgive him. And he didn’t mind that.


“please go oppa. I don’t want to your face,” Jessica said. He left them but he promised to come again. He’s Ok Taecyeon! Ok Taecyeon never give up after one blow. He’ll try no matter what to win her heart back.


When he reached Jessica’s ward, he saw no one inside the room. He quickly changed his direction to the baby’s room. He knew that Jessica will be there. He knew that Jessica didn’t want to see him but who cares?

Once he reached outside the baby’s room, he stopped. From where he’s standing, he can see her beautiful face. He can see the excitement in her as she held the baby. He can see how happy she was when she kissed the baby with her pink lips. Taecyeon can’t imagine his life without her and Mason. He realized how stupid he was for letting her go. Now he’s going to get her back.


Taecyeon was about to open the door when he saw Nichkhun was approaching both Jessica and Mason. Jessica laughed at Nichkhun’s words. Taecyeon didn’t move from where he stood. He could see her face more glowing as he approaching both of them. When Nichkhun kissed Jessica lightly on her lips, Taecyeon could feel that his heart dropped.


How can he be so stupid not to realize this? Of course he knew that Nichkhun love Jessica but he didn’t know that Jessica felt the same too. He clenched his hand.


Jessica, If I can’t get you with the right way, I’ll get you with get you with bad way. You know me and you know what I’m capable of,’ he vowed in his heart before leaving the happy couple alone.       


  oh my dear readers... i'm sorry for abandoning ECHO for such long period... phew, i just come back from my short vacation

i've to prepare for my final exam for this term.. so, that's explain why i didn't upload a new chap.

so, here we goes, Nichkhun, jessica and the baby Mason.. hope you guys like the chapter.. it took me long enough to complete this chapter.. huhu..

actually the picture above is the inspiration for me to make this story for the 1st place.. how cute Nichkhun was when he held the baby like..

i'm so jealous of that baby.. 

please enjoy the reading & preaty please do comment & leave your opinion.. you know right your comment is my inspiration..

love you guys <3

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Lmao, i remember reading this last 2015ish.
mikanMD #2
Chapter 30: This is so good!!
xiupao92 #3
thank you author-nim for making a rare jewel like this
Princessjessica92 #4
Chapter 30: Hihihi...I love this
Chapter 30: You did great authornim!love love love the ending!hihihi... It's a very beautiful scene. :)
tq... glad that u enjoy the story
sicacouple #7
Chapter 30: Aha!!!!! I love khunsica too..... thanks for made such a beautiful story...
tq 4 the endless support
Chapter 30: Fell in love with this story ♥♥♥
Chapter 30: *cries a river* this is one of the best fics ever~gahh the feels
i really enjoyed this story and i know others did too^^its super good for your first fic!
Cant wait to see more of your work.