Lover's quarrel

WinNinG to HurTinG HeArt
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Jaejoong try to get her attention again and shove the purse for the second time. He is moving the purse like a father moving an airplane toy in front of his child. This time he is fail to make her react, but that not stop him to stare at her angry face. No matter how angry she is with her pouting mouth he feels he is watching an angel. He has been swayed with her beauty that makes him speechless.

Maki then realize that Jaejoong suddenly become so quite, she then turn her face to see Jaejoong who is sitting in front of her. She notices that he is staring at her with those soft eyes. Automatically her heart beat faster than ever; she quickly put her arm on her chest to slow it down. She hated it when this happen.

“What are you looking at Ajushi?”

“I’m not ………..”

Jaejoong words stop there, he knows it won’t make any different to say the same sentence to her that his name is Kim Jae Joong. She really is playing with his patient.


“Forget it okay!”

“What you want for the purse? What you got from saving it?”

“Well… I don’t know yet, I should give a think about that..”

“AJUSHI!!! You are enjoying this? You think this is fun? I have my ID card and student card in there which I need for my class tomorrow.”

“You should think that before you raise your voice”

“What do you expect from me with such attitudes?”

“Maybe a little bit of being sorry..”

“Sorry? I don’t know when you are waiting for someone who should be arriving and he is not, you the one should be sorry!”

“I was coming, but you are the one who left the place so early.”

“Early? I wait for you almost 2 hour and you said early? I don’t know you have dinner at 11 p.m!”

“He..he..hee.. you funny you know?”

Maki did not believe she is arguing with such ignorant person like him. She never met somebody with this kind of attitudes. She is so mad as she can feel her heart is on fire. She decided not to talk again with him since she is the one will get the bad effect. She turns her body to be like before she opened .

“Ehh… are you ignoring me again?”

Maki ogles her eyes to Jaejoong, she then put her both hand on her chest. Jaejoong laugh become more contagious with Maki response.

“I guess you don’t want your purse then? Let me see what inside…”

Maki see that Jaejoong is now opening her purse and she automatically try to grab the purse from his hand. But Maki is having a bad luck when the bus suddenly stop and that make Maki’s body thrown towards Jaejoong. Jaejoong was shock with the situation and wasn’t prepared when he see Maki is coming towards him. He try to snatch Maki from falling to the ground, he pull Maki with his strength arms towards him but the pull was over strength that cause their lips met with each other.

Maki blinks her eyes several times trying to figure out what just happen but she doesn’t move at all, it is not the same with Jaejoong. He can feel her soft lips, the lips that he enjoyed last time and keep on dreaming after that. He knows that he want to taste the lips one more time. He moves his lips and start enjoying the kiss. Maki who is now conscious with what happen push Jaejoong as hard as she can and give him a slap on his face. Everyone in the bus who just been interrupt by the sudden break, switch their looks to that couple. Maki did not care with that, she just need to get out from the bus. She stands on her feet and manages to get back her purse from Jaejoong. She runs toward the door and quickly gets down from the bus. Jaejoong who just get out from his dream because of the slap hurriedly get down from the bus and running to catch up with Maki.


Maki turn her back and realized that Jaejoong is following her. She then speeds up her step and try to not listen to Jaejoong. Jaejoong also speed up his running and manage to stand in front of Maki breathless.

“You…kn..know? This.. is .. the second…time… I run because…of you.”

“Well you know that is not the first word that should come out from your mouth?”

“What?.......owh ya! The kiss!”

“It is not a kiss!”

“Not? Emmm…. You right because I’m the only one react maybe you should response from that..”

Jaejoong step further to Maki’s face. Maki didn’t back off but she sway her leg right on top off Jaejoong’s foot. Just enough to make him scream in pain.


“If you think I will be compromise with you this time, you already get an answer. Now, stay away from me.”


“What? Want another hit?”

“I’m sorry… okay?”

Maki didn’t expect sorry will come out from his mouth. She feels a bit happy, but of course she doesn’t show it. She just turns her back and continued her walking.



“Can we at least have a talk about the marriage thing?”

Maki rotate her body towards Jaejoong one more time. She knows that they really need to talk about the most happen marriage. She looks at Jaejoong and inhales some air. She then nods her head.

“What about the playground? It is near a shop and nobody will be playing since it is night.”

“You mean the playground where you were crying?”

“I mean a PLAYGROUND!”

“Okay then.”

They walk to the playground together; it takes some times because they do not get down at the right station. Maki is walking in front of Jaejoong, giving him a lot of times to watch her. Along the walk they don’t speak a word with each other. Maki pull out her phone and write a text message to Erika saying that she will be home in 30 minutes and she is buying her something.

They arrive at the playground, Maki sit herself at the swing and look up at Jaejoong. Jaejoong also take place at the swing beside Maki.

“So… what will happen after this?”

“I don’t know.”

“Don’t tell me you don’t know. I try to make excuse at the dinner but you don’t say a word.”

“I have reason for that.”

“Reason? You thinks the reason is important than the marriage?”

“For now? Yes!”

“Huh! I don’t even know how this thing started. I don’t know your family, I don’t know you. How can our parent suggest us to get married?”

“Doesn’t your parent tell you they are best friend? My father said he would do anything for your family.”

“The dinner is the first time I heard your father’s name from my parents. I don’t know anything about him or my family.”


“No..nothing. It’s not important. The important thing is that I can’t get married now.”

“Is it awful to marry me?”


“You really hate me, Maki?”

“I don’t hate you.”


“Well… for the second thought maybe I am!”


“Ehh… Why… we are… talking about this? We have a marriage to be worried about!”

Maki feel her cheek is blushing she try to hide it out by changing the topic. But suddenly a sound comes from Jaejoong. Maki quickly look at Jaejoong, he is holding his stomach.

“What’s wrong?”

“I think I’m having a situation call hungry.”

“Hungry? You late for the dinner and you hungry? Serve you right!”

“I wonder that shop have ramen?”

“I don’t know look for your self! I’m going.”



“Can you go with me?”

“Why I’m going to do that?”

“Cause I forget my wallet in my car which I left in front of the bus stop to chase you.”

“I don’t ask you to chase me! Why should I be responsible for that?”

“Because you owe me?”

“Don’t tell me the reason you chasing me is to demand your payment?”

“3.5 million won is not little even for me!”

“You’re !”

Maki did not wait for his response, she walk herself into the shop. She grabs a cup of ramen, a pack of biscuit and a juice and goes straightly to the counter. Jaejoong enter the shop and see Maki at the counter, before she even pay for the stuff jaejoong place another cup of ramen and juice on the counter.

“She pay for it, where is the pantry?”

Jaejoong take the ramen and walk to the pantry where he spot a table which been set up for the customer to dine in. The pantry is placed at the corner of the shop and people can see outside the shop clearly because the wall made of glass. He put the hot water in the ramen cup and closes it again. He takes a sit on the table, waiting for Maki.

“You forget your juice! I will deduct this from the debt.”

Maki put the juice in front of Jaejoong and start to walk away. But she get stuck on her second step, her wrist is pull away by Jaejoong.


“You know it is sad to eat alone?”

“I don’t ask you to eat here!”

“So, I can go to your apartment?”

“What? Let me go AJUSHI!!!”

Maki heave back her hand, she then look at Jaejoong seriously. She knows this won’t stop now, she sit herself next to Jaejoong and look out side the window. She just hopes this will end quickly. Jaejoong just smile because he won. He then opens the ramen and start filling his stomach, but his eyes did not move from Maki.

After a few minutes Maki gaze outside the window and trying to ignore Jaejoong stare, she spotted a stall, a rice cake stall. Then, the memories come back to her. The second meeting with him is at a rice cake stall near her college. She was enjoying the rice cake with Erika when he comes.


“Erika-chan, try this it is so OISHI!”

“Honto? Give me one!”

“You guys should try this one too!”

Maki and Erika turn their face towards the voice. He is just beside Maki eating a rice cake.

“EHHH….it’s you!”

“Hai Maki!”

“Maki-chan, you know him?”

“Of course she knows me, I’m her friend.”

“Ehhh!! Hontoni Maki-chan?”

“No! Wait, about that you are the one who decide that on your on!”

“Hidoina… Maki. I want to be your friend.”

“Why me?”

“Because you are my angel. Akkk…. I’m late to class, Ja ne Maki!”

One more time he run away from her leaving a question to think off.

“What was that about Maki-chan?”

Erika who was just watching feel weird, she kno

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
ctlights #2
Chapter 38: Welcome back,,, hehe.. Thanks for the update. Honestly i almost forget the story plot. But i try to re-read again, n i understand now. Ahahaha... Hope Maki will remember her husband soon...
useless_1 #4
Chapter 38: I cant believe that you updated this story!!! immense thank youssss also please complete it
lintayu #5
Chapter 38: thank youuuuu :)))
Chapter 37: hi author nim,,
its been a long time after i read this story..T.Ti think u have completed it,but i guess it wrong.hehehe.
stil,,im waiting for the update dear,,thank you..:*
MissABDy #7
Chapter 37: need for update pleaseee....
useless_1 #8
Chapter 37: Please update author nim
Viviannitta #9
visiting old fanfics and this is one of them