The unplanned wedding night

WinNinG to HurTinG HeArt
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Maki didn’t say a word after she read the note. She just stood still at the beach and throws away her sight off to the sea. Jaejoong keep watching on her from the side.

“We should go now, it is getting late.”

“Go? Where?”

“To the bungalow on the island. I bet it we can find a place to sleep.”

“Wait! A bungalow?”

“Yes, we have one on this island but we rarely use it since we don’t come here often.”

“I don’t mean that. Are you saying we are sleeping in one house alone?”

“Well, I don’t mind if you want to sleep here.”

Jaejoong leave Maki and start walking to the Bungalow. Maki just watch him walk away from her and she starts looking around her, she is reluctant to follow him. Everything looks so dark and how much she hates it. She keeps on thinking the bad things until she realize something is moving in the bush beside her. She start running all her might until she arrive an inch behind Jaejoong. Jaejoong who realize the whole situation just laugh and keep on walking.

After five minutes walk they finally arrive at a bungalow Jaejoong was talking about. Even the bungalow is surrounded by darkness, Maki still can see the how beautiful the bungalow is. It feels like the bungalow is glowing with small amount of lamp around it. Jaejoong already enter the house and he see on the table a complete dinner set include the champagne was already set up.

“Is that champagne?” Maki is shock with what she see in the bungalow. The whole place smell like a rose and then she see what Jaejoong is seeing.

“Yup, I bet they are serious about the honeymoon.”

Jaejoong look at Maki, but Maki quickly change her sight to other way. One more time Jaejoong burst into laughter. Maki tries so hard to ignore which is impossible when they have been left alone like this. Jaejoong sit down to enjoy the dinner since he is s hungry.

“You don’t want some?”

Maki look at Jaejoong and then the food, they look so tasty. She holds her stomach and it ask to be feed. She then takes a seat in front of Jaejoong and start put on the food one by one into . She seem like she doesn’t eat for already a week.

Everything on the table is clear within 20 minutes. Jaejoong finish his last bite of chicken and get up from the seat. He enters one room and come out with some cloth in his hand. He hand it over to Maki who is still don’t finish eating.

“Here! You can sleep in the next room. I sleep in this room; I take the bath first then.”

Maki suddenly stop her dinner and supper when she heard that come out from his mouth. She cleans her hand and all her appetite gone away just like that. Now she knows that they are going to sleep in different place make her feel more scared. She still remembered the first time she has to sleep the first day she moved to the apartment. She was so scared and she had to open the entire lamp and still she doesn’t get a sleep that night. How she is going to get through this night then?

Jaejoong come out from the bathroom and he catches glances at Maki. Why she still looks so pretty even with some sauce on her face. This is so hard for him to avoid from hugging and kissing her when she already in front of him. He has to stop all the dirty thinking out of his mind, he already has Masami.

“You can go in now! I go to bed first.”






Jaejoong is a little confuse looking at Maki, she seem weird somehow. Is there anything brothering her? At that time the incident in the room come back to his mind. Of course she looks troubled she must miss her boyfriend already. Jaejoong then enter the room and close the door.
Maki get into the bathroom and clean herself. After 15 minutes she got out from the bathroom and headed to the room that Jaejoong point for her before. She open the door and see a beautiful bed n the center, anyone will be surprise how the room look so modern. Seeing the decoration make her heart calm down a little bit. Not enough with the main lamp she switches on the desk lamp. She crawls up to the bed, it is so warm and soft much differ from hers. She lies down and moves around the bed with so much comfortable, the time goes by just like that.

“Aunty? Are you sure both of them will be alright?”

“Erika-chan, no need to worry. Maki has a husband now; he will take care of her. Furthermore they only going to be there for a night, we are going to pick them up tomorrow morning right?”

“I guess so.”

“SIR!!!” all of them turns their head to the voice. There they see one of the sailors running harshly toward them.

“What’s wrong?” Mr. Kim asks the question to the sailor, somehow he feels something bad.

“We have an emergency situation ahead; we may face a storm if we merge forward. We need to change the direction of the ship.”

“Change! What you mean?”

“If we still move forward we will face the probability to sink.


“We need your order sir.”

“Fine, do whatever you need to do.” The sailor dash back to the back.

“What are you saying honey? Jae and Maki is still on the island, we can’t pick them first?”

“Look, they are on the island, it is the people on the ship we should be worried about.”

Erika doesn’t have any word on her mind at that time except one name, which is Maki.


The wind from outside become more wild than before but still it does not worried her at all. At the time she wants to close her eyes a sudden struck heard from the outside make her jump off the bed. She was so shocked that her heart is going to explode. She tries to calm her down by thinking something else, but somehow only Jaejoong face is playing on her mind. Then another thunder strikes near the room make her scream like no tomorrow.

Jaejoong woke up from his dream and rush into the next room; there he saw Maki is on the floor still screaming with her both hand cuffing her ears.

“Maki! Maki!” Jaejoong grab Maki’s shoulder and try to make her realized of his present. Maki tilt her head and so happy to see Jaejoong she immediately hugs him as hard as she can. Her tears already wet his shoulder since he didn’t wear any shirt at all. Jaejoong stunts for a moment, but he did reply her hug.

“Shh…Its okay, I’m here.”

Maki start to calm down and her tears slowly to stop. Then she realized the situation, she is hugging her most hated husband. She then pushes him away with the same energy she uses to hug him. Jaejoong fall back down hard to the floor.

“Aish! What is that for!”

“Why don’t you wear a shirt before entering the room? Ajushi!”

“Hah? You think I want to? You the one who make the first move, hugging me like never hug a man before!.”

“I am!”

The answer makes jaejoong goes into silent and he did not even try to get up on his feet, all he does is just staring at her face. She sure is blushing, her cheeks is in red color now. Even Maki is slowly wiping her tears and at the same time try to hide her face from Jaejoong.

“What are you looking at Ajushi!”

“Yah! I’m your husband now! At least stop calling me Ajushi.”

“Why should I when you don’t stop behave like one?”

“I don’t believe I just married with you.”

“You think I do?”

“Well, if neither of us believe it then why don’t we try to proof it together then.”

With that sentence he moves slowly toward Maki with a smirk on his face. Maki widen her eyes and her heart is beating too fast. She then quickly get up and manage to grab on a vase on the desk.

“I swear I will beat you to death if you come near me.”

Jaejoong just laugh softly and he stands up. He takes just another look to Maki and then he left the room. Maki is so relieve with his action to left the room otherwise she has to commit a murder that night.


Masami rush to her room and throw her purse into the bed violently which wake Hyebin up from her dream.

“Masami? Weiyo?” Hyebin voice out with her eyes which still do not open.


Hyebin jump out from the bed shocked with the hard voice come from Masami. She thought she just meet go to meet Jaejoong, how can she be this angry except if Jaejoong was doing something with his new wife. Couldn’t be? Hyebin just murmured slowly in her heart.

“Calm down Masami. What happen?”

“Those two old brats really thought doing this thing will separate me and Jae. Fine! They can do whatever they want but I will make sure they will be kneeling in front of me one day!”


“Just go to bed!” Masami take back her bag on the bed and goes out from the room where she can compose herself down.


“Erika, I know you know where she is. I need to talk to her.”

“Even if I told you where she is, no one in this ship can reach her now including you.”

“What you mean?”

“She is on an island with her husband… for their honeymoon.” Erika already arranges the step to get away from Nari who keep on following her the whole evening.

“I know the real thing about the marriage.”


“The marriage, about Mr. Kim accident and how they force Maki.”


“How I know? I won’t be Mr. Kim best worker if that even small secret I can’t get through. You still want to hide this from me? She will be living like hell if she stays like this. How can you let this happen?”

“Are you blaming me?”

“You are her best friend.”

“Yes I am! And you the person she love that leave her in the time she needs you the most!”

Nari could not reply back what Erika is accusing him because it is true. They keep on silence for about a minute.

“I know that I left her, but I did it for a reason. A reason that I already told her.”

“You told her? I thought you say you want to talk to her?”

“I did talk to her but it is not enough, she needs to know how much I need her.”

“Why? When she needs you, you not even here. Why she needs to understand a person who betrays her?”

“Erika please! You know she never love somebody else except me. And the same goes for me.” This time Nari eyes become teary, it is painful for him to say every word this time. He really hopes Erika can forgive him and tell him where Maki is right now, he is like crazy searching for Maki the whole evening.

On the end of the corner stood a lady with a very bright smile. She seem satisfied with what she just heard, at last something is there to make her mood becomes better. Look like the storm is actually bringing her some luck too.

“Well…well…well… looks like our little new bride have a little dark secret, hmmm.”


Maki still can’t sleep, the bad weather is effecting her some how. She is so worried if the thunder is striking for the next minutes. She hates it, she is wondering whether she can sleep or not tonight. She is now sitting on the bed with both of her hands are hugging the pillow tight. The entire lamps she can find is borrowing their light to her so she can feel serene for just this night. Sometimes she did glances to the next room thinking if Jaejoong is already asleep or not, but no noise come out from the room.

Jaejoong is just relaxing his legs with walking back forward the room, sleeping on one roof with his bride make her feels so nervous. His eyes did not move from the door, his legs feels like going to her room. He needs to do something, anything to calm him down.


Jaejoong dash to Maki’s room as soon as possible when he heard a loud scream from Maki. He pushes the door hard and enters the room; there he sees Maki is standing on her bed with a pillow in her hand. A vase is already broken to pieces in shattered on the floor.

“What..Wh..What Happen?”

“Ajushi! Help me! Co…”



“WHAT??” Jaejoong so frustrated with Maki attitude, he was so worried about her.


“HUH?” Jaejoong try to look at the broken vase, there is like two or three cockroaches looking for supper.

“WAH!!!!!!” Jaejoong scream and join Maki on the bed. He hugs Maki tight and still continuing scream.

“AJUSHI! What are you doing? Go catch them!” Maki tries to push Jaejoong down the bed.

“Why me!”

“Ajushi! Are you kidding me now? Don’t tell me you afraid of them?”

“What? Man can’t be afraid of cockroach? Who taught you that?”


“Don’t call me Ajushi!”

Maki did not believe she just witnessed a man who always talk with such pride will ended up looking like this. Maki is now totally forgot about the cockroaches, her attention is now is on the man beside her, looking pale just because of a cockroaches. For a matter of time, a small laugh comes out from .

“Did you just laugh at me?”

“Em..No.” but still a smile do not leave her face.

“Stop it!”

“I do not laugh at you.”

“Stop it, I’ m serious. You are seducing me.”

Maki tilts her head a bit so she can see how blushing Jaejoong is. With such milky skin he looks red in color. Maki switch her stare to other corner of the room when Jaejoong stare back at her. What they do not realize is that one of the cockroaches is now climbing up to the bed. Maki feels something gross at her feet that make her quickly look down.

“KYAAAAA!!!!!!” Maki scream drove Jaejoong eyes to her feet and there he saw his worst enemy is now on Maki’s foot.

“WAHH!!!!!” Jaejoong grab Maki’s hand and run towards the door. Both of them run until they are at the veranda, and automatically they jump on the sofa still hugging each other.

“Do they follow us?” Maki is so worried that the cockroaches will stick on her clothes.

“I think it worse than that.”

“Huh? Don’t scaring me!” Maki look at Jaejoong but he stood beside her motionless. Then his hand pointed at the edge of the veranda. Maki follow his hand with her eyes, this time her eyes are enlarging like never before.


Then she run one more time but this time she stops at the center of the veranda. She found a big table and with all her might she jump on the table.

“Ajushi! What are you doing? Come here now!”

Jaejoong is still stand with his hand pointing at the black shiny skin snake which is just move toward the sofa.

“AJUSHI! AJUSHI! KIM JAEJOONG!!!!” jaejoong realize from his stun, he spot Maki on the table. He run towards her and do exactly what Maki did. He jumps on the table and one more time hugging Maki tightly, and he is wet with his cold sweat. Maki can feel his heart beating like crazy same as her; she just let Jaejoong hug her as tight as he can.

“We not in the zoo right?” 



Jaejoong feel like the cold wind is dancing along with his blood inside his body. He feels so cold; he hug the soft pillow in his hand more tight but still the cold don’t want to leave him then he tries to grab the blanket with his hand. His eyes are still close, but he can’t find one. Then he opens his eyes lazily and his eyes open more than one inches when he realize the pillow he been hugging is actually his new wife. He move his body a little bit to see where is they are sleeping, he looks around and notice they have been sleeping on the big table which been the place for them to run away from the snake. Then he nervously looking for the sign of the snake, but it has gone. He lay down back at the same place, his hand still hugging Maki who seem not to be bother by any m

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
ctlights #2
Chapter 38: Welcome back,,, hehe.. Thanks for the update. Honestly i almost forget the story plot. But i try to re-read again, n i understand now. Ahahaha... Hope Maki will remember her husband soon...
useless_1 #4
Chapter 38: I cant believe that you updated this story!!! immense thank youssss also please complete it
lintayu #5
Chapter 38: thank youuuuu :)))
Chapter 37: hi author nim,,
its been a long time after i read this story..T.Ti think u have completed it,but i guess it wrong.hehehe.
stil,,im waiting for the update dear,,thank you..:*
MissABDy #7
Chapter 37: need for update pleaseee....
useless_1 #8
Chapter 37: Please update author nim
Viviannitta #9
visiting old fanfics and this is one of them