The Marriage day

WinNinG to HurTinG HeArt
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Neither of them speak in the car, Maki just look away far out of the window. Deeply in her heart she has been feeling discomfort sitting beside Jaejoong. She knows that his eyes are stealing glances to her, but she just try acting like she didn’t know. Her head right now feeling dizzier because of the air cone, she is like that, she can’t stand car air cone after the accident. Furthermore she did not anything yet today, she feels so weak right now.

Jaejoong glimpses at Maki sometime he notices that there is something wrong with her, since she is so silent today. Why she didn’t argue with him? He misses that soft voice from her, but he didn’t know what to do to hear it again. Times goes just like that and they finally arrive at the hotel. Jaejoong get out from the car so do Maki with a confuse face. Jaejoong walk into the hotel and look at his back searching for Maki, but she still stands outside the hotel. Jaejoong get out once again and pull her hand to follow him to g inside the hotel, surprisingly she did not fight at all. Jaejoong take a look at her again but her just looking around the hotel. Then they arrive at the tea lounge and Jaejoong is searching for someone.

“Ne? What we doing here?”

At last she did spoke, jaejoong take a glimpse to her and his hand still not letting go her hand.

“We are going to choose something for the wedding.”

“So, what we are doing in a hotel? Should we go to a bridal shop instead? “

“This hotel has everything for a wedding; we have a lot of package.”

Maki just nods her head showing that she understand what is happening. Since jaejoong use the word “we” she knows that this hotel is his.

“There she is, come.”

“Chotto matte… Who?”

“My mother.”


Maki switch her eyes to the table beside the window and there she is Mrs. Kim waiving her hand to them. And now she is walking towards them.

“Why you don’t tell me we are meeting with your mother?”

Maki spoke to jaejoong, she is angry with jaejoong but her voice sounds more like whispering.

“How is that making any different?”

“Hello.. look at me. I mess up right now.”

“No you not, you still look pretty to me.”

Maki was shocked with the sentence so do jaejoong. She just looks at him with unblinking eyes. She did not believe he will say that to her. Once again both of their heart is beating faster.

“I… I di…pre"

“You guys a bit late you know?”

They were interrupted by Mrs. Kim appearance, immediately Maki let go her hand from jaejoong.

“Hello Mrs. Kim. I didn’t know I suppose to meet you today. I’m so sorry for being late.”

“Jaejoong, you didn’t tell her?”

“I did, just now.”

“It’s okay Maki; I bet you not the one driving the car. And one more things call me aunty, another three more days you going to call me mom. Get use to it. Come on already.”

Maki just nods her head, Mrs. Kim walk herself to the near by lift. Maki still have time to look at jaejoong with her fiery ayes, but jaejoong just smile and start following his mother. They get into the lift and stop at 19 floors. The board outside stating Myra’s jewelry, at first she did not believe her eyes. How come this famous jewelry brand is here in this hotel? They goes inside the shop and they been greeting by the manager herself.

“You are here Mrs. Kim, I thought you already change your mind.”

“How come, you have the best design ever. I will be stupid if I choose from another shop. So, is the ring is ready?”

“Yes, since yesterday. Come over here.”

Maki just stood still at the door, she still taking her time mesmerizing whatever there in the shop. Jaejoong notice her acting like she never seen a jewelry before. He is laughing towards her attitude but then once more being sway by her beauty. He doesn’t know why he is stuck with her whenever he saw her. He can’t even move his eyes to other thing once they catch her face. He just stares at her walking step by step inside the shop.

“Your eyes going to hurt if you don’t blink now.”


“She’s yours in three days you know?”

“Uncle, since when you standing here?”

“Since somebody here stand.”

Jaejoong just laugh, his cheek is blushing from what he heard from uncle Tegoshi. Tegoshi is the owner of Myra’s jewelry, Myra is his wife name. His wife already pass away 8 years ago, after that he begin the shop and now is number one in Asia, it has more than 50 franchise all over Asia. Jaejoong family is close to Tegoshi since they are the one that give him the opportunity to begin the business. Jaejoong is like a son for him since he doesn’t have any.

“I visit your dad yesterday; doctor said he is recovering well. At that time I think they need to check his brain, what with the marriage anyway. But looking at your bride, I don’t think he make any wrong decision after all. But that not important, how about your decision?”


“You are doing the right thing?”

“What appa said is the best for the family?”

“Best for you?”

“What best for the family is the best for me too.”

“You know what I think? I think it is.”

Jaejoong just smile and jiggles his head and direct his eyes to Maki again. Tegoshi tap on jaejoong shoulder and walk himself to Mrs. Kim who been selecting the jewelry for the wedding. After a while she waives her hand to jaejoong to come to her with Maki. Jaejoong then approach Maki in slow step, he then grab Maki’s hand and walk towards her mother. One more time Maki still follow him without any argument.

“Maki, come here.”

Jaejoong let go Maki hand and Maki slowly move her legs to Mrs. Kim.

“Here, how about this ring? I already told them to get ready with the best design ever. And my caught with this one.”

Maki take a look at the ring, it is beautiful but the design is a little bit heavy and the top of it is big and round. She actually fined a beautiful ring and she love the design a lot, but looking at Mrs. Kim bright face she know she can’t say no.

“It’s beautiful, I just accept what ever you choose for me Aunty.”

“Good, we take this one then. Now, for Jaejoong..”

Maki then leave them and goes back to where she found the ring. There she stood again and keep looking at the ring. Jaejoong then follow her leaving his mother after choose his ring. Jaejoong notice that Maki found something she like. He approaches her slowly to make sure she didn’t notice. He take a glimpse to the ring and immediately know why Maki’s eyes is fixed to it.

“You like it?”


“I got to admit this time you really make a right choice, I will tell my mom to change.”


Maki quickly grab Jaejoong hand to prevent him to go to his mother.

“I don’t say that I like it.”

“You kidding me? If I let you stare at the ring anymore minute you will swallow it.”

“No I’m not. It just that… I just… admire it that’s all.”

“Well admire is like, I go te..”

“Stop! I order you to stop. You don’t need to do that! If I ever get the ring that I like it doesn’t change how I feel about the wedding!”

“I don’t mean that, at least..”

“Something wrong?”

“Nothing Aunty, we just talking.”

“Really, then off we go for the wedding dress.”


Jaejoong and Maki just follow around Mrs. Kim to the Bridal shop at the Hotel banquet. The shop is not too big but the decoration just enough to attract any customer who are passing by. Their visit already had been arranged so the manager is waiting for them at the counter.

“Mrs. Kim, you finally here.”

“Of course, sorry for the late. Let me introduce my daughter in law, Maki. Maki, this is Mdm. Anna the owner of this beautiful boutique.”

“Owh, so this is the one? Mrs. Kim, you are so lucky. She is one in a thousand. Come here; let’s try your bride dress.”

Maki just smile softly and follow Mdm. Anna at the back of the boutique. When she arrive she can see a lot of dress been display in front of her. Then her smile turns to a bright one.

Jaejoong take a sit at a table near the window, words from Maki he just heard really playing around in his mind. Did she really hate me then? This marriage wills never working out?why is he hoping the marriage work anyway?


Jaejoong still with his thought and because of that he can’t hear anything at all.



“What are you thinking about; I have been calling you for the tenth time already.”

“Em..emm…Nothing Omma.”

“So, you are ready for the wedding?”

“I have to."

“How about Masami?”

“I already explain to her.”


“She understands.”

“Understand? Are you telling me, you not breaking up with her?”

“Why I need to break up with her? You know this marriage doesn’t mean anything to me.”

“Jae! Listen to me, how much you want Masami to be your wife is the same I want her as daughter in law. But marriage is not a game which you can make play with. Once you married, you have to do anything to make sure it last forever.”


“Did you really explain what she needs to know? The will, children?”

“I did tell her about the period and children… you know it is impossible.”

“It is not impossible, and I want you to break up with her. If you don’t have guts to do it, I will for you. It’s a very bad thing to play with woman heart. You are going to have a wife in three days and I want you to be loyal to her just like your father, even if you don’t love her. Now go try your wedding tuxedo.”

Jaejoong feel frustrated about his mother, he thought he can have her as a backup support since she likes Masami so much. Now, how is he going to tell Masami that both of them are not supposed to be together? Masami will be furious; she might end up killing him.

After a few minutes jaejoong manage to put on his tuxedo, he chooses the white one for the wedding and it suits him well. From inside the change room he can hear that Maki is done too from his mother voice saying she is pretty.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
ctlights #2
Chapter 38: Welcome back,,, hehe.. Thanks for the update. Honestly i almost forget the story plot. But i try to re-read again, n i understand now. Ahahaha... Hope Maki will remember her husband soon...
useless_1 #4
Chapter 38: I cant believe that you updated this story!!! immense thank youssss also please complete it
lintayu #5
Chapter 38: thank youuuuu :)))
Chapter 37: hi author nim,,
its been a long time after i read this story..T.Ti think u have completed it,but i guess it wrong.hehehe.
stil,,im waiting for the update dear,,thank you..:*
MissABDy #7
Chapter 37: need for update pleaseee....
useless_1 #8
Chapter 37: Please update author nim
Viviannitta #9
visiting old fanfics and this is one of them