The change of heart

WinNinG to HurTinG HeArt
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Jaejoong was enjoying his kiss when he suddenly stops.He manages to control himself.

“Why I’m doing this? Why I kiss her? I’m in love with Masami right? So why I got nervous in front this girl? What she have that Masami don’t?”

Jaejoong keep on asking question in his mind. He starts focusing on Maki face again.

“Masami have red lips. But this girl has lips that I was so eager to kiss. Masami has a beautiful face, but this girl has a face that make my eyes stay with her. Every time I see her, my heart bumps like crazy."

Jaejoong put his hand on his chest start to feeling his heart. It is still beating faster. Suddenly he feels something in his pocket. Something is moving, jaejoong pull it out, and it is his phone. There are two messages and three miscall, all of them are from Masami. Jaejoong take a last look of Maki and walk away to the door. He walks down the stairs with heavy step and drive away to his home.


Jaejoong arrive at home thirty minutes after that. He enters the house and ignoring his ringing phone. He got no mood at all to talk with Masami; he does not even know the reason. His mind is on somebody else that he not even knows well.

“Jaejoong it is you?”

A voice coming from the kitchen, a voice he recognize as his mother. He knows exactly why his mother waited for him. He seats himself on the couch with shut eyes.


“So, what you think?”


“The girl?”

“Omma, can we talk about this tomorrow? I don’t have energy left.”

“I just want to make sure that you won’t forget about Masami. I don’t hate Maki, but only Masami can be my daughter in law. She is been loyal for you for these three years.”

“Omma pleaseeee…. Don’t give me such look, I …….. Love Masami. There is no other girl will take her place. I go to bed first. Good night.”

He then gives his mother a good night kiss and go up to his room. He opens the door and bam himself on the bed. He can even sleep, his mind keep on thinking Maki face, lips and her eyes.


“Why she said that? I don’t know she has a brother, she lost him? What does she mean? She look unstable tonight, she must be afraid of fast driving so much. Oh man! I must have hurt her just now, she not going to hate me right?”

Jaejoong keep on thinking what happened that night. Actually he just want to have a chat with his debtor but he get more than that a kiss.


“Young master please wake up!”


“Young Master! Head Master calling for you.”

Once again he wakes up as soon as possible hearing the word head master. He takes a bath and wears his suit as fast as he can. He still sleepy, he knows he goes to sleep pretty late thinking about somebody. After he finish he walk down the stairs and head to the dining room.

“Good morning Appa, Morning ma!”

“Morning. Sit down Jaejoong, have a little talk with me.”
Jaejoong sit down beside his father, in front of his mother. He notices that his mother face is like yesterday make he knows what topic they will be discuss on. Jaejoong take a bread and some peanut butter.

“So tell me jaejoong, what is your opinion about Maki? She is a pretty girl.”

“Yes, she is. But appa I thought she made it clearly that she wants to finish her study first. We don’t have right to push her to married.”

“Jaejoong is right; she is too young to think about marriage.”

“Maybe she is young, but I’m not. I want to look at my next heirs before my heart stop pumping my blood. I don’t care what is her reason and what yours, you guys are going to get married!”

“If you are desperately want to see your grandchild’s why you don’t just marry him with Masami? They are loving each other, don’t you see that!?”

“I thought I made a crystal clear to not mention that name in front of me! Jaejoong you will get married to Maki and I order you to have dinner again with her tonight. That is final, for those who do not follow my order is not allowed to be in my house. GOT THAT?”

Mr. Kim grabs his briefcase and coat and step out from the dining room. Jaejoong got shock from his father reaction towards Masami and another dinner with Maki? But he got shock one more time when he heard sound cracking in front of him. His mother just throws away a cup to the ground, sign of protest. The maid quickly cleans the pieces away. His mother got up and straight to her bed leaving jaejoong with his unfinished toast.


Maki stuff her ears with her pillow when she heard a banging at the door. Her eyes are so heavy, she doesn’t even know why. She then has a huge smack on her back make her got up as fast as lightning. She opens her eyes and happens to see Erika was standing with her arms wrapping up her chest.

“Erika, what you are doing here?”



Maki yawned and put herself back to the bed. But she got another smack at her back.

“ERIKA! What are you doing? I’m sleeping here.”

“At nine a.m.?”

Hearing that makes Maki jumped up on her bed and searching for her watch. She found one on her bed and her eyes are wide open. She rushes towards the bathroom.

“Erika! Why don’t you wake me up earlier?”

“Excuse me! We suppose to meet at the station? I don’t expect you to be late! I mean you never late before. What happened last night? You don’t even lock your doors and you still wearing your dress.”


Suddenly Maki realize that is true.

“Wait, how I got here last night? I remember that guy was sending me home with fast speed and when I wake up I was here. He didn’t do nothing to me right? How I’m ended in my bed?”

Maki was mumbling to herself. Erika notices there was something wrong. She looks around the apartment looking for any extraordinary.

“Maki? Are you listening?”

There was no answer from Maki. Erika now has to banging on bathroom door next.


“Yes, I hear you!”

“Maki-chan, are you okay? You seem not yourself today? Where is your phone? I call you almost ten times but you never pick up. I told you to change your ringtone to loud one.”

“It’s not at the cupboard?”

This time Maki already out from the bathroom. She was drying her hair with towel. She goes to the cupboard to check.

“No, I have been searching there twice.”

“Wait a minutes, where is my purse?”

“I don’t know, why you asking me? It’s yours. Where you put it last night?”

“Honestly Erika…. I don’t even know how I get here last night.”


Before Maki answer Erika’s scream they hear a loud horn from outside. The sound seems familiar to Maki. They slowly walk to the door and look around outside. Then they notice a guy standing outside a car pushing the horn with his eyes is directly towards them.

“Finally you are out!”

Maki watches with a wide mouth. She then rushes down the stairs.

“Ajushi! You really a yicho don’t you?”

“yicho? Wow, I admire your sense of creativity. Every time I met you I will get new names.”

“What you doing here?”

“Well…. I…I… want…”


“You don’t need to yell. How many time I need to tell you to call my name not Ajushi!”

“Are you here to just telling me that? Well guess what? I can’t, it becomes a habit already.”

Maki was about to climb back the stairs when her wrist got pull out from the back. Erika just watch from the stairs trying to remember where she seen the guy before.

“Let me go, you hurting me.”

“Stop moving then! You know what? Maybe little thanks would be nice?”

“Why should I be thankful to you?”


“Well… about that.”

“What about?”

“Can you just let me go first? So I can talk in comfortable condition?”

Jaejoong let Maki’s hand go even he felt like holding it longer.

“What happened last night? I don’t remember anything.”

Jaejoong heart a melting when he hears Maki’s voice get soften again. He never expects Maki will talk to him with that tones.

“Emm… you past out.”


“I don’t know. I was driving and you start crying and mumbling. When I stop, you just get out from the car and past out.”

“Are you sure?”

“Oii.. I’m not like you. I don’t have short term memory loss.”

“Well. Thank you for reminding me!”

“You are welcome.”

“So you don’t do anything to me right?”

With that sentence jaejoong start feeling nervous. He looks again at Maki face and lips. That lips were the one he been enjoying last night.

“No..No..I….I..II.. Don’t. W..What make you think that?”

“Nothing really. Maybe because you a Ajushi!”

“Yah! My name is Kim Jaejoong! Stop calling me Ajushi. I’m not that old from you.”

“Heh… How I supposed to know that..”



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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
ctlights #2
Chapter 38: Welcome back,,, hehe.. Thanks for the update. Honestly i almost forget the story plot. But i try to re-read again, n i understand now. Ahahaha... Hope Maki will remember her husband soon...
useless_1 #4
Chapter 38: I cant believe that you updated this story!!! immense thank youssss also please complete it
lintayu #5
Chapter 38: thank youuuuu :)))
Chapter 37: hi author nim,,
its been a long time after i read this story..T.Ti think u have completed it,but i guess it wrong.hehehe.
stil,,im waiting for the update dear,,thank you..:*
MissABDy #7
Chapter 37: need for update pleaseee....
useless_1 #8
Chapter 37: Please update author nim
Viviannitta #9
visiting old fanfics and this is one of them