Another fateful meeting

WinNinG to HurTinG HeArt
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Jaejoong eyes become wider when he realized who is under him. The girl that he knows, and the girl that he just met. He becomes freeze he didn’t even know why his body seem comfortable and don’t want to move. He can feel his heart beating faster than never.

“Ajushi….ajushi,…….. can you get up now?”

Still there are no sign of movement. Maki start feeling annoyed with the man’s eyes which are focusing on her now. He seems like a statue.

“AJUSHI!!!!!!.....GET UP!!!!”

This time no more compromise, Maki pushes the man as hard as she can. The man fell out beside her and she start to get up on herself.

“Ajushi… are you trying committing suicide? If you want to do so I appreciate it if you doing it alone!”

Jaejoong who just wake up from his dream quickly stand up and clean up his clothes.

“No I’m not. It was you are on the way.”

“What? Ajushi, I’m not in the middle of the way. I’m beside the way. If you were using your head and eyes you could be seen me or even the bacteria.”

Jaejoong don’t say any word at all he just smile.

“What is that smile supposed to be mean? Are you deliberately doing this? What? want to have revenge? Bad for you, cause I didn’t bring anything easily broken by stupid and old man.”

“Boh?? Stupid? Old man?...... wau what a mouth you got? Maybe I should raise the payment higher. Before that I’m surprised you remember me this time. I thought you are having your memory loss again”

“Hah! Well, what a stupid head youuu got then. You think I will fall for that?”

“Well you have to fall for that.”

Jaejoong move his body towards her. Just want to scare her a little bit. Maki who realized about that getting nervous.

“What are you doing now Ajushi? Stop it………., I’m…. warning you.”

“You know what I’m going to do, you going to do what scream? Or you want to slap… OUCH!!”

Jaejoong don’t have to finish his words, Maki had swing her legs towards his between make him crumbled to the floor.

“You think all the women are the same? Well that is why I call you stupid. Better work next time.Maybe you should charge on that.Bye!”

Maki then pick up her paper on the floor and leave jaejoong still not loosing his pain on the floor. Jaejoong still trying hard to wake up until he heard a voice.

“Jaejoong Hyung, what happen?”

“Mii…cc…kkiii… He…elllpp…..”

“Hyung, I just left you few minutes ago. Did Masami do this to you? Where is she?”

Micky pick Jaejoong up and sitting him on the chair near by. He seems confuse with Jaejoong condition.

“No, not Masami. I just met a monster.”


Masami is enjoying her breakfast at the Empress Café. She orders a cappuccino, an omelet and some bread. Masami is someone anybody can say never feels the hardness of life. That is the first reason why he can’t let Jaejoong go from her hand. Jaejoong is going to be her husband definitely. Whatever and whoever try to make her dream destroy are going to destroyed too.

When she is asking for the second cup of coffee she then realized about a man who is always stealing glances with her. She knew the man has interest with her. She then asks the waiter to serve her second cup on that man table. She then takes her purse and walk towards the guy. She has some chit chat with the guy and giving her phone number. She then leaves the café and walk to the place she and jaejoong have promises to meet. But she knew that guy will call her for sure like what happen to many guys before. She just smiles all the way to the place thinking how stupid men are.



“Owh…. Erika-chan.”

“Something wrong? You look….angry?”

“Nothing, I just met with the insane Ajushi just now.”

“Insane Ajushi? Who is that?

“Long story… but in short cut, the one I broke his thing.”

“Ahhh… the restaurant man. So you already talk about the payment?”

“Yup, we did.”

“How much? I will pay half of it, it was originally my fault.”

“Its okay, I can take care of it. With what happen just now maybe he will raise the payment even more.”

“Raise? What you do?”

“Nothing… I just broke his other asset. Heheeheh. But nothing to worry about.”

“Other assets?”

Erika still confuse with what she heard from Maki. What did Maki do? Why they even met here? Who is he actually? Lots of things filling in her mind.

“Enough Erika, our job for today is done. Sister Elaine will take care next. Come on, let watch our movie.”



“Yes, Appa.”

“Good job, Micky, you too. I satisfied with both of your job. You make me proud. Today’s event was successful.” patted both of Jaejoong and Micky’s shoulders. He should be proud with them. There are no one from the invitation is complaining. All of them includes the VIP are giving their credits towards the event.

“I’m going back to the office to settle a few things and get ready for the dinner. Jaejoong, please make sure you are on time.”

He then left the hotel. Jaejoong give out soft sigh. He didn’t even know what to do now. He keep silence until Micky voice out.

“So…. You going or not?”

“I have to. My head is going to explode, how I’m going to told Masami about this?”

“Maybe you should not tell her.”

Jaejoong keep her eyes straight to Micky’s face. Micky pick up his eyebrow.

“Yeah, maybe I should… okay then Micky finish up here. I need to see Masami now, she is waiting for me.”

“Good, I need to stay here also I need to meet someone.”

“Someone? Who?”

“Well…. Just someone.”

“Don’t tell me you met someone special?”




“All I know about her is just her name.”

“Name only? You just meet her? Is she here? May i know that lady name?"

“I will appropriately introduce her to you when she becomes my girlfriend, okay?”

“Girlfriend? I thought you have one… you want to have backup call?”

“If you are talking about Hyebin she is not my girlfriend, she is nobody to me, and thanks to you she almost become somebody to me which I didn’t want to. So please stop talking about her and move your to see that Masami.”

Jaejoong just laugh all the way to his car. He does not understand why Micky do not attract to Hyebin. He thinks Hyebin is beautiful and rich. She and Masami are the girls that everyone in the city wants to get. He already got Masami and wonders why Micky did not even try to be closed with Hyebin even obviously she got feeling towards him.

Jaejoong just enter his car and start the engine when suddenly his mind remembered something. It is someone faces that make his heart beating fast. He keep on wondering why he act like that, why suddenly that girl face is everything he is been thinking in the event? He pulls out his hand phone and looking for the short girl number. Why he feels like he wants to hear her voice again.

“I got youuuu under my skin…. I got youuu under my skin…”

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
ctlights #2
Chapter 38: Welcome back,,, hehe.. Thanks for the update. Honestly i almost forget the story plot. But i try to re-read again, n i understand now. Ahahaha... Hope Maki will remember her husband soon...
useless_1 #4
Chapter 38: I cant believe that you updated this story!!! immense thank youssss also please complete it
lintayu #5
Chapter 38: thank youuuuu :)))
Chapter 37: hi author nim,,
its been a long time after i read this story..T.Ti think u have completed it,but i guess it wrong.hehehe.
stil,,im waiting for the update dear,,thank you..:*
MissABDy #7
Chapter 37: need for update pleaseee....
useless_1 #8
Chapter 37: Please update author nim
Viviannitta #9
visiting old fanfics and this is one of them