The Trickster

WinNinG to HurTinG HeArt
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Maki get out from the bathroom after wash up. She opens her bag and takes out her blouse for the breakfast. She gets ready and combs her hair but her mind is still on the incident last night. She doesn’t even want to get out from the room, she was afraid if she met him again. She also didn’t understand why she was even trying avoiding him although he is the one she wants to see the most for the last one year. Why he appear now? Why not before the marriage? Her tears come out again flowing on her cheeks. Suddenly her phone ringing and Erika’s name appear on the screen.

“Maki-chan, Ohaiyo.”


“What taking you so long, Mr. Kim keep asking where you are.”

“I’m not hungry; can you just tell them I want to rest more?” Maki feels so uncomfortable to face her father in law after what happen. She decided not to go for breakfast.

“You alright?”

“I’m fine, Erika, can you meet me at my room. We need to talk.”

“Okay, I bring some food for you.”

“What’s wrong Erika?” Mrs. Kim is the one who ask Erika to call Maki.

“Maki said she not going up for breakfast, I will go and check her up.” Erika takes a plate and put on some bread and jams. She then left the deck and headed to Maki’s room.

“Jae, is Maki alright?”

“Yes, she is when I’m out the room just now. Maybe she just needs a company.”

“If she needs one why don’t you stay with her?”

“Omma, she is a girl.”

“She is your wife.”

Jaejoong just let his mother’s word goes out from his ear. He keeps silent and make an eye contact with Micky who just observe them talking.


Hiroki pack all his stuff early in the morning, his plan is to get out from the ship as fast as he can. He can’t see his beloved is sitting next to another person. Yes, it is his fault that she belongs to somebody else now. But he has his own reason, the reason that make him disappear for one year.

He doesn’t sleep all night long, what he does is keep thinking about what Erika said. It is true that Maki’s smile that he saw last night is not the same as he saw when he knows her. It is true that Maki is not happy with the marriage? It is true that she still do not forget about him? If Maki is not happy then why she do it? Her parent? Of course, it must be her parent. Then e realized he needs to cancel his plan, he needs to stay to make sure thing clear, and he really needs to talk with Maki.


Erika knocks on the door and goes inside the room. There she sees Maki is sitting on the couch. Erika takes a sit beside Maki and hand over the plate to her. Maki receive it but she put the plate down on the table.

“Before you say anything I know what are you going to ask and I tried to look for him after we sent you into the room and I can’t find him anywhere.”

“So, It.. is him?”

“I’m afraid so.”

“Why now Erika? Why after the marriage?”

“Maki, calm down. You need to act as usual, what if your mother and father in law know about this?”

“What if they know?”

“You already married to their son Maki, do you think the wedding will easily cancel? What about your parent then?”

Maki then start to think negative things, it is true that her mother will be furious if she knows about this. Beside that her mother already expose that she never had a lover before, if this thing expose she will be labeled as a liar.

“Why me? Why I have to gone through this?” Maki tears can’t hold on anymore, it flows rapidly on her cheeks. Erika hugs Maki to calm her down.

“Maki, I don’t know what to say. No one deserves this especially you, trust me, if I can take your place I will.”

Another knock heard outside the door, Maki and Erika exchange their look with each other. Maki quickly wipe her tears.

“Maki, it’s me Omma. Can I come in?” Erika walks to the door and opens it.

“Maki, something wrong? You still feeling dizzy? You need me to call the doctor again?”

Mrs. Kim sound worried from her voice. She then sit beside Maki and check her temperature again.

“No, Omma I’m fine. I just need a talk with Erika.” Maki explain her best to Mrs. Kim hoping for no more question. Mrs. Kim then grabs Maki hand slowly.

“Look, Maki I know you have a stress because of the wedding. But I just want you to know that from now on you have two fathers and two mothers. You can talk to me if your mom is busy okay? Please treat me as your mother.”

Maki tears drop again when she heard the sentence. She grips Mrs. Kim hand firmly to show her appreciation.

“Hey… stop it Maki. You don’t like me as your mother?”

“ I’m.. just to happy. Thank you Omma.”

“You know what? I already chose somebody to be my daughter in law and I was fuming when I found out that my son is marrying somebody else. But the truth is when the first time I saw you I already consider you as my daughter.”

“Thank…..” Maki did not finish her word this time; her tears avoid her for doing so.

“Now..stop it dear. Come you need to breathe some fresh airs. Let’s go out with me, you too Erika.”

Erika just nods her head and follows Mrs. Kim who is dragging Maki up to the deck.


Micky just watch Maki who is enjoying the view with Erika and Mr. and Mrs. Kim. He is holding a juice in his hand. Jaejoong who actually does the some join Micky who is sitting near the pool.

“What are you thinking?”


“What happen to her last night?”


Jaejoong nods his head once, Micky don’t know what is wrong with him. His tongue is hard to say whatever he saw and heard last night.

“The doc says everything right?”

“Ya..ya..but I don’t seem to see that Nari guy today.”

“Nari guy?”

“The last person shakes hand with Maki.”

“Owh, I don’t notice him. So, I was wondering actually why Masami is not here?”

“Honestly I don’t know too. Where is Hyebin?”

“I don’t see her since last night. It is pretty weird huh?”

“Yup. Well I hope they don’t appear at tonight party.”

“Why was that?”

“Maki needs rest, I’m sure she wont if both of them are here.”

“You worry about her?”

“She… she faint last night. Anyone should worry about her.”


“I’m not going to be here for the party, I need to go back to the office.”

“Appa order you?”

“No..not really. It just that I need to settle the contract with the Blue-Q today.”

“Owh… just be careful. You don’t need to do all the work; you will get white hair easily.”

“Chummal? (Really) I don’t see uncle have one.”

“He uses one of the best dyers on the earth.”

Both of them laugh for the stupid joke. But far on Micky head he chooses to just not to tell Jaejoong about what he knows about Maki. For him Jaejoong may not be interested to know.



“Micky Oppa.”

“You seem full of energy now.”

“I have a good rest last night.”

“It must be hard for you last night.”


“You must be too tired that you can collapse on the floor.”

“Owh..Ya I guess so.” Micky realize the changes on Maki’s face. Maybe she afraid that he will ask question about Nari.

“I’m actually want to tell you that I will not have the opportunity to dance with you tonight.”

“Why is that? You don’t want to?”

“Hey, I will be the happiest man on earth for that but the fact is that I need to go back to the office. Got some stuff to deal on.”

“Honto? I thought you have three days of holiday.”

“For a manager in a company that both of the president and vice president is not around there are no holidays.”

“You are not going to join us after that?”

“I don’t know yet, I try my best.”

“Please do so. Erika and I will feel bored with

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
ctlights #2
Chapter 38: Welcome back,,, hehe.. Thanks for the update. Honestly i almost forget the story plot. But i try to re-read again, n i understand now. Ahahaha... Hope Maki will remember her husband soon...
useless_1 #4
Chapter 38: I cant believe that you updated this story!!! immense thank youssss also please complete it
lintayu #5
Chapter 38: thank youuuuu :)))
Chapter 37: hi author nim,,
its been a long time after i read this story..T.Ti think u have completed it,but i guess it wrong.hehehe.
stil,,im waiting for the update dear,,thank you..:*
MissABDy #7
Chapter 37: need for update pleaseee....
useless_1 #8
Chapter 37: Please update author nim
Viviannitta #9
visiting old fanfics and this is one of them