The hurtful thunder

WinNinG to HurTinG HeArt
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Maki toddle out from the hospital with a heavy step. She still can’t believe what already happen in the hospital. But for sure she can’t do anything to avoid it from happen. She is 20 years old and going to be wed with somebody she hates. Somebody that she only knows his name. she tilts her head in front of her, her parents are so happy with this marriage. Why don’t they ask her opinion about the marriage?


“ Horikita?”

“Yes Oppa, I’m here”

“You guys don’t mind with this marriage?”

“Sure, your happiness is our happiness too."

“Yes Oppa, don’t worry just let your sister here manage everything about the marriage. Unni, just take care of Oppa and look your best for the marriage.”

“Thank you…th..thank…you.”

Mr. and Mrs. Kim burst out of tears with the reception of Mr. and Mrs. Horikita. They know they can be counted on when they are in troubles. Maki who is now standing in the corner of the room just observe the situation with broken heart.


Maki put up her face towards Micky.

“Can we talk?”

Maki just nodded her head and get out from the room followed by Micky and Jaejoong’s eyes.

“Actually I know about the marriage, but I don’t know it is going to be you…”

“Me too. But I think I can run from it, I guess I was wrong.”

“I don’t know what to say…”

“Me either….”

Micky want to talk about lots of stuff but it is just don’t want to come out. He looks at Maki and knows immediately his hope is gone. This girl going to be with somebody else, somebody he love and respect. Somebody he consider as his brother.



“You are so lucky you know that?”

Maki just listen to her mother without looking at her. She knows there is nothing he can do now.

“Honey, I already call for the Andre Kim for the wedding dress!!!!"

“Yes, that is good. Why don’t you manage the hotel and I manage the guest list and the catering.”

“Sound like a good plan.”



“Just make sure you are there at the wedding, no class and no late, GOT IT?”

“Yes, you don’t want the groom run away do you?”

“If he is you the one we will blame at.”

“Here, for your taxi fare, we don’t have time to drop you at college.”

Mr. Horikita hands over few notes to Maki, and then they drive out from the hospital. She just sends them with her eyes. This is the second time after two years she got money from her parents. The first time of course for her to move out from the house. With that money she was able to pay her apartment.

Maki has no mood to go to her class, she just wandering around the hospital square. Then she notices a playground and a swing. She sits on the swing and put her bag beside her. She sway the swing a bit hoping for the wind to blow away all of her problems.




“What are going to do now?”

“Do I look like I have a choice here?”

“How about Masami?”


“Cool down okay….”


“I just want to tell you that in a minute a whole world will know about this marriage. The whole press already got this news.”

“Yes, it apart of my fathers will.”

“Why uncle doing this? Why Maki?”

“Why? You are going to hate me?”

“You are my brother and Maki… she just a … just a friend.”


“Fine! Not a friend to me. But she considers me a friend. I just want her to be happy.”

“You think she will?”

“From her face just now, I don’t think so.”


“Hmm.. she looks horrible.”

“I don’t know Micky. All of this feels like a dream for me which I can’t wake up from it. Masami will be frustrated with this. I’m going to loose her.”

“Well I know that feeling, I already loss someone.”


“Just forget it; just do what you need to do. I have to go back to the office, I’m the only one can handle the workers right now. Take care aunty and if something new just call me.”

“Thank you Micky.”

They hug each other to relieve stress. They rarely do that, but it just something they need from each other now. Micky leaves Jaejoong with his thought and heading to the office. Jaejoong can’t go back to his father’s room. He just can’t face her father, he knows that his mother don’t like any of this but because of love she sacrifice. And because of that he doesn’t have any power to say no. he just walking out from the hospital to breath in fresh air but his eyes stop at the playground. He goes inside again.

Maki still in her bad mood, she just playing with the swing and try to get energy to go to her class. But she seem not getting any, her head is off functioning with the marriage. She was about to get up when someone shove a can of coffee in front of her. She tips her head and sees her soon to be husband beside her. She just takes the can and sits back on the swing.

“You really love playground hah?”

“Ya, maybe…”

“So.. What happen next?”

“You tell me!”

“Thank you.”


“You say yes.”

“I have my own reason.”

“Yes, of course. Everyone in your place wouldn’t say no.”

“What you mean?”

“Well, let me guess…. Emmm.. the property?”

Maki give out a small laugh hearing the word property. She can’t believe the guy in front of her think she says yes to the marriage because of money.

“I am right?”

Jaejoong ask again, this time with insinuate smile.

“You think I say yes to destroy my life just because one of fourth of your father’s property?”

“One of fourth of my dictionary is huge; it is enough to pay your debt and for your rent and college fees for the next 20 years.”

“You know what? It is not you should thanks to me, I should. Because you just ruined my life forever!. Now will excuse me.”

“Why? Going to say goodbye to your Boyfriendsssssss?”

“I don’t think I would worry about that since you the one have a trouble girlfriend!”

“She is not trouble! And I don’t say anything about breaking up with her.”

“Weird, so do I with my boyfriendssss.”

“Micky is so fool to fall in love with you.”

“Yes he is. But maybe I have extra place for him!."


Maki just smile evilly to Jaejoong and move her but out from the hospital. From the far she can hear someone is smashing a can to the ground. She smiles more noticing she is the winner this time. But the smile won’t last for long time. She calls for taxi and get in heading to her college with change on her face. Now she realized how her life would be a week after today. How can she life with that guy for three years? She is right, she is destroying her life.




She rushes toward Erika who is waiting for her at their usual place. She then hugs Erika and suddenly her tears go down like crazy. Erika is shocked with Maki behavior; she knows something must be wrong. Maki’s parent must up to something which Maki did not agree with. When those two old man and woman will stop torturing their daughter?

“Maki? What’s wrong?”

“E..erika…. I getting married…”

“I know, you already told me right?”

“Next week!”


Maki tell Erika everything from the minutes she been dragged out from her apartment until the scene at the playground. Erika was speechless, she don’t know what to say.

“Maki… you’re so unlucky."

“I know. Since I met him everything in my life are disaster.”

“ really getting married?”

“Yes, my mother prepared everything. And I thought she would not care about my m

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
ctlights #2
Chapter 38: Welcome back,,, hehe.. Thanks for the update. Honestly i almost forget the story plot. But i try to re-read again, n i understand now. Ahahaha... Hope Maki will remember her husband soon...
useless_1 #4
Chapter 38: I cant believe that you updated this story!!! immense thank youssss also please complete it
lintayu #5
Chapter 38: thank youuuuu :)))
Chapter 37: hi author nim,,
its been a long time after i read this story..T.Ti think u have completed it,but i guess it wrong.hehehe.
stil,,im waiting for the update dear,,thank you..:*
MissABDy #7
Chapter 37: need for update pleaseee....
useless_1 #8
Chapter 37: Please update author nim
Viviannitta #9
visiting old fanfics and this is one of them