Playful destiny

WinNinG to HurTinG HeArt
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Maki sit beside Mr. Kim silently only smile when he was talking to her. She just watch her family and Mr.Kim’s family chit chat with each other and first time in two years she see her parents laugh and be happy in front of her. How she wish that smile and happiness is for her. She feels uncomfortable with Jaejoong sit in front of her.

Actually she never knew the guy name is Jaejoong since she never asks it. She was pretty sure that he also didn’t know her name until they get introduce today even though they met several times already. What make it worst is that he kept on staring at her? His stare make her hand sweat and her heart pound like crazy. She then asks to leave to go to the ladies room.

Her step is heavy as it is tied with huge rock. She does feeling uneasy with what happen in the room. She keeps on feeling the main point is not reach yet. Why this meeting or they call dinner been held? She washes her hand and her face softly to get some fresh energy. Luckily she only put on little makeup so she looks natural. She took several piece of tissue and wipes her hand. But suddenly tears come out and wetting her cheeks when she remembers her mother. She does not understand her mother reaction towards her. She keeps on smiling and holding her hand like they don’t have any problems at all. Maki supposed to be happy because that is all she wanted through out her life but she is not. Her mother reaction does not seem real.

After she calms herself she washes her face one more time. She reaches for the tissue when she sees her mother come into the ladies room. Mrs Horikita put down her bag on the sink and reaches for her powder. Maki just stood still beside her.

“You must be wondering why I was like that to you? Well I hope you don’t wish I will behave like that always to you, because it will never ever happen.”

That sentence already put Maki in stunt. Her tears start running out again, she barely stands on her foot.


“Your father should tell you the purpose of this meeting. What? You think he just invited you to this dinner because he misses you? Don’t be stupid.”

“Ww..ha..t you mm..mean?”

Maki put on her hand on the marble sink to hold herself. She got these goose bumps out from nowhere.

“The man with his family we just introduce you with is actually a long lost friend of your father and me. And as you may notice he is now the president of SM Corporation the largest company of this country. He just a looser when we last met him and out of nowhere he is now becomes the riches man in south east. But what really the good news is that your father and he will become in-law.”

“In-law? What you mean in-law?”

“Mean that you are getting married to his son. The one we just introduce you with. Lucky for you his handsome.”


“What you just said?”


Pang!!! Maki feel pain on her cheek. She checks again with her hand. She looks straight to her mother again and realized how mad she is. She could not believe her mother just slap her.


“Don’t you dare calling me that after you raised your voice in front of me? You think I like it? To marry you with that man? You don’t know how I wish I had another daughter!”

Maki’s tears pour out like a rain. She does not know the woman in front of her anymore. Even the last two years she never hit her. Not even after the incident, she just raise up her voice. But now she was afraid, afraid of her own mother.

“Now, listen to me carefully! I want you to wipe away your tears and go into the room with smile and happy face. You will get married to him whatever happen in this world, you got it? If you do anything, I mean anything to make sure this wont work I will make sure you suffer more than this! GOT IT!!!”

Mrs Horikita leave Maki who just sitting on the floor with her tears. Maki spend more than five minutes to calm herself. She washes her face and wipes away her tears. She now has to put extra make up to hide her red cheek. She looks herself on the mirror thinking what else will come next. She doesn’t even have the mood to think it. She then slowly walks out of the ladies room.

“I wonder why women stay long in the toilet. Then I come out with three answers.”

Maki turn herself towards the voice. There he stands outside the ladies room. Maki must miss him since she does not aware of him when she walked out.

“First answer is they do what they have to do but because they are women so they take longer time to “let go” then men. Second answer is make- up, why they even try hiding an oily face for. Lastly maybe they have constipated. But based on your condition….”

He is now only inches from Maki. He gets a good look of Maki face. Maki back of her head a little bit.

“I think you do all of them.. hahhahaha”

“Whatever I do is none of your business! At least I don’t need any attention from a Ajushi!”

“When are you going to stop calling me Ajushi? As you know my name is Jaejoong, Kim Jaejoong. And please don’t add to call me.”

“What is the reason I should not call you that? Which man will wait outside the lady room for some women he doesn’t even know?”

“For your information, because of your constipation and long time to deliver it I with the order from my father to look for you!”

“Then I’m not the one you should be mad on! I’m not asking you to come and look for me!”

Maki then try to leave him but her wrist was caught and she been pull over toward Jaejoong. She is in Jaejoong arm. She starts struggling to get away from him.

“Let me go! What are you doing?”

“I have enough of you. This is your plan is it? THE ACCIDENT? THE CINEMA? NOW THE MARRIAGE!!!”

“No is not! IT IS CALL BAD LUCK!!”

Maki struggle and when she got her chance she crushes her foot hard to jaejoong right foot making him screaming loud. Maki then pull herself out from jaejoong.


“That will teach you for the second time how to treat a lady. You should be thankful I don’t crush on the same things.”

Maki left him like what she does last time. This time also with a smile on her face showing she is satisfied. But the smile does not stay long when she arrives to the VIP room. Everything that happens in the ladies room starts coming back to her. Making her nervous to enter the room.


Jaejoong just recover from his soreness and make his way to the VIP room, his mind are full with Maki faces. He doesn’t even know where he got guts to pull out that girl to his arm. He almost lost his word when her face just inches from his. Luckily the girl reacts or he will be looking her face for the whole day. He then notices Maki in front of the VIP room holding the knob. Why she not enter the room. Her face now is the same like when she walked out from the toilet.

Then the door open from inside and Maki change her face from doom to bright just like that. Jaejoong was confused. What type of girl Maki is? She seems sad for a moment and happy in front people. All of her smile he saw today is fake. Wonder what she been thinking the whole day? Maybe she was force too with the marriage? She obviously hates me; of course she won’t be agreed with the marriage. He then enters the room when his father goes out calling for him.

“Well, dear Maki. You must be unsure what is the reason this dinner been held for right?”

Mr. Horikita starts the conversation. At this time Maki eyes was looking at her mother straight. Her mother just smile at her and switch back to Mr. Horikita. She grasps both of her hand.

“What is this Horikita? You don’t tell your daughter yet? But I already told my son. And he already agree to it.”

“Owh, I’m sorry oppa. It just that my daughter is a busy girl. It is hard to get in touch of her.”

“Don’t worry oppa, I already talk with Maki in the ladies room just now. It’s hard for her but she agrees to give it a try.”

Jaejoong eyes did not shift fro

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
ctlights #2
Chapter 38: Welcome back,,, hehe.. Thanks for the update. Honestly i almost forget the story plot. But i try to re-read again, n i understand now. Ahahaha... Hope Maki will remember her husband soon...
useless_1 #4
Chapter 38: I cant believe that you updated this story!!! immense thank youssss also please complete it
lintayu #5
Chapter 38: thank youuuuu :)))
Chapter 37: hi author nim,,
its been a long time after i read this story..T.Ti think u have completed it,but i guess it wrong.hehehe.
stil,,im waiting for the update dear,,thank you..:*
MissABDy #7
Chapter 37: need for update pleaseee....
useless_1 #8
Chapter 37: Please update author nim
Viviannitta #9
visiting old fanfics and this is one of them