Chapter 21

Don't Say Goodbye

Chapter 21

“You’re fired!” My manager yelled angrily right in front of my face.

“I’m really sorry, Sir. Please, give me another chance. I promise I’ll do better.” I begged sincerely. I needed the job. Three week was almost over. I needed the money. I couldn’t stop now.

“This place never sleeps. I need a person who is willing to work hard. I don’t need a person like you who ran away from work and skip work as you wish.” He snapped.

“I was sick yesterday. I have been working very hard lately. I have scho--”

“Do I care? I don’t want to know about your life.” He cut me off.

“Please, give me another chance?” I begged, almost crying.

“GO! You know the way out, right?” He was horrible. If it wasn’t for my mom, I wouldn’t even bother begging to him.

“Please… I need the job.” My eyes were watering. NO! How could he be so mean?

“Go, before I call the security.” He warned as he looked down at me.

Without saying a word, I left his office and made my way out of the club. I had lost my job.

It was fall now. The wind was stronger than it was in the summer. I shivered as the chill wind bit into my skin. I walked without destination.

I still had to think of a way to make money. I had made around $1,000, but it was not enough.


The next day, I came to school halfheartedly. I didn’t feel like going to school. I had no idea how to help my mom now.

“Let’s go!” Xiao Xun suggested. Class had ended. We had no more class, and we were planning to have lunch together.

“Okay.” I flashed a friendly smile at her.

We chatted as we walked toward the school entrance. Xiao Xun was like my best friend now. She told me almost everything, especially about boys.

She told me that she had a crush on this one guy in her geography class. He was a nerd, but he was handsome. Xiao Xun never stopped talking about him.

“…and he talked to me just like that.” Xiao Xun said. I could feel the happiness that slip out of . I could only smile seeing how happy she was.

“Well that’s a development I guess.” I said.

“Yeah, and you kno--”

“Hey ladies!” Suddenly someone stood in between me and Xiao Xun and placed his arm around my shoulder. I ly to find TOP was smiling blissfully at me and Xiao Xun.

“Hey boy! Not flirting with girls today?” Xiao Xun asked instantly causing me to laugh.

“No. They can wait. But my ladies here cannot wait.” He said proudly and smiled.

“Your ladies? You wish! We’re way too nice compare to the girls you always flirt with.” Xiao Xun snapped. I could only smile seeing my friends like this. They were the only friends I had in this campus.

TOP chuckled. “Anyway, are you guys going somewhere?” He asked curiously.

“Yeah. We’re going to have lunch. Wanna join?” I offered.

“I’d love to, but I still have one more class today.” TOP explained.

“Then why are you here?” I asked and he just kept smiling. I didn’t know what was with him. He always smiled.

“I miss you guys.” He confessed.

“Right. We see each other almost every day. And you walked home with me two days ago.” I said.

“Oh right, about that…” TOP suddenly fell silent. I remembered that day Aaron punched him. I wonder how TOP felt about that. I wanted to know what happened to him and Aaron after I fainted. I wanted to ask him about it, but I guess I couldn’t now.

“I’m sorry about that day.” I apologized.

“What happened that day?” Xiao Xun asked anxiously.

“Uhm, nothing just…”

“It’s nothing. Guigui, are you feeling better now? I was worried.” TOP asked concernedly.

“I’m all right. Thank you.” I replied and shot a smile at him.

“Hey, I want to know!” Xiao Xun pouted.

TOP and I exchanged looks with each other and let out a giggle making Xiao Xun got even more annoyed.

“Anyway, it’s good to know that you’re all right Gui. I think I have to go to class now. Bye!” TOP gave a quick peck on my cheek and ran away.

“Hey!!!” What was that for? I turned around.

“See you later ladies!” He waved as he walked backwards and winked naughtily at me before he turned around and ran off to the class.

“I think he likes you.” Xiao Xun stated as we started walking again.

“No way.” I disagreed. I mean come on! I would never think that he liked me. Even if he liked me, I already had someone in mind; I mean in my heart, I guess…


Xiao Xun and I were sitting in a café not too far from the campus. I ordered tiramisu and chocolate milk shake while Xiao Xun ordered cheese cake and vanilla shake. Okay, this wasn’t lunch!

We talked as we ate our delicious cakes. And I saw a guy was approaching us.

“Hello girls.” He greeted as he stood at the side of our table. He looked about in his thirties. He was a bit fat and short.

“Oh hi.” Xiao Xun replied lazily. She just hated it when some stranger approached us like that.

“You girls look young.” The guy complimented. We were young, of course duh! We were still in our twenties.

“Thanks.” I said.

“Are you girls interested in being models?” He asked and we didn’t respond, so then he continued. “I’m sorry I should have introduced myself first, my name’s Brian. I work in a model agency.”

“Oh.” I said as I took a bite of my tiramisu. Like I care… Xiao Xun didn’t seem interested as well.

“You girls look good as models, so I was wondering if you guys are interested.” He said. “The money is good.”

That part caught my ear. Money? I needed money.

“Really?” I asked and looked up at him.

“Oh yes. Actually we’re having a photo shoot the day after tomorrow, so you can come if you’re interested.” He suggested as he flashed a smile at me.

I thought about it. Being a model wasn’t that bad. I only had to take photos, right?

“You can try taking some pictures first, and we’ll see what we can offer you.” He added.

“How much will I get for a day?” I asked curiously and Xiao Xun suddenly glared at me, maybe she was wondering why I got interested all of the sudden.

“About $300 a day. But you can get more than that. It depends, really.” He said.

“That much?” If being a model was that easy, then why not?

“Yeah. Here I’ll give you my business card” He took out a business card from his wallet and gave it to me.

“Thanks.” I said. I looked at Xiao Xun and she didn’t look very happy about me accepting the offer.

“Come to our studio the day after tomorrow, any time. I’ll be there all day.” He flashed a friendly smile at me. He looked nice.

“I-I’ll think about it.” I said and slightly smiled at Brian.

“Okay. I guess I’ll leave now. Nice talking to you!” He then left.

I started to blankly stare into space. In my head, I was counting how much money I would get as a model.

“Guigui, don’t do it!” Xiao Xun said and I snapped out of my thought.

“Huh? Why?” I asked.

“Gui, it may be only a scam.” She explained.

“But I need… I mean… uh…” No! I couldn’t tell her what I needed the money for.

“You sound like you’re desperate for money.” She guessed.

That’s true, Xiao Xun. I sighed. “NO! I’m not desperate for money. I just want to have extra money, you know, shopping!” I lied. I was a good liar, I think.

“But still, I think you shouldn’t go. Will you promise me?” She asked. Why was she doing this to me?

“I know I know. I promise.” I lied, again.

“I swear I’m going to tell my brother if you’re going there.” She said.

“And how’s that going to help?” I asked.

“Well, he’s probably going to tell Aaron.” She replied as she took a gulp of her shake.

It had nothing to do with Aaron. Wait, why did she say that? Why did she even mention Aaron?

“I don’t get it.” I shook my head.

Xiao Xun giggled. “Never mind.”

= = = = = = = = = = =

I’m trying to update every day since I don’t have school anymore.
Ugh! Another chapter without Aaron :P
Thank you for the comments guys!
I hope you’ll leave comments to keep me motivated haha <3

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shaboomboom_pow #1
And I love it so far!! AARON YAN !!!
shaboomboom_pow #2
How did you upload the story cover, because I can't and I don't know how to?