Taecyeon drove his car as fast as he can. He didn’t know where to go. He felt so angry and betrayed. How could Jessica, his Jessica cheated on him. Taecyeon forget that moment that Jessica was not his girlfriend anymore. She barely accepted him as a friend and Taecyeon forget about that fact. All he knew, Jessica was his and he can’t accept what he just saw.


He stopped his car once he reached at the beach. His subconscious mind brought him at that beach again. His beach. He made his way to the shore. He stopped and sat on the sand. He slowly brought his hand to his face.


“why does it have to be like this? Wae?” he asked himself. He hated the fact that he wanted Jessica back. He never reacted this way. Once he broke any relationship with any girl, he will never beg that girl again.

His hand reached his phone and dialed Jessica’s number. He tried a few times before Jessica finally picked up his call. “what do you want?” he heard Jessica’s cold voice asked in annoyance.


“how are you doing?” he calmed himself. He didn’t want to sound so desperate.


Jessica sighed. “why do you want to know?” Jessica replied with another question.


“because it’s you. Jessica, I’m sorry for what I’ve said yesterday,” Taecyeon said. He needed to win her heart back.


Jessica didn’t reply. “Jessica please. I’m sorry,” Taecyeon begged.


seriously oppa? If you just want to start begging like yesterday, you better stop now and I don’t believe that you just want to apologize


“jessica, I meant it. And everything that I said yesterday, I also meant it”


oppa, things are not like before anymore. I..I don’t love you anymore. Can’t you just accept that fact? I appreciate your effort but I’m over you oppa. I have my own life now and please oppa, I’m begging you just leave me and Mason alone.


“no, I can’t. I can’t live without you. When I see you and Mason, I can’t help but feel happy. I felt something that I never feel before. So please sica, please be mine again. Give me one more chance to win you back. And Mason also deserves this. I’m his father after all”


really? I don’t think you as his father. As the matter of fact, yes you’re his father but, for thousand times oppa, you don’t have right even to say that he’s your son. I don’t want to repeat the same thing so… I hope you understand


“but before this, you looked like you already forgave me. You seemed to accept me…” Taecyeon couldn’t believe what he heard.


oppa, I’m sorry if I do misunderstand you. Actually, I was acting. I wanted to know why you came back into our life. It just so not you when you wanted us back. I’m sorry for that. But, I’m final with my word oppa. I can’t give you another chance. I gave you one but you ruin it.


“Jessica please don’t let me do things that I hate to do.”


oppa, please. We’re not things that you can’t take whenever you want and push us away when you don’t need us anymore. I’m just your past oppa,” Jessica tried to explain with patience.


“I know that Jessica. But…”


no more buts oppa. I hope you understand my intention now. OK, I’ll let you see Mason anytime you want but us being together with you, I can’t let that happen. I suffered too much oppa. I don’t want to disappoint anyone that I love anymore. Being with you, I hurt everyone that I love. But, you left me oppa at the very time that I really need you. And after I decide to let go everything and accept everything that has been destined for me, you come. Oppa, I can’t let you destroyed my future anymore, ” Jessica said in low voice. Taecyeon gulped his own saliva. He knew that he made Jessica suffered too much. He was too selfish.


“I’m sorry sica. I guess I’ve became like this because I always get what I want. I know I was too selfish to get you back. I’ve never think about you,” he replied.


give yourselves chance to change oppa. if you want someone to love you, you have to love yourselves first,” Jessica said in return. She knew, Taecyeon can change if he gave himself chance to.


“he’s very lucky right sica?” he blurted while chuckled at his own words.


huh? Where’s the fire?” he can imagine that Jessica’s frowning.


“Nichkhun. I know that both of you love each other. In fact, I decide to win you back when I saw how in love both of you are. The jerk side of me just can’t accept the fact that you love someone else”


wait. You know? how?


“I kind of see both of you this morning. I went to look for you and I saw three of you together. I admit that I felt the jealousy inside me and I felt that I can’t let that happen… I’m sorry,” he apologized.


yeah… I know that’s weird. I kind of can’t believe that either. Me and Nichkhun, it happened without both of us realize it. He helped me to go through all of this oppa. He saved me and he’s always there whenever I needed someone to lean on. I can’t help but to fall for him


“Nichkhun is a good guy. You deserve him sica. I’m sorry that I tried to snatch you from him,” again he apologized. It’s hurt him to the core for saying that but somehow, it felt right.


you know what oppa, if you really want to repair all those damage that you’ve done, please give yourselves a chance. You deserve it oppa,” she encouraged him to be better. Truthfully, she has grown up. She’s no longer his Jessica.


“thank you sica”


oppa, if… if you don’t mind, may I know what’s actually makes you do this? I mean, what make you want us back. Is there anything that I don’t know that you’re planning? ” Jessica tried to dig up the truth from Taecyeon.


Taecyeon sighed. “I.. no, It’s just me. Just like I said before, I just want to change…”


if you say so, then fine. Remember what I told you oppa,” Jessica said before she end up the call.


Taecyeon looked into the space. If this was the right thing that he should do, then be it. He didn’t know why he became so soft when he was dealing with Jessica. He was not like this before. He’s someone that got everything that he wants. He will try anything that he can so that nothing was in his way. But today, he admitted defeated.


It just took a few days to change his life. Before this, he was too greedy for his father’s fortune and agreed with anything that his father planned. Then he tried to approach Jessica. Seeing her again brought Taecyeon into another dimension of life. He saw things that he never imagined that he could think. First time of his life, he long for someone. First time in his life, he felt home. First time in his life, he felt complete.


give yourself chance to change oppa’ Jessica’s voice echoed inside his head. Maybe, he himself deserved a chance. For the first time of his lifetime, he wanted to reset everything. First thing to start, he needed to see his father. Who cares about the fortune? He can survive without it.




Jessica placed her phone on the table. A few minutes later, Nichkhun entered her room with his brightest smile. Jessica admitted that he has a very charming smile. A smile that made her day.


“are you off schedule? I thought you told me that you needed to go back to the agency?” Jessica said.


“do you hate having me here?” Nichkhun said with a pout. ‘Can’t he just stop doing those pouty lips? He just looks so damn y with those lips’ Jessica thought.


“when are you going to be discharged?”


“if there’s no problem, maybe tomorrow afternoon.”


“so, where are you going to stay? Are you going back to your parents’ house?” he asked since Jessica was already in good relationship with her parents.


“of course. I miss my home. I miss my mom’s cooking,” she replied and shot a smile to Nichkhun. “you’re not going to miss us, are you?” she teased.


“of course I’m going to miss you guys. You’re practically my… my family for the past 9 months. And suddenly, without you, it won’t be the same,” said Nichkhun with serious tone. He really wanted her to continue living in his house.


“oppa, listen. I want to stay too but, let me make up with my family first. Let everything settle down and… we’ll talk about us,” she said.


“you know that I’m serious about us?” Nichkhun asked.


Jessica nodded with a slight blush. “I want to go to see mason. Care to join me?” Nichkhun asked while offering his hand to the lady.


“well, you don’t have to because Mason’s here,” Yunho said with Mason in his hand. Yuri followed him from the back.


Jessica squealed as she saw Yuri’s coming into the room. “yuriiiii~ oh my God, you come.”


“yah, you don’t have to scream like that. Of course I come. I come as soon as I know about you from yunho oppa,” yuri said.


“you know the news from oppa? since when did you two become good friends?” Jessica asked in scandalized tone. She shot her evil smile to her brother.


“what? We’re not like you guys. If something happen between us, you are the first one that will know about the news. I knew about your relationship with Khun from mother. As expected from my darling sister. I already expect that both of you have something between you guys before and hearing those news won’t shock me to the core, but seriously, knowing this from mother… it hurts me sister. I thought I’m your beloved brother that you care the most,” yunho replied with sarcastic tone.


“urgh, oppa.. you’re such a drama queen,” Jessica said.


“boyaa~ ya sica, how could you not telling me that you and Nichkhun oppa are official now,” yuri blurted.


“aigoo~ it’s not like I’m keeping secret from you guys but it just not the right moment to tell this thing.. yul-ah, bian” Jessica said with cute face. She knew that Yuri will never resist that. Yuri finally smiled at her. “OK, apology accepted. Now, let me hold the handsome boy,” Yuri said while reaching her hand toward Yunho.


“waa, aegi-a… you’re sooo cute. His name is Mason right? Mason~ this is your aunty Yuri. oppa, he’s so cute,” Yuri said to Yunho.

“well, of he is. Look at his uncle. He must be getting it from me,” Yunho said proudly.


“OMG, I think I’m going to vomit hearing your statement oppa,” Yuri said.


“Yul-ah, you look like a caring mother right now. oppa, don’t you think she’s the perfect candidate for your so-called-perfect-wife?” she nudged her brother that standing beside the bed.


“ya Khun, what did you teach my sister? Since when you become like this sister?” Yunho said while playing with Jessica’s ponytail. Jessica squealed when he did that. Nichkhun laughed when he saw both of them arguing.  




Taecyeon stood silently in front of his father that looked like he’s going to explode at any moment after hearing Teacyeon’s words. “you said what? You don’t want to do it anymore?”


“yes father. and my word is final”


“hahha. Don’t try to make silly joke Taecyeon. You know that I won’t let this happen. No matter what is your decision, you can’t proceed it. I don’t want to hear any of the excuses and I won’t accept NO either as your answer,” his words stung. Taecyeon clenched his fist.


“I don’t understand you father. Why do you bother about their lives? Let them live their live. We have enough father, and I think we should stop your stupid scheme. She doesn’t want me anymore father. I was a jerk before and you know what, I learnt from the best. I ruin everything and I lost any single chance for me to grab her back. Please father, leave them with their live.”


“NO!! you don’t understand Taecyeon. I’ll never leave them with their happy-so-called-family. They ruin my happiness. They ruin our happiness. They don’t deserve to live like that. I want them to feel what I felt. I won’t let them!!”


Taecyeon moved closer to his father and halted once he stood right in front of him. “father, we still have chance to stop this. Let build another live. Let start afresh. We can build our family too,” Tecyeon tried to convince his stubborn father.


“my answer is no! you don’t what I’ve been through son. Taecyeon, we can win this. You don’t want the fortune anymore son? You know that if you back off, you won’t accept any single penny from my fortune right?” his father tried to use other method.


“go to hell with your money father. I can live without it,” Taecyeon said.


His father snorted. “seriously? How are you going to live your life son? With your stupid cameras and photos? Those things won’t bring you anywhere. You’ll come back to me begging for my money after one day you left.”


“you know what father? I think you never know me. You never love me and mother, you only care about yourself. I think I know the answer why mother decide to leave you now. When both of you got divorce, you ruin me father. I became afraid that I’ll end up like you guys. Why both of you bother to get married and have me? What marriage that you both created? You got married without loving each other, both of you accidently have me and at the end you guys just left me alone. I was just… just a disturbance in your live. Both of you never care about me. For your information father, I’ve grown up. I’m no longer a guy who cannot survive without his parents’ money. I don’t need you or your stupid money,” Taecyeon said before leaving the room.


When he was about to hop inside his car, he felt a hard object knocked his head. The last thing he remembered was his body being dragged all the way down the road.




Jessica woke up in the morning feeling refresh. She needed to get ready before her doctor allowed her to go home. She went to the toilet to get showered. After a long bath and getting into clean cloth, she came out from her toilet. As she was out from the toilet, she heard chaos outside of her room. She opened the door and to her surprise, she was showered with cameras’ flashes.


Jessica stood still in front of the door. Her eyes met faces of reporters that stood in front of hers. Jessica could see from her peripheral view that her brother was standing few feet from her, trying to prevent the reporters from crushing onto her.


“Jessica, is it true that you gave birth to an illegitimate child?”


“Jessica, who is the father? Is the baby’s Taecyeon’s child? Is the rumors about you two true?”


“where have you been hiding for all this time Jessica?”


“is it true that you lied because you wanted to protect your child from the father? is he knew that you’re having his son?”






Jessica couldn’t move from where she stood. Every word that came out from the reporters hurt her. She knew that sooner or later, she had to face this.


“Jessica couldn’t answer any of the questions now. Please do respect our privacy!” Jessica could hear her brother shouted to the reporters. Then, she felt that his hand shoved her into the room before closing the door. She sat on the bed. Few moments later, she heard her phone was ringing.


“ohh oppa. You’re coming to my room? No oppa, don’t come,” Jessica said as she heard when Nichkhun said that he’s coming to her room.


“reporters are flooding outside my room now. I didn’t understand what happen but when I came out of my room, I found them with cameras and everything. I think that they already find out about me and Mason. Oppa, please don’t come. I don’t want you to get into troubles if the reporters find out about us,” she explained.




Yunho was pacing back and forth. Their parents sat still on the couch inside Jessica’s room. “how this thing happen? Someone already leak your personal pictures with Taecyeon in the internet and tell the reporters about your whereabout,” Yunho placed his right hand on his chin while thinking deeply.


“is that possible that Taecyeon who releases that photos?” Nichkhun asked. Jessica shook her head.


“No, oppa won’t do that. He promised me that he’ll change and I can feel that he’s honest when he said that,” Jessica said. Nichkhun looked at her disbelief.


“and you believe him? Chincha? Jessica, Taecyeon is someone who can’t be trusted. He’s someone unexpected. He’ll do everything that stand in his way of his so called success,” Nichkhun retorted.


“No. I know that oppa was a jerk. But when he said that he wanted to change for a better person, I feel that he really meant it”


“he promised you before but what happened? He left you. Then he came back and trying to ruin your life. I can’t believe after all those things he done to you, you still believe him like this,” Nichkhun tried not to sound too angry.  


“why don’t you try calling him. Maybe, if he has no idea about this, he’ll pick up his phone,” suggested her father.


“I called him already but I can’t reach him.” Said Jessica. Nichkhun didn’t make any comment. He didn’t want to create more argument with Jessica.


“I’m going to take Mason,” Nichkhun rose from his sit.


“no need khun. I’ve already asked a nurse to send him here. She should be here any moment,” Hyori said. Nichkhun nodded his head before going back to his seat.




 The nurse that was in charged for Mason smiled when she hold the baby in her arms. Mason was still in his deep slumber. She closed the nursery’s door before making her way to the Jessica’s room. When she was about to reach the elevator, a couple greeted her.


“excuse me miss. We’re looking for room A107 but we have no idea where is it. Can you help us? This place is absolutely a new place for us,” said the woman with a warm smile.


“oh, sure. I’m going to the same level too. I’ll show you room on my way. Come with me madam, sir,” she replied politely. She stepped into the elevator followed by the couple.  She smiled at the couple after pressing the button on the lift.


Once they reached the level, she stepped out from the lift. The couple still followed her from behind. “sir, madam, this is the room A1…” she couldn’t finish her words. She felt a sharp stab at her stomach.


“be nice and follow our instruction…” said the guy with fake smile. The nurse nodded.


“go inside the room” he continued. The young nurse followed the instruction with hesitation. Once they were inside the empty room, he instructed to pass Mason to his couple. The guy started to tie up the nurse to the chair. He covered with the tape so she will need time to get some rescue.  After his job was done, he left the room followed by the lady and Mason in her arms. 


A/N: hey, i'm back... it's been 3 months (?) since the last time i updated my ECHO.. so, here you go..

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Lmao, i remember reading this last 2015ish.
mikanMD #2
Chapter 30: This is so good!!
xiupao92 #3
thank you author-nim for making a rare jewel like this
Princessjessica92 #4
Chapter 30: Hihihi...I love this
Chapter 30: You did great authornim!love love love the ending!hihihi... It's a very beautiful scene. :)
tq... glad that u enjoy the story
sicacouple #7
Chapter 30: Aha!!!!! I love khunsica too..... thanks for made such a beautiful story...
tq 4 the endless support
Chapter 30: Fell in love with this story ♥♥♥
Chapter 30: *cries a river* this is one of the best fics ever~gahh the feels
i really enjoyed this story and i know others did too^^its super good for your first fic!
Cant wait to see more of your work.