The family problems and memorial meeting

WinNinG to HurTinG HeArt
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Aunthy zai become conscious about Maki shock.

“Maki…. Something wrong? Why don’t you answer the phone?”

Maki then snap away from her shock and immediately pick up the call.


“ Maki? Its me.”

“ Otosan.. Why?”

“I need to talk to you. Come back home now. I will be waiting.”

Then the conversation end.
Maki turn her back towards Aunty Zai.

“It’s from otosan. He want me to come back home. He said he needs to talk to me. Aunty Zai, is this true? He wants me to come back, to our home, to my home”

Maki suddenly burst into tears. She feels so happy. This is what she wants from other things in this world. Aunty Zai give her a hug, she also shed in tears. She feels happy for Maki.

“im going home. I will dress up nicely to meet my parent. Wish me luck”

She then dashes out with a very big smile on her face.


Micky now waiting at a café in the Buzz Mall for hyebin. Then suddenly somebody hand is on his face covering up his view.

“Try to guest who it is?” sound comes out from his back. He did not have to guest actually.

“Wuri Hyebin right?”

“owh.. Oppa… you know me well” she then sat beside Micky and grabbed his arm tightly.

“ Oppa, what we are going to do today? I want to watch romantic movie, I need some more cloth, shoes, earing, I need to go to the spa for my face and I need…..”
Every single word that come out from hyebin mouth just sound like buzz for Micky

“Hyebin ah… can I ask you something? “

“No, not until you agree to be boyfriend.”

“ehhhhhhh…….” Micky almost jump off from his chair.

“oppa….i already ask you several times but you never give your answer. This time I already decide that I never answer any question of yours until you give your answer for my question. The end.”

Hyebin put her arm on her chest acting like she is sulking. She is pouting .

“Why is she insisting on this matter? Does her aspect me to accept her as my girlfriend when she is wearing such an outfit. i wonder why she is wearing cloth that will look her like a e. I thought she is a president daughter?” Micky just mumbling in his heart.

“You know how I fell towards you. But, fine if you don’t want to help me.”

Micky stand up and ready to go but he was stopped when he was thrown down back to his chair.

“ oppa… why you are so sensitive? I know you love me it is just you too shy to say that hheheh. Okey, I got it. Oppa, you made me embarrassed.” Hyebin put her hand on her red cheek.

“heh?” Micky cannot believe the conclusion being made by Hyebin.

Hyebin ah… its not that..”

“So, oppa what your question?” Hyebin seem did not bother to hear Micky last sentence.


Maki so excited to go back to her home. She is choosing her cloth. Erika who just arrives sits on Maki bed observing Maki.

“Ne, Maki-chan. You acting like you are going for a date.”


Maki is ignoring Erika. She is humming happily while matching up her clothes.
Erika just gives out small laugh looking at Maki. She swears she never saw Maki like this since two years ago. Erika also feels happy for her. She hopes that smile will never fade away.

“At what time you going to your house?”

“hmm? For dinner.”

Maki continued her humming.
After a while she is now ready and step outside. Erika is following her from behind.

“You sure you don’t want my company?”

“Yes, I will be fine. Bye “Maki then stop a taxi and ride in.


Maki arrived at her house and after paid the taxi driver she then rings the bell. After few second the door open.


Maki immediately hug the old woman who just comes out from the house. The old woman looks as if she is seeing a ghost.


“Ne.. Maki des obachan. Remember me?”

Maki’s hug seems does not loosen it even get tighter. It has been two years she doesn’t sees her Obachan. She is missing her since then. Obachan is the one who take care of her brother and her since her mother and father are busy with their business. But the incident two years ago makes her to leave the house and also her Obachan.

“Maki chan… why don’t you tell me you want to come?” the old woman already shed in tears.

“Eh? Papa doesn’t tell you I’m coming home? He is the one who told me to come back.”

“No, he doesn’t tell me anything.”

“So..ka? Papa is home?”

“Yes, he is. Come now I will inform him.”

Maki just nodded her head and enter the house but somehow she starts having bad feeling about this. What she does not realized is that somebody is watching her from the window.

“Sit here, I inform master about you.”

“Obachan! Is mom home?”

“mmm.. she is upstairs.”

“How was she? I mean her condition? Did she eat well?”

“Yes she is. Excuse me.”

Obachan then disappear from Maki sight. Maki now look her surrounding, everything seem unfamiliar to her. There are pictures hanging on the wall. Not surprising she is not in it.

“They seem do not forget what has happened yet. So why Papa want to see me then?” Maki keep thinking in her head.

“You’re here!” a voice interrupts her from behind. Maki turn her back to look for the voice, but before she do that she already been embraced by tight hug.


Maki then realized it is her younger brother. She then smiled and hugs him back.

“Ryu kun… Sashiburi ne? genkideska?”

“emm. How bout my big sister? You seem has lost 10 kilogram for two years.”

“hehehehe just 10 kg? Why don’t you watch closely? I am S-line now right?” Maki is posing to her brother to show her figures.

“ehhh? Onee chan you take shameless course in the college?”

“Nani? You want to die?” they start running around the house.


Maki got shocked from the voice, she then turn her face towards the voice. There she is, the one that Maki miss the most in the house. She is so pretty like the last time Maki saw her two years ago. She then steps down from the stairs and walking towards Maki.

“OBACHAN!!!!! “

Obachan come out of nowhere when she heard her madam calling for her.

“Yes, is there anything you need?”

“Why this girl is in my house?”

“Okasan… why you talk like that? She is my sister. It’s already two years I do not see her.” Ryu now defending her sister.

“You do not have a sister. I only give birth two baby boys.”


“Ryu kun, stop it” Maki don’t want these two persons argue because of her.

“You came!” another voice heard from behind Obachan. It was her father.

“You invite her to this house?”

“Yes, I needs to tell you guys a happy news. Why don’t we sit down first? Obachan, please prepare our dinner.”

Everyone sit down on the sofa and staring to the head of the family. Maki got sense that every words that going to come out from her father mouth is not going to be a good one for her.

“Honey, I found our long lost brother last week.”


“em, Jung hoon, Kim Jung Hoon.”

“You mean Jung Hoon Oppa?”

“Yup, he is now married, he want to meet our entire family member.”

“Jung Hoon Oppa…. Want to meet us?”

“Who is Kim Jung Hoon?” Ryu who just now watching his parent talking doesn’t have patient anymore start asking question.

“He is my savior. You can call him uncle. He already saves me and your mother lots of times. He is the one why I still live until today.”

“Wow that seems…. Huge.”

“So, we are going to have dinner with their family tomorrow evening. I want everyone to be there, no excuse is acceptable. Maki! You too. You are the most important.”

“heh?” Maki got confused by her father’s word. How come she becomes important for her father? For the first time in two years her father is smiling towards her.

“What you mean she is important? What you planning to do? And why we should bring her to the dinner? I thought she is no one for us from the last day we saw her.”

Mrs Horikita did not satisfied with the plan that her husband just made.

“Well now she is. N

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
ctlights #2
Chapter 38: Welcome back,,, hehe.. Thanks for the update. Honestly i almost forget the story plot. But i try to re-read again, n i understand now. Ahahaha... Hope Maki will remember her husband soon...
useless_1 #4
Chapter 38: I cant believe that you updated this story!!! immense thank youssss also please complete it
lintayu #5
Chapter 38: thank youuuuu :)))
Chapter 37: hi author nim,,
its been a long time after i read this story..T.Ti think u have completed it,but i guess it wrong.hehehe.
stil,,im waiting for the update dear,,thank you..:*
MissABDy #7
Chapter 37: need for update pleaseee....
useless_1 #8
Chapter 37: Please update author nim
Viviannitta #9
visiting old fanfics and this is one of them