The beginning of a dilema

WinNinG to HurTinG HeArt
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Jaejoong is whistling and dancing through his way to the office, these few days he feels like he is in heaven. To be together with his wife without others companion is truly a bless for him. Even though he really wants to hug Maki every night in his sleep, he needs to be patient since he understands that his wife is having an important exam. Sleeping on the sofa is no problem for him. But still just being able to see her face everyday is enough. Every single tiredness on his body flew away when Maki was there in front of him when he gets back from work. They cook together, talk more and Jaejoong learns a lot about Maki, if he knows how happy he will be, he for surely ask from his Omma to move out with Maki to his apartment after his marriage.

Everyone in the office is looking at their vice president soon to be their president rocking his body with his car key jingling on his hand. He seems not to be bother by the bystanders. Ayumi also surprised with his boss attitude, until she forgets to inform him the bad news about the visitor. Jaejoong just put his two fingers on his forehead and wink at Ayumi. He makes his way to his room but every movement stop when he see a recognize face on his office sofa.


“Yes, I’m sorry to interrupt your…your performance.”

Jaejoong cough out his nervous and slowly repairing his suits and walk to his desk.

“What can I do for you?”

“So, I’m just qualified for client treatment now.”


“I get it, I’m your past and your..your wife is your present.”

“I thought we are over with this.”

Masami just smirk to Jaejoong and get up from her seat making her move towards Jaejoong on his desk.

“ I was waiting for you actually every night, but you seems to find a room for yourself in her apartment.”

“I don’t think you need to know about that. You don’t need to wait for me anymore, Masami.”

“Wao, you said those words so easily, after you promise me that your heart won’t change.”

“Masami…I’m, I’m so sorry for whatever I’ve done to you. But the truth is she is the first, I never felt like I am right now. What between us is not love, it is just…”

“Just what? Lust? You really change! I don’t know what that do to you!”

“Masami, I warned you already, mind your words.”

“Owh, now you can’t even stand that either? Wow, great love passion.”

“Masami,I know this is hard for you, but you deserve someone who love you.”

“Shut up! You.. you never cared about me the same you cared about her. I love you first but yet that doesn’t mean anything to you.”

“The feeling you have for me is not love, Masami. You just want to own me so you can brag it out to everyone.”

“Stop! Don’t you dare analyzing my love!”

Masami tears poured down heavily on her cheeks, her hand still shaking after give a slap on Jaejoong cheek. She losses control over her body.

“’My love for you is real, but she isn’t. I’m going to prove that to you! I will make sure you crawl back to me!.”


Jaejoong fail to stop Masami as she almost dash her body out from the building.

“Tough break up huh?”

Micky is front of his office and just looking back at his boss and smile again. Jaejoong let out heavy sigh and turn back to his office followed by Micky on his back.

“I wonder what she will do next. Hope not dangerous to anyone.”

“I should be the one to be blame.”

“Trust me, you’re not.”


“What are we going to do honey?”

Mrs Horikita is walking left and right in front of her husband. She was worried to death. She never thought that they will come to this situation; they always have a way to run from their problems. Mr Horikita is on the sofa with his hand on his head, it feels like it can burst anytime soon. He was awake since yesterday when he receives the shocking news.

“I told you before not to be greedy. What if they report to the police? We might end up in jail.”

Mr. Horikita just listens to his wife nagging in front of him. He already considered the possibility that they might end up in prison.

“There is no other way; we need to talk to Jung Hoon oppa.”

“Are you an idiot? You forget that the land own by him now? If we didn’t pay back the money….we might end up in our grave earlier.”

“Maybe we can pretend that we made a mistake, we..”

“Shut up! He can’t know about this, remember! I will die in front of you if he knows everything, understand?”

“So, what will we do? We have no money to pay them! I don’t want to rot in prison!”

“ I will try to talk to some of my friends, you should too.”

“You think I didn’t try that already? They only my friends when I have money…those bastards.”

Once again silence come to them, they know that no one will help them in terms of money. Even their company is on edge of bankruptcy. All just because their addiction to the gambling, even since their eldest son died nobody seems have the power to stop their foolishness.

“How about Maki?”

“What you mean dear?”

“She can get the money for us.”

“ You want her to ask money from Jung Hoon oppa? Then oppa will know everything then.”

“If she divorce, she can get their property. Even a little is enough to cover our debt. Then we will flee from here and stay at other place who nobody knows us.”

“Divorce? But the will said that..”

“I know what the will said, but remember that we forced Maki to marry. If we use law, we can get enough money or even more. There will be more than a reason to gain money from that.”

“How about Maki?”

“You can handle her, she loves you more than she loves herself. You will get through her. Furthermore she might be happy if we ask her to divorce since both of us know she already have somebody she loves”

“You’re right. We need to move faster.”


Maki is walking back from the exam halls, she just finish her exam. She pulls out her phone and see a message was sent to her.

“You did well right? That’s my girl.”

Maki just smile looking on the screen, every time she finishes her exam the same message will be delivered to her by her husband. Maki still not believe how happy her life is right now, being able to receive love from Jaejoong is bliss of heaven. She never expected to love somebody else beside Nari, but she still doesn’t have the bravery to admit that she fall for her husband. The message is left without reply as always.

“Easy questions?”

Maki is shocked with the voice come in front of her, she almost let out a small shout.


“Hye, we meet again.”

“What are you doing here?”

“Well, I can’t meet you anymore?”

“Of course, not! How about a lunch?”

“Really? Somebody not going to punch me?”

Maki just laugh at Nari being afraid of Jaejoong. She then led the way out of the college. She usually having lunch with Jaejoong at her apartment, but today Jaejoong already apologize to her that he will have meeting with his client on lunch and only be back at night.

Nari stop his car in front of a restaurant near the college, he then open the door for Maki and both of them disappear into the restaurant.

“So, what will you have? Spaghetti and orange juice again?”

Maki just smile and slowly nodded her head agreeing with Nari.

“You look healthier”

“You mean fat?”

“Nope! I mean….cute.”

“How about you? You been healthier?”

Nari takes a while to answer the question with a nod.

“You sure?”

“Yes, I feel good. The doctor lessens my medicine too.”

“That’s good right?”


“So, may I know the real reason why you were at my college?”

“I really want to see you, but if I know this is what I see I might not come at all.”

“What you mean?”

“You look different; you look like….in love.”


“I know, I get it. Just forget

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
ctlights #2
Chapter 38: Welcome back,,, hehe.. Thanks for the update. Honestly i almost forget the story plot. But i try to re-read again, n i understand now. Ahahaha... Hope Maki will remember her husband soon...
useless_1 #4
Chapter 38: I cant believe that you updated this story!!! immense thank youssss also please complete it
lintayu #5
Chapter 38: thank youuuuu :)))
Chapter 37: hi author nim,,
its been a long time after i read this story..T.Ti think u have completed it,but i guess it wrong.hehehe.
stil,,im waiting for the update dear,,thank you..:*
MissABDy #7
Chapter 37: need for update pleaseee....
useless_1 #8
Chapter 37: Please update author nim
Viviannitta #9
visiting old fanfics and this is one of them