Chapter 32

WinNinG to HurTinG HeArt
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“It’s the truth! You can get the divorce paper from your in-law any time, you can walk away.”


“Erika, stop. Hyung is having a hard time.”


“Then you think Maki is not? I’m not saying I’m in Nari’s side, or even your side But I know that I will support anyone who can make her happy. I told Maki that she was in car accident and you’re the one who hit her.”


“What? Why you do that for?”


Micky is surprised with Erika’s word, Jaejoong also tilt his head as he can’t believe what he just said.


“ I just give the reason for Jaejoong oppa to keep seeing her, it’s all on you now, how to gain her love back, if you still want to.”


Erika gets up and leave the two of them be but Micky slowly follow her from behind.


“I tried to help him.”


Erika voiced out before Micky could speak out, Micky let out a silent sigh.


“Maki deserve to be happy, she can’t be like this forever.”


Tears starts to climb down her cheeks, all of her cool act disappear at once. Micky slowly pull her over in his embrace.


“I’m so sorry, I didn’t consider your feeling. She will be happy, I can promise you that. We will make her happy.”


Erika just nods her head while finishing her sobbing on Micky’s chest.




Jaejoong was on his way to Maki’s room when he saw Nari just come out, they are both on each other’s eyes. Nari closes the door behind him and start to walk away.


“I love her.”


Nari stops and turn his head.


“You’re not the only one,”


“Please let me took care of her.”


“You have done more than enough.”


“Please, let me protect her.’


“Protect? Seriously? After what happened, you still dare to use that word?”


“I know that I make a mistake, a huge one but it surely not a mistake that I love her with all my heart. I know that you feel the same as I do, and I understand you try to push me away from her side but…’


Jaejoong is on his knee, Nari taken by surprise, his eyes is wider than before.


“Give me the opportunity to take care of her.”


 Nari can hear a soft subbing from Jaejoong, he knows that they share the same feeling. He knows too that Maki is in love with the man kneeling in front of him.




“Why? Can’t sleep again?”


Maki always wake up in the middle of night since she woke up from coma, sometimes twice and sometimes she stays until dawn come. Her dark circle can clearly be seen. She has cold sweat and look really uncomfortable.


“Yup. This is killing me.”


“What? You feel pain? You want me to call the doctor?”


“No. I’m not in pain, it just…it here.”


Maki rub on her chest hoping for the feeling to go away.


“What is it?”


“You know when you go out from your house and at the middle of the road you got this feeling that you forgetting something? I keep on feeling the same thing over and over again, it making me crazy.”


“You forgot something?”


“Hmm, I already check everything. Twice! I don’t think I forgot anything. This is really weird.”


(End of Flashback)


Nari couldn’t stand of Maki’s nightmare anymore. He knows exactly what is it th

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
ctlights #2
Chapter 38: Welcome back,,, hehe.. Thanks for the update. Honestly i almost forget the story plot. But i try to re-read again, n i understand now. Ahahaha... Hope Maki will remember her husband soon...
useless_1 #4
Chapter 38: I cant believe that you updated this story!!! immense thank youssss also please complete it
lintayu #5
Chapter 38: thank youuuuu :)))
Chapter 37: hi author nim,,
its been a long time after i read this story..T.Ti think u have completed it,but i guess it wrong.hehehe.
stil,,im waiting for the update dear,,thank you..:*
MissABDy #7
Chapter 37: need for update pleaseee....
useless_1 #8
Chapter 37: Please update author nim
Viviannitta #9
visiting old fanfics and this is one of them