Jessica walked back and forth. She knew that she did a major mistake. How she wished that she can turn back the time.


“aigoo~ you make me dizzy Sica~” said ahjumma. She placed a plate of various fruit on the table and instructed Jessica to sit. Jessica sat obediently.


“what’s wrong with you? You look terrible?” ahjumma asked.


“ahjumma, how’s oppa’s hand? still bleeding? That was pretty bad injury though,” she ignored ahjumma question. Ahjumma smiled. Looking at Jessica’s expression, she knew that Jessica cared about Nichkhun.


“it’s getting better. I wonder what happen to him, I mean what lead to that injury. And what’s wrong with you?”


“well ahjumma, I want to confess. Actually, I did something that can’t be forgiven. Something major that I never imagine that I did,” Ahjumma sat in front of Jessica. her eyes glued on Jessica’s.


“I.. I.. aigoo~ that room,” Jessica didn’t know how to tell the story to ahjumma.


“oh my God, don’t tell me you….” Ahjumma couldn’t finish her sentence. Jessica nodded her head.


“I told you right, don’t dare to enter that room. That’s why you both don’t talk to each other? Because khun caught you red handed, entered that room? Aigoo Jessica,” ahjumma shook her head disbelief.


“but, how do you enter that room? Khun always lock that room right?” ahjumma asked.


“well, actually that day, I came to the kitchen, looking for something to eat, but at that time I saw that door was left unclosed. So I thought, oppa never let that room left like that. I ignore the fact but after that, I heard glass scattered. So I think maybe there was stray cat entered that room. I approached and without I realized, I already inside the room”


Ahjumma widened her eyes. “so.. so you see what inside the room?” she asked. Jessica nodded her head.


“I saw bunch of paintings. Those paintings are so beautiful ahjumma,” jessica said.


“those are Nichkhun’s paintings” ahjumma said.


“ehh, you know about that? And ehh? Nichkhun… opps, oppa is the one who draw those beauties? Like seriously? I never picture him holding the brush, painting those beauties. Oh my God, that was a new side of him that I never know,” Jessica confessed. Ahjumma smiled at her response.


“I saw those paintings before. He locked all those paintings after the break up. That was kind of his and his ex-girlfriend things. They’re both a great painters” ahjumma said.


“the ex-girlfriend? You mean the girl with long brunette hair, wearing summer dress? The one that oppa painted? The big painting inside the room?” she asked.


Ahjumma nodded. “that’s Victoria. That room was another world for Nichkhun. but what happen? As long as I remember, khun never enters that room for months. He’s only there when he wants to see Vic. I thought he was fully recovered from that girl”


Jessica bitted her lower lip. Ahjumma didn’t know that Victoria came past 2 days and Jessica sure that the one that called Nichkhun when both of them watching TV that night was also her. “actually, Vic came to our house. I don’t know who she was, but when I saw the giant painting, then I recognize that was her,” she confessed.


“Vic came? Really?” Jessica  nodded. “they both talked but I don’t know what were they talking about”


“whatever it is, it’s between them. We have no right to know. What you have to do now, go find khun, and apologize. You got that Jessica?,” ahjumma instructed. Jessica hesitated but then nodded.




Jessica went outside the house, looking for Nichkhun. Her eyes roamed everywhere and there he was, on the swing. From afar, she can tell that Nichkhun was thinking about something serious. Jessica wanted to go back inside the house but she stopped. She needed to apologize. If Nichkhun scolded her… well, she deserved to be scolded. Slowly, she approached Nichkhun. As she was about a few feet from Nichkhun, he turned his head toward Jessica. Jessica smiled.



“o… oppa~” she called. “can I sit?” Nichkhun moved to the left, giving her some space.


Jessica didn’t know how to start. She afraid her appearance here will make things worsened. She turned her face to study Nichkhun’s expression.


“what do you want?” Nichkhun asked. Jessica shook her head. “nothing. Just you know, I want to feel the cool breeze,” Jessica replied. A few moments later, Nichkhun stood up.


“oppa, where are you going?”


“inside,” replied Nichkhun in short.


“I… I’m sorry for invading into your privacy,” finally she said it. She didn’t dare to look at Nichkhun’s face. Slowly, she raised her face.


“I know I did an unforgiven mistake but please oppa, I’m sorry. I promise that it won’t happen again.” As she talked, she glanced over Nichkhun’s face, still smoldering underneath his stony expression.


“it’s OK. Just forget it,” Nichkhun said.




“I said just forget it. It’s not entirely your fault. If I did close that door, you won’t go inside that room right?” Nichkhun smiled.


“thank you oppa.. so, are we cool?” Nichkhun nodded.


Jessica bit her lips. She really wanted to know the real story between those two. “well, you don’t want to share with me? You know, I saw you crying and drinking inside that room. That was so not you. I mean, I never see you in that state before”


Nichkhun smirked. “OK, I know I apologized, but since we’re already talking about this topic, why don’t I ask right?” Jessica explained.


“I don’t like sharing my problem with strangers” Nichkhun said.


“hey, I’m not a stranger. I mean we lived under the same roof for like 6 months now and you can share with me whatever you want. And who told me if we shared problem, the burden will be lessen,” Jessica replied sarcastically.


Nichkhun didn’t reply. “don’t worry oppa, your secret’s safe with me. You can trust me, Jessica Jung,” she continued, with a proud expression.


“so, what happened?” Jessica insisted. Nichkhun sat at the same spot that he sat before. He smiled before looked at the beach in front of them.


“For two years, I’ve been living in her lies,” Nichkhun started.


“Victoria?” Jessica asked. Nichkhun replied with a light nod.


“what did she do?”


“I knew her since we’re in high school and dated her after we graduated. I proceeded with modeling as that’s what I dreamed to be. Everything went well until the last two years. I was too busy at that time. I spent mostly of my time overseas. I rarely saw her. Then, after that she wanted us to separate. I can’t accept her decision. She wanted to be with the other guy. That’s what I believe for the past two years, that she left me for other guy.” Jessica didn’t make any comment.


“and then, she came back and tell me a totally a new story. She made me live in her created story and suddenly she told me that was only a lie.” Nichkhun continued.


“so, what’s actually happened?” Nichkhun told her the rest of the story. About the disease, about her recovery and about Victoria’s come back.


Jessica smiled. “you want to believe her right oppa? because you still love her?”


“I don’t know.”


“oppa, she must really love you. That’s why she doesn’t want you to suffer with her,” Jessica tried to defend Victoria.


“why? Do you think I can’t accept her? Seriously, what are you guys thinking? Victoria, Krystal and even you Jessica.”


“oppa, you don’t understand us. Try putting yourself in Victoria’s shoes. If you was diagnosed with leukemia, and your girlfriend was about to reach her biggest dream, would your bother to tell her about your condition? No right? Do you want your girlfriend to give up her dream and sit beside you seeing you dying?” Nichkhun didn’t reply.


“so now, it’s your turn to reply her kindness. Accept her back into your life,” Jessica said.


“I don’t know. She was too kind. I don’t deserve her.”


“who told you that you don’t deserve her? you are one of the most kind guy I ever met. Of course you deserve her more than other guy do. So, before other guys get her, you should get her first” Jessica convinced him.


“oh, I feel so hungry. Did ahjumma ready with dinner yet?” Nichkhun asked. Actually he tried to change the topic. Jessica smiled. She knew Nichkhun’s intention.


“you change the subject oppa.” Nichkhun didn’t want to continue discussing about this.


“did you eat? Let’s find ahjumma”


“my stomach feel so full already with your sour and serious expression for the past 2 days.” She said sarcastically. Nichkhun laughed.


“I’m sorry for that. And, I’m sorry for causing you vomit on that day.” Jessica frowned.


“urgh, don’t remind me about that. Usually, I can deal with blood pretty well. But maybe the blood was too much on that day. Oh, how’s your hand oppa? Is it still bleeding?” she asked with concern. Nichkhun looked at his bandaged hand. Fortunately, the injury was not too deep.


“it’s getting better,” he replied.


“it’s a relief oppa,” said Jessica.


“let’s go inside. I think dinner is ready. Let’s go!”


“oppa, can you make me some lasagna. My baby wants to eat some,” Jessica said with cute expression. Nichkhun laughed.


“now you’re using the baby to make me do things for you. Why don’t you ask ahjumma does it?”


“I want you to prepare it for me. Not ahjumma” she pouted.


“OK, but not today. Ahjumma already cooked for us. I’ll prepare them tomorrow. Satisfy?” Jessica nodded.


“now, let’s go inside.”




Jessica pushed herself to sitting position. She can’t sleep at all. It’s already pass midnight but she still wide awake. Her mind filled with Nichkhun and Victoria.



 “Is it that hard to accept her back oppa?” again she asked the empty space. Jessica didn’t know why, but she felt that she needed to help Nichkhun.


“should I help oppa? but how should I help him? Should I introduce him to some of my friend? Just to make sure his feeling to Victoria” she said. She reached her handphone on the table beside the bed.


“should I introduce yuri? or maybe yoona? Hmm, Tiffany is also OK. I should call them first,” she murmured happily while searching for the contacts. Then, after a moment later, her fingers stopped.


“wait, I can’t go out in this condition and introduce them. Plus, they believe that I’m studying now. They don’t know my condition except for yuri and maybe Tiffany. Haish~” Jessica said when she realized her condition.


‘think of something Jessica. You can do it.’


“uhuh!! Just show him the pictures and let him decide which one that he wants to know. then, I’ll call them to introduce or arrange blind date between both of them. Yeah Jessica, you’re such a brilliant person” Jessica proud of herself.


hey  guys, finally done with chapter  12..

happy reading


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Lmao, i remember reading this last 2015ish.
mikanMD #2
Chapter 30: This is so good!!
xiupao92 #3
thank you author-nim for making a rare jewel like this
Princessjessica92 #4
Chapter 30: Hihihi...I love this
Chapter 30: You did great authornim!love love love the ending!hihihi... It's a very beautiful scene. :)
tq... glad that u enjoy the story
sicacouple #7
Chapter 30: Aha!!!!! I love khunsica too..... thanks for made such a beautiful story...
tq 4 the endless support
Chapter 30: Fell in love with this story ♥♥♥
Chapter 30: *cries a river* this is one of the best fics ever~gahh the feels
i really enjoyed this story and i know others did too^^its super good for your first fic!
Cant wait to see more of your work.