Chapter 6

Don't Say Goodbye

Chapter 6

It was about ninety-eight degrees Fahrenheit this noon. I was walking to the academy. To be honest, I didn’t feel like practicing today. The weather was too hot. I’d rather lie on my bed and watch my favorite TV show.

Today was just a normal day like any other day. I had to practice, practice, and practice. It was better because I knew what to expect of my day.

Aaron seemed to go easier on me now compared to my first day here. I was really glad that Aaron had slowly changed his attitude. He used to be VERY cold. I hated him as hell at first. But last time, he saved me from those BIG FAT BULLY GIRLS. I knew he wasn’t that bad.

I had been learning boxing for more than a month now. I had to admit I didn’t like it at first. But thanks to my mom, now I started to love boxing more and more every day.

I was in front of the academy now. I took a deep breath before opening the door. Inside, it was crowded. Of course it was. Master had so many students, from little kids to adults. As I was walking in the yard, I saw Calvin was teaching karate to the kids. I decided to watch him and the kids for a while. It wouldn’t hurt to watch, would it? I stood at the side of the yard and watched as they were practicing.

“Do you understand?” Calvin asked the kids in a serious tone.

“Yes, sensei!” The kids answered loudly at once.

“Good.” Calvin smiled. “Now, lock it up!” He ordered. “Basic blocking combination! Ready? GO!!”

The kids followed as Calvin ordered them. They made their moves at once. They were so adorable. “Hyaa…” The kids twisted their lead arms downward to the elbow and…

“What are you doing? It’s time for your practice!” Someone gave a light tap on my shoulder, giving me a shock.

I turned around. It was him. “I was just watching Calvin and the kids. Don’t you see how adorable the kids are?”

“Let’s go practice now!” Aaron said in a cold tone and walked towards the usual practice room.


It was already eight. The sky had turned dark. We were just finished practicing. Most of the students had probably gone home by now. I wasn’t going home soon. I was waiting for my boyfriend to fetch me. We had plans tonight.

I went to the yard. I sat on a bench in the side of the yard by myself. I wiped off my sweat with a towel. I was tired. Aaron really did train me harder. He said that I hadn’t made any progress.

I fell deep in thought. I smiled to myself as the memory of Aaron saving me was playing in my head. I had to admit he was very cool at that time. He could be very cold, but he was caring inside. I believed there was another side of him that was very gentle and caring. He was like a person wearing a mask.

The mask was his cold side. He acted all cold in front of people. But behind the mask, there was the weak Aaron. It was the Aaron with soft and kind heart. He had a weak side, too. He was lonely. He needed to be loved and cared about.

Aaaaaaaaahhhhh! I shook my head and lightly slapped my cheeks repeatedly. What was I thinking? I didn’t even know why I kept thinking about him. I let out a sigh and the phone rang.

Without looking at the caller ID, I picked it up and answered. “Hello!”

“Gui!” It was Achord.

“Where are you? I’m waiting for you.”

“I’m sorry. I know it’s last minute but I think I can’t make it tonight.” He apologized.

“What? Why?” I asked. He’d better have a good explanation.

“The company I work for is throwing a party tonight. I will feel bad if I don’t come because I’m still new there.” He explained. “I’m really sorry.”

“Oh.” I sighed softly. “It’s okay. We can go another time.” To be honest, I was so excited about our date tonight. I hated this.

“Are you sure it’s all right?” He asked. Of course it wasn’t!

“It’s all right.” I lied. “You have fun, okay?”

“Okay, then I’ll see you soon. I miss you!”

“Miss you too. Bye!”

“Bye.” The line went dead.

Great! He just ruined my mood.
I let out a huge breath. I felt a bit disappointed. I had been expecting our date tonight. Now I didn’t know where I should go. I didn’t feel like going home yet. Where should I go?

“Guigui?” A voice interrupted me. I snapped out from my thought.

I turned slowly towards the voice. “Jiro.”

“I see you’re still here.” He accused.

I nodded my head. “Yeah.” I smiled awkwardly at him.

“What are you doing here all by yourself?” He shot a warm smile at me.

“I was just-- I don’t know.” I said softly.

“You look tired. I bet Aaron tortured you well.” He chuckled as he took a sit next to me.

“Oh yes he did.” I said in a sarcastic tone then sighed softly. I couldn’t have any better instructor.

Jiro let out another chuckle.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

“I’m waiting for my brothers.” He answered.

“Here?” I asked. Jiro nodded in reply.

“He knocked down Green Jack in just 53 seconds. How cool is that?” I could hear a familiar voice from the distance as I was having a conversation with Jiro.

“He was lucky.” Another familiar voice replied.

Both Jiro and I turned to see who they were and I saw Aaron, Calvin, and Chun were moving towards where Jiro and I were sitting.

“What took you guys so long?” Jiro asked the boys impatiently as they were standing before us now.

“Master wanted to see us and discuss something.” Chun explained.

“Guigui, you’re here!” Calvin flashed a smile upon seeing me.

I smiled back at Calvin then I took a quick glance at Aaron.

“Eh! Since you’re here, why don’t you come with us?” Calvin asked.

I stared at him. “Where?”

“We’re going to the Red Hell Arena.” Chun said.

“Red Hell Arena?” I asked. What was Red Hell Arena? I’d never heard about it before. It sounded deadly.

Calvin let out a chuckle. “It’s a really fun place. We’re about to leave. So, are you coming?”

A fun place?! Wow… Calvin just brought my mood back. It wouldn’t hurt If I went there, would it? Achord had just canceled our date. Mom would be working all night, so she wouldn’t be home. Maybe I should go with them. “Okay. I have nothing to do anyway.” I got up from the bench happily.

“Let’s go then!” Calvin shot a friendly smile at me.

“We cannot bring her.” Aaron disagreed.

“Why not?” I asked. I was all ready to have fun and was he going to ruin my mood again now?

“Yea, why not?” Chun added.

“What’s wrong? It’s okay for her to come with us. We’re only going to watch, aren’t we? Xiao Xun is coming, too. So it’ll be better if Guigui comes along. At least they, girls, can talk.” Calvin explained.

“Calvin’s right. I don’t have many friends here. You guys and Xiao Xun are the only people I know in this city.” I said, pouting. You didn’t have any idea how lonely it was being the only child and had no friends.

“Plus, there will be six of us. It should be okay.” Jiro convinced. Thank God they were helping.

Stupid Aaron! What exactly did you want? You wanted to ruin my night? Huuh! Not going to happen.

“Whatever you want.” Aaron mumbled and walked away. Why did he have to act like that? What was so wrong with me coming with them?

Calvin and I made eyes at each other, confused. We shook our heads at once and let out a giggle

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shaboomboom_pow #1
And I love it so far!! AARON YAN !!!
shaboomboom_pow #2
How did you upload the story cover, because I can't and I don't know how to?